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ENDLESS LIFE CHAPEL is a Christ Centered, Spirit filled, and mission focused Christian
ministry found by Pastor Justine Dugilo. It is located in Dar Es Salaam, Focuses on sharing the
Love of God to the lost, bringing hope to the hopeless and imparting transformation to the saints.

Vision statement
“Kingdomize the world”

(Equipping Christians with Kingdom Mindset to advance the kingdom of God on earth)

Mission statement
“Know Jesus and make him known”

“Love, Hope and Transformation”

Areas of focus in ministry

1. Winning souls and Spiritual growth ( evangelism and discipleship)
2. Leadership development and finances (business and career i.e. impacting communities)
3. Relationship wellbeing (families)
Ministry Goals
1. To reach out the Lost (soul winning)
2. To build up people with Kingdom mindset (matured Christians) to present the glory of
the kingdom of God in the world, to impact their generation
3. To build up Godly family
4. To rise financial giants to become Kingdom supporters/sponsors (partners) in advancing
gospel through church planting in unreached areas (mostly Islamic dominated areas) and
reaching out marginal/ignored people i.e. drug addicts, prisoners, prostitutes, homeless,
broken hearted, etc
Church Ministries
 Marketplace alter (professional ministry)
 Family ministry (singles, single parents, newlyweds, married, divorced, children and
widows programs)
 Men and women Ministries
 Reigners (youth ministry)
 Raven ministry (prisoners, drug addicts, prostitutes, homeless, etc)
 Home fellowship (Cell ministry)
 Mission ministry (evangelism and church planting)

Statements of faith
We believe in the following

1. There is only one God who eternally exists in three person (Trinity) the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit (Mathew 28:19)
2. Bible is the only inspired trustworthy and true, without error, word of God (2 Timothy 3:
3. Human being by nature is a sinner who needs salvation which is through faith alone
(Rome 3:28, 1 John 1:8, John 3:16, Rome 3:22)
4. Salvation of man is by Grace through faith in Jesus alone (Rome 3:22-25, John 14:6)
5. Second coming of Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Revelation 20:11-15 )
6. Deep water baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; Jesus (Luke
3:21,Mathew 28:19)
7. The ministry of Holy Spirit in believers; Spirit baptism and speaking in Tongue as its
initial external evidence is for all believers (John 14:15-26, john 16:5-16, Ephesians 1:13-
8. Miracle, sign, and wonders (gift of the Spirit) is for Today (Mark 16:16-17)
9. Marriage is between one man and one woman (Genesis 1:27, Mathew 19:5-6)

5 ministry goals from 2022 to 2027

1. To build up Godly families

We’ll start a family ministry which will overseeing marriages, children, singles, parents, single
parents, and divorcees

Strategic Objective 1: To strengthen the family institution through effective ministry to married
and single persons
i. Develop and implement comprehensive marriage and family programs – family discipleship
and mentorship to be core functions
ii. Increase participation of married couples in marriage enrichment programs
iii. Standardize premarital counselling programs and follow up the couples to ensure sustainable
marriages (work in partnership with other family ministries cc Emmanuel ngwiza)
iv. Design and implement comprehensive programs for widowers, widows, orphans, senior
singles and other groups with special needs
v. Design and implement a comprehensive parenting, teaching and training programs
vi. Develop an engaging and robust program for singles
vii. Enhance the prophetic voice of the church on emerging issues related to marriage and family

1. To build up people with Kingdom mindset (matured Christians) to present the glory
of the kingdom of God in the world, and to impact their generation

Strategic objective 1: To raise a God-fearing generation of children and preteens who know and
can ably explain confidently what they believe in and why


i. Recruit, develop and deploy volunteers with a definite call and requisite skillset in
children ministry

ii. Partner with parents and guardians as key stakeholders in raising God-fearing children
iii. Intentionally engage our children and preteens in regular pulpit ministry and leadership
iv. Find enough space for children’s Sunday school classes.
v. Learn from other churches that have succeeded in children’s ministry
vi. Prepare age based teaching curriculum for children

Strategic objective 3: To rise God-fearing, confident, excellent, leaders, and community

engaging Teens (13 to 17) who can impact their generation with the kingdom of God, and soul


i. Use strategies from VCCT teens

ii. Recruit students from secondary schools around the church
iii. Teens program that are informative
iv. Prepare teaching curriculum for teens
v. Teens must be engaged in preparation of their own programs and participate in other
church programs
vi. Use mimi ni nani model for leadership development and recruitment of teens
vii. Exposure to church ministries.
Strategic objective 4: To build up youth (18 to 25 years) who are God-fearing, well equipped
for career, (professional and business), kingdom minded, and hardworking, and problem solvers.
And Soul winners


i. Prepare teaching curriculum for youth that meets their needs

ii. Exposure to knowledge through intensive teachings of the word, leadership, business
and professional
iii. VCC strategies
iv. Prepare and run their own programs with minimum supervision from church
v. Copying S.W.A.T strategy for relationship development
vi. Encouraging creativity

Strategic objective 5: To build up young adult (26 to 35 years) who are God-fearing, financially
free, family people, fruitful in business and professional arena, kingdom minded, and soul


i. Use the ocean strategies?

ii. Ask people to feel the gap?
iii. Being real, vulnerable, honest and open approach
iv. Answer life issues, giving direction,
v. Church must behave as a community connected by love
vi. Giving hope.
vii. Teach practical Jesus

Strategic objective 6: men and women’s ministry

2. To produce financially free church members.

Strategic objective; Make sure 80% of church members (above 24) are working/making their
own money; either employed or self-employed (financially free).


i. Teach church members on financial literacy

ii. Pastor should be an example in this(financial freedom)
iii. Money making must be taught to all ages from teens to adults
iv. Encourage members to read books on money, business and wealth
v. Encourage member to do business,
vi. Create environment for business people to join church to influence other members
vii. Prepare seminars and conferences about money

3. To rise young ministers for our 10 branches which are to be opened after 5 years of
ministry operation.

Strategic objective; to prepare young people (at least ten) for the ministry; after five year of
establishment, the church will have to expand to other big cities, hence we will need well
prepared ministers for the job.


i. Start school of ministry

ii. Identify young people with calling invest in them
iii. Give young people enough room to be used in the church,
iv. Encourage people to serve in the church.

4. Church growth

For 5 years we believe God for growth from zero to 200 congregants (registered members in our
local church) (adults to children) and 150 church attendance and we want to build an online
church our global church to 20000 members


i. Evangelism (local dominion)

ii. Church marketing
iii. Online church stratergy
iv. Goat gives birth to Goat i.e involve congregants (lay ministry )

Action plan framework

1. Teaching division to produce above goals.

-50% Christians Doctrine to build up their faith in Jesus (spiritual maturity), teaching that
answers day to day life questions. I will spend two Sundays in every month to dig deep into

-prepare sermons for a whole year

-25% family in every 3 month I will have three Sundays talk about family

-25% finances (leadership, business and career) in every 3 month I will have three Sundays talk
about finances. This will be more on series in every 3 months

2. Prayer strategy
We want to be a prayerful church, a church that embrace prayers, not only during
services but also in individual lives of the member of endless life chapel family. We
want every average member to be able to pray at least 1hour a day and an average leader
3 hours a day. To achieve this goal, the following are our strategies
 There must be a yearly time table for general church fasting and prayers
program, including prayer revival conference, 30 days fast in January and July
 Each department/ministry should have its own prayer timetable (chain prayers,
every day there should be people praying)
 Prayer should be our language, should be highly emphasized
 Prayer should be taught and exercised from children classes up to adult
 Each service from general Sunday service to mid-week services there should be
prayers preceding each service for an hour.
 Pastors should lead this by examples, by living prayerful lives

3. Strategic services

Every week the church will have the following services.

 Sunday service
 power Friday (Prayers services)
Aim at teaching prayer practically where by believer will engage in prayers and
 Men &women services/family services
Aim at equipping men and women for families,
 Word service/Spirit-therapist (bible study)
The purpose of this service is healing of the broken hearted, giving hope and solutions to
people’s problem through teachings of the word of God.
 Youth service
Equipping youth with the word of God to shine as light in the corrupt world
 Marketplace altar service (professional service)
Equipping Christian professionals to be effective in faith sharing in the marketplace
 One en one/ ushauri na maombezi
 Online sessions

4. Strategic ministries
These are the ministries which are to be launched within five years as a church identity

 Worship ministry, a ministry that will be responsible for ministering praise and worship
in the church.
 women ministry is a ministry that will be responsible for ministering to women in the
church aiming at discovering and developing women’s potential, healing broken hearted
women, and preparing women for family, leadership, ministry and business and usher
them into spiritual growth
 marketplace altar, is a ministry that will be responsible for equipping professionals for
kingdom dominion in the marketplace
 family ministry (children, teens, and adults) is a ministry that will be responsible for
building Godly families, by conducting family equipping classes, premarital trainings,
planning and organizing family outreach, seminars & evangelism programs, overseeing
children ministry, teens, single parent’s ministry, singles’ ministry
 youth ministry (youth, young adult) is a ministry that will be responsible for discovering
and developing young people’s potentials, healing broken hearted youth, equipping
young people for family, leadership, ministry and business and usher them into spiritual
growth, planning and organizing youth evangelism to those who are outside the church,

 Media ministry, is a ministry that will be responsible for digital church marketing, ensure
the church is reaching as many people outside our physical reach through media. Making
church content available online,

5. Finances

We believe God endless life chapel will be a financial free church, will be a manifestation of
Mathew 10; .

Fund sources

The church will acquire funds from three different sources i.e. church giving, ministry partners
and church business/ safe investments

Type of giving
The types of giving that the church will be receiving from the congregants are, love & thanks
giving offering, tithe, first fruits, construction and partners giving.

Management of Funds.

The church should have a professional accountant to manage church money, money for major
projects (investments, purchasing land and other assets that needs the whole church to
contribute,) should go through church board for decisions. Small financial decision are left for
the pastor to decide.

Distribution of Funds

Every time the church receive fund (love & thanks giving offering, tithe, first fruits and
partnership giving) the fund will be distributed as follow.

 Church tithe and seed (giving to other ministries) 15%,

 Savings 10%
 Investments 10%
 Venue maintenance and payment
 church services and office fund (including Publicity, stationary, and other bills)
 development projects
 Posho.

Construction and other fund from fundraising for special project, only tithe of it will be


Minimize the expenditures as much as possible by casting unnecessary cost

For the first five years ministers will be not paid salary instead they will be given Posho

All the giving to church will be directed to church accounts unless otherwise it is given direct to
or stated by a giver it is for a pastor, to avoid misuse of church fund.

Most of church office needs will be done in volunteering manner instead of full time

The church administration will try its best to use professional help (legal consultation,
construction, real estate, tax, etc) from church members to reduce church operation costs.

6. Annual Time table

-holiday, special months, activities, events,

7. Location of church?
8. Worship order
Worship service should be Spirit led and life transforming; there will be demonstration of
the spirit and of power, we believe God for miracles, deliverance, and baptisms of the
Spirit with powerful Word and prayers. To achieve this results, the order of service will
be as follow

 opening prayers
 praise & worship
 giving & announcements
 word
 prayers


 Other people will be participate in leading opening prayers, and

 Slight changes will depend on the type of services.
 Under normal circumstances Service time for Sunday service will be 3 hrs.’
and weekly services will be two hrs.
 There should be a person/ministry that
manages time (floor manager) during services.
 Everything concerning the services must be prepared before the service,
including preacher of the day and the sermon, announcements, and the
announcer, prayer leader, songs to be sung and song leader. All must be
prepared before the service
 Songs to be sung should be in line with the theme of the service.

9. Division of goals GOALS/YEAR


2022/23 Starting church, sharing the vision, form

church board,




10. Church marketing strategies

i. Personal touch, talk to people, listen to them.
ii. Invitation, through word of mouth, distribution of fliers to people at strategic areas.
iii. Evangelism one on one.
iv. People call people teach people how to welcome other people.
v. Social media marketing


-Brand guide….

- Digital ads

11. Church administration

1. Structure,
2. Job description
3. Stuff vetting process
4. Payment of stuff

12. Church leadership structure

Church board (chaired by pastor) (how many people, where they come from? Job description, are
they paid? How much? Their power limitation, when to start, when to meet) planning part of the
church and church administration executor part of the church, pastor (CEO) then chief
administrator, other administrator (based on activities)

SWOT analysis….

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