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Pest Management Science Pest Manag Sci 62:787–789 (2006)

Integrated pest management (IPM):
definition, historical development and
implementation, and the other IPM
Lester E Ehler∗
Department of Entomology, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA

1 INTRODUCTION Californian entomologists, for example, responded

The late RJ Prokopy defined integrated pest manage- with the concept of ‘supervised control,’ in which
ment (IPM) as ‘. . . a decision-based process involving insect control was to be supervised by qualified
coordinated use of multiple tactics for optimizing the entomologists.2 This entailed periodic monitoring
control of all classes of pests (insects, pathogens, of both pest and natural enemy populations and
weeds, vertebrates) in an ecologically and economi- application of insecticides only when necessary – in
cally sound manner.’1 For the IPM practitioner, this contrast to calendar-based or insurance treatments.
implies the following: The first program in supervised control was initiated
• simultaneous management of multiple pests; 60 years ago and targeted alfalfa caterpillar, Colias
• regular monitoring of pests, and their natural eurytheme Boisduval; it was supervised by the late
enemies and antagonists as well; KS Hagen who went on to a distinguished career in
• use of economic or treatment thresholds when biological control.
applying pesticides; A decade later, the problems with indiscriminate
• integrated use of multiple, suppressive tactics. use of insecticides were becoming evident, including
pest resistance, target pest resurgence, secondary pest
In the long run, this holistic approach to dealing
with pests should reduce pesticide use, provide outbreaks and environmental contamination. It was
economic savings for the farmer and protect both in this setting that four University of California
the environment and human health. entomologists put forth the concept of ‘integrated
The term ‘integrated’ implies incorporation of control,’ which was defined as ‘applied pest control
natural enemy/antagonist levels into decision-making, which combines and integrates biological and chemical
and use of compatible, non-disruptive tactics that control.’3 This was one of the first clear definitions of
preserve these agents. Integration can be viewed as ‘integrated’ in pest management. These authors also
either vertical (i.e., within a class of pests; sometimes introduced the concepts of economic threshold and
called first-level) or horizontal (i.e., among all classes economic injury level. The first integrated control
of pests; sometimes called second-level). For example, program was devised for managing spotted alfalfa
an insecticide applied for control of an insect pest aphid, Therioaphis maculata (Buckton), on alfalfa
that also kills natural enemies of that and other insect grown for hay.
pests represents a lack of vertical integration; similarly, However, integrated control as originally formulated
a fungicide applied for plant disease management had a relatively narrow focus. In the 1960s, the
that also kills natural enemies of insect or mite pests
competing concept of ‘pest management’ gained favor
represents a lack of horizontal integration. Historically,
in some quarters; it was broader and included multiple,
the lack of such integration has been one of the
suppressive tactics such as host plant resistance, semio-
major impediments to the implementation of IPM
in agriculture. chemicals and cultural control. However, integrated
control and pest management gradually became
synonymous, although each remained largely insect
2 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT oriented. It was not until the incorporation of all
The seeds of the IPM movement were planted shortly classes of pests in the early 1970s that the modern
after World War II. A few, far-sighted scientists concept of IPM was born.4,5 Over the past 30 years,
recognized that indiscriminate use of the new synthetic IPM has been a valuable paradigm for organizing
organic insecticides would prove to be problematic. research and extension efforts worldwide.

Correspondence to: Lester E Ehler, Department of Entomology, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA
(Received 16 January 2006; revised version received 6 February 2006; accepted 7 February 2006)
Published online 19 june 2006; DOI: 10.1002/ps.1247

 2006 Society of Chemical Industry. Pest Manag Sci 1526–498X/2006/$30.00

LE Ehler

3 IMPLEMENTATION IPM implementation is further confounded by the fact

In spite of all this effort, however, there is little that there are now over 65 definitions of IPM,5 so
evidence that IPM (as originally envisioned) has been almost any party can find a definition that fits what
implemented to any significant extent in American they are already doing.13
agriculture.6 – 8 This apparent failure can be traced to Another metric for IPM implementation is reduc-
at least three constraints. First, for farmers, IPM is tion in pesticide use. This, of course, requires an
time consuming and complicated; given the multiple attendant database. California has had mandatory
demands of farm production, farmers cannot be pesticide use reporting since 1990, so there is a
expected to carry out the integration of multiple, growing database for analysis. For example, Epstein
suppressive tactics for all classes of pests. Second, pest and Bassein15 analyzed California pesticide use pat-
control consultants who might be hired by farmers terns from 1993 to 2000 and concluded that there
usually have little time for closely monitoring pests were no obvious trends in decreased use of most
and their natural enemies/antagonists; besides, many compounds used against plant disease. They noted
of them are employed by pesticide companies and reductions in use of organophosphate insecticides,
have a built-in conflict of interest. Also, pesticides can but attributed this largely to replacement with syn-
be a cheap insurance policy when there is a possibility thetic pyrethroid insecticides. In 2005, the California
of losing an entire crop. Finally, pest scientists in Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) reported
the colleges of agriculture at the state (land-grant) an increase in use of commercial pesticides during
universities have resisted the integration of the pest 2003, compared with 2002.16 Maintaining the sta-
disciplines; most seem content to study individual tus quo was not a good enough goal for the DPR
ingredients of IPM, and this is reinforced by the Director, who directed the DPR Pest Management
incentive system in which they work. The result is Advisory Committee to begin developing ‘a blueprint
a dearth of pest management programs that feature for IPM progress.’ Finally, a recent study17 by the
both vertical and horizontal integration. University of California’s Agricultural Issues Center
There are similar concerns at the international level. revealed that pesticide expenditures accounted for a
For example, Vereijken9 concluded that, with a few growing share of total expenditures of farm production
exceptions, IPM as originally envisioned had not been inputs, increasing from 3–4% in the 1950s to 7–8%
implemented to any significant extent in Western in the 1990s. While this finding does not address pes-
Europe. Barfield and Swisher6 questioned whether ticide use per se, it can hardly be viewed as a sign of
or not American-style IPM was ‘ready for export.’ progress.
Morse and Buhler10 observed that, while IPM has had
limited success in terms of adoption by farmers in
developing countries, it has a very successful history 4 THE OTHER IPM
of adoption by scientists, special interest groups and Much of what is billed as IPM is better described as
policy makers. They rightfully asked: ‘Why should integrated pesticide management, i.e., the ‘other IPM.’
farmers follow an agenda which has been created by Integrated pesticide management can be defined as the
scientists for scientists?’ More recently, the World discriminate use of pesticides, and is similar in some
Bank11 issued a report concluding that IPM adoption ways to supervised control of the late 1940s. This
remained relatively low in most of the developing other IPM is not necessarily a bad thing, as judicious
world, and that there was no convincing evidence for use of pesticides should be encouraged. The problem
changes in pesticide use in targeted crops such as rice with this approach is that too often it becomes an
or cotton in Asia. end in itself. This perpetuates a ‘quick-fix mentality’
Measuring the level of IPM implementation is that targets symptoms and fails to address the root
no simple matter. For example, in 1993 the US causes of pest problems. For insect pest management,
Department of Agriculture (USDA) launched the it can result in a kind of ‘quick-fix shuffle,’ in which
National IPM Initiative, the goal of which was to monitoring (get the quick fix ready) and treatment
have 75% of US crop acreage under IPM by 2000. thresholds (when to apply the quick fix) keep the
To measure the level of adoption, USDA put forth farmer or pest consultant in a treatment or quick-fix
the PAMS concept, the acronym for prevention, mode; in this mode, different pesticides are juggled to
avoidance, monitoring and suppression.12 To qualify manage pest resistance to the pesticides (extend the
as an IPM practitioner, a farmer was required to utilize life of the quick fix), and new pesticides are evaluated
at least three of the four PAMS components. There for input substitution (replace the old quick fix with
were two problems with this approach: there was little a new one). In recent years, ‘resistance management’
or no commitment to integration of multiple tactics, has evolved into a distinct subdiscipline in its own
and, because only three of four components needed to right; for insecticides there is even a new acronym
be employed, monitoring of pests and their natural for this – IRM, for insect resistance management. The
enemies/antagonists was optional.8,13 In 2002, the problem with pest management programs based on
USDA launched the National Road Map for IPM,14 resistance management is that they tend to give an
which to some observers was a tacit admission that the illusion of progress, as they fail to address long-term
National IPM Initiative was not successful. Measuring solutions to the problems at hand.

788 Pest Manag Sci 62:787–789 (2006)

DOI: 10.1002/ps
Integrated pest management and the other IPM

An example of the other IPM is the pecan IPM REFERENCES

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The author thanks MJ Tauber, CA Tauber and RF
Long for critical review of the manuscript.

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DOI: 10.1002/ps

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