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Week 13 - Task: Assignment - How much do you know your roommate?

Andrea Balbin Rejas Katherine Vilca Reyes


Katherine: Good evening Andrea, how are you?

Andrea: Hi Katherine, nice to see you again, i’m good, how about you?

Katherine: I’m good too, so i notice that you had a new roommate this season

Andrea: Oh yeah!

Katherine: So, tell me more about her

Andrea: Well, her name is Isabella and she have 18 years old. She’s sweet, kind and in this
short time that i know her she seems to be a good person

Katherine: Good to heard that! And what she’s studying?

Andrea: She’s studying Marketing and Management Bussiness Career, and she’s in her third

Katherine Oh so you both share classes

Andrea: Not all of them but they’re 3 classes that i share with her

Katherine: Good, and how she looks like?

Andrea: Well, she’s short, thin and her hair is black same color as her eyes

Katherine: And she work at the same time she study?

Andre: Yeah, in weekends she does babysitting, that help her to pay some of her things

Katherine: Yeah, I imagine. And what her does in her free time?

Andrea: Well, she usually practice her favourite sport that it’s volleyball with her friends or
sometimes go to the beach for an entire day with them

Katherine: That’s so cool!

Andrea: Yeah, well Katherine it was a pleasure to talk to you again, see you soon!

Katherine: Bye Andrea!


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