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EY ACB al aa IIB casa MASTER MONOGRAPH TEMPLE SECTION q ROSICRUCIAN ORDER k J This monograph always remains the property of the ‘Supreme Grand Lodge of A.M.O.R.C. It is not purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member. Eleventh Eleventh Degree Degree Monograph Monograph One One SSG AY ea esi SRE RN SS TASTE FR caesar Aa THE CONCURRENCE This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion VOV ON @ The allegory of Christian Rosenkreutz again is brought to the attention of the members in this first outer chamber of the Eleventh Degree. The following excerpt = from the aelesio bre a Latin work which appeared in 1615, specifying the purpose and in- tent of the Rosicrucian Organization, refers to Christian Rosenkreutz. The adept is forewarned of the patient progress, step by step, toward the Greater Light: +++ we hold that the meditations of our Christian father (C.R-C.) on all subjects which from the creation of the world have been invented, brought forth, and propagated by human ingenuity, through God's revelation, or through the service of Angels or spirits, or through the sagacity of under standing, or through the experience of long observation, are so great, that if all books should perish, and by God's almighty sufferance all writings and all learning should be lost, yet posterity will be able thereby to lay a new foundation of sciences, and to erect a new citadel of truth; the which per- haps would not be so hard to do if'one should begin to pull down and de- stroy the old, ruinous building, then enlarge the fore-court, afterwards bring light into the private chambers, and then change the doors, staples, and other things according to our intention, ‘Therefore, it must not be expected that new comers shall attain at once all our weighty secrets. They must proceed step by step from the smaller to the greater, and must not be retarded by difficulties. —CONFESSIO FRATERNITATIS, 1615 he ae ‘Weekly Master Monograph ———___—-A M 0 R C—_________The Rosicrucian Order TEMPLE MONOGRAPH —D— ELEVENTH DEGREE NUMBER ONE PAGE ONE Beloved Members, Greetings! This lesson constitutes the first preliminary instructions re- garding the Eleventh Degree of the Rosicrucian Order. You have not entered the Eleventh Degree, for your processes of entering that De- gree will be gradual, but you have completed the Tenth and stand upon the Threshold of the Eleventh, and I now greet you at the first portal of the chambers of the Eleventh Degree. Certain things will have to be explained to you before you may enter the various outer chambers of the Temple of the Eleventh Degree, and you will have to prepare your- self for the initiation which will take place when you are finally ready to enter the Great Temple. A great deal has been said in recent years by those who would at- tempt to criticize the Rosicrucian Order by saying that the true Rosi- erucian body of members is a spiritual rather than a material body, and that the real initiations are psychic or spiritual rather than material ones. Most of those who have made these remarks either in magazine articles, books, or otherwise, are not members of the Rosi- crucian Order and therefore are not well informed on the subject about which they are speaking. They have gathered this little information about the spirituality of the organization from something they have read in ancient books or records. They have been attempting to say that the real Rosicrucian Order does not have lodges and Temples of a material nature such as ours, and does not have material initiations in these Temples, nor is it any real physical organization at all. Their emphasis upon the spiritual side of the organization is meant by them to imply that the physical side has never really existed. In this they are in error. The physical side of the Rosicrucian Order has always been the largest and most perceptible part of its member- ship and activities, but the spiritual side has been its strongest in the accomplishment of the great work. What the ancient manuscripts or books referred to was the fact that the real power of Rosicrucianism lies in its spiritual organiza- tion and in the accomplishments of its members who represent that spiritual ‘organization. The records of history show the continuous and unbroken existence of the physical organization of Rosicrucianism throughout the world. These same records, however, could say nothing more about the spiritual side of the organization except that it was the greatest, the strongest, and the most powerful part. Many an eminent Rosicrucian writing in an enthusiastic way about Rosierucian- ism has wholly ignored the physical organization and spoken highly of the spiritual and invisible body of Rosicrucians. This has led casual readers of such manuscripts or records to think that the physical or- ganization did not exist at all. I think that every one of us will agree that the most vital and important part of a church congregation lies in its spiritual power and, therefore, in its spiritual organization, but this does not deny the fact on SE a ‘Weekly Master Monograph ——————A M 0 R C_______The Rossicrucian Order TEMPLE MONOGRAPH —D— ELEVENTH DEGREE NUMBER ONE PAGE TWO that even a church must have a physical organization also, and a mate- rial temple as the foundation for the greater and higher work. It is absolutely true that the most potent and important part of the Rosi- erucian activities is centered in the invisible membership of the spiritual organization. You members of the Tenth Degree have been preparing yourselves to : become a part of that invisible spiritual organization. The word . invisible, here, does not mean that each one of you is invisible, or that any of the members of this spiritual organization is invisible, or that all of you are living only in psychic bodies or spiritual bodies. It simply means that those who are in this spiritual branch of the work do not come together to forma physical, material, visible lodge or class of students. You shall see before the Eleventh Degree is com- ! pleted that each one of you is a member in an invisible organization. | This organization is invisible only because the members of it do not | come together, do not meet with one another in classes, or do not have a separate temple or lodge of a physical nature for their use. It does not mean that because they are a part of the spiritual organization they have nothing to do with the physical things of life, for after all, the true purpose of any spiritual movement, or any spiritual development or : attainment, is to function through and perfect the physical. eliminate all physical and material things of life, there is no purpose left for the existence of spiritual power and knowledge. We might just as well say, with the same truthfulness, that if a man's body is com- pletely annihilated and reduced to dust of the earth and scattered broadcast so that there is no longer any physical body in any form or shape, there would no longer be any need for the mind of that body or the intellect to exist. The purpose of the mind in the physical body is to govern, direct, control, and perfect the existence of the physical body. The soul in man is there for the purpose of directing, con- trolling, and perfecting the evolution of the physical body and the per- sonality and not to live an independent and separate life. If all physi- cal bodies of men and women throughout the universe were to cease ex- istence completely forever and ever, there would no longer be any need for individual soul expressions or spiritual bodies of any kind. In other words, a spiritual body, like the mind or the intellect, has no purpose or function separate and independent. It mst carry on some duties, some activities, in order to have any purpose for its existence. The spiritual part of the Rosicrucian organization is its very soul, but we i have already learned in the lower Degrees that the highest manifesta- tion of the soul and the greatest revelations of its unfoldment and achievement are made manifest through the physical body, and the $/ physical world, The spiritual or soul body of the Rosicrucian | organization is the governing, controlling body, which carries on the greater work and highest work of the physical organization. ! | ' | If we eliminate the physical body of the individual entirely and ! ‘Weekly Master Monograph A M 0 R C——______Thee Rosicrucian Order ‘TEMPLE MONOGRAPH —D— ELEVENTH DEGREE NUMBER ONE PAGE THREE In the last monograph of the Tenth Degree a little light was thrown on the subject of the "body" of C.R-C. Now, you will come to understand that the spiritual body of Christian Rosenkreutz, which was allegorically found in a Tomb in Germany early in the 17th century, and found at other times in tombs in other lands, is the soul body or spiritual body of the Rosicrucian organization. I explained to you that this body of C.R-C. was the body of men and women living in se- erecy and in preparation for the revival of the great work at various periods. Each of you who passes into the Eleventh Degree will be a part of that spiritual body for the revival of the great work in this country at some future time. When that time comes, the body of C.R-C. will be larger than the body has been in any of the previous periods when it has come out of the tomb of silence to revive the work. It is only natural that the spirit- ual body of an individual or of an organization should evolve and grow larger from century to century. When the body of C.R-C. was discovered in Germany in the 17th century, it actually consisted of twelve members. At an earlier time it consisted of only nine, and in a later period it consisted of thirty-one, and in more recent times it consisted of over a hundred members. By the time the spiritual body is found again in America in the 2lst century, it will probably consist of about one thousand carefully selected, well-trained and prepared individuals. They will be so attuned to each other, so well-prepared to work in har- mony, and so well-trained in mutual understanding and cooperative think- ing, that they will act and function like one perfect body, and this will be the spiritual body of C.R-C. Today you stand on the threshold of the first portal of the Great Temple. There are many chambers surrounding this Temple through which each one of you will pass before you approach the threshold of the in- ner Temple itself. According to our records, as well as ancient tradi- tions, some of you who are reading this monograph possibly will advance part way through the Eleventh Degree, then before completing it, pass through transition into a higher Temple for further preparation. I have no way of knowing who they will be, nor how, nor when it will occur; neither is it given for you to know. We do know, however, that according to the law of probability, two or three will thus advance. This advancement will not be sudden, nor will it be extended by suffering and misery; but rather it will be a peaceful experience. I am sure that none of you will “yp ave any fear of such passing, for you will become acquainted with its e possibility sufficiently in advance to be prepared for it, and welcome the great initiation. Of course, this transition may ocour for some, not just because they are in the Eleventh Degree, but simply because the time of the great transition in their life cycle corresponds to the period when they would have attained that degree of advancement. Each of you now reading this first monograph of the Eleventh Degree ‘Weekly Master Monograph _——————A M 0 R C—————Thee Rossicrucian Order ‘TEMPLE MONOGRAPH —D— ELEVENTH DEGREE NUMBER ONE PAGE FOUR eventually will attain the great initiation which will take you into the higher Temple and prepare you for a still greater work. Before this oc- curs, it is very positive that each one of you shall pass through the smaller chambers surrounding the Temple of the Eleventh Degree and enter the inner Temple, receiving there such instructions as will make you at peace with the world, and powerful in your ability to manifest spiritu- ality and complete Cosmic Illumination at the same time. Those members who are now on the threshold of the Eleventh Degree are going to become the most spiritually illuminated of all of the mem- bers in the Rosicrucian Order under my jurisdiction. This means that they will be among the most advanced members in the organization through- out the world and will be attuned with the spiritual bodies in other lands and locations. These spiritual bodies of members in various countries are those in preparation for the future revival of the great work that constitutes the Great White Brotherhood. In other words, the Great White Brotherhood today consists of the spiritual bodies of members in each land, united in one universal, spiritual, invisible organization. The Great White Lodge of this Brotherhood exists on the spiritual or psychic plane. As each member of the Great White Brotherhood, or the spiritual bodies in various lands, passes through transition and receives the higher initiation, he enters the Great White Lodge of the Cosmic plane. The members in the Great White Lodge are constantly in attunement and in communication with their fellow members of the Great White Brotherhood on this earth plane. This exchange of communication and contact is what brings to the Great White Brotherhood here on earth the wonderful illu- minating messages, the manifestations of the Cosmic contact, and the guidance and inspiration in the preparation of our teachings. The Guardian of the threshold of the Eleventh Degree now gives you this ancient traditional lecture. You are to visualize yourself seated upon a stone bench ina cool, gray room of a magnificent Temple. There is absolute stillness and quiet. You are unaware of what is going on in the world around you—of business, city noises, or any earthly activities. Your teacher, who is the guardian, stands upon a raised platform at one end of this room. A beamof sunlight shining through one of the small latticed windows in the upper part of the wall illuminates him. His aura shines in great brilliancy. He speaks to you, who are seated in the shad- ows, as he has spoken in centuries past: "Where you are now seated represents the first chamber of the series of rooms of preparation. This great Temple building in which we are located is a square structure. In the very center of it is a Temple in the shape of a six-pointed star, which is formed by the in- terlacing of two triangles. This inner Temple is precisely in the center of the great square building. It is a magnificent, si- $y/ lent, pencetul Temple. Around all of the sides of this six- pointed star are twelve small antechambers or preparation rooms, each like this one, which is the first of the twelve. ‘Weekly Master Monograph ———A M 0 R C———_—_The Rosicrucian Order ‘TEMPLE MONOGRAPH —D— ELEVENTH DEGREE NUMBER ONE PAGE FIVE "It has been my pleasure to receive you at the outer portal of this great building and to direct your footsteps across the threshold into this chamber where you are receiving your first instructions. It will be my continuous pleasure to guard the threshold and from time to time admit another or others to this chamber. It will be my duty to refuse to allow anyone to leave this Temple, or to cross the threshold into the world again, unless he has violated his obligations or has reversed the bless- ings that have come upon him, thereby deserving to have the door closed forever to his future advancement. In other words, I shall be as careful in my guardianship regarding the worthiness of those who seek to retire from the progress now before them, as I shall be regarding those who ap- proach this threshold and seek for further advancement. The tests and trials to determine your worthiness to continue are as frequent as have been the tests and trials to determine your worthiness to enter this holy chamber. Therefore, it will be my duty to protect you from self- deception and the temptations of the outer world which may tempt you to retrace your steps, to leave this great Temple and resign your place in the line of progress. "For many years, you have had every opportunity to determine whether you desire to continue the progress you have been making; whether you de- sire to remain a brother or sister of the Rosy Cross and follow the Path to its ultimate goal. Of your own volition and by your own ex- pressed desires, you have continued to this Chamber without undue in- fluence, without any coercion, and without any promise of reward other than that which would be beneficial to your soul and the joy and hap- piness which comes into the life of every advance adept on the Path. Since we assume that you are sincere in your determination to pro- gress, we have the right to interpret any sudden change in this attitude of yours as the result of the voice of the Tempter from without trying to discourage you from your sincere determination and lead you into dark- ness. This is why it will be my duty to guard your exit as I have guard- ed your entries, and why I shall inquire into your motives for wishing to retrace your steps just as I have inquired into your desires to advance. From this day on, you will be under the protection of the Great Masters who will look upon each one of you as their chosen child. You shall be known as Children of the Light. Like a good father and a good parent, the Masters will look with concern upon any desire to depart from this Holy home and this Holy family." This is the ancient lecture of the Guardian of the first chamber. It is not the last time that we shall hear his voice or hear his words. Each time we progress to another chamber of the Great Temple he will remind us of our progress and our obligations. While we are in each chamber for a while, the Masters will prepare us with instructions of profound wisdom. In this way a series of discourses, modern- ized only in their language, will be given to each one of you through the medium of these Eleventh Degree lessons. I need not remind you at this time that they will contain the highest ‘Weekly Master Monograph A M 0 R C____—Thee Rosicrucian Order TEMPLE MONOGRAPH pee ELEVENTH DEGREE NUMBER ONE PAGE SIX knowledge and information revealed by the Great White Brotherhood, in- spired by the Great White Lodge, and held secret and sacred by the spiritual organization of the Rosicrucians. Therefore, each of you shall guard well these lessons and hold secret for the time being the fact that you have advanced to the first portal of the Eleventh De- gree. Also you shall await definite instruction in regard to each new | point and each new lesson. May Peace, Happiness, and Spiritual Joy be with each one of you. Fraternally, YOUR CLASS MASTER Note: The enneadie star in the center of the triangle, appearing on your present monograph pages, represents three interlaced triangles and denotes mystical, infinite, and finite perfection, It likewise is the symbol that designates the Eleventh Temple Degree of the Rosicrucian Order. @ Summary of This Monograph vougy Below is a.summary of the important principles of this mon: . It contains the essential statements which you should not forget After you have carefully read the complete mone. graph, try to recall as many as you can of the Important points you read, Then read: this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing your memory. G You are now at the first portal awaiting the entrance into the various outer cham- bers of the Eleventh Degree. Here you are prepared for entrance into the inner Tem- ple which leads to the manifestation of Cosmic Illumination. 5 @ The members on the threshold of the Eleventh Degree are going to become the most spiritually illumined of all members of the Rosicrucian organization, @ Members of the Great White Brotherhood who have passed through transition and have received higher initiation on the Cosmic plane become members of the Great White Lodge. Through exchange of communication with the Great White Lodge, the Great White Brotherhood receives messages of guidance for its instruction. G Some members may pass through transition and receive initiation on the Cosmic plane before completing the Eleventh Degree, but they will be prepared in advance for a peaceful transition. @ The physical; material activity always has been the largest part of the membership of the Rosicrucian organization. The spiritual part always has been the truly strong. est power, accomplishing the greatest work. @ The seventeenth century allegory of Christian Rosenkreutz refers to the spiritual body of the Rosicrucian organization in preparation for the revival of its active work. THE INSTITUTION BEHIND THE ROSICRUCIAN ORGANIZATION Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, U.S.A. "Consecrated to truth and dedicated to every Rosicrucian"

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