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I Select a Concept for your character. “Bounty Hunter” is not sufficient.

II Select a Nature for your character from the following choices.

Analyst Architect Bravo Bureaucrat Caregiver

Conniver Critic Explorer Follower
Hedonist Jester Judge Leader Rebel
Survivor Thrillseeker Traditionalist Visionary

III Divide 13 dots among your Attributes. Unless you select certain Flaws, each Attribute gains
1 dot for free before you distribute your 13 dots.

IV Divide 23 dots among your Abilities. You may not raise an Ability above 3 at this step.

V Divide 6 dots among your Backgrounds. Record your starting Willpower (3) and your
starting Psi Potential (1).

VI Choose Merits & Flaws. You may gain no more than 7 Freebie points from Flaws. You
must pay for Merits with Freebie points in step VII.

VII Distribute 21 Freebie Points (less any you spent on Merits, plus any you gained from Flaws)
as you wish, at the following cost.

Purchase Freebie Cost per Dot

Attributes 5
Abilities (can be increased above three) 2
Specialties (maximum three per ability) 1
Backgrounds 1
Willpower 2

VIII Derive secondary traits.

Initiative = Wits + Dexterity

Innate Soak (Bashing) = Stamina
Innate Soak (Lethal) = (Stamina / 2), Round Down
Encumbrance Limit = (Strength + Might) x 10 kg
Crawl Move = 2M
Walk Move = 5M
Run Move = 12 + Dexterity
Dice Move = 6 + (Dexterity / 2), Round Down
Sprint = 20 + (Dexterity x 3)
Maximum Lift =

Strength + Might Lift (in kg) Strength + Might Lift (in kg)
1 15 6 300
2 45 7 360
3 100 8 420
4 165 9 480
5 240 10 550

IX Write a brief background story for your character, including why he or she became a bounty hunter, and
also including one dark secret or mysterious incident in your character’s past.
Acute Sense (Sense) -1
Ambidexterous -1
Animal Magnetism -1
Catlike Balance -1
Centered -5
Code of Honor -2
Combat Veteran -3
Common Sense -1
Concentration -1
Crack Driver -2
Crack Pilot -2
Daredevil -3
Debt (Focus) -3
Eidetic Memory -3
Enchanting Voice -1
High Pain Tolerance -3
Internal Compass -1
Law Enforcement Powers (I.S.S.P.) - 1 to - 7
Lightning Calculator -2
Natural Leader -1
Natural Linguist -3
Natural Technician -3
Patient -1
Time Sense -1
True Love (Focus) -4

Addiction + 2 or + 4
Amnesia + 3 or + 5
Blind +6
Big Mouth +1
Combat Ineffective +2
Combat Stress +3
Creepy +2
Cybernetic Replacement +1
Curiosity +2
Dark Secret + 1 or + 3 or + 5
Deformity +3
Deaf +4
Disfigured +3
Elgee (Low-Gravity Physique) + 3 or + 5
Enemy + 1 to + 7
Flashbacks +3
Fugitive +5
Hard of Hearing +1
Horny +1
Impatient +1
Lame + 2 or + 4
Low Pain Threshold +3
Mistaken Identity + 1 or + 2
Mute +4
Nightmares +1
One Eye +2
Overwhelmed +2
Paraplegic +6
Phobia (Focus) +2
Poor Sight + 1 or + 3
Shy +1
Short +1
Soft-Hearted +1
Spacesick +2
Speech Impediment +1
Territorial +2
Uneducated +5
Vengeful +2
Ward +4

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