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I. Objectives
A. Content Standard
Demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics of representative music
from the highlands of Luzon(Cordillera).

B. Performance Standard
Performs selected vocal and instrumental music of Cordillera.

C. Learning Competencies
- describes the musical characteristics of representative selections of Cordillera after
- explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative music from Cordillera
relation to its culture and geography.
- identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources from Cordillera.

II. Content
A. Topic: Music of Cordillera
B. Reference: Student Module, YouTube
C. Materials: Module, Tarpapel, Pictures, Laptop, Spesker

III. Methodology

A. Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Attendance

B. Development of Lesson
Review of the past lesson
(The teacher will review the last topic)
-The teacher will ask the student what are their last topic.

1. Engage
“Guess Who”
The teacher will show pictures of different ethnic groups from cordillera and then
the teacher will ask the students if they know what kind of ethnic group are there
in the picture.

2. Explore
“Guess the picture”
The teacher will show pictures of places,culture and tourist attraction from
Cordillera and ask them if they know what is shown in the picture.

After that, the teacher will ask the following question:

-How does the cultural background of the cordillera affect their musical type?
-Is their geographical setting have something to do with the music?

3. Explain
-The teacher will discuss the vocal music, musical instrument and vocal ensemble
with instrumental accompaniment by the help of tarpapels and some video clips.

4. Elaborate
The teacher will ask the following question:
-Why is it important to know or understand the culture or music of other people
or other ethnic groups?

5. Evaluate
“Short Quiz’
1. Cordillera- style of singing without prior preparation or practice in
leader-chorus form.
a.lbaloi Badiw
b. Dagdagay
c. Oppia
d. Owiwi
2. Ifugao epic poetry which is recited and chanted during occasions.
a. Bua
b. Hudhud
c. Kawayana
d. Langan Bata-Bata

3. Ifugao gongs played by striking with the palm while rested on the lap.
b. Gangsa Palook
c. Gangsa Toppaya
d. Tongali
4. Cordillera bamboo instrument played by striking against Toppaya the
palm of one hand.
a. Bungkaka
b. Gangsa Palook
c. Gangsa Toppaya
d. Tongali
5. Which of the following are Cordilleran vocal ensemble with instrumental
accompaniment used for entertainment?
a. Antang
b. Sindaay, Tarasul
c. Tamuyong Dango, Oggayam
d. Salidummay & Dangdayang-ay

Draw or Paste some pictures of different musical instruments from Cordillera.

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