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oii ULE ITT ni NEOPHYTE SECTION ‘This monograph always romaine the property of Zipteme Grab Lnige of Ae OCC is ot Dulchased by, But lossed toy the reeiving momber. ROSICRUCIAN ORDER fe AMORE THE CONCURRENCE This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion voy In this monograph w= have touched but slightly upon bata eeetc th Gal avier nth ices eratac ae ae ER S mentioned because of our consideration of the solar plexus to which it is elated. In the Sixth Degree a thorough study of the sympathetic nervous system will be made because ofits influence upon man’s psychic functions. Since wwe have made mention of the nervous system, we would like to say that the general nervous system in its functioning is symbolized by the circle. The circle, you will re- call, is a symbol of completion—that which has neither beginning nor end. Thus the circle was used by the ancients as a symbol of the universe. ‘This circle of functioning of the nervous system of man was firt brought to the attention of science by Sir Charles Bell in 1826. ‘After you have read and carefully studied this monograph and “The Weekly Application,” then read below a portion of what Sir Charles Bell had to say on this subject when he addressee the Royal Society of England. Betwoon the brain and the muscles there is a circle of nerves; one nerve conveys the influence from the brain to the muscle, another gives the sense of the condition of the muscle to the brain. If the circle is broken by the division of the mctor nerve, motion ceases; if it be broken by the division of the other nerve there is no longer a sense of the con- dition of the musele, and therefore no regulation of its activity. We have noticed that there is a plexus formed both on the nerves which convey the will o the mvseles, and on the nerves which give the sense of the condition of the muscles. The reason for this T apprehend to be, that the nerves must co-respond with the muscles, and conse- quently with one another. If the motor nerve has to arrange the action of several muscles so as to produce a variety of motions, the-combina- tions must be formed by the interchange of filaments among the nerves hefore they enter the muscles, as there is no connection between the museles themselves. As the various combinations of the muscles have a relation with the motor nerves, the same relations must be established bby those nerves which convey the impression of their combinations, and «a similar plexus or interchange of filaments therefore characterizes both. —SIR CHARLES BELL, 1774-1842, [Neophyte Section ——______A M OR C________—The Rosicrucian Order SECOND ATRIUM NUMBER SEVENTEEN PAGE ONE To our Fratres and Sorores, Greetings! Tonight ends the work of the Sesond Atrium, You have completed two thirds of the Neophyte work. This is an important milestone in your life, and we hope that you will review the events of your life over the past thirty-six weeks and s2e what changes have been made. There is still one very important phase of Neophyte study to come. It will help you to have a foundation of experience and information upon which you can build without limit. Please bear in mind that you ar? learning things about nature and about yourself that are uniquely presented in the special Rosi- crucien way. No matter how you may look at some of the principles and laws given you, and no matter how they may disagree with beliefs ‘that you have had in the past, it is your privilege to reject anything said in these monographs or to accept it, as you see fit. It must also be kept in mind that eventually, if you keep on study- ing and experimenting, you will discover that the things contained in these lessons are reasoned out, or thoroughly observed from every view- point. Some day your further studies and researches will bring you face to faoa with the facts you may now reject as seemingly un- believable or contradictory to your present understanding. This has ccourred so many times in the hundreds of years that the Rosicrucians have put forward their program that the attitude of anyone today in this regard would not be unique or discouraging to the Order. We have members who write that there is a point here or there that they cannot accept and that they positively will not believe. ‘This only causes us to recall how this same thing has happened hundreds of times. The historical records of the Order are filled with reports of publie statements, letters published in newspapers and magazines, speeches made before academies and societies, and contentions strongly offered by scientists in the past, wherein those who thought they knew better or had a different understanding attacked some of the principles being presented by the Rosicrucians. Looking through these records now, we find that few of the things attacked that way are attacked today. You know that great laws and principles once denied by a great many, rejected by the churches, scoffed at by science, thrown aside by sincere seekers, are commonplace facts today, accepted by almost everyone. So we know that, no matter how you may feel toward any of these prineiples or statements at present, the time may come when you will see the truth of most of them, and if you do not, your children or descendants will, You are only doing yourself a disservice and delaying the success and power ‘Neophyte Section A M 0 R C________—Thhe Rosicrucian Order SECOND ATRIUM NUMBER SEVENTEEN PAGE TWO you should have if you do not give these thoughts a chance to be im- Pressed upon your consciousness. Bear in mind also that we are dealing mostly with metaphysical laws and principles of nature and that an understanding of nature from this point of view is just as important as the physical. You mist remember also that the reason Rosicrucians place so mich em- phasis upon metaphysical principles is not because they reject physical laws and principles ana believe that man should ignore the physical, and understané only the metaphysical. That is the view point that is held by too many of the philosophical schools in existence today. The Rosicrucians do not believe in ignoring the physical world and all of its wonderful principles. The Rosicrucians do not believe that there is any such thing as supernatural law. They believe that there is nothing more wonderful than nature, nothing super beyond the natural, that the greatest of miracles, the greatest of manifestations, are not ‘the result of the application of some supernatural law but of a natural law, and that nothing can be higher than nature, The Rosicrucians are aware that the average man or woman who has a fair education in academic institutions has been thoroughly or fairly well trained in the laws and principles of the physical world, They are much more familiar with the principles and laws of the physical world than with the metaphysical, Therefore, it is important for a person's true balance and proper reasoning that he, or she, should have the same knowledge of the metaphysical world.’ So throughout our teachings we assume that our students are familiar with the funda— mental principles of tho physical orld; that is, of the existence of matter, its various forms of manifestation, and how we contact and deal with the physical world. However, all through the lessons in presenting the metaphysical laws and principles we show their relationship to the physical world. This enables the students to Keep their feet firmly on the ground. It prevents being taken up into the clouds by speculation with laws and principles or with theories that have to do with a sort of esthetic life that leads nowhere in the prastical world. We do not want a member to pursue a study that does not actually enable man (or woman) ‘to master situations here and now, to improve himself in his duties and obligations, and to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way to success, prosperity, and health. Therefore, if any of the statements or beliefs presented in the preceding lessons or in those which are to follow seem to find denial or doubt in your mind and you cannot [Neophyte Section A M0 RC__—The Rosicrucian Order SECOND ATRIUM NUMBER SEVENTEEN PAGE THREE accept them, do not cast them aside es absolutely false or unaccept- able. If you must do so, lay them aside as needing further meditation, further comprehension at some later date; underscore them in your Lessons with red or blue pencil, and then weeks or months later go back and look over those underscored passages. See if they do not mean something more or different to you in the light of your further studies or understanding. ENCYCLOPEDIA It is an excellent practice to take a little time once USEFUL in a while to look up in an encyclopedia a few of these subjects that you havo underscored. See if science and the viewpoint of others will not help you to get a different angle on the questionable point, Looking up the subject of metaphysics in a good-sized encyclopedia will arouse much interest in your mind and awaken your consciousness to a very great world. You will see what place metaphysics has had as an important factor throughout our civilization. Look up such other subjects as physics, magnetism, and the fundamental principles of electrizity and see what they deal with; look up the word spirit, for instance, learn its origin, and note how it came from one of the first words tiat man invented to indicate breath—because to his consciousness life and Spirit Energy entered the bedy through breath. He used the same word for breath as he did for spirit. Read further in the encyclopedia what various philosophers and scientists have said about this Dreath and Spirit. Look up the word soul, also the words body and blood, and those other things that we have been talking about in the monographs. One whole evening spent in the library looking up a dozen such words will prove to be the most inspiring and instructive evening you could spend. Keep in mind that the greatest thinkers in the world, of all times, have contributed to the knowledge you are receiving and that you will have a very fundamental knowledge about the real facts of nature and of life and of the universe as you progress through these lessons. We hope you will feel the same joy in being a part of this great study and great work that we, who are your teachers and guides, feel all the time. It is our inspiration, it is our hobby, and it is something to which we have given our time and devotion. We want you to become enthusiastic in the same way; for, to quote Bulwer-Lytton, "Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity," and by your enthusiaem you will demonstrate and attract that sincerity which makes for success in anything you are doing. Neophyte Sect AMOR C_____—The Rosicrucian Order SECOND ATRIUM NUMBER SEVENTEEN PAGE FOUR Having performed your first experiment with the first principal— water—you should not in any way consider this matter lightly, as each monograph from now on will have an importent bearing upon the progress that you will make. Whenever you are able to do so, this, and all other experiments, should be repeated until you are able to perceive results. The alchemical laws will be fully stated to you before we com- plete the work of the next section. You have had your first mani- festation of the mystical power of water, and, in order fully to understand that which has transpired, it is necessary for us to revert to the purely material part of ourselves. We all know that we mst have water taken into our systems :f our bodies are to continue perform ing their functions. The water that we drink serves many purposes, the greatest of these being the f-ushing of the kidneys; and this is because these organs are continually at work extracting from the blood impurities gathered from all parts of our bodies. Before beginning the work of the Third Atrium, we will consider ‘two more experiments dealing with water, We hope that you will have no difficulty in obtaining the fev simple accouterments for these exercises. CIRCULATORY In our system of reiieving distressful conditions, the SYSTEM blood is always the first point taken into considera- tion, because the circulatory system of the body reaches ‘the most remote part of the body. The blood carries the necessary nourishment to the tissues by means of the arteries, and on its return to the heart, by way of the veins, it removes all waste matter and impurities. ' Therefore, wo see at a glance the important part it plays in keeping the body in'a healthy condition all the time. If there were no filtering plant to remove the impurities from the blood, the body would soon become a mass of diseased, polluted matter; but, as I have stated, the kidneys perform this difficult task of removing the impurities. ‘Therefore, under normal conditions an individual takes sufficient water in food and beverage to supply the necessary quantity to the system. Unfortunately, this is not the case with every person, for most people drink very little water, and in that way the Kidneys become blocked, so to speak, and are prevented from functioning properly. Furthermore, many foods and beverages ‘taken into the system contain certain poisons, and all these con ditions tend te weaken the action of the kidneys—Hence the great need for supplying plenty of water to the system. One of the best times for supplying this need is between mealtimes, in the morning after rising, and before retiring [Neophyte Section A MO 8 C______—The Resicrucian Order SECOND ATRIUM NUMBER SEVENTEEN PAGE FIVE at night, because then as soon as the water reaches the stomach, it begins to pass inte the intestines, >y being forced there in a series of spurts by the contractions of the stomach, Within a comparatively short time practically all the water can be recovered in this way, none—or very little—being absorbed by the stomach. This, there— fore, produces a good cleansing for the kidneys. When practicing the previous lessons, this most important fact should be carefully considered and put into use. As soon as you are able'to get the kidneys working properly, rest assured that many impurities will be removed from the body. Then, your next step is to start working on the blood and get the blood back to its normal con— dition so that it will supply the proper energy to the affected parts. You see, if the blood contains the proper qualities and is quickly filtered of impurities, nature is able to rebuild more rapidly any part which is diseased. It is a known fact that in order to be able to relieve others of their abnormal or subnormal eonditions one mst first attain a certain healthy condition. Therefore, let us work now with this point in view. (ZXPERIMENT NUMBER TWENTY-THREE) We will take the same bowl for water and the candle that were used in the last experiment and arrenge them in the same way. After concentrating on the bowl of water for five minutes, you should stand facing the mirror and breathe deeply and slowly for five minutes. The arms should then be outstretched, forming a cross, and the breathing should be continued for tvo minutes more. Now the glass or bowl of pure water that has been used should be drunk, and five minutes then mst be spent in your chair, con~ centrating upon and directing the influx of Life Force to the heart. If possible during the coming week the breathing exercises should be used and plenty of water should be taken into the system—at least three glasses a day. You may direct your thoughts to the heart while breathing; that is, concentrate the life force, which you are breathing, to the heart. SUBJECTIVE As your vitality and hea:th improve by any process, FORCES especially by proper eating, drinking, and breathing, your sympathetic nervous system will radiate more of the vital lite force in your body than it would radiate if you were sickly. The more charged your sympathetic nervous system becomes with vitality, the more the solar plexus will be charged with that vitality. When it comes to that point in your development where this radiating vitality from the Neophyte Secti -A MO R C_______—The Rosicrucian Order SECOND ATRIUM NUMBER SVENTEEN PAGE SIX sympathetic nervous system becomes slightly perceptible, subjectively, in a dark room and appears like an aura surrounding your body, you will find that there are two places where this light or aura seems to be most concentrated or most condensed. One place is around the solar plexus. The second place is on the left side of the head just above the left temple. 4n explanation for the extra amount of light around the solar plexus is that it is the largest plexus connected with the sympathetic nervous system in one's body and, therefore, would radiate more vitality. The reason for the light showing’ so strongly around the left side of the head is explained as an area of the brain that has to do with some of the glands connected with the subjective func— tionings of man, (EXPERIMENT NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR) We would advise you at the present time as follows: Whenever you are holding a glass of water with your hands around it for the purpose of magnetizing it, or whenever you fel you want to retain a maximum of your magnetic vitality, hold the glass of water just above the solar plemis, or clasp your hands and hold them against the body or your clothing just above the solar plexus. This will somewhat short-cirouit the flow of vitality coming from your finger tips and not allow it to escape, as is the natural tendency. [t will also slow the escape of vitality from the solar plexus and make it stay within the body. Magnetic healers, who discove> that they have healing qualities in their hands, are those persons who have an unusual flow of this invisible vital fluid from their hands, although all persons have it to some dogree. Therefore, clasping your hands will keep it from leaving you when you need to retain it. Under normal conditions the Little that escapes from your hands will not devitalize you, or deplete you to any noticeable extent. You have now completed the Second Atrium of the Neophyte Section. We now progress to the third phase of this illuminating section. Although you are still a Neophyte, your exercises and experiments will have given you a basis for more rapid development during the next period. We salute you for your perseverance and determination as indicated by the fact that you have reached this point in your studies. May your fraternal bonds with the A.M.0.R.C. ever be strengthened in our common search for Light, Life, and Love. Yraternally, YOUR CLASS MASTER [Neophyte Section ——______A MO RC—__—The Rosirucian Order SECOND ATRIUM NUMBER SEVENTEEN PAGE SEVEN APPENDIX: By reference to the diagram below you will observe how many nerves, in comparison with other plexuses here shown, lead from the nervous system to the solar plexus, technically known as the geliae plexus. Also observe how many principal organs are related by the nervous system to the solar plexus; in fact it is the largest sympathetic plexus or largest plexus found in the body. non Your next monograph will contain your initiation into the Third Atrium. Be sure rue ‘that you have quiet and abso- 2 lute privacy. You should i also have ready the following : items to place in front of i ‘the mirror on your sanctum table: Two candles Incense A piece of writing paper and a pen. The Weekly Application Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the evening what the morning may accomplish —Usro Tae 1 Graxt Eyer since man conceived of Soul he has not only endeavored to define its nature, its substance, but actually to locate it. Some of the early philosophers declared it en- tirely intangible, formless, and as to its nature, beyond description. Others, however, declared that it was air; some said it was blood; and still others identified it with an actual organ of the body. For centuries it was thought that the heart was the seat of the Soul We, today, still feel the influence of the belief. We speak of having a change of heart, a brave heart, or heartfelt sympathy when we are actually referring to our emotional tendencies. Even today the emotions are commonly associated with the functions of the Soul. The heart alone was not honored as the residence of the Soul This distinction was conferred by some upon the solar plexus. Inasmuch as the excitation of many of our emotions produces corresponding sensation in the solar plexus, it was believed that the Soul, of which all the emotions were thought to be attributes, was located there. Why, you may ask, is it that many of the emotions do produce a sensation in the solar plexus? We here offer a physiological and psychological theory of explanation as well as the explanation of psychic influence given in this monograph. It is that certain emotions produce a reflex action which suddenly greatly contracts the diaphragm or abdominal muscles. This internal contraction causes an impingement or pressure upon the nerve plexuses in that region. This pressure causes us to become conscious of a sensation in the solar plerus. A sudden fear, for example, will cause a sensation in the solar plexus, ‘The quick contraction of the abdominal muscles is due, it is believed, to an instinctive tensing of the muscles for preparedness for fight ot flight Summary of This Monograph vistas Below is a summary of the important principles of this monogreph. It contains the essential statements which you should not forget, After ou have carefully read the complete monograph, tty to recall ax many as you can of the important points you reed. Then read this summary and see if you have forgoten any. Also refer to this stmmary during the ensuing week to refresh your In our system of relieving distressful conditions, the blood is always the first point taken into consideration, because the circulatory system of the body is so constructed, that the remotest part of the body is reiched. Drink plenty of water. As soon as you are able to get the kidneys working properly, the imputities will be removed from the body. @ The Rosicrucians do not believe that there is any such thing as a supernatural law. ‘They believe that there is nothing more wonderful than nature—nothing super be- yond the natural. Its helpful for the student ro use an encyclopedia regularly in relation to the sub. ject matter of these monographs. All persons have some degree of magnetic vitality flowing from their hands. @ The Solar Plexus is the largest plexus in the sympathetic nervous system.

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