BX-18-2 - Packing

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Standard Shipping and Packing BX-18-2

Standard Document Rev. 2

船 積 仕 様 書


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Standard Shipping and Packing BX-18-2
Standard Document Rev. 2


0. 定義
1. 所掌範囲
2. 一般注意事項
3. 必要書類
3.1 該非判定書
3.2 輸出許可書
3.3 明細リスト
3.4 プロフォーマパッキングリスト
3.5 保管・取り扱いマニュアル
3.6 規格外機器の梱包図
3.7 Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
3.8 パッキングリスト
3.9 シッピングインボイス
3.10 原産地証明書
3.11 船荷証券
3.12 写真
4. 梱包
4.1 一般注意事項
4.2 輸出梱包
4.3 タグ
4.4 ケースマーク
4.5 梱包検査
5. 搬入
6. 輸出港指定倉庫への納入
7. 指定港/空港への納入の場合 (FOB/FCA)
8. ベンダーにて輸出及び海上輸送を行う場合 (CPT/CIP/CFR/CIF/DAP/DDP)
(1) Attachment 1:General Scope Table of Transportation Work
(2) Attachment 2:Distribution of Documents and Information
(3) Attachment 3:Supply List Form
(4) Attachment 4:Example for Supply List
(5) Attachment 5:Packing List Form
(6) Attachment 6:Example for Packing List
(7) Attachment 7:Packing Style Criteria
(8) Attachment 8:Care Mark
(9) Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark

本書に関する問合せ先 (詳細は下記 2 項一般注意事項(4)を参照のこと)

送り先 :proc-logistics@ml.jfe-eng.co.jp
TEL:045-505-7665 (調達本部プロジェクト輸送グループ宛)

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Standard Shipping and Packing BX-18-2
Standard Document Rev. 2

0. 定義
(1) JFE : JFE エンジニアリング株式会社
(2) ベンダー : JFE より PO の交付を受け、貨物を供給する者
(3) PO :JFE より発行された注文書
(4) 輸送業者 : JFE より輸送業務の発注を受けた輸送業者
(5) PSPI :個別プロジェクト向け船積仕様書
(6) MR :JFE より発行された資材または機材に関する技術要求図書

1. 所掌範囲

=対象 N/A=対象外
ベンダー区分 A B C D E
出荷地 日本 日本 全地域 全地域 全地域
受渡条件 輸出港指定 輸出港指定 FCA/FOB CPT/CIP DAP/DDP
倉庫渡し 倉庫渡し (積港) CFR/CIF (指定場所)
輸出梱包 不要 要 要 要 要
輸出通関 不要 不要 要 要 要
2. 一般注意事項 ● ● ● ● ●
3. 必要書類
3.1. 該非判定書 ● ● N/A N/A N/A
3.2. 輸出許可書(Export N/A N/A ● ● ●
3.3. 明細リスト(Supply ● ● ● ● ●
3.4. プロフォーマ ● ● ● ● ●
3.5. 保管・取り扱い ● ● ● ● ●
3.6. 規格外機器の梱包図 ● ● ● ● ●
3.7. Safety Data Sheet● ● ● ● ●
3.8. パッキングリスト ● ● ● ● ●
3.9. シッピングインボイス ● ● ● ● ●
3.10. 原産地証明書 N/A ※2 N/A ※2 ● ● ●
3.11. 船荷証券 N/A N/A ● ● ●
3.12. 写真 ● ● ● ● ●
4. 梱包
4.1. 一般要求事項 ● ● ● ● ●
4.2. 輸出梱包 N/A ● ● ● ●
4.3. タグ ● ● ● ● ●
4.4. ケースマーク N/A ● ● ● ●
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ベンダー区分 A B C D E
4.5. 梱包検査 ● ● ● ● ●
5. 搬入 ● ● ● ● ●
6. 輸出港指定倉庫 ● ● N/A N/A N/A
7. 指定港/空港への N/A N/A ● N/A N/A
8. ベンダーにて輸出 N/A N/A N/A ● ●
9. 添付資料 ● ● ● ● ●
※1:指定倉庫までは Vendor の標準梱包に準ずる。
※2:3.10 項参照

2. 一般注意事項
(1) 本書は JFE よりベンダーへ発行した PO もしくは、Request for Quotation (RFQ)の一部とみなす。ま
た輸出入を伴う JFE から発行する全ての PO(簡易調達も含む)に適用するものとする。もし MR と齟齬
がある場合には、JFE と別途協議の上で指示を仰ぐこと。
(2) 日本国内ベンダーは、基本的に輸出梱包を含むベンダー区分 B 前提で見積を行うものとする。対応が
困難であれば、輸出梱包を含まないベンダー区分 A でも可とする。梱包に関して MR で特に規定が無
い場合かつベンダー区分 A で見積をする場合、国内梱包に基づく旨を見積書に明記する事。もし MR
との齟齬がある場合には、JFE へ連絡し判断を仰ぐものとする。
(3) 輸出港指定倉庫渡しで見積の際には、基本的に受渡し場所を 1)横浜もしくは 2)神戸で見積を行うこと。
もしその他の場所を選ぶ場合には、見積書に記載の上で JFE の了承を得ること。
(4) 本書に関して疑義・質問事項がある場合には、下記のメールアドレス宛に連絡すること。
送り先 :proc-logistics@ml.jfe-eng.co.jp
TEL:045-505-7665 (調達本部プロジェクト輸送グループ宛)
(5) 本書は標準輸送仕様書であり、詳細情報及び各プロジェクトの特性を踏まえて、PSPI が JFE より発行
(6) ベンダーの受渡条件は、PO に定める受渡条件に則る。PO に記載された受渡条件の解釈は
Attachment 1 :General Scope Table of Transportation Work に従うものとする。PO 記載の受渡条
件が Attachment 1 :General Scope Table of Transportation Work に記載が無い場合 JFE へ問い
(7) ベンダーは PO に定められた受渡条件に則り、輸送完了までの責任を負うものとする。
(8) FOB 以降の受渡条件 (対象:FOB、FCA,CPT、CIP、CFR、CIF、DAP 及び DDP)について、ベンダー
は PO 記載の契約条件並びに原産国の法規制に従い、輸出通関を実施する義務を負うものとする。
受渡条件 DDP の場合には、ベンダーは輸入国での通関義務を負うものとする。
(9) 本書の記載事項に相違したことにより生じる全ての責任及び諸費用は、貨物が予定通り輸送されるた
めに JFE が行った是正措置を含めて、ベンダーの責任及び負担とする。
(10) JFE への貨物引渡し前に貨物の紛失または破損が生じた場合、ベンダーは速やかに JFE に連絡し
JFE の指示に従うこと。
(11) スキッド、リフティングジグ、貨物に取り付けるラグ等で輸送において特別に必要なものは、ベンダーの

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(12) 全ての貨物は Project 固有の機器番号や品目番号などで分類される。ベンダーは MR を参照し、これ
スに記載すること。記載される番号は提出図書間で齟齬が無いものとする。もし Project 固有の機器番
(13) 本書に記載無き事項に関しては、JFE に相談の上で指示に従うこと。

3. 必要書類
必要書類の提出先及び期日は、添付 Attachment 2 :Distribution of Documents and Information を参
3.1 該非判定書

3.2 輸出許可書(Export License)


3.3 明細リスト(Supply List)

考までに添付 Attachment 3:Supply List Form 及び Attachment 4:Example for Supply List を参照す

3.4 プロフォーマパッキングリスト(暫定版、見込みのパッキングリスト)
ー書式による提出を可とする。Attachment 5:Packing List Form 及び Attachment 6:Example for
Packing List に示すパッキングリスト様式を参考とすること。
(1) 各梱包重量(ネット及びグロス)
(2) 各梱包の寸法(長さ x 幅 x 高さ)と体積(梱包後)
(3) 上記ネット総重量、グロス総重量、総体積(M3)、梱包の総数

3.5 保管・取り扱いマニュアル

3.6 規格外機器の梱包図
梱包込み単体で重量 10 トン以上、長さ 5 メートル以上、高さ 2.2 メートル以上、または幅 2.2 メートル以

3.7 Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

(1) 化学物質及び危険物を積載した品目の内容物説明やカタログ

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(2) SDS に準じた梱包を行うこと

3.8 パッキングリスト
ベンダーは下記情報を含む梱包情報をまとめ、パッキングリストとして提出すること。Attachment 6:
Example for Packing List を参照し、Attachment 5:Packing List Form を使用してパッキングリストを
(1) 各梱包重量(ネット及びグロス)、ネット総重量及びグロス総重量
(2) 各梱包の寸法(長さ x 幅 x 高さ)、体積(梱包後)及び総体積(M3)
(3) 梱包の総数
(4) 各梱包のパッケージ番号、貨物明細及びタグ番号
ベンダー区分 A に関しては、国内輸送用のパッキングリストを提出すること。

3.9 シッピングインボイス

(1) Purchaser : JFE

(2) Consignee :PSPI にて指示
(3) Shipper :ベンダー
(4) Cargo description : 注文仕様書規定による
(5) その他
① 機器名称、数量と単位(パッキングリストと記載を合わせること)
② 単価、総額、建値
③ 積港/揚港 (受け渡し条件による。ベンダーが海上輸送手配する場合は必要)
④ 船名及び Voyage No. (同上)
⑤ Invoice No.
⑥ 支払い条件
(6) シッピングインボイスは、MR の輸送所掌範囲に従い、JFE との契約金額とする。
(7) シッピングインボイスが準備できない場合、類似する金額明細書(見積書)でも可とする。ただしパッ

3.10 原産地証明書
本船出港前に Draft 提出し、JFE の承認を得ること。
(1) Exporter : ベンダー
(2) Importer : PSPI にて指示
(3) Marks & Numbers : 梱包に記載した実際の荷印を記載すること
(4) Description of GOODS : PSPI にて指示
(5) その他 : PSPI にて指示

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3.11 船荷証券
船荷証券は下記情報を含むこと。本船出港前に Draft を提出し、JFE の承認を得ること。
(1) Shipper : PSPI にて指示
(2) Consignee : PSPI にて指示
(3) Notify Party : PSPI にて指示
(4) Description of GOODS : PSPI にて指示
(5) Port of Loading : PSPI にて指示
(6) Port of Discharge : : PSPI にて指示
(7) Number of B/L : PSPI にて指示
(8) Freight : PSPI にて指示
(9) その他 : PSPI にて指示

3.12 写真
本書 1 項・所掌範囲を参照し、下記区分に応じてベンダーは JFE の要求に応じて、速やかに提出するこ
1) ベンダー区分 A
(1) 貨物が荷揃いした状態で、梱包前の各貨物が明確に判断できる写真
(2) 国内輸送用の梱包後写真
2) ベンダー区分 B
(1) 貨物が荷揃いした状態で、梱包前の各貨物が明確に判断できる写真
(2) 輸出梱包毎の貨物写真とシッピングマーク
(3) 梱包を複数まとめた場合、(例:ボルト、ナット等を小袋単位でまとめて、1 つの箱に入れる場合)
3) ベンダー区分 C~E
(1) 貨物が荷揃いした状態で、梱包前の各貨物が明確に判断できる写真
(2) 輸出梱包毎の貨物写真とシッピングマーク
(3) 梱包を複数まとめた場合、(例:ボルト、ナット等を小袋単位でまとめて、1 つの箱に入れる場合)
(4) コンテナや在来船に積み込まれた輸出梱包済貨物を写した写真
(5) コンテナ毎のコンテナ番号を含め、内側・外側のダメージ有無が分かる写真

4. 梱包
4.1 一般要求事項
(1) ベンダーの責任によって、適切な梱包方法と梱包材料を選定すること。万が一、ベンダーの梱包に
(2) 全ての貨物は、梱包前に乾燥及び清掃され傷や汚れの無い状態とすること。貨物の保護に関する
① 全てのねじ部は適切にグリスで保護されていること。
② 海上輸送に必要な防錆処置をとること。
③ フランジシール面は合板をボルト固定するかフランジ専用のゴム又はプラスチックキャップで
④ 開放状態のねじ端部及びかい先は、プラスチック又はゴムのキャップで保護すること。
(3) 梱包方法の選定は、Attachment 7:Packing Style Criteria を参照すること。
(4) 貨物は自立可能で、安全に輸送できる形状であること。必要であれば仮設架台(サポート)を取り付
(5) 梱包の構造設計には、吊り上げ方法と吊りひもの場所を考慮しなければならない。特に、300kg 以

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(6) 危険物を除き、輸送及び保管中の紛失防止のため、全ての梱包サイズは 0.5m3 以上とすること。
(7) 小さな付属品やばらばらで供給されるもの、特殊道具はそれぞれ別の箱に梱包し、その箱を主要
(8) 予備品・消耗品は、その他の機器/部品と分けて梱包すること。
(9) 数種類の機器を輸送する場合、それぞれの種類の機器は他の種類の機器とは別にして梱包する

4.2 輸出梱包
(1) ベンダーは最新の ISPM No.15 に則り、梱包用木材については、防疫上適切な処理を行った木材
(2) 木材を梱包材として利用する場合は、再利用品など一度利用された木材を用いてはならない。木材
梱包材は、輸出国の植物検疫機関に認可された梱包業者により IPPC の要求に応じて処理が実施
され、かつ IPPC 認証マークが付されていなければならない。認証マークには、処理を実施した国を
の使用を許可した場合、ベンダーは木材梱包未使用の証明書を JFE に提出しなければならない。
(3) 全ての貨物は、海上/陸上輸送中に予想される物理的又は化学的な損傷が発生しない様に、確実
(4) 梱包仕様を決める際には、下記条件を考慮すること。
① 輸出港、輸入港での荷揚げ及び荷降ろしに伴う衝撃
② 6 ヶ月の現場保管
③ 海上輸送中の温度及び湿度の大きな変化
④ 船積において最上部に設置することが担保されていないため、段積み可能な構造とすること。
⑤ JFE の事前承認無く上記の要求事項から逸脱した場合、追加の費用はベンダー負担とする。
(5) JFE の要求があった場合、パッキングリストを輸出梱包の外面に添付すること。パッキングリストは

4.3 タグ
原則、貨物 1 個にタグ 1 枚を貼り付けること。ボルトやナットの様な小物類は、複数を 1 つの箱または袋
にまとめる場合には、箱/袋ごとに Tag1 枚を添付すること。 詳細は PSPI にて指示する。

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(1) パッキングリストの梱包毎もしくは内箱毎にタグ番号を振ること。
(2) タグは後日 JFE より Word/Excel 版をベンダーへ送付する。
(3) タグは透明ビニール袋に入れて取り付けのこと。
(4) 記載内容はパッキングリストと合わせること。
(5) 製品の性質上、付けられないものに関しては、JFE の指示を仰ぐこと。

4.4 ケースマーク
ーキングをすること。全てのマーキングは、Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark で示される様に英
(1) シッピングマーク
Project Name :PSPI にて指示
PO Number :PSPI にて指示
MR Number :PSPI にて指示
Consignee :PSPI にて指示
Commodity Name :PSPI にて指示
Package No. :PSPI にて指示
Gross Weight :PSPI にて指示
Country of Origin :PSPI にて指示

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(2) 取扱上の注意(Care Mark)

① Attachment 8:Care Mark 及び Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark に倣い、取扱上の注意
以外のマークを使用する場合には、JFE へ連絡し判断を仰ぐこと。
② 貨物輸送の遅延及び事故を防ぐため、吊り上げロープ位置(sling mark)と重心位置(center
of gravity mark)は、ベンダーにて実際に貨物を吊り上げ確認した場所に表示すること。
③ 角部の表示(Corner color)は、Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark を参照のこと。
④ 製品の性質上、付けられないものに関しては、JFE と協議の上で、指示を仰ぐこと。

4.5 梱包検査
ンダーによる通常の梱包検査に加えて、いかなる時にも立会検査を行う権利を JFE は有する(文書によ

5. 搬入
JFE は、下記要領にて荷受を行う。これに相違した貨物は、原則として受領しない。又、相違により発生
(1) 提出書類は Attachment 2:Distribution of Documents and Information 記載の指示に従うこと。
(2) 取付要領に従ってタグを貨物に取り付けていること。タグを付けないで納入した場合、または記入
(3) 荷受場所にて、JFE または輸送業者がパッキングリストとタグを照合して員数検査を行う。荷受場

6. 輸出港指定倉庫への納入
(1) 日本国内の指定倉庫は、横浜港及び神戸港を想定している。ただし 3.6 項に定める規格外機器つ
(2) JFE に提出したパッキングリストのコピーを 2 部、 貨物納品時に納入場所に提出すること(1部に
受領印を受け、後日納品書の補足資料として JFE への納品書兼出来高報告書に添付すること)。
(3) 納入の 3 営業日前までに JFE 及び輸送業者へ必ず連絡し、納入日時を確定させること。
(4) 搬入前に必ず JFE より搬入の許可/同意を得ること。

7. 指定港/空港への納入の場合(FCA/FOB)
7.1 納入指示
ベンダーは Attachment 2:Distribution of Documents and Information に規定された書類及び情報を
期日通りに JFE へ提出・連絡し、承認を得ること。ベンダーは JFE からの納入指示を受ける前に、出荷
場合には、ベンダーの責任・費用負担とする。ただし、書面により JFE の事前許可を得た場合を除く。

7.2 納入場所
納入先の空港もしくは港指定倉庫は PO にて規定する。納入先詳細は別途指示に従うものとする。

7.3 コンテナ輸送の場合

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(1) LCL で出荷する場合(Less than Container コンテナ一本に満たない場合) ●=適用

受渡条件 FCA 受渡条件 FOB
番号 対応事項 ベンダー JFE ベンダー JFE
1 コンテナの予約 ● ●
2 CFS(コンテナフレートステーション)へ貨物搬入 ● ●
3 コンテナ内へ貨物の積込、固縛、養生を実施 ● ●
4 積み港での輸出申告及び輸出通関 ● ●
5 コンテナを本船へ積み込み ● ●
6 積み港での THC(ターミナルハンドリング ● ●
7 揚げ港までの海上輸送費支払い ● ●
(1) FCL で出荷する場合(Full Container Load コンテナ一本仕立てる場合) ●=適用
受渡条件 FCA 受渡条件 FOB
番号 対応事項 ベンダー JFE ベンダー JFE
1 コンテナの予約 ● ●
2 積み港でのコンテナ受け取り、ベンダー工場へ配
● ●
3 積み港での輸出申告及び輸出通関 ● ●
4 コンテナを本船へ積み込み。 ● ●
5 積み港での THC(ターミナルハンドリング ● ●
6 揚げ港までの海上輸送費支払い ● ●
8 ベンダーにて輸出及び海上輸送を行う場合(CPT/CIP/CFR/CIF/DAP/DDP)
8.1 船積時に必要な対応
ベンダーは Attachment 2:Distribution of Documents and Information に規定された書類及び情報を
期日通りに JFE へ提出・連絡し、承認を得ること。

8.2 海上 / 航空輸送
ベンダーは JFE からの承認を得た後、本船もしくは航空便の予約を行い、目的地へ輸送を行うこと。
JFE の同意を得ない出荷により JFE が荷受時に被害を受けた場合には、改善・対策費用をベンダーへ
時には、JFE へ報告し、その指示を仰ぐものとする。

8.3 調整
プロジェクト工程の変更や現場での進捗等により、JFE から出荷スケジュールの変更要請が出された場
合には、ベンダーは輸送スケジュールの調整を行い JFE へ協力するものとする。

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8.4 受渡条件 DAP の場合

上記 8.1~8.3 を満たした上で、JFE の指示の元、貨物を指定された場所まで配送するものとする。
輸入通関に関しては JFE にて行うが、税関より要請があった場合、貨物の説明、材質や機能等の説明

8.5 受渡条件 DDP の場合

上記 8.1~8.4 を満たした上で、輸入通関を実施するものとする。通関完了後、JFE が指示する目的地ま

(1) Attachment 1:General Scope Table of Transportation Work
(2) Attachment 2:Distribution of Documents and Information
(3) Attachment 3:Supply List Form
(4) Attachment 4:Example for Supply List
(5) Attachment 5:Packing List Form
(6) Attachment 6:Example for Packing List
(7) Attachment 7:Packing Style Criteria
(8) Attachment 8:Care Mark
(9) Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark

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3.1 Parameter Sheet for Exportation
3.2 Export License and Authority Approval
3.3 Supply List
3.4 Proforma Packing List
3.5 Storage Manual And Special Handling Procedure
3.6 Shipping Drawing (Sketch) For Heavy and/or Over Dimension Equipment
3.7 Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
3.8 Packing List
3.9 Shipping Invoice
3.10 Certificate of Origin
3.11 Bill of Lading
3.12 Photographical Records
4.1 General Requirement for Packing
4.2 Export Packing
4.3 Tagging
4.4 Case Mark
4.5 Packing Inspection
(1) Attachment 1:General Scope Table of Transportation Work
(2) Attachment 2:Distribution of Documents and Information
(3) Attachment 3:Supply List Form
(4) Attachment 4:Example for Supply List
(5) Attachment 5:Packing List Form
(6) Attachment 6:Example for Packing List
(7) Attachment 7:Packing Style Criteria
(8) Attachment 8:Care Mark
(9) Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark

Contact Detail
(Please refer to the Art. 2 General Requirement (4) below and follow the instruction.)
Attention : proc-logistics@ml.jfe-eng.co.jp
CC:Person in Charge of procurement (A person who send this RFQ to the VENDOR)
TEL:+81-45-505-7665 (Atten. To Procurement, Project Logistics Group)

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(1) PURCHASER : means JFE Engineering Corporation
A company incorporated under the law of Japan, who places the PO to the
(2) VENDOR : means the firm or company in a country, with whom the PO is placed and
who is to supply the GOODS to the PURCHASER under the PO.
(3) PO :means the document bearing that tittle in which the order is
described and into which all documents including the MR and the general
condition of purchase, together with any subsequent modification thereto,
are incorporated.
(4) FORWARDER : means a forwarder who is nominated by the PURCHASER as a forwarding
agent to coordinate and supervise VENDOR’S delivery on behalf of the
(5) PSPI : means Particular Shipping and Packing Instructions
which incorporates special requirement as per specific project.
(6) MR :means Material Requisition which is the technical requirement documents
issued by the Purchaser for procurement of the Goods.


This instruction specifies basic requirements for standard shipping and packing procedure for all
shipments of equipment and materials supplied by the VENDOR (hereinafter “GOODS”). The
VENDOR’s scope of transportation work and applicable sections are listed below.

( : Applicable, N/A: Not Applicable)
Vendor Category A B C D E
Export from Japan Japan All country All country All country
Delivery Condition Designated Designated FCA/FOB CPT/CIP/ DAP/DDP
warehouse warehouse Port of CFR/CIF Designated
in Japan in Japan Loading Port of place
Export Packing Not required Required Required Required Required
Export Customs Clearance Not Not Required Required Required
Required Required
2. General Requirement ● ● ● ● ●
3. Required Documents
3.1. Parameter Sheet for ● ● N/A N/A N/A
3.2. Export License and N/A N/A ● ● ●
Authority Approval
3.3. Supply List ● ● ● ● ●
3.4. Proforma Packing List ● ● ● ● ●
3.5. Storage Manual and ● ● ● ● ●
Special Handling
3.6. Shipping Drawing ● ● ● ● ●
(Sketch) for Heavy

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Vendor Category A B C D E
and/or Over Dimension
3.7. Safety Data Sheets ● ● ● ● ●
3.8. Packing List ● ● ● ● ●
3.9. Shipping Invoice ● ● ● ● ●
3.10. Certificate of Origin N/A ※2 N/A ※2 ● ● ●
3.11. Bill of Lading N/A N/A ● ● ●
3.12. Photographical ● ● ● ● ●
4. Packing
4.1. General ● ● ● ● ●
Requirements for
4.2. Export Packing N/A ● ● ● ●
4.3. Tagging ● ● ● ● ●
4.4. Case Mark N/A ● ● ● ●
4.5. Packing Inspection ● ● ● ● ●
5. Delivery ● ● ● ● ●
6. Delivery To ● ● N/A N/A N/A
Warehouse In Japan
7. Delivery To N/A N/A ● N/A N/A
Port/Airport of
Loading (FCA/FOB)
8. Export And Ocean/Air N/A N/A N/A ● ●
Transportation To Be
Arranged By Vendor
9. Attachments ● ● ● ● ●
※1:The package for domestic transportation shall be provided by the Vendor as per Vendor’s
※2:Refer to the Art. 3.10

(1) This instruction shall form an integral part of the PO or Requests for Quotation placed or
issued by the PURCHASER to the VENDOR. It shall be applied to all PO issued by the
PURCHASER in case of Import and Export project. In case any of conflict occurs in other
documents, it shall be clarified with the PURCASER and the VENDOR shall follow the
indication/instruction from the PURCHASER.
(2) In case of the Japanese VENDOR, the VENDOR shall quote their proposal including export
packing based on the Vendor Category B in this Art. 1. If the VENDOR considers
impracticable to undertake export packing by itself and the PURCHASER has specifically
accepted in writing to limit their scope to be the Vendor Category A. If it’s not specified in the

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MR and the VENDOR prefers to apply for the Vendor Category A, the VENDOR shall clearly
state in the proposal that the quoted proposal is prepared on domestic packing basis. In case
any dispute and/or discrepancy against MR, the VENDOR shall inform the PURCHASER and
follow a decision by the PURCHASER.
(3) If the VENDOR quotes the delivery terms as the designated warehouse in JAPAN, the
delivery place shall be 1) Yokohama or 2) Kobe. If the VENDOR prefers other place,
alternative location shall be stated in the deviation sheet and in its proposal and shall obtain
PURCHASER’s approval.
(4) In case of any deviation, question and/or request for clarification in respect of this instruction,
the VENDOR shall send their notification to the PURCHASER by E-mail as follows. Unless
otherwise specifically accepted by the Purchaser, the PURCHASER shall recognize that the
VENDOR accepts the contents stated in this Instruction. When the Vendor send the
notification, “RFQ Number”, “Project Name” and “VENDOR name” shall be mentioned in the
title of e-mail.
Attention : proc-logistics@ml.jfe-eng.co.jp
CC:Person in Charge of procurement (A person who send this RFQ to the VENDOR)
TEL:+81-45-505-7665 (Atten. To Procurement, Project Logistics Group)
(5) This instruction shall be regarded as the standard specification for transportation and the
PURCHASER will issue a PSPI which incorporates project specific requirement as per
specific project later.
(6) Delivery terms shall be applied stipulated in the PO. The interpretation of delivery conditions
in the PO shall be in accordance with Attachment 1:General Scope Table of Transportation
Work, unless otherwise expressly specified in the PO.
(7) The VENDOR is responsible for all risks to transport the GOODS up to completion of delivery
in accordance with the delivery terms in the PO.
(8) In case that delivery terms are specified as FOB, FCA, CPT, CIP, CFR, CIF, DAP and DDP
in the PO, the VENDOR is responsible for completion of export custom clearance in
accordance with law and role in the country of origin. In case of DDP conditions, the
VENDOR is also obliged to make import custom clearance.
(9) All cost necessary for compliance with this Standard Shipping and Packing Instructions
including the PURCHASER’S cost of remedial actions to ensure prompt shipment shall be at
the VENDOR’s expense and risk.
(10) When a whole or part of the GOODS is lost or damaged before the PURCHASER receive,
the VENDOR shall inform the PURCASER immediately and shall follow the PURCHASER’s
(11) The VENDOR shall provide special skids or lifting traverses and/or lifting lugs at his own cost
as they are required for transportation.
(12) All parts and component being part of the GOODS shall be tagged with the identification
numbers including equipment name item No. drawing number, parts number etc. by which
the PURCHASER can identify the respective components and parts with those in supplied
documents such as the Supply List, Proforma Packing List, Packing List and Shipping Invoice
from the Vendor. If there is no identification numbering structure in the MR, the PURCHASER
will provide instruction to the VENDOR later.
(13) The VENDOR shall consult with the PURCHASER and follow the decision from the
PURCHASER about the conditions not stipulated in this Instruction.


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The VENDOR shall refer to the Attachment 2: Distribution of Documents and Information for the
places and due date for submitting the required documents and information.

3.1 Parameter Sheet for Exportation

In case the delivery is to be completed in Japan, the VENDOR shall submit the parameter sheet
in accordance with the export trade control order and foreign exchange control order in Japan.

3.2 Export License and Authority Approval

In case any export license is required for the exportation of the GOODS to the destination country,
the VENDOR is solely responsible for obtaining the export license before the contractual delivery
date at the VENDOR's own cost and risk.

3.3 Supply List

Supply List shall address all necessary parts and components that VENDOR’s design engineers
consider necessary to deliver to the PURCHASER and therefore is a basic document for the
material control and referred during quantity check at the factory, at the delivery location and/or at
the site. The VENDOR shall summarize the information for all the GOODS to be supplied on the
form shown in the Attachment 3:Supply List Form and Attachment 4:Example for Supply List
without any discrepancy with engineering documents. Formats, Detail description and
identification number in Supply List may vary in each project, so that description shall be indicated
by PSPI of each project.

3.4 Proforma Packing List (hereinafter PPL)

The VENDOR shall prepare the packing information, which shall contain at least following items,
on the form shown in Attachment 5: Packing List Form, and shall submit it as PPL. The VENDOR
is also allowed to submit PPL on own format.
(1) Each Package Weight (Net and Gross)
(2) Each Package Size (Length x Width x Height) and Total Measurement (M3)
(3) The above total Net Weight, Gross Weight, M3 and number of Package
(4) Identification number and item description

3.5 Storage Manual and Special Handling Procedure

The VENDOR shall submit the storage manual and special handling procedure for items which
requires special care during transportation and storage.

3.6. Shipping Drawing (Sketch) for Heavy and/or Over Dimension Equipment
In case the GOODS or package after packing exceeds 10 metric tons in weight, 5 meters in
length, 2.2 meters in height, or 2.2 meters in width per piece or per packing, the VENDOR shall
submit packing sketches per package that show gross and net weight, measurements, center of
gravity, position of skids and lifting lugs, etc. If special types of skids or lifting traverses and/or
lugs are required for transportation, the VENDOR shall submit its specification and sketches to
the PURCHASER together with the above shipping drawing. The VENDOR may make sketches
on his own form.

3.7 Safety Data Sheets (hereinafter SDS)

Besides the shipping information, The VENDOR shall submit the SDS and follow the instruction
as mentioned below if the GOODS contains chemical, hazardous or poisonous material defined

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in the International Maritime Organization (hereinafter IMO).

(1) Contents explanation of chemical and hazardous cargo and its Catalog
(2) The VENDOR is obliged to make packing and do necessary treatment for safety
transportation as per SDS.

3.8 Packing List

The VENDOR shall prepare the packing information, which shall contain at least following items,
on the form shown in Attachment 5: Packing List Form.
– Net and gross weight as per each package
– Length, Width, Height and Cubic measurement as per each package
– Total Net weight, Gross weight and Cubic measurement
– Each Package Number, the description of GOODS and Tag number
– Identification number and item description

The VENDOR shall prepare the Packing list which includes detail information of each item without
any discrepancy with Tag, Shipping Invoice and Supply List. It shall list only those items actually
being packed / shipped.

3.9 Shipping Invoice

Shipping Invoice shall be prepared for each shipment/delivery on VENDOR’s own form. Shipping
form shall state the following. It shall list only those items actually being packed / shipped.

(1) Purchaser : JFE

(2) Consignee : To be informed by PSPI
(3) Shipper : VENDOR
(4) Cargo description : : PO provisions
(5) Other requirements
① Item name, quantities and unit (to be same as Packing List)
② Unit price, total value and subtotal value per each page
③ Port of Loading/Port of Discharge (If Vendor arrange a vessel, it shall be required.)
④ Vessel name and Voyage number (Ditto)
⑤ Invoice number
⑥ Payment terms
(6) Shipping invoice value shall be in accordance with the delivery terms on the PO of the
shipped GOODS. In case of partial shipment, Invoice value shall be stated as per each
(7) Similar documents like quotation could be alternative documents if it’s difficult to prepare the
shipping invoice by the VENDOR. But the description of GOODS shall be as per the packing

3.10 Certificate of Origin

The VENDOR shall obtain the certificate of origin to be issued by local authority like chamber of
commerce in the origin country which is to be designated and instructed by the PURCHASER.
The draft shall be submitted to PURCHASER for approval before the issuance of the certificate of
origin. The certificate of origin shall state the following.
(1) Exporter : The VENDOR
(2) Importer : To be informed by PSPI

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(3) Marks & Numbers : Actual shipping mark and numbers of package
(4) Description of GOODS : To be informed by PSPI
(5) Others : To be informed by PSPI
※ In case a Preferential country of origin is required under EPA/FTA, the VENDOR is
obliged to obtain it and submit to the PURCHASER.

3.11 Bill of Lading

In case air/ocean transportation to be arranged by the VENDOR, Bill of Lading shall be prepared
by the VENDOR and issued by Shipping Company. Detailed instruction including following
information shall be provided by the PURCHASER later. The VENDOR shall submit the draft for
PURCHASER’s approval before issuance of the original Bill(s) of Lading.

(1) Shipper : To be informed by PSPI

(2) Consignee : To be informed by PSPI
(3) Notify Party : To be informed by PSPI
(4) Description of GOODS : To be informed by PSPI
(5) Port of Loading : To be informed by PSPI
(6) Port of Discharge : To be informed by PSPI
(7) Number of B/L : To be informed by PSPI
(8) Freight : To be informed by PSPI
(9) Others : To be informed by PSPI

3.12 Photographical Records

According to the Art. 1 in this Standard Shipping and Packing Instructions, the VENDOR is to
submit pictures showing follows and in case the PURCHASER requires any other pictures.
1) Vendor Category A of Art. 1
(1) the appearance/overview of the GOODS clearly before packing
(2) the GOODS after packing (which is on domestic transportation basis)
2) Vendor Category B of Art.1
(1) the appearance/overview of the GOODS clearly before packing
(2) each export packages and shipping mark as per each package
(3) Pictures to show inside a package which includes several small components
3) Vendor Category C to E of Art. 1
(4) the appearance/overview of the GOODS clearly before packing
(5) each export packages and shipping mark as per each package
(6) Pictures to show inside a package which includes several small components
(7) Export packages stuffed in the container and/or conventional vessel
(8) Inside/outside of container including container number in order to check if any damages
are occurred or not (Applicable to container shipment only)

4.1 General Requirements for Packing
(1) The VENDOR shall solely responsible for adoption of suitable packing method and materials.
Should any loss, damage and/or deterioration be caused due to any reason attributable to
the VENDOR, the consequences shall be under the responsibility and cost of the VENDOR
regardless of risk of loss under the trade terms.
(2) The GOODS should be dry, clean, and free from all defects prior to packing. The following

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requirements as minimum protective measures for mechanical equipment shall be followed.

In case it’s not suitable to require following care for bare items like steel structure, it shall not
be required.
① All threaded areas shall be adequately greased.
② Rust-preventing method for ocean transportation (seaworthy packing) shall be applied.
③ Flanged openings sealing surfaces of flanges shall be covered with plywood plates and
bolting fixtures or flange caps made of rubber or plastic.
④ Open ends of threaded pipes or welding groove shall be protected with rubber or plastic
(3) General packing condition of the GOODS is shown in Attachment 7:Packing Style Criteria.
(4) The GOODS shall be supplied with stable enough to stand alone and suitable for safety
transportation. If necessary, supporting measures including supporting beams, structure
and/or reinforcement shall be assembled by the VENDOR.
(5) The method of lifting and the location where slings are to be utilized shall be taken into
consideration for the design of packages. Particularly for packages with weight of 300kgs or
higher, lifting load bearing parts shall be sufficiently reinforced.
(6) Except for dangerous/hazardous GOODS, each package shall be 0.5 cubic meters or more
in volume so as to avoid the loss during transportation and storage.
(7) Small accessories, loose parts, special tools and spare parts shall be packed in separate
boxes which shall be put in the main equipment package.
(8) Spare parts or wear parts shall be packed separately from the same kind of parts which are
to be installed at site.
(9) In case that several types of equipment are shipped, each type of equipment shall be
packaged separately from the other types of equipment.

4.2 Export Packing

(1) The VENDOR shall meet the necessary requirement of packing by wooden material in
accordance with the latest regulation of ISPM No.15.
(2) Second-hand cases, crates, and/or other type of wood packing constructed with “used”
timber are prohibited. Wood packaging material shall i) be treated according to IPPC
requirements by treatment providers audited by the national plant protection organization of
exporting country, and ii) be marked with symbol, country code, treatment provider code and
treatment code as required by IPPC.
If the PURCHASER’s Client approved to use only non-wood packing materials, the VENDOR
shall submit the declaration of “No wood material use” to the PURCHASER. The VENDOR
shall bear all the expenses incurred by the VENDOR’s non-compliance to the IPPC
requirements and/or delay of the submission of the declaration of “No wood material use”.
(3) With considering all risk to be occurred physically and/or chemically during the ocean/land
transportation, the GOODS shall be properly and solidly packed without any contingence
between the GOODS.
(4) Following conditions shall be taken into account for determining packing specification.
① Any impact during Handling at the loading/unloading ports
② Storage for 6 months at the site
③ Significant variation in ambient temperatures and humidity during ocean shipment
④ As top stowage in ships’ hatches cannot be ensured, package shall be stackable.
⑤ Extra costs due to non-conformance by the VENDOR to the instructions described
above without prior approval by the PURCHASER shall be charged to the VENDOR.

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(5) If required by the PURCHASER, Packing List shall be attached on the outside surface of the
package. The Packing List shall be covered with waterproof envelope.

4.3 Tagging
The VENDOR shall follow the instruction to attach Tag(s) to box(es) below. In principal, one Tag
to one GOODS. If the VENDOR considers to pack small items like bolts and/or nuts into a
package, a tag should be attached to a package or box. Details shall be as per PSPI.

Tag Format




(1) Each item/package listed in a Packing List shall have individual tag number.
(2) A tag format with Word/Excel file will be sent from the PURCHASER to the VENDOR later.
(3) All items shall be individually tagged with a securely attached label. The labels shall be
PURCHASER’s format covered with transparent plastic bag.
(4) All detail, especially Description and Quantity shall strictly conform to those specified in the
Packing List.
(5) In case it shall not be suitable to attach Tag to the GOODS, the VENDOR shall follow the
instruction by the PURCHASER.

4.4 Case Mark

Outside marking for each package is required in order to assure the efficient handling of the
GOODS exported from the point of origin to the project site. All marking shall be in English as
shown in Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark

(1) Shipping Mark

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Shipping mark shall be clearly stenciled (or equivalent method) on all side surfaces of the
package in black oil paint.
Example for items to be marked
Project Name :To be informed by PSPI
PO Number :To be informed by PSPI
MR Number :To be informed by PSPI
Consignee :To be informed by PSPI
Commodity Name :To be informed by PSPI
Package No. :To be informed by PSPI
Gross Weight :To be informed by PSPI
Country of Origin :To be informed by PSPI

(2) Care Mark

① Care marks shall be clearly stenciled as shown in Attachment 8:Care Mark and
Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark. Unnecessary or incorrect marks may cause
problems during cargo handling and customs clearance. Therefore, marks other than
those specified shall not be marked or stenciled on any package. In case the VENDOR
has a plan to attach any Care Mark not stipulated in Attachment 8:Care Mark and
Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark, the VENDOR shall confirm to the PURCHASE in
advance and follow the instruction by the PURCHASER
② The VENDOR shall confirm an actual position of each sling mark and center of gravity
mark after physical lifting in order to avoid any accidents and delay in transportation.
③ Corner colors shall be stenciled on each package as shown in Attachment 9:Sample of
Care Mark.
④ In case it’s not suitable to apply for care mark to the GOODS, the VENDOR shall
confirm to the PURCHASE in advance and follow the instruction by the PURCHASER.

4.5 Packing Inspection

Unless otherwise expressly agreed between the VENDOR and the PURCHASER, packing
inspection is the responsibility of the VENDOR. In addition to the normal packing inspection by
the VENDOR, the PURCHASER shall reserve the right of witness inspection at all times unless
specifically waived by means of a written statement.

The PURCHASER only accepts GOODS according to following conditions. If any condition is not
satisfied, the PURCHASER has right to return GOODS or conduct remedial action at the
VENDOR’s cost. The VENDOR shall bear all the expenses incurred by the PURCHASER due to
the VENDOR’s non-compliance to the following conditions.
(1) Submission of documents shall be as per Attachment 2: Distribution of Documents and
(2) Tags shall be properly attached according to the requirements described in this document.
In case the VENDOR is not to fill in the tags correctly or not to attach tags, the PURCHASER
has a right to ask the VENDOR to replace tags at the VENDOR’s responsibility and cost.
(3) After completion of delivery by the VENDOR, the PURCHASER or nominated the
FORWRDER will perform a cargo receipt inspection based on Packing List and tags. If any
of insufficient, improper, defect and/or inadequate the GOODS are detected, the VENDOR
shall do necessary actions in order to rectify such insufficiency at the VENDOR’s

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responsibility and cost.


(1) The PURCHASER considers to ship out the GOODS from Yokohama Port or Kobe Port in
principal. However, in case of Heavy and/or Over Dimension Equipment stipulated in Art.
3.6., it shall be determined by the PURCHASER later.
(2) Two set of copy of Packing List shall be submitted with the delivery of the GOODS. The
PURCHASER will stamp the date of receipt on one of the copies and the VENDOR shall
submit it to the PURCHASER when the VENDOR requests for payment.
(3) The VENDOR shall inform the PURCHASER and the FORWARDER of the delivery
schedule and fix delivery date and time by three (3) working days prior to the contractual
delivery date.
(4) The VENDOR is obliged to obtain an approval in writing from the PURCHASER before
delivery of the GOODS.


7.1. Delivery Instruction
The Vendor shall inform and submit necessary documents and information in accordance with
Attachment 2:Distribution of Documents and Information. It is prohibited to ship the GOODS
without written approval from the PURCHASER.
After receipt of delivery instructions, the VENDOR shall complete all required customs clearance
and export formalities, if any, and forward the GOODS to the designated place within required
date from shipping company and customs.
Except prior written approval by the PURCHASER, the VENDOR shall be liable for any dead
freight and demurrage consequent upon any changes in cargo volume and/or his failure to make
the GOODS delivered by the designated date.

7.2 Delivery Place

The delivery place in a seaport and/or airport shall be as per the PO. Detail delivery address of
the GOODS shall be informed by the PURCHASER or the FORWARDER before the delivery
date. In case of container shipment, the VENDOR shall deliver the GOODS to the container yard
in principal.

7.3 In case of Container Shipment

In case of Container Shipment, the VENDOR shall follow the scope of works stated below.

(2) In case of LCL shipment(Less than Container) ●=Applicable

Terms : FCA Terms : FOB
1 Book a container ● ●
2 Deliver the GOODS to a designated ● ●
Container Freight Station (CFS)
3 Load the GOODS to a container and ● ●
perform necessary lashing and

Sheet 23 of 25
Standard Shipping and Packing BX-18-2
Standard Document Rev. 2

4 Make custom clearance ● ●
5 Load a container to vessel ● ●
6 Pay THC(Terminal Handling Charges) ● ●
and shipping charge at port of loading
7 Ocean Transportation up to port of ● ●

(3) In case of FCL shipment(Full Container Load) ●=Applicable

Terms : FCA Terms : FOB

1 Book a container ● ●
2 Pick up empty container at port of
loading and deliver to the VENDOR’s
● ●
factory. Load the GOODS to container
and perform seaworthy lashing and
securing. After completion, deliver the
container to container yard at port of
3 Make custom clearance ● ●
4 Load container to vessel ● ●
5 Pay THC(Terminal Handling Charge) ● ●
and shipping charge at port of loading
6 Transport the GOODS to port of ● ●


8.1 Necessary Action at the time of delivery
The Vendor shall inform and submit necessary documents and information in accordance with
Attachment 2:Distribution of Documents and Information and obtain a written approval from the

8.2 Ocean / Air Transportation

After receipt of approval from the PURCHASER, the VENDOR shall book a vessel, container
and/or aircraft and proceed with transportation.
In case the VENDOR starts to transport the cargo without prior approval from the PURCHASER
and it cause any delay, damage and/or problem to the PURCHASER, the incurred cost shall be
charged to the VENDOR. If shipping schedule is changed due to Force Majeure, the VENDOR
shall immediately report to the PURCHASER and follow the instruction from the PURCHASER.

Sheet 24 of 25
Standard Shipping and Packing BX-18-2
Standard Document Rev. 2

8.3 Adjustment of schedule

In case the VENDOR receive requirement of reschedule for transportation from the
PURCHASER due to site condition, construction schedule and so on, the VENDOR shall be
responsible for adjustment of schedule and cooperate with the PURCHASER.

8.4 Delivery terms on DAP

The VENDOR shall meet the above requirement in Art. 8.1 to 8.4 and transport the cargo to the
designated location stated in the PO. The import custom clearance at the port of discharge is to
be arranged by the PURCHASER but the VENDOR is to support the PURCHASER. If custom
authority requires explanation of cargo, material and/or function, the VENDOR is responsible for
submission of required information/documents.

8.5 Delivery terms on DDP

The VENDOR shall meet the above requirement in Art. 8.1 to 8.4 and make import custom
clearance in destination country and transport the GOODS to the designated location stated in
the PO.

(1) Attachment 1:General Scope Table of Transportation Work
(2) Attachment 2:Distribution of Documents and Information
(3) Attachment 3:Supply List Form
(4) Attachment 4:Example for Supply List
(5) Attachment 5:Packing List Form
(6) Attachment 6:Example for Packing List
(7) Attachment 7:Packing Style Criteria
(8) Attachment 8:Care Mark
(9) Attachment 9:Sample of Care Mark

Sheet 25 of 25
Standard Document TRANSPORTATION WORK Rev.2
Attachment 1


J: JFE所掌
V: ベンダー所掌
輸送方式 コンテナ貨物/バルク貨物/航空貨物 バルク貨物のみ
ベンダー区分(船積仕様書1項参照) A B C C D D E E C D D

号 輸出港 輸出港
庫渡し 庫渡し (コンテナ) (在来船)

1 ベンダーへ船積仕様書を送付 J J J J J J J J J J J

2 ベンダーへ個別プロジェクト向け船積仕様書を送付 J J J J J J J J J J J

3 JFEへプロフォーマパッキングリストを送付 V V V V V V V V V V V

4 貨物へタグを貼り付ける V V V V V V V V V V V

5 梱包を進める為のInspection Release Noteを発行 J J J J J J J J J J J

6 輸出梱包 J V V V V V V V V V V

7 梱包及び員数検査(必要に応じてJFE立ち合い) V V V V V V V V V V V

8 JFEへインボイス及びパッキングリストを送付 V V V V V V V V V V V

9 原産地証明書の発行 J J V V V V V V V V V

輸出通関を実施する為の輸出許可(Export License)取得
10 J J V V V V V V V V V

11 JFEへ詳細納入情報を連絡 V V V V V V V V V V V

12 コンテナ、在来船または航空スペースの予約 J J J J V V V V J V V

13 積み港までの国内配送における保険付保 J J V V V V V V V V V

14 ベンダー工場にて貨物のトラックへの積み込み V V V V V V V V V V V

15 貨物の輸出港指定倉庫渡し V V

コンテナ貨物 (FCL)
16 1) 積み港でのコンテナ受け取り、ベンダー工場へ配送 J J V V V V V V
2) コンテナ内へ貨物の積込、固縛、養生を実施

Standard Document TRANSPORTATION WORK Rev.2

Attachment 1



J: JFE所掌
V: ベンダー所掌
輸送方式 コンテナ貨物/バルク貨物/航空貨物 バルク貨物のみ
ベンダー区分(船積仕様書1項参照) A B C C D D E E C D D

号 輸出港 輸出港
庫渡し 庫渡し (コンテナ) (在来船)

コンテナ貨物 (LCL) 1) CFSへ貨物搬入

17 J J V V V V V V
コンテナ貨物 (FCL) 2) 貨物を搭載したコンテナをコンテナヤードへ搬入

18 積み港でのTHC(ターミナルハンドリングチャージ)及び船社チャージ支払い J J J V V V V V V V V

19 積み港での輸出申告及び輸出通関 J J V V V V V V V V V

20 積み港構内における横持ち、ポートチャージ J J V V V V V V V V V

21 J J V V V V V

22 船積書類をJFEへ送付 V V V V V V V V V

23 V V V V V V V V V V V

24 揚げ港までの海上輸送費及び書類費用(B/L発行料など)の支払い J J J J V V V V J V V

25 積み港からサイトまで、ICCルールに準拠したAll Risksでの海上保険付保 J J J J J V V V J J V

26 J J V V J J J

27 輸入通関、関税・VATの支払い J J J J J J J V J J J

28 揚げ港でのTHC、ステベ費用、その他荷役費用 J J J J J J V V J J J

29 揚げ港からサイトまでの国内輸送費 J J J J J J V V J J J

FCL = Full Container Load, LCL = Less than Container Load, CFS = Container Freight Station, CY = Container Yard,
THC = Terminal Handling Charge, B/L = Bill of Lading, AWB = Airway Bill,

Standard Document TRANSPORTATION WORK Rev.2

Attachment 1

This scope of work is based on the Incoterms 2020 and the JFE's standard delivery conditions specified below.

Vendor shall bear all the costs included in his scope of work accordingly. In case Vendor has any questions, Vendor shall
follow JFE's instructions. Vendor shall bear costs incurred when he took actions at his own discretion.

J: JFE's Scope
V: Vendor's Scope
Shipping Method for Container cargo / Bulk cargo / Air cargo for Bulk cargo only
Category for Scope of Transportation A B C C D D E E C D D
Designated Designated
Delivery Condition warehouse in warehouse in FCA CPT CIP DAP DDP CFR CIF
Japan Japan (Container) (Bulk)

Submission of Standard Shipping and Packing Instructions to

1 J J J J J J J J J J J

Submission of Particular Shipping and Packing Instructions to

2 J J J J J J J J J J J

3 Submission of a Proforma Packing List to JFE V V V V V V V V V V V

4 Attaching tags to GOODS V V V V V V V V V V V

5 Issuance of Inspection Release Note to proceed with packing J J J J J J J J J J J

6 Export packing J V V V V V V V V V V

7 Packing and Quantity Inspection (JFE may attend if necessary) V V V V V V V V V V V

8 Submission of Shipping Invoice and Packing List to JFE V V V V V V V V V V V

9 Certificate of Origin from a chamber of commerce J J V V V V V V V V V

Arrangement of an export license and/or any other authorization to

10 carry out the export customs clearance (e.g. Power of Attonery, Safety J J V V V V V V V V V
Date Sheet if required)

11 Notice of VENDOR's delivery information to JFE V V V V V V V V V V V

12 Booking of containers, cargo space for vessel/aircraft J J J J V V V V J V V

13 Cargo insurance for inland transportation up to port of loading J J V V V V V V V V V

14 Loading GOODS onto a truck at a VENDOR's premises V V V V V V V V V V V

15 Delivery of GOODS to designated warehouse in Japan V V

<for FCL> 1) Pick up of container(s) at port of loading and deliver to

16 VENDOR's factory 2) Loading/stuffing & Lashing of GOODS in J J V V V V V V
Standard Document Rev.2
Attachment 1

This scope of work is based on the Incoterms 2020 and the JFE's standard delivery conditions specified below.

Vendor shall bear all the costs included in his scope of work accordingly. In case Vendor has any questions, Vendor shall follow
JFE's instructions. Vendor shall bear costs incurred when he took actions at his own discretion.

J: JFE's Scope
V: Vendor's Scope
Shipping Method for Container cargo / Bulk cargo / Air cargo for Bulk cargo only
Category for Scope of Transportation A B C C D D E E C D D
Designated Designated
Delivery Condition warehouse in warehouse in FCA CPT CIP DAP DDP CFR CIF
Japan Japan (Container) (Bulk)

<for LCL> 1) Delivery of GOODS to CFS

17 J J V V V V V V
<for FCL> 2) Delivery of loaded/stuffed container(s) to CY

18 Payment of THC and shipping charge at port of loading J J J V V V V V V V V

Export declaration to a government office of export country and export

19 J J V V V V V V V V V
customs clearance

Payment of transportation and port charges at the port of loading for export
20 J J V V V V V V V V V
and forwarder's fee (e.g. inland freight charges, storage etc.)

<for Bulk Cargo> Delivery of GOODS to port of loading and loading of

21 J J V V V V V
GOODS onto a vessel

22 Submission of shipping documents to JFE V V V V V V V V V

Submission of details of GOODS for import customs clearance at port of

23 V V V V V V V V V V V
discharge (e.g. photos, brochures, and other explanatory documents)

Payment of ocean freight up to port of discharge and documentation fee

24 J J J J V V V V J V V
(e.g.Bill of Lading / AWB)

Marine insurance on an All Risks (ICC(A)) basis as per ICC rules from port
25 J J J J J V V V J J V
of export to the project site

26 <for Bulk cargo> Discharge of GOODS from a vessel at port of discharge J J V V J J J

Import customs clearance, payment for charges for import customs

27 J J J J J J J V J J J
clearance and import tax & duty

28 Payment of THC, stevedoring, and other actual charges at port of discharge J J J J J J V V J J J

29 Inland transportation up to Project site J J J J J J V V J J J

FCL = Full Container Load, LCL = Less than Container Load, CFS = Container Freight Station, CY = Container Yard,
THC = Terminal Handling Charge, B/L = Bill of Lading, AWB = Airway Bill,
BX-18-2 Attachment 2
ベンダー区分 Remarks
Vendor Category ●=対象 Required to be submitted by the Vendor
N/A(Not Applicable) = 対象外
輸出港指定倉 輸出港指定倉
庫渡し 庫渡し DAP/DDP
受渡条件 FCA/FOB CFR/CIF Issued by
Designated Designated Designated
Delivery Conditions Port of Loading Port of "FS"ベンダー工場出荷 XX 週間/日前に発行
warehouse in warehouse in Place
Discharge ”FS" shall mean "XX weeks or days prior to the date of dispatch
Japan Japan
from Vendor's premise"

出荷地 "DD" 契約納期 XX 週間/日前に発行

Japan Japan All Country All Country All Country
Export from "DD" shall mean "XX weeks or days prior to the Delivery Date"

輸出梱包 不要 要 要 要 要
Export Packing Not Required Required Required Required Required
No. Documents, Information Due Date Issued to Format Remarks
2.1 該非判定書 Parameter sheet ● ● N/A N/A N/A 16 weeks DD TBA PDF 令に基づいた判定を行うこと。

If required by the authority in Vendor's country

2.2 輸出許可証 Export License, Authority Approval N/A N/A ● ● ● 12 weeks DD TBA PDF

2.3 明細リスト Supply List ● ● ● ● ● *1 TBA Excel *1: Within 2 weeks from drawing approval
2.4 プロフォーマパッキングリスト Proforma Packing List ● ● ● ● ● 4 weeks FS TBA Excel
2.5 ● ● ● ● ● 4 weeks FS TBA PDF
Storage Manual or Special Handling Procedure
2.6 Packing Sketch including center of gravity for Heavy and/or Over ● ● ● ● ● 4 weeks FS TBA PDF もし必要であれば提出 If applicable
Dimension Equipment
2.7 危険物及び毒物用 Safety Data Sheet (SDS) ● ● ● ● ● 4 weeks DD TBA PDF
Only for hazardous and/or poisonous goods
2.8 パッキングリスト Packing List ● ● ● ● ● 2 weeks DD TBA Excel
2.9 シッピングインボイス Shipping Invoice N/A N/A ● ● ● 2 weeks DD TBA PDF
2.10 原産地証明書ドラフト Draft Certificate of Origin N/A N/A ● ● ● 2 weeks DD TBA PDF
2.11 原産地証明書 Certificate of Origin N/A N/A ● ● ● 1 week DD TBA PDF
2.12 船荷証券/航空貨物運送状ドラフト Draft Bill of Lading / Air Waybill N/A N/A ● ● ● 2 weeks DD TBA PDF
*2: Within 1 day after departure from loading
2.13 船荷証券/航空貨物運送状 Bill of Lading / Air Waybill N/A N/A ● ● ● *2 TBA PDF
2.14 写真 Photographical Record ● ● ● ● ● *3 TBA PDF *3: If required by JFE.
コンテナ内積載図 (コンテナ出荷の場合) In case of FCL (Full Container Loading)
2.15 N/A N/A ● ● ● *4 TBA PDF
Container Loading plan (in case of container shipment) *4: Within 1 day after container loading
2.16 N/A N/A ● ● ● 2 weeks FS TBA PDF
Stowage plan before departure from port of loading (in case of
予定本船名並びに動静 Nominated Vessel Name and Expected Vessel
2.17 N/A N/A N/A ● ● *5 TBA PDF *5: Before ETD Port of Loading
Schedule (ETD and ETA)
最終船積計画図(在来船出荷の場合) *6: Within 2 days after departure from loading
2.18 N/A N/A ● ● ● *6 TBA PDF
Final Stowage plan after departure from port of loading port

シッピングアドバイス *7: Within 2 days after departure from loading

2.19 N/A N/A N/A ● ● *7 TBA PDF
Shipping Advice which shall includes "ETD",”ETA","Vessel Name", port

その他書類 *8: If required, it shal be instructed as per

2.20 ● ● ● ● ● *8 TBA PDF
Others PSPI.
BX-18-2 Attachment 3
Job No.: LQ1159 Vendor Name: Doc No.: WB-C61-XXXX-XXX
Project Name : Shanghai H Person in Charge: Page:   /
Equipment Name: Tel: Date:  
MR No.: WB-C21-XXXX-XXX Email: Revision:
Country of Origin:
Parts Assembly Drawing Item Weight (kg) Item Dimensions (cm) Quantity Check Shipping Inspection Receiving Inspection
Description Item Quantity Remarks
Dwg No. Rev No. Unit Total Length Width Height Vendor Date JFE QA Date Vendor Date JFE Site Date

1) "Quantity Check" shall be carried out during factory inspections by Vendor and/or JFE.
2) "Shipping Inspection" shall be carried out by Vendor before factory shipment.
3) "Receiving Inspection" shall be carried out by JFE at the site.
BX-18-2 Attachent 4
Job No.: LQ1159 Vendor Name: Doc No.: WB-C61-XXXX-XXX
Project Name : Shanghai H Person in Charge: Page:   /
Equipment Name: Tel: Date:  
MR No.: WB-C21-XXXX-XXX Email: Revision:
Country of Origin:
Parts Assembly Drawing Item Weight (kg) Item Dimensions (cm) Quantity Check Shipping Inspection Receiving Inspection
Description Item Quantity Remarks
Dwg No. Rev No. Unit Total Length Width Height Vendor Date JFE QA Date Vendor Date JFE Site Date

Head case WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 1 1 pc 200 200 200 70 70

Bend case WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 2 1 pc 200 200 300 70 70

Middle case1 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 3 1 pc 300 300 400 70 70

Middle case2 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 4 1 pc 300 300 500 70 70

Middle case3 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 5 1 pc 400 400 300 70 70

Tail case WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 6 1 pc 500 500 400 70 70

Head support structure WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 7 1 pc 150 150 200 150 100

Bolt for head support structure, M12xL40 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 8 12 pcs 2 24 100 50 50

Nut for head support structure, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 9 20 pcs 3 60 100 30 50

Washer for head support structure, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 10 30 pcs 1 30 70 50 50

Spring washer for head support structure, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 11 20 pcs 3 60 50 40 40

Anchor bolt, M24xL200 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 12 10 pcs 30 300 200 200 100

Nut for anchor bolt (double nuts), M24 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 13 45 pcs 1 45 100 70 50

Gasket for case WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 14 70 pcs 2 140 200 100 100

Bolt for case, M12xL40 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 15 80 pcs 1 80 100 80 70

Nut for case, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 16 10 pcs 3 30 60 60 50

Washer for case, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 17 40 pcs 2 80 50 50 50

Spring washer for case, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 18 30 pcs 3 90 80 50 50

Conveyor chain (left and right) WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 19 4 links 2 8 200 100 150

Scraper WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 20 4 pcs 4 16 300 150 100

Bolt for scraper, M12xL30 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 21 40 pcs 2 80 100 100 100

Nut for scraper, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 22 80 pcs 2 160 100 50 50

1) "Quantity Check" shall be carried out during factory inspections by Vendor and/or JFE.
2) "Shipping Inspection" shall be carried out by Vendor before factory shipment.
3) "Receiving Inspection" shall be carried out by JFE at the site.
BX-18-2 Attachment 5
Job No.: LQ1159 Vendor Name: Doc No.: WB-C61-XXXX-XXX
Project Name : Shanghai H Person in Charge: Page:   /
Equipment Name: Tel: Date:  
MR No.: WB-C21-XXXX-XXX Email: Revision:
Expected Delivary Date:
Parts Assembly Drawing Item Package Package Package Package Weignt (kg) Package Dimensions (cm) Volume
Description Item Quantity Tag No. Remarks
Dwg No. Rev No. No. Quantity Style Net/pac Gross/pac Total Gross Length Width Height (m3)

【Sub vendor】 【Remarks】

Name: Total number of package :
Address: Total net weight :
Person in charge: Total gross weight :
Tel / Fax: Total M3 :
BX-18-2 Attachment 6
Job No.: LQ1159 Vendor Name: Doc No.: WB-C61-XXXX-XXX
Project Name : Shanghai H Person in Charge: 納品明細リストに合わせること。 Tag No.必ず記載 Page:   /
Equipment Name: Tel: Date:  
MR No.: WB-C21-XXXX-XXX Email: Revision:
Expected Delivary Date:
Parts Assembly Drawing Item Package Package Package Package Weignt (kg) Package Dimensions (cm) Volume
Description Item Quantity Tag No. Remarks
Dwg No. Rev No. No. Quantity Style Net/pac Gross/pac Total Gross Length Width Height (m3)

Head case WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 1 1 pc PG-1 1 Wodden Case 1

Bend case WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 2 1 pc PG-2 1 Wodden Case 2

Middle case1 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 3 1 pc PG-3 1 Wodden Case 3

Middle case2 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 4 1 pc PG-4 1 Wodden Case 4

Middle case3 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 5 1 pc PG-5 1 Wodden Case 5

Tail case WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 6 1 pc PG-6 1 Wodden Case 6

Head support structure WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 7 1 pc PG-7 1 Steel Structure 7

Bolt for head support structure, M12xL40 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 8 12 pcs 8

Nut for head support structure, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 9 12 pcs 9

Washer for head support structure, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 10 12 pcs 10

Spring washer for head support structure, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 11 12 pcs 11

Anchor bolt, M24xL200 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 12 14 pcs 12

Nut for anchor bolt (double nuts), M24 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 13 28 pcs 13

Bolt for case, M12xL40 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 15 70 pcs PG-8 1 Wodden Case 14

Nut for case, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 16 70 pcs 15

Washer for case, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 17 70 pcs Each Item are 16

packed in a
Spring washer for case, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 18 70 pcs cardboard box. 17

Bolt for scraper, M12xL30 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 21 80 pcs 18

Nut for scraper, M12 WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 22 80 pcs 19

Gasket for case WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 14 70 pcs 20

Conveyor chain (left and right) WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 19 200 links PG-10 4 Wodden Case 21

Scraper WB-XXX-YYY-ZZZ 0 20 20 pcs PG-11 2 Wodden Case 22 複数の品目を合わせて梱包する場合は、最小梱包単位を記載すること。

Smallest external packaging unit for each item shall be described.

【Sub vendor】 【Remarks】

Name: Total number of package :
Address: 複数の品目を合わせて梱包する場合は、その状態がはっきりと分かる様に記載すること。 Total net weight :
Person in charge: Total gross weight :
Tel / Fax: Total M3 :

Applies to Basis for Selection Packing Style

適用アイテム 選択基準 梱包スタイル

Rotating equipment, turbine, cylinder, burner Items which requires water-proof packing
回転機器、タービン、シリンダー、バーナー等 防水措置が必要な機器

Electrical appliance, instrument, panel, Items which requires moisture proofing,

analyzer, Laboratory equipment, Control Valve protection against vibration, pressure, shock,
電装品、計装品、制御盤、アナライザー、実験用 etc.,
機器、制御弁等 バリア及び輸送中の衝撃、圧力、震動その他影響 Wooden case and wooden framed
による保護が必要な機器(真空梱包) case with skids
Small piping materials (fitting, bolt and nut,
Small items likely to come loose
gasket etc.

Spare parts Other items specified by JFE

予備品 JFEが定めたその他機器

Items which requires protection against

Small vessel, pipe and tube of small diameter Wooden framed crate with skids
vibration, pressure, shock, etc.
小型容器、配管、小径チューブ クレート梱包
Items of sturdy construction, but which requires
Pressure vessel, boiler drum, bag filter, feeder Skid
skid for handling/transportation
圧力機、ボイラードラム、バグフィルター、フィー 頑丈な構造物だが、荷扱いのためにスキッドが必
ダー等 要なもの
Iron and steel section, steel pipes (4 inches or Items of sturdy construction (partial protection, if
less), prefabricated structural steel necessary)
鋼管関係、プレハブ配管等 頑丈な構造物(部分的保護が必要な場合もあり) バンドル掛け
Bolt and nut, refractory Items which requires water proof packing Shrink wrapping
ボルト、ナット、耐火物 耐水保護が必要な機器 収縮包装
Damper, hammering equipment, expansion
Items which requires to avoid dispersion Pallet
joint, forging
ダンパー、鍛造品、伸縮継手 散逸を防ぐ為にパレットでまとめるもの パレット
Electrical cable Steel drum
電線 ドラム梱包(鋼製)
Electrical cable, powdery liquid Wooden drum
電線、粉流体 ドラム梱包(木製)
Items of sturdy construction, but requiring steel
Boiler, steel structure Steel frame
frame for handling
ボイラー、鉄骨 鋼製フレーム
Steel pipe(6 inches and up), tank Bare
配管(6インチ以上のもの)、タンク 梱包無し
CARE MARK BX-18-2 Attachment 8

CENTER OF At the center of
1 None

Where sling wire is

2 SLING None to be applied

When package cannot

3 TOP None be placed upside
For waterproof and
moisture proof

5 “FRAGILE” For fragile cargo

When center of
6 THIS END THIS END” gravity is on one

The letter shall be stenciled beneath the marks.

BX-18-2 Attachment 9
SAMPLE OF CARE MARK Corner Colour 20cm
Package No.
Gross weight (KGS)

Corner Colour
Care mark
Packing list Top mark
20cm ▲▲ ▲▲
PL ▲▲
Corner Colour MARK


Corner Colour

MARK Sling mark

Center of gravity mark

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