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Degree 1
Threshold Monograph
Know thyself, and thou shalt
know the universe and the gods.

©2011, Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient & Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis. 025
Published by the Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc. 1011
First Degree Threshold


The following statements are taken from a short speech that Harvey
Spencer Lewis, Imperator of our Order from 1915 to 1939, delivered in a Lodge
to Rosicrucians who had just crossed the threshold providing access to the
symbolic Temple of the Rosicrucian Tradition. As you will note, his remarks
express perfectly the spiritual state that should motivate the spiritual quest of
each member of our Order.
It has been said by some that the Rosicrucian work becomes
a religion to some of its members. This is true, if we do not mean
that the Order takes the place of a church. Rosicrucians are urged to
attend their respective churches, mosques, or synagogues and to aid
in the good work they are doing. This, of course, is not obligatory.
However, at the same time, AMORC’s teachings can become one’s
religion whether one is a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, Parsee, or
of any other denomination.
The teachings will not interfere, for they contain all the truths,
all the laws, and all the principles that make for a religious worship
and reverence toward the Divine. The higher teachings of our Order
do more than any other school of thought to inspire scripture reading
and study, together with the reading of all sacred literature, and it
is a well-known fact that true Rosicrucians have a most intimate
knowledge of Divine and cosmic law, though by no means must
AMORC be considered a religious sect or organization.
One of the most ancient of the Rosicrucian phrases contains three
words: Light, Life, and Love. These words were used in connection
with the salutation of another frater or soror, in closing certain
ritualistic ceremonies, in documents, and the like. We find these
words symbolized in the Egyptian characters in ancient temples and
we use them today in our Lodges and Chapters.

(continued on page 11)

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 1 Threshold

Dear Fratres and Sorores,

The fact that you are studying this Threshold Monograph is proof in
itself of your loyalty and of the attention you have given to the teachings of
the Neophyte Section. Indeed, you should know that not all of the members
who joined our Order when you did have reached this point on the Rosicrucian
Path. Some have even left the path and are no longer part of our organization.
In doing this, they have exercised their free will, and no attempt was made
to oppose the choice they made. It is not for us to judge the reasons that led
them to end their Rosicrucian membership for, in accordance with its motto,
AMORC is a school of philosophy that has always valued freedom of thought,
word, and action—provided, of course, that this freedom is not used against its
integrity and is not used to the detriment of its members. Furthermore, we are
fully aware that many more people will be called than chosen as Rosicrucians.
It must be so, because our Order is a traditional and initiatory organization that
has never assembled a large number of people. Yet its potential membership is
bound to increase, for the time has come to spread spirituality and to encourage
a maximum number of seekers to find the Rosicrucian way which, due to its
very nature, can respond to their inner call.
You are about to cross the threshold providing access to the symbolic
Temple of the Rosicrucian Tradition. This is as important a moment for you
as it is for us. As has always been the custom at this precise moment on the
Rosicrucian Path, we must talk to you about three specific points. Each of these
points concerns an aspect of AMORC membership and constitutes a form of
examination intended to appeal both to your loyalty to our Order and to your
interest in Rosicrucianism. Consequently, we ask that you give these points
your full attention and determine, in your soul and conscience, the attitude you
can or should have regarding them. Then it is up to you to act accordingly.
FIRST POINT: You are now in a position to understand that AMORC’s
fundamental purpose is to contribute to the cultural and spiritual evolution of
humanity. In that respect, the Order’s reason for being is justified only by the
ignorance still prevailing among humans. When the time comes that most of
them have the required knowledge to live in perfect harmony with cosmic laws,
we can then say that the Order will have accomplished its mission. From that
moment on, its work will be done on a purely spiritual level. Unfortunately,
however, we are not there yet, and our Order is still obliged to continue on the

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 1 Threshold

material plane. In other words, it must have at its disposal a structure adapted
to its mystical activities. Rosicrucian Park with its buildings and grounds,
including our Grand Temple, Peace Garden, Administration Buildings, Rose-
Croix University, Research Library, Egyptian Museum and Planetarium, plus
the many affiliated bodies (Lodges, Chapters, Pronaoi, and Atrium Groups),
all form part of this structure and are an absolute necessity for the Rosicrucian
philosophy to be present and active both inside and outside the Order.
As you probably suspect, the annual contribution of each member to the
Grand Lodge is not sufficient to cover all the expenses made necessary by its
material structure. This means that a part of the expenditures inherent to our
Order is covered by donations sent by fratres and sorores to the English Grand
Lodge. Also, in this exceptional case and in response to those questions asked
about this subject, let us inform you that, if you wish, you can help the Grand
Lodge financially by sending a gift in accordance with the Law of AMRA.
Incidentally, we always accept with great pleasure the gift of any old books
having a direct link to philosophy or mysticism. Indeed, our Order has at its
disposal an esoteric library including works that we feel must be preserved
for future generations. If you wish to participate in this particular work, the
possibility of doing so is open to you. Finally—again in reply to questions we
have received—you may leave a bequest in favor of AMORC. In that case, you
should write to the Grand Lodge to learn the steps to be followed.
SECOND POINT: After having considered the first of the three points
we need to consider in this Threshold Monograph, we now come to the
second point, which concerns the expansion of our Order. As we previously
mentioned, the world needs spirituality more than ever to compensate for the
excessive materialism so apparent in modern society. We are convinced that
if humanity does not react by taking a more spiritual direction in the future,
it will not experience the Golden Age that should crown the cycle opening up
before it and which traditionally corresponds to the Aquarian Age. AMORC
has the teachings required to help people find an ideal more consistent
with the spiritual requirements of the third millennium. Consequently, all
Rosicrucians must work for its extension and, whenever the occasion to meet
people interested in philosophy and mysticism arises, we should not hesitate
to mention our Rosicrucian membership and the personal well-being derived
from it.

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 1 Threshold

As is customary at this stage of Rosicrucian membership, we ask that

you interest two people in the Rosicrucian philosophy during the next few
months and, if possible, guide them to AMORC’s portals. Naturally, this is not
an obligation; rather, it is a suggestion that will help you to serve more fully
those ideals perpetuated by our Order. To assist you in that task, our Grand
Lodge places literature at your disposal that you can obtain by contacting us.
This includes a booklet entitled “The Mastery of Life”, which should only be
entrusted to seekers who are genuinely interested in our Order. In that respect,
you must always make sure that the individuals you guide toward our Order
are sincere in their approach, because it is the quality, and not the quantity, of
AMORC’s membership that is important. However, the more of us there are to
carry the Rosicrucian torch, the more intense and beneficent will be the light it
sheds on the world. Therefore, give this second point the importance it deserves.
THIRD POINT: When you passed through the portal providing access to the
antechamber of the symbolic Temple of our Order, you were asked to take the
Neophyte’s Oath. In your soul and conscience, you then promised to respect
certain commitments. If you wish to continue your Rosicrucian membership in
complete conformity with AMORC’s traditional rules, you should renew those
commitments so as to confirm your allegiance and loyalty to our Order, to its
ideals, and to its officers. For that purpose, please examine the Postulant’s Plea
that is enclosed with this monograph. After reading it attentively, you should
sign it and send it as soon as possible to the Grand Lodge, to the attention of
the Grand Master. As mentioned previously, this plea, whose various points
constitute no impediment to the freedom of thought, word, or action mentioned
above, will be placed in your membership files. As long as you maintain your
affiliation, it will testify to your status as a regular member of the Ancient and
Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.
We sincerely hope that this Threshold Monograph will enable you to
realize the importance of the step you are about to take on the Rosicrucian
Path. You are about to be admitted into the allegorical Rosicrucian Temple
and, by that admittance, received into each of the twelve halls constituting
the Temple. Here you must stay for some time so as to be instructed in the
traditional teachings relating to each hall. From a symbolic point of view, you
will be raised from the status of Neophyte to that of Initiate and thus have
access to the greatest Mysteries perpetuated by our age-old Tradition. May you

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 1 Threshold

always show yourself worthy of such elevation and of the confidence that has
been placed in you!
With best wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely and fraternally,

NOTE: In keeping with the explanations given in this monograph, you now find
yourself on the threshold that provides access to the allegorical Rosicrucian Temple.
Thus, it is only after you have received and studied the Preliminary Monograph of the
First Temple Degree that you will be regarded as having crossed the threshold. Then, if
you so desire, you may contact the Lodge nearest your home and request to receive the
corresponding initiation. You will likewise be able to take part in the mystical activities
carried out in the Chapters and Lodges of our Order.
Practical Application
“Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the
evening what the morning may accomplish.”—Unto Thee I Grant

As a practical application of this monograph, we suggest that you carefully

read the Postulant’s Plea. Then sign it and send it immediately to the Grand
Lodge, to the personal attention of the Grand Master. Yet you should not
feel at all obligated to place your signature on it immediately after first
reading the document. Even though each point of this plea is simply based
upon the legitimate commitments of a sincere Rosicrucian in its approach,
it is nevertheless important that you give each point your utmost attention.
They constitute, to some extent, a form of initiation into the traditional and
constitutional aspects of our Order.

Summary of This Monograph
After carefully reading this monograph, read the following summary. It contains
the major principles on which you are to reflect and meditate in the coming days.
If any of the points are difficult to understand, refer to the explanations given in this
monograph. Moreover, we advise you to read this summary again immediately before
your next sanctum period.

In accordance with its motto, our Order has always valued freedom of
thought, word, and action—provided, of course, that this freedom is not
used against its integrity and is not used to the detriment of its members.
AMORC’s reason for being is justified only by the ignorance still
prevailing among people. When the time comes that most of them have
the required knowledge to live in perfect harmony with cosmic laws, we
can then say that the Order will have accomplished its mission. From that
moment on, its work will be done on a purely spiritual level.
The Grand Lodge at Rosicrucian Park with its buildings and grounds, plus
the many affiliated bodies, form part of the material structure of our Order
and are an absolute necessity for the Rosicrucian philosophy to be present
and active in the world.
If humanity does not take a more spiritual direction in the future, it will not
experience the Golden Age that should crown the cycle opening up before
it and which traditionally corresponds to the Aquarian Age.
All Rosicrucians must work for the extension of AMORC and, whenever
the occasion to meet people interested in philosophy and mysticism
arises, we should not hesitate to mention our Rosicrucian membership
and the personal well-being derived from it. The more of us there are to
carry the Rosicrucian torch, the more intense and beneficent will be the
light it sheds on the world.
After carefully reading the Postulant’s Plea enclosed with this monograph,
you should sign it and send it as soon as possible to the Grand Lodge, to
the attention of the Grand Master. It constitutes, to some extent, a form of
initiation into traditional and constitutional aspects of our Order.



Concurrence (continued)
While at first they seem to represent three great principles in the
universe, a little study reveals that they are one. There is a unity about
them that is striking. Through Light comes Life, whether we view it
from the scientific standpoint or from the metaphysical; from Light
and Life comes Love. One begets the other, and this holds true if we
reverse their order and say Love, Life, and Light. Yet to Rosicrucians
this formula means that first of all must come Light if we would have
Life. When Rosicrucians say Life we do not mean mere animation;
we mean immortal life, eternal life, soul personality existence.
We cannot know eternal life while dwelling in darkness—
ignorance, superstition, skepticism, hatred, fear, intolerance. The Light
of knowledge, the Light of the Divine, the Light of understanding
give Life eternal. And when one has such Light and Life, one has
Love—the greatest power in the universe. Rosicrucians always say
that all must be done in the name of Love—for Love, with Love. the
Divine’s Love is the Supreme Love, a person’s love for Divine and
cosmic law is a reflection of this Love; a person’s love for Humanity
is the principle of Divine Love made active and manifest. Hence the
Rosicrucian Order is an Order of Love.
To be a Rosicrucian means to have Love dominate all of our
thinking, even when we lose sight of all other laws, forgetting laws
made by humans, forgetting business principles, material thinking,
and common practice, yet giving way to the impulse that says Love
is the Law. Therefore, be merciful, be tolerant, be forgiving, even to
the sacrificing of some of your best interests.
This is the spirit that I know will animate all of our Disciples
in this class. It means being considered too generous at times; it
means sacrificing much at times; it means giving when we feel like
receiving; yet it has its rewards, understood only by Rosicrucians, and
they ever KNOW.

Consecrated to truth
and dedicated to every Rosicrucian

Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc.

Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, U.S.A.

This monograph is not subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sale

or purchase may make the seller and purchaser subject to civil liability.

This monograph is officially published by the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, under the emblem appearing
on the front cover, which is legally protected and ipso facto protects all engraved, printed, electronic,
photocopied, photographed, or typed copies of its cover and of its content. It is not sold but loaned to
the member as a privilege of membership. Thus, legal title, ownership, and right of ownership of this
monograph are and remain those of A.M.O.R.C., to which it must be returned on simple demand. All
scientific, philosophical, and mystical subjects covered in this monograph, as well as all symbols, titles,
and passwords, are strictly confidential and are communicated to the member for his or her sole and
exclusive information. Any other use or attempted use will automatically terminate active and regular
affiliation with A.M.O.R.C., which is the only organization authorized to publish this monograph.

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