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Is God’s Word Right and True?

by Rick Warren

If you’re like many people, you might experience nagging doubt sometimes
and ask questions like, “Can I really trust the Bible? Is it truly God’s Word?”

Those are important questions! And they have solid answers. Here are some
facts to help you know once and for all that you can trust the Bible—so you
can say confidently like the psalmist did:

“The Word of the Lord is right and true” (Psalm 33:4 NIV).

The Bible is historically accurate.

It’s made up of real people and real places that existed during real time.

The Bible is scientifically accurate.

Although it’s not a science book, there’s scientific accuracy all throughout
Scripture. For example, when people thought there were around 1,000 stars,
Jeremiah declared the number of stars to be infinite.

The Bible is prophetically accurate.

The Bible records 300 prophecies about the Messiah, made over a
thousand-year period. Every one of them came true in Jesus!

The Bible has transforming power.

People who are addicted to drugs and alcohol get their lives clean and sober
because they started reading the Bible. Narcissistic men and women become
upstanding citizens because of the transforming power of God’s Word.
Billions of lives have been changed by the Bible.
Transform Your Life with the Word of God
To experience the transforming power of the Bible, ask yourself the
following questions as you seek to understand and meditate on God’s
Word (see Psalm 119:27). The acrostic, APPLICATIONS, will help you
remember each question.

In your life, is there any . . .

A Attitude to adjust?
P Promise to claim?
P Priority to change?
L Lesson to learn?
I  I ssue to resolve?
C Command to obey?
A Activity to avoid or stop?
T Truth to believe?
I  I dol to tear down?
O Offense to forgive?
N New direction to take?
S Sin to confess? • • 1-800-600-5004

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