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A. Basic details:-

1. Username:-

● Username is required.
● Characters should be between 3 to 35
● Only letters and numbers are allowed

Valid Data:-
1. Sun [ 3 characters ]
2. Sunittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [ 35 characters ]
3. a23456789123456789123456789123456789 [ 35 characters ]
4. Aj7 [ 3 characters ]
5. 123 [ 3 characters ]

Invalid Data:-
1. Aj [ 2 characters ]
2. 12 [ 2 characters ]
3. Aj# [ 3 characters ]
4. 12@ [ 3 characters ]
5. Sunitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [ 36 characters ]
6. Sunittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt# [ 35 characters ]
7. @#$ [ 3 characters ]

2. Password:-

● Password is required.
● Password must contain minimum 8 character and maximum 35 character.
● Password must contain at least one small , one capital alphabet & one
numeric digit.
● Password & Username should not be same.
Valid Data:-
1. Sunittt1 [ 8 characters ]
2. [ 15 characters ]

Invalid Data:-
1. Sunit [ 5 characters ]
2. Sunit12# [ 8 characters ]
3. [ 8 characters ]
4. SunitSunit123saj [ 16 characters ]

3. Confirm Password:-

● Password is required.
● Password and Confirm Password must be same.
● Password must contain minimum 8 character and maximum 35 character.
● Password must contain at least one small , one capital alphabet & one
numeric digit.

Valid Data:-
● Preferred language is Required.

Valid Data:-
1. Select English.
2. Select Hindi

Invalid Data:-
1. Not selected any option from drop-down list.

4. Security Question:-

● Security Question is required.

Valid Data:-
1. What is your pet name?
2. What was the name of your first school?
3. Who was your childhood hero?
4. What is your favorite past-time?
5. What is your all time favorite sports team?
6. What is your father’s middle name?
7. What make was your first car or bike?
8. Where did you first meet your spouse?

Invalid Data:-
1. Not selected any option from drop-down list.

5. Security Answer:-

● Security answer is required.
● Security answer must contain minimum 3 to 20 character only.
● Only letters and numbers are allowed.

1. 1 [ 1 characters ]
2. Aj [ 2 characters ]
3. 12 [ 2 characters ]
4. aj# [ 3 characters ]
5. sunitsunitsunitsunitt [ 21 characters ]
6. 123451234512345123456 [ 21 characters ]
7. sunitsunitsunitsuni# [ 20 characters ]
8. 1234512345123451234& [ 20 characters ]

6. Cancel button:-
● Go to login page

7. Continue button:-
● Go to next page (personal details).
B. Personal details:-

8. First name:-

● First name is required.
● First name should be in A-Z Or a-z.
● Letters from minimum 1 to maximum 30.

Valid Data:-
1. 1 [ 1 character ]
2. [ 31 characters ]

9. Middle name:-

● Middle name is optional.
● Letters from minimum 1 to maximum 30.

Valid Data:-
1. S [ 1 character ]
2. sunitsunitsunitsunitsunitsunit [ 30 character ]

Invalid Data:-

10. Last name:-

● Last name is optional.
● Last name should be in A-Z Or a-z.
● Letters from minimum 1 to maximum 30.
● Space is allowed.

Valid Data:-
Invalid Data:-
1. 1 [ 1 character ]
2. !@# [3 characters ]
3. Sunit7@# [ 8 characters ]
4. sunitsunitsunitsunitsunitsunitt [ 31 character ]

11. Select Occupation:-

● Occupation is required.

Valid data:-
1. Select Government.
2. Select Public
3. Select Private
4. Select Professional
5. Select Self Employed
6. Select Student
7. Select Other

Invalid Data:-
1. Not selected any option from drop-down list.

12. Select Date of Birth:-

● Select date of birth.

Valid Data:-
1. Select the appropriate Year.
2. Select the appropriate Month.
3. Select the appropriate Date.
4. 13-12-1897
5. 13-12-2004

Invalid Data:-
1. Not selected option of Year from drop-down list.
2. Not selected option of Month from drop-down list.
3. Not selected option of Date from drop-down list.
4. 01-01-1897
5. 14-12-2004

13. Select a Country:-

● Select an appropriate country from a list.

Valid Data:-
1. Afghanistan
2. Aland Islands
3. Albania
4. Algeria
5. American Samoa
6. Andorra
7. Angola
8. Anguilla
9. Antarctica
10. Bahamas

Invalid Data:-
1. Not selected any country

14. Select Marital Status:-

● Select the appropriate option for the marital status

Valid Data:-
1. Selected the option “Married”.
2. Selected the option “Unmarried”.

Invalid Data:-
1. Not Selected any option.

15. Select gender:-

● Select the appropriate option

Valid Data:-
1. Male
2. Female
3. Transgender

Invalid Data:-
1. Not selected any option

16. Email :-

● Email is required.
● Minimum 10 characters and Maximum 70 characters

Valid Data:-
● ISD is required.
● International/NRI users with ISD Code other than 91 have to pay
registration fees after successful registration i.e on first login.
● Registration fee for international/NRI users is Rs.100 + GST.
● Allowed till 3 digits only

Valid Data:-

1. 000
2. 111
3. 091
4. 999
Invalid Data:-
1. abc
2. !@#
3. abc!@#952

18. Mobile Number :-

● Mobile number is required
● Only numeric character entry is allowed.

Valid Data:-
1. 123456789123
1. Albania
2. Algeria
3. American Samoa

Invalid Data:-
1. Not selected any Nationality.

20. Back Button:-

● Go to Create account (Basic details page)

21. Continue Button:-

● Go to next page (Address details page).

22. Address:-

● Flat / House No. / Floor / Building is required.
● Only letter, number, spaces and characters (“ , - _:).
1. 000
2. abc

Invalid Data:-
1. !@#
2. 00!
3. ab
4. 12

Invalid Data:-
1. sunitsunitsunitsunitsunitsunitt [31 character ]

24. Area/Locality :-

● Area/Locality is optional
● Maximum 30 characters are allowed

Valid data:-
1. 123
2. !@#$
● is required.
● Only 6 numeric characters are allowed

Valid Data:-
1. 410206

Invalid Data:-
1. abc
2. !@#$
3. 1
4. 12345

26. State :-

Invalid Data:-
● Not selected the option.

28. Post Office :-

● Selecting post office is optional
● The previous pin code should be correct.
● State and City/District should be appropriately selected.

Valid Data:-

Invalid Data:-
1. 1
2. !@#
3. abc

30. Copy residence address to office address :-

● Select any one appropriate option

Valid Data:-

● Captcha is required.

Valid Data:-
1. Typing the same characters is valid.

Invalid Data:-
1. Any one character mistyped /not typed/ remain blank is not valid.
33. I have read and agree with the terms and conditions and also agree to
receive to agree the promotional emails/sms/offers/announcements from
IRCTC & associated partners.

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