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ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD (1772-1851), American Presbyterian

Dynasty styles, especially in their adoption of spiraliform

activities of matter are identified with those arising from

North Church was the last work of the architect Hendrik de

principle. It requires a certain boldness to attempt to effect

opening of the diaphragm (q.v.), accompanied by the two

and Other Essays (1871), and, with H. C. Lodge, Ernest

time went on, followed, and German thought was also further

having at the upper end a short branch (called a nib piece) at

there are a number of venomous serpents, though these are not

well as by great outward splendour. But it was not long

Onesilas. The phil-Hellene Evagoras of Salamis was similarly

are like Persian only shows that Mesrob was not able

sexual. It is noteworthy that although all the members of

sentiments et nos idees avant 1870 (1905), contain much

As to the effect of repose on a charged cell, Gladstone and

on the coast, and one of them, E. R. Flegel, had displayed

citizens. A similar residential quarter has also grown up

disposal over the city cash and possesses magisterial control

The albumins contain in all cases the elements carbon, hydrogen,

treatise is that on architecture, De Re Aedificaloria,

The very first essential for success is safety, which will

that organ (see STOMACH, KIDNEY, LIVER, &c.); but here the

home use and for sale in Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro.

second on each side, and thereafter the successive dorsal

frugivorous, piscivorous or omnivorous diet than is the case in

up. Now the door of the chamber is opened, the powder lying

vast shell-heaps are the repositories of ancient history.

hoodwinked. He begins to read an account of a street accident,

In addition to the three associations thus far mentioned

B. Polysiphonia sp., transverse section through

glen, ceded in 1802 by Austria to the Helvetic Republic)

replied, ``If the king asks me for an account, I will make

safety to the home country it sets British troops free for

studied it. Their churches, built for the reception of

H.M.'s dominion may have admiralty jurisdiction granted to it.

hydrate. An alkali is distinguished from an acid or neutral

Conquest, communal methods of husbandry remained, but the

Jordan, whilst Abram, after receiving another promise from

Namaqualand and Damaraland, and was knighted for his services

to the articles on the individual alkaloids for further

its rights in the sphere reserved to British influence by

Bafana. This lady, to whom he was much attached, had been

construction. She was commissioned early in 1870, and

history, In addition he was lecturer on history in Smith

the entire country 100,000 sq. m. are pasturable or tillable.

1900 745,519 862,263 715,202 35,606

R.I., came to sea to meet him, but both fleets were scattered by

time and place are the authors of various stripe, known as

The Taj was designed by Ustad Isa, variously described as a

1859 of an equatorial of 13 in. aperture evoked the comment

had existed with honour for more than nine years. The present

Cape aard-vark is pale sandy or yellow, the hair being scanty

ALLOBROGES (in Gr. usually 'Allobriges), a Celtic tribe

off. The total loss of the English is stated at thirteen

great Swiss monastery of St Gall, erected about A.D. 820,

in working the act enabled the committee on small holdings to

as far as the mole. Behind the Emporium rose (8) the Great

other with the Hindus; and that, although the writings of the

from the Babylon of Rome a baptism neither scriptural nor

offer a sacrifice, as Agamemnon had done before the Trojan

crop, reached its highest in 1902, 94,043,613 acres, and its

valley. There is also a fine stone bridge over the Tunja.

Vienna. Again becoming in that year grand vizier, an office

desire; and his aim is to determine the ``aesthetic elementary

kat plant, a medicinal herb which has a tonic quality, is

(London, 1873); Dr W. Pleyte, Chapitres supplementaires du

syllables; and the fourth verse is a ten-syllable alcaic

disposition of societies or individuals, who undertook to people

is parallel to the axis of wave-lengths; and the focal

the value of its manufactured products increased 90.9% from


visitors. The objects found in these researches are in the

the differences between them tend to increase in each cycle.

Early attempts to produce percussion fuzes were unsuccessful,

Malinke Mundu

ie. (Id est), That is.

brick jacket; c,c, flues; d,e, iron plates arranged

manganese dioxide to form a calcium manganite. Only so much

might well have deterred a younger man, yet the details were

of this machine for the present purpose seems to have been

to time, of which a typical instance was The Wide, Wide

No continent has in the past been so lacking in means of

centralize everything in the hands of the government, it appears

= 6ZnC2H5.I + 2NH3 + 2N(C2H5)3. The hydrogen in ammonia

the ``Aland Convention,'' concluded between Great Britain,

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