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Pregunté I asked my teacher if there was
Ask Asked (preguntar) class tomorrow
Lie Lied Mintió That guy cheated on me, then he
(mentir) lied about it.
Clean Cleaned Limpió I think that the killer cleaned off
(limpiar) the knife after each kill.
Go Went Fue Patient of mine went in the
(ir) hospital this morning for surgery.
Bring Brought Traído No, i mean, I could've Brought a
(traer) change of clothes.
Enjoy Enjoyed Disfrutó The little
children enjoyed crawling around
under the seats finding interesting
Paid Pagado Plot's already paid for, and family
(pagar) should be together.
Lived Vivido She hasn't lived with her father
(vivir) for almost two years.
Felt Sintió The water felt so good after
(sentir) coming out of that heat.
Flied Voló Scared shadows forced a smile
(volar) and flied away.
See Saw Vió The maid who discovered the
(ver) body saw a guy run out
Think Thought Pensé Thought for a minute I might not
(pensar) see you again.
Find Found Encontrado The car is found and that's what
(encontrar) matters the most.
Improve Improved Mejoró I came to read small letters for my
(mejorar) eye sight improved.
Stay Stayed Quedó But I was the one
(quedarse) that stayed longer by your side.
Teach Taught Enseñó Mother's very clever... Taught me
(enseñar) a lot of things
Get dressed Got dressed Me vestí She got dressed, and I took her to
(Vestir) school.
Take Took Llevó Took all of ten seconds to scrape
(llevarse) his name off the wall.
Love Loved Amado Loved you forever and I've been
(amar) a big fan,
Walk Walked Caminó She got off the couch
(caminar) and walked to their bedroom doo
Carry Carried Transportó Water slopped out of the bucket
(transportar) as he carried it up the stairs.
Cut Cut Cortado They cut the power of those who
(cortar) pay bills on time
Sit Sat Se sentó She sat on the floor and drank a
(sentar) glass of water.
Uderstand Understood Entendió He understood my decision, and
(entender) we left with his blessing.
Want Wanted Buscado He's now wanted dead or alive so
(buscar) it's his choice
Sweep Swept Barrió
(barrer) My sister swept the whole house

Load Loaded Cargado The truck will be launched once

(cargar9 the pieces have been loaded.
Answer Answered Contestó I telephoned a little before the
(contesta) hour but no one answered.
Drink Drank Bebió Someone poisoned her
(beber) husband's glass, and
she drank it.
Meet Met Se reunió Alex was great, she met up with
(reunir) me on short notice.
Fix Fixed Fijado Fixed targets for water pumps
(fijar) have not yet been established.
Throw Threw Lanzó Threw an ice sculpture at his
(lanzar) head.
Climb Climbed Subió The cat climbed up the roof of my
(subir) house by himself.
Come Came Llegó Came home in tears again today.
Give Gave Regaló In the event, your mother gave it
(regalar) to you first.

Tell Told Dijo The doc told you there's nothing

(decir) wrong with your heart.
Choose Chosen Elegido Chosen by our public as the
(elegir) favourite colour for the new
Look Looked Miró Looked me in the eye, laughed in
(mirar) my face.
Make Made Hecho It was like she made the whole
(hacer) people forget their fear
Wash Washed Lavó Washed the dishes in the sink
Smell Smelt Olió I smelt cordite on his coat.
Pick up Picked up Recogió Except, this month's order was
(recoger) just picked up in person.
Sleep Slept Durmió Then she went to bed
(Domir) and slept till the following day
Follow Followed Seguió Followed me right into the men's
(seguir) room.
Become Became Se convertió Oliver, the eldest son, became a
(convertir) poet and author.
Catch Caught Atrapó The police have caught him
Show Showed Presentó The first day he can have visitors,
(presentar) and she never showed.
Try Tried Intentó Tried to flee the country, he died
(intentar) in a plane crash.
Buy Bought Compró She bought her parents a car with
(Comprar) the money she saved.
Forget Forgot Olvidó He's on his way to you, Forgot his
(olvidar) phone.
Leave Left Dejo Left me there alone, and I had no
(dejar) idea where I was
Touch Touched Ser Tocado While being touched, babies
(tocar) realize how much they are loved.
Help Helped Ayudó Helped me find the local grocery
(ayudar) store
Arrive Arrived Llegó Arrived safely a few days ago.
Watch Watched observó
Feel Felt sintió
Have lunch Had lunch almorzamos
Close Closed Cerrado
Call Called llamado
Begin Began comenzó
Know Knew Sabía
Remember Remembered Recordado
Hate Hated odiado
Learn Learned aprendió
Forgive Forgiven Perdonado
Share Shared Compartido
Clean Cleaned limpiado
Feed Fen pantano
Laugh Laughed se rio
Jump Jumped Saltó
Add Added agregado
Send Sent me sentí
Make up Made up arreglado
Finish Finished Finalizado
Wear Worn Gastado
Change Changed Cambió
Listen to Listened to Escuchado
Erase Erased Borrado
Start Started Comenzó
Believe Believed Creído
Hear Heard Escuchó
Travel Travelled Viajado
Get Got Consiguió
Develop Developed Desarrollado
Say Said Dicho
Put Put Poner
Allow Allowed Permitido
Smile Smiled sonrió
Run Ran Corrió
Drive Drove Condujo
Thank Thanked agradeció
Dream Dreamt soñado
Sing Sang Cantó
Wait Waited esperado
Talk Talked Habló
Attend Attended asistió
Meet Met Reunió
Do Did Hizo
Write Wrote Escribió
Wake up Woke up Despertó

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