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Hi Cynthia! In your project you made it clear what game you were discussing right from the start!

You discuss
the tasks within the game, the purpose of those task in terms of the context of the game, and the amount of
players and online capability. In terms of educational concepts, you demonstrated how the game can be used
from an economic, historical, and social context and you further develop each of those categories with examples
of how it would work within the scope of a classroom. I love that you addressed bulk purchasing even though
your game does not allow it (which sucks because I used to play and it would be an AMAZING class asset!)
The link for troubleshooting when it comes to support was easy to follow which I believe is always a link that
will be followed! When I think of reluctance to incorporate tech into lessons, teachers always think first “what
could go wrong?” rather than “what could go right?” The academic journal that you provided furthered my
comprehension of the game as well as its possible uses in educational settings. Amazing job Cynthia! You gave
me much to ponder in my own curriculum!

Hi Alexis! You explain how the game works quite simply which I love. It appears to be a simple game which
would benefit students greatly! I also appreciate you telling me your grade level as I was curious about the age
level that Grouping and Grazing was meant for. Thank you so much for demonstrating the game as you talked
over it. Even though the game is simple enough for kindergarteners, I value the idea of hearing how it works
while watching it! You talk about the game from both the perspective of a student as well as a teacher which
enhances my understanding of not just the rationale of the game but also the practicality of it! From how you
explain it, the children would have fun playing and get immediate feedback from the regulation of the game.
Giving feedback immediately on student worksheets might take you a bit of time and I imagine can also be
taxing at times. When talking about classroom applications, you bring up three distinct categories. I wanted to
ask about group capabilities in the game. With some applications, students can compete against each other with
a scoring system. Since I teach high school, I am unsure if that competitive aspect is even healthy for your
students at that age, but is it possible to do something along those lines? Thank you so much for sharing!

Hi Jarka! First of all, I am also in English so I loved getting the opportunity to pick your brain about a game
which I never heard of before! I love that you addressed bulk purchasing and, while your game does not allow
it, at least there are ways to get access to it! Accessibility is key for video games and I am pleased to hear that
you addressed that! Even though I haven’t played the game, I thought that you explain the concept with enough
detail that I understand the features and goals of the text. So quick spoiler alert, I am doing Among Us for my
project and your game shares the similarity of claim, evidence, and reasoning. Argument writing and speaking
skills are essential to develop and being able to do so using your game would be fun and engaging! It also opens
the door to film and text such as A Few Good Men, 12 Angry Men, and To Kill a Mockingbird. Your screencast,
at least for me, cut off kind of abruptly. It didn’t feel intentional but it could have also been something on my
end. Other than that, I feel like you did great with the project! Thanks for sharing!

Hi Jessica! Even though I don’t teach the same grade level of students I still loved the presentation. You explain
the difference between being a subscriber and not being one which doesn’t sound like it limits your ability to
teach the game! Monster Mansion Math Match (wonderful alliteration) looks to be highly engaging and I
appreciate you showing the game itself to the viewer! It always helps me to be able to see what is being
discussed as I am a visual learner. You bring up that it could be used as a method of assessment by recording
the amount of attempts it takes them to succeed but that you probably wouldn’t use it as one. From what I saw
and heard, it sounds like it certainly could be done if you wanted to try it! Thank you so much for sharing!

Hi Jared! Rapid Router looks awesome! As a student, I was never exposed to coding. It wasn’t until entering
this master’s program that I learned a single thing about it. While my experience is not unique, I feel as though
coding is becoming more accessible to each new generation of students. I love that it has no signup or
registration required. I cannot count the number of times I have exited a website because I did not feel like
enrolling into some type of subscription free or not. My favorite part of the game is the freedom to push
yourself to try any level at any time. I would certainly bite off more than I can chew but that would be a
challenge that I make for myself! Thank you so much for sharing!
Peer Feedback for Jarka

Target Acceptable Unacceptable Points
Category Achieving
4 points Mastery 2-3 points 0 points Earned
1 points
The audience will be able to identify the The audience will be unable to identify
Familiarize __/4
game by name (4pts) the game by name (0pts)
Explain your
The presentation The presentation The presentation
identifies more than identifies two to identifies more than The presentation
Features three features that are three features that one feature that is fails to identify __/4
useful in the described are useful in the useful in the useful features.
context. described context. described context.
Explain your
The presentation The presentation The presentation
describes minimum describes at least describes at least
hardware two of the one of the
The presentation
requirements, following: minimum following:
Game fails to describe
necessary accessories, hardware minimum hardware __/4
Capabilities necessary
and proposes work- requirements, requirements,
arounds if these necessary necessary
requirements are not accessories, or accessories, or
met work-arounds work-arounds
Explain your
The presentation The presentation The presentation
The presentation
provides more than provides more than fails to provide any
provides more than
two examples of one example of examples of
Examples three examples of __/4
context-appropriate context-appropriate context-appropriate
game use for game use for game use for
game use for learners.
learners. learners. learners.
Explain your
The paper provides The paper provides The paper provides
links to further at least two of: links at least one of: links The paper fails to
examples, bulk to further examples, to further examples, provide additional
200 Word Paper __/4
purchasing, and bulk purchasing, or bulk purchasing, or support about the
information about information about information about selected game tool.
installation support installation support installation support
Explain Your

Total: ___/20 possible points.

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