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WY / MASTER MONOGRAPH NEOPHYTE SECTION sways renains the property of Store Grand Uaige ofA AC OGL ST a nt Pohaved by, but loaned fo Us receiving tember ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMoRG Atrium Atrium 3 i Monograph Monograph 4 4 lu ams oa sronraphe 8 eae eee treen Sisson or Sade ca BA ses tie Brera THE CONCURRENCE ‘This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion vvv G The circulation ofthe blood is vital key to mental and physical hygiene. The blood, in its circulation, feeds the body, cleanses it, and’ transfers a vital life force to the whcle being. Dr. Florence Lyndon Meredith, a physician and a writer on this subject, emphasizes the importance of good circulation. ‘The purpose of circulation being to supply all cells with whatever they need and to take away from them whatever waste they produce, and to carry valuable substances made in one part of the body to other parts of the body, it will be evident that hygiene should include definite efforts toward Keeping the circulation generally active, in order to make pos- sible the necessary unequal distribution of blood to working and resting organs, and to avoid any distribution that is unnecessary or harmful FLORENCE LYNDON MEREDITH, M. D., 1883-1951 ‘Neophyte Section A MOR C_—___—The Rosicrucian Order THIRD ATRIUM NUMBER FOUR PAGE ONE To our Fratres and Sorores, Greetings! Last week we concluded with the story of the doctor who received help from a "guiding light." Now we will offer an explanation of this phenomenon. It must be remembered in this case, as with other phenomena of this sort, that we never really see anything; rather, we perceive what is in reality a subjective impression. We know it is possible to be aware of conditions or happenings at great distances beyond the range of physical vision. During so-called psychic experiences, we perceive places, people, and happen- ings. It is only natural thet we associate light with these things, for we cannot normally see a thing without lignt. Yet in the psychic perception of events there is no physical visible light which lights up a scene. In visualization, as well as in dreams and other psychic impressions, the ability to perceive anything does not require that Light be present in any physical sense, yet the very fact that we can perceive a thing necessitates the idea of the presence of light to satisfy our reasoning. ‘The doctor, then, who could clearly perceive the broken path before him, did not need a physical manifestation of light in order to make his journey possible. Yet he himself experienced a "lighted" path. He perceived a clear picture of what lay in front of him in total physical darkness. But it is Just as any other person of mystical development might perceive a clear picture of a situation lying outside the range of normal vision, whether it be three feet or three thousand miles away. It does not make much difference to the individual whether he experiences a thing through normal or extranormal perception. He himself is vividly aware of the condition in either case. Normal pereeption is a result of light, sound, or other waves registering upon our sensory organs and thereby causing impressions on our consciousness. Most people are sensitive to these normal physical waves and consequently perceive the same world. Extranormal per- ception is a result of waves of different frequencies impressing our consciousness sans eyes, ears, nose, and the like, with such intensity fas to close out any physical impressions. This causes us to perceive what may not be there in a physical sense; certainly what is not ‘apparent to others about us. The days of the greet mentalists are mostly past history now; not so mich because we are not producing as many great minds today, but because we are more objective Neophyte Section AMOR. ‘The Rosicrucian Order THIRD ATRIUM NUMBER FOUR PAGE TWO and analytical in our approach to life than were our forefathers. The mentalists of former days who produced ectoplasms, moved objects hither and yon, or engaged in mind-reading wizardry were mostly theatrical performers engaged in che delightful and entertaining illusions and deception to which man's mind is subject. People who doubted them were quickly labeled cynics and doubters. Only the faithful, the sincere, could enjoy their strange powers. Faith, yes, since their wizardry depended entirely on faith—the proclivity of the audience to want to perceive the miracles before them. So mich for an extremely fascinating subject. Next we will return to a subject we left off some weeks ago, namely, the circula- tion of the blood. PART IT The blood of the body is contained in a system of tubes—the blood vessels (see drawing)—within which it is kept eiroulating by ‘the force of the heartbeat. ‘The liquid part is known as PLASMA, in which float a vast number of small cells known as CORPUSCLES. Here we find the law of the triangle, for there are three kinds of corpuscles— the red, the white, and the blood platelets. The red colar af the blood is not due to the coloration of the blood plasma but is caused by the mass of red corpuscles, The function of the corpuscles is to carry food materials to the tissues, after the food has been properly prepared by the digestive organs. It is also to transfer to the tissues, the life force which is obtainea ‘through the functioning of the lungs. Their other duty is to remove various waste products, formed in the process of assimilation, from the tissues. In this monograph we will deal with the red corpuscle. It isa small, round, disk-shaped cell with an invisible nucleus. These rea corpuscles are vitalized at the lungs when the blood is forced to that portion of the body by the heart. By properly using our minds we are able to regulate the influx of vitality at the lungs. We can then increase ‘the circulation of the blood in any portion of the body which is affected by a diseased condition. This process gives nature more material tc work with in her rebuilding of affected parts, and the blood returning to the heart re~ moves the waste matter more quickly, ‘Neophyte Section A MOR C________—The Rosicrucian Order ‘THIRD ATRIUM NUMBER FOUR PAGE THREE Therefore, we find two important facts as a basis upon which to start the work of improving our health. The food we eat supplies the energy necessary to the body which we have labeled NEGATIVE. Our breathing supplies that energy whicn is labeled POSITIVE. There are, of course, many subdivisions to thes? two great divisions, but it is ‘too advanced a subject to cover in a few monographs. Little by little it will all be outlined to you, The experiments and diagrams will then lose technical appearance and bezome very understandable. After the red corpuscles have supplied the tissues, they pass from the arteries to the veins by means of small canals known as capillaries. When these corpuscles are examined we find that nearly all of their vibratory energy has been removed by the tissues, and the corpuscles, apparently motionless or lifeless, float back to the heart. Now after the blood returns from the lungs to the heart, if we examine ‘these same red corpuscles, we find they have changed their color toa bright red and they are vibrating from the center. Therefore, the ‘thing which has been taken in at the lungs must be energy. If we were able to exist and build up our physical bodies merely by supplying the body with gross natsrial, chemical or mineral matter, it would be natural for ue to aseume that man'e body had some mo of creating these material things ints the dual qualities that man's body requires. However, we have sean that the body is not built up solely from chemical, mineral, or otaer material things, but that the principle of duality operates throug the body. There must be two opposite polarities in the body to coustitute perfect health and to build up the existence of the body; hence, we supply the body not only with chemical, material, mineral things in the way of food, but with ‘the opposite positive element, in the form of the air that we breathe, to balance with the negative material element, We will now leave the healing part of the work and consider for a moment one of the greatest symbols of our Order, It may have been a source of great mystery why we use the circle with a dot in its center as a means of conveying a great lesson. The early mystics theorized that all manifestations emanated from one source which was composed of two polarities. It was further theorized that the smallest or most primitive form of perceptible manifestation was a cell, which was circular in form, with a nucleus. Tais nucleus, or heart, in the center of the cell is invisible in most cells, UNIVERSE—A CELL The anc:ent mystics knew that the nucleus was there just as we know it is there ‘today, and they symbolized the cell, with its heart or nucleus, by a dot in the center of a circle. They later believed that the universe is a cell (at least our immediate ‘Neophyte Section A M0 R C________—The Roicrucian Order ‘THIRD ATRIUM NUMBER FOUR PAGE FOUR universe) and that the sun is the center of it. Of course, they did not have the instruments available to penetrate beyond what could be seen with the naked eye, so they symbolized the universe as a large cirele with a dot in the center representing the sun. Perhaps they were not too far amiss, for in the advancement of our modern-day science we may come to know that the center of the entire visible universe is a nucleus of energy from which emanate the basic radiations which cause the formation of matter. At least, this idea is now in the theoretical stage on the part of general science. It is one reason for space exploration and for instruments’ being placed on the moon and other stellar bodies. Research has revealed that in some of the hieroglyphic languages, such as the Egyptian, the circle with the dot in the center became the symbol of the sun, because of the understanding of its nature as referred to above. Tho early mystics also realized when radiations from the nucleus in the center began to have effect within the cell to start the wonder- ful process of cell growth and cell division, that these radiations striking the outer wall of the ell would react upon the center of the ell again, the reaction taking the form of centralized, or focalized, power at three points equidistant on the walls of the cell. By draw- ing a line between these three points we have the symbol of the triangle within the circle. It was thought to be a fundamental law of nature that, while the cirole is a fundamental law of creation, the triangle is a secondary principle in the manifestation of form and the development of matter, as we have referred to in previous lessons. You will read more of this in our higher lessons when we come to the subject of orystallization and the triangular forms in crystals and minerals. So we can see from this simple reference to ancient symbols what profound knowledge ancient scholars had of those laws which we are apt to think are exclusively modern. Of course, some scientists today will say that the mystios merely speculated in regard to those things while science today knows through its ability to see and measure and test with instruments and devices. They say this because they assume that the ancients had no such instruments and that they had to depend upon their imagination and intuition. Of course, a mystic will answer that a fact of nature revealed to him by intuition, through Cosmic Attunement, is just as much a fact as one revealed through the microscope. If the fact and his knowledge of it enable him, asa mystic to accomplish certain results, he is just as learned in the knowledge fas the scientist of today. But the fact of the matter really is that the mystics of old did have devices and instruments for measuring, and after knowledge was revealed to them intuitively or Neophyte Section A M 0 R CT Rosicrucian Order THIRD ATRIUM NUMBER FOUR PAGE FIVE cosmically, they proceeded to demonstrate these principles and to test them so they might learn of new ways of applying the principles. Manu- scripts which were found and deciphered show that they did have ways and means of making accurate measurenents and of seeing or sensing things in an objective way. Following are illustrated some of the ingenious devices used by the ancient Egyptians, in particular. Genius was not confined to Eaypt, however, for other ancient civilizations shared alike in this respect. MEASUREMENT The ancient Egyptians OF TIME were the inventors of the oldest clock in the world—a shadow clock, Because Egyot is a sunny country, it is certain that the shadow clock became a popular method of measuring time. er Bikol Early in the morning at sunrise, the crossbar of the instrument was placed fecing the east so that its shadow would fall on the long arm at the place marked "ist Hour" (the first of tho six houre te the hoon hour). As soon as the shadow of the sun reached the crossbar marking the noon hour, the instrument was at once turned around facing the afternoon sun and allowing it to cast its lengthening shadow on the long arm, measuring the time till sunset. According to Dr. James Breasted, noted Egyptologist, it was from such a beginning that the twelve-hour day attained its use in Burope. The oldest of these clocks is 5400 years old and bears the name of Thutmose III. It is interesting to note that nearly a thousand years later the Greeks began to use the same kind of clock. The ancient Egyptians developed still another method of measuring time, based on the rate of time it took water to flow from @ small hole in the bottom of a container. ‘The container was filled and then the water was allowed to gradually escape. As the level of the water fell, the hours wore read on a scale which had been worked out on the inside wall of the container. This water clock was generally constructed in the form of a seated ape, or cynocephalus, an animal important in the symbology of the god Thoth, considered by the Egyptians to be the measurer of the time of both gods and men. [Neophyte Section- “A MO R C——Thhe Rosicrucian Order THIRD ATRIUM NUMBER FOUR PAGE SIX The large Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in Rosicrueian Park has several rare representations of the cynocephalus in its collection, dating back thousands of years. MEDICINE Egypt must be considerec the pioneer in the science of medicine. The Egyptian doctors were famous all over the ancient world. The royalty of all nations were treated by them if their skill was at all available. The doctors received their remuneration from publie funds, and evidently there was a department of Public Health—also, a medical association at which motheds of treatment were developed, Their knowledge of therapeutics, surgery, anatomy, physiology, and medicine was called the of the physician. The Egyptian physician was known to have accurate knowledge of anatomy, the location and functions of the heart, stomach, intestines, and other organs. He could treat fractures successfully. Knowledge of the circulation of the blood is irdicated in the Ebers papyrus by the statement, "The heart is the center and its vessels lead to all its members. In our next lesson we will continue our discussion of the wonder- ful mechanism we know as the human body, and in that lesson our subject will deal with the nervous system, a phenomenally intricate com munications network. With al1 good wishes for Peace Profound. Fraternally, YOUR CLASS MASTER NOTE: Frior to your next lesson, please have ready the following: Aleohol (plain wood alcohol will do), table salt, sugar, @ tin or Porcelain cup, and a bowl of water. ‘Neophyte Section A M OR C_____—Thhe Rosicrucian Order ‘THIRD ATRIUM NUMBER FOUR PAGE SEVEN PUTTING THE TEACHINGS INTO PRACTICE The fact that the principle of duality enters so largely into the physical part of man's health must have suggested to many of you the likelihood of its extending even to his thinking. This is true, What a man thinks affects not only himself but everything surrounding him, even creating conditions that may affect others. Two sorores of advanced Degree lay stress on ‘the importance of positive thinking. One writes: "Until Joining AMORC, the importance of positive thinking had never occurred to me. Taat negative thoughts could eventually bring illness and other misfortunes would have seemed incredible; but negations held in the mind over a length of time poison the system and react in a cirole on 1s, and our environment... « Sir James Jeans, I believe, suggests that the god that determines our fate is our own minds, acting on our brain cells and through them on the world about us... . God certainly does not dictate man's choice of thoughts or words, but man reaps as he sows. His suffering is of his own oreation—not cent ae punishment by an angry Cod. What you give out will come back to you. Tnis is the law of compensation. Constructive thoughts of love, wisdon, harmony, ana strength influence us mentally and physically. ‘This raises our vibrations and we be- come positive instead of negative." —Soror E.R. G., Ala, The other writes: “More than most of us are aware our states of consciousness produce external vibratory conditions that are as definite as the toads and vipers that fell from the lips of the evil daughter and the pearls and diamonds that fell from the lips of the good daughter in the well-known fairy tale. They correspond to the Light and darkness in a more figurative sense. We leave vibratory residues wherever we are, dark with materialistic and selfish qualities, or luminous in varying degrees, resulting from our Cosmic Attunement end progress toward the Great Light."—Sorer C. E., Florida The Weekly Application Whatsoever thou resolves! to da doit quickly. Defer not tll the ‘evening what the morning may ecomplich —Un'ro Tune I Gant Pethaps you are somewhat mystified by the explanation in this monograph as to how the cell (symbolized by the circle with a dot in its center) can produce within itself a process of development that corresponds to the triangle. This is very elfec- tively illustrated in an elaborate and instructive form in the Rosicrueian Manual, which every Rosicrucian should possess. We will, however, reproduce a portion of It here to ilustrate this one principle which you should study well during the en- i < W 1 ? 3 1AIt suffices to say that before the cell or the form of living matter existed, there ‘was pure, absolute being, or the primary energy of all, symbolized here by the dot, and predominantly positive. 2—This energy was surrounded equally on all sides by 2 condition of unlike nature, the absence of being, which was as a circle about it, like the cell symbolized above by the circle with the dot in its center. 3~This centralized energy represented by the dot continued to pulsate. It could not remain inert because everything must be in motion according to a fundamental lw of nature. Therefore, it extended itself, but in a straight line toward the outer ‘oppesite condition, “Again it extended itsdf in a straight line to an opposite point ‘of the triangle. Its polarity or nature becoming slightly negative by contact with the absence of its nature, the outer void, itis finally drawn back to its center by the more positive energy of its own nature. These movements form triangles. ‘The illustration above will reveal to you a seriss of triangles emanating from the center of the dot in the circle because of these laus of dualityattraction and repulsion. Summary of This Monograph vv Below isa summary ofthe important principles ofthis monograph. Tt contains the essential statements which you should not forget After you have careully reed the complete manos graph, try to recall. as many at you can of the important points you read. Then read ths frimary and se if you have folgtten eny. Also refer to this Summary ding the entulag ‘week to Fefresh your memory. 4 The ability to perceive anything asin dreams or other psychi require that light be present in any physical sense. pressions docs not There are three kinds of corpuscles, According to the law of the triangle, they are the red, the white, and the Blood platelets. The red corpuscle is a small, round cell with an invisible nucleus. Ie cares the life force obtained from the lungs throughout the circulatory system, | The food we eat takes into the body a negative energy. Our breathing supplies a positive energy. Life is therefore dependent on a dual factor, a positive and neg. tive energy. 4 The symbol of the circle with the do in the center represents the form which all living cell mateer assumes with its nucleus or vitalized center from which the energy es, It further depicts that the ell i self-contained and complete, and that it has its own nature the vital enersy necessary for its eventual development. The mystics maintain that a fact of nature revealed through intuition is just as much a fact as one revealed through scientific inseruments The ancient Egyptians were the inventors of the oldest clock in the world. @ The Egyptian physician was known to have an accurate knowledge of anatomy, the focation and function of the heart, stomach, intestines, and other organs.

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