Mid Term I

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Mid-Term exam I

Building a More Inclusive University Environment

In November 2022, in the University and Inclusion Congress, ten

universities ……………1 to discuss the new challenges.
Some rectors explained that ……………2 problem is to adapt the old
facilities. However, at the moment, they ……………3 to readapt the campus to
make it inclusive for students with disabilities and for the community in
……………4 universities ……………5 the necessary budget to adapt
their physical space for their diverse student populations.
However, there ……………6 a law that obliges them to have inclusive
……………7 so they need to focus their efforts on improving the physical
The question ……………8 how can smaller universities support inclusion
without money?

Glossary: challenges: desafíos, budget: presupuesto, however: sin embargo, law:

ley, without: sin,

(a) Choose the appropriate option. (3 c/u) (24 points)

1. meet - met - meeting

2. difficult – more difficult – the most difficult
3. try – are trying - tried
4. small – smaller – smaller than
5. not have – doesn’t have – don’t have
6. was – is - are
7. classrooms – facilities - library
8. is – was - were

(b) Match the following columns. There is an extra option on the

right. (3 c/u) (12 points)

1. Juana Paula Manso a. her articles to discuss gender prejudices.

was born
2. She was b. information to create their own ideas.

3. She set the basis c. in Buenos Aires in 1819.

4. As a journalist, she d. for a radical change in education.

e. a writer, a journalist, a teacher, and a
precursor of feminism in Argentina

(c) Unjumble the following questions. (4 c/u) (20 points)

1. inclusive - your - is - university?
2. did - what - they - write?
3. about - what - text - was - the?
4. do - do - you - what?
5. they - were - who?

(d) Complete the following dialogue with the above questions. (4

c/u) (20 points)

Student A: …………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Student B: Yes, and we work on equality even in English.

Student A: …………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Student B: Well, for example, last class we read a text about gender
prejudice in England.

Student A: …………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Student B: It was about women writers with men’s pen names.

Student A: …………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Student B: Well, I remember the Brontë sisters.

Student A: …………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Student B: Er… I think Emily wrote Wuthering Heights.

(e) Complete the following with ideas related to Modules 1 & 2. (6

c/u) (24 points)

1. UNLaM is an inclusive university because …………………………………………

2. Inclusive universities should ………………………………………………………..
3. Students with disabilities can ………………………………………………………
4. Today, at university, women ……………………………………………………….

Marking Scheme
10 96-100 6 66-69
9 86-95 5 56-65
8 76-85 4 50-55
7 70-75 2 1-49

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