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way worse
than you
Irrefutable Proof
That You Are Indeed
a Fantastic Parent

glenn boozan
Illustrated by Priscilla Witte


Copyright © 2022 by Glenn Boozan

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Published simultaneously in Canada by Thomas Allen & Son Limited.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

ISBN 978-1-5235-1564-6

Illustrations by Priscilla Witte

Design by Rae Ann Spitzenberger

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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
the mothers
in my life
who not only
aren’t the worst,
but in fact
are the best:
my sisters
Alex and Amber.
you had a kid (or two)!
Oh, what a time of joy.

You got the crib,

the car seat, bib;
you bought the perfect toys.

You read the books,
you did the work,
you baby-proofed
your stuff.
But even so,
a nagging thought:
What if it’s
not enough?
Like ...
“What if I
don’t burp
them right?

Or what if I’m
too strict?

Or what if I buy
diapers, then
the diapers make
them sick?”

“Or what if they
get tetanus,

or I don’t dress
them right?

Or what if when
I strap them in,
the Baby Björn’s
too tight??”

“Or maybe,” your head
starts to spin, it’s now
a full-blown panic,
“They lose an eye,
or even worse,
their food is not organic?

“Or what if I’m not watching

and they stumble off a cliff?

“Or if I pick the wrong preschool?

What if, what if,

what if—?”

okay, calm down.
Take a deep breath,
big exhale.

It’s absolutely normal,

feeling like you’re
doomed to fail.

And though you’ll make some

big mistakes,
remember this is true:
When put into perspective,

there are moms WAY worse

than you.
You won’t be worse than
hamster moms,
no matter how you try.

Sometimes they eat

their newborn pups.
We still don’t yet know why.

A mom giraffe is pretty nice
until the fetus drops:

She’ll birth a newborn baby calf,

then kick him ’til he walks.

If someone calls you
“selfish mom”
and makes you feel like crud,

Tell them sometimes

Dracula ants
will suck their babies’ blood.
Whenever you feel guilty
that you haven’t cleaned
the house:
Sexton beetles
raise their kids
in a decomposing mouse.
An eagle mom believes
in survival of the strong.

She’ll let her little eaglets fight

until the death (how wrong).

Panda moms
are perfect,
unless they’re blessed
with two.

Twins are hard,

so they’ll ditch one—
it’s terrible. And true!

For dinnertime, a koala mom
will feed her kids her poop.

Remember that when you feel bad 

for giving yours fast food.

When side by side
with Lanyu skinks,
you’d look like World’s Best Mama.
They’ll eat their eggs
if things get tough,
just to avoid the drama.
If a quokka mom
comes face to face
with dingoes in the wild,

Guess what she’ll do
to get away?
That’s right—she’ll
toss her child.
At least you’re not a
cuckoo mom.
Whoo boy, that bitch
is brazen.

She hides her eggs
in other nests so she
won’t have to raise ’em.
Harp seals? Oh, they’re
super cute. Maternally?
They’re frightening.
Two weeks
after giving birth,
they’re outta there
like lightning.
In fact, a lot of new moms
pull a disappearing act:

Bunnies, black bears,

snakes and lizards,
sheep and birds
and cats.
Alaskan plovers,
they don’t even fake it
like they care.

One month
after giving birth?
First class, Hawaiian Air.

It’s not just moms,
some dads suck too!
They’re not all warm
and snuggly.

A pipefish dad
will eat his kids
if he thinks that
they’re ugly.

Horses seem like super dads,
but, eh, they’re
not the best.
They’ll threaten
other horses’ kids
and kick them
to death.

The poison dart frog dad
is less a “hit”
and more a “miss.”

To keep his eggs

from drying out,
he’ll sometimes
use his piss.

So when you feel
exhausted, or there’s
too much on your plate,

As long as you
don’t eat your baby?
Yeah, you’re doing great.

Raising kids is chaos;

there is no ideal path.

Like anything worth doing,

motherhood will
kick your ass.

When the panic rises,
and the pressure
starts to mount,

Remember that
you’re trying . . .
and that is all
that counts.

Though others might
make comments, or judge
from where they sit,

This concept of a
“perfect mom”
is absolute bullshit.

Let’s celebrate the

not-so-great and
“Wish it had gone better!”

Embrace the mediocre family

times you share together.

’Cause even if you
drop a kid,
or “accidentally” curse,

Just know that

when it comes
to moms . . .

. . . you’ll never
be the worst!
Though these may appear to be nature’s most truly heinous animal moms
and dads, a more in-depth look reveals that just like the rest of us, these
parents are doing the very best they can. 

Hamsters that. If the mother feels that the

baby is progressing too slowly,
Perhaps the most infamous bad
she’ll provide “encouragement”
moms of the animal kingdom,
to her newborn by kicking its legs
hamster mothers have been
until it can walk on its own. As
known to eat their pups shortly
with many parents in the animal
after giving birth. Experts still
kingdom, the giraffe’s behavior is
don’t know exactly why they
about survival: About half of baby
behave cannibalistically, but
giraffes get eaten by predators,
at least one study points to a
so their mom’s protective instincts
vitamin B deficiency brought on
seem warranted.
by a heavy diet of corn. Other
theories point to stress, lack of
Dracula ants
food, size of litter, or, if the babies
have been handled, Dracula ant queens don’t have
an unfamiliar scent the excuse of cannibalizing their
that may confuse young for lack of available food.
the hamster mom In bigger colonies, even if there’s
from recognizing other food available, the queen
the babies as feeds exclusively on the blood (or
her own. hemolymph) of her own larvae.
She chooses a victim, usually in
Giraffes the final stages of
Because giraffes give birth
(and therefore
standing up, a baby giraffe
most nutrient-
begins its life with an 8-foot
rich), then
freefall to Earth. It learns to
stabs it with
stand about 30 minutes later,
her jaw and
and walks a short time after

drinks its blood like a horrifying Eagles
little milkshake. Though this
Eagle moms really
process doesn’t kill the larvae,
do allow their
it does leave visible puncture
eaglets to engage
wounds. Scientists believe this
in what is known
type of feeding is preferable
as siblicide, though
because it’s more energy efficient:
it may not be as common
The predigested nutrients in the
as is sometimes reported. When
larvae’s blood are easier to absorb
it does happen, the first chick in
than normal food.
the nest to hatch (being larger and

Sexton beetles hungrier) is usually the aggressor. It

challenges its younger sibling (most
The Sexton beetle, aka eagles lay two eggs) by driving
the burying beetle, it to the edge of the nest so the
really does raise two won’t have to share attention
its young inside and resources. Some studies cite
a carcass. It parental neglect as a cause of
uses specialized eagle siblicide, noting that it may
antennae to sniff be avoided if the mom brings back
out the body of a enough food for both eaglets.
small dead animal,
usually a mouse or a bird. Before Pandas
burying the animal to protect it
Pandas aren’t great at becoming
from predators, the beetles clean
parents in the first place.
the carcass, then coat it with
Unfortunately for female pandas,
oral and anal secretions (yes,
once they finally do become
you read that right) to prevent
mothers, panda dads are absent,
decay. The female lays her eggs
rarely even meeting their
in the ground, then once they’ve
offspring. Even with
hatched, they all move into the
only one child to
carcass itself. If the carcass is too
care for, panda
small to fit all the hatchlings, the
moms have
mom will kill a few baby beetles to
been known to
make room.
their babies (panda

moms often don’t get enough Lanyu skinks
nutrients from bamboo, and
Parental care in the reptile world
therefore don’t produce enough
is rare, so the long-tailed Lanyu
milk) or accidentally crush their
Island skink’s practice of filial
cubs while nursing. With twins, the
cannibalism (eating one’s young)
mother panda may simply become
is not entirely surprising. But it is
overwhelmed and eventually
different: Most lizards abandon
abandon the weaker twin. But
the nest shortly after laying a
even in captive environments
clutch of eggs; however, the
with a full team of zoologists, the
Lanyu skink lays its eggs and
weaker panda cub sometimes
sticks around to ward off potential
doesn’t survive.
predators . . . until she feels the

Koalas danger is too great. If a snake

threatens her nest one too many
Like most marsupials, koala cubs times, she’ll consume
start off drinking their mom’s her eggs rather
milk. Then after about six months, than sacrifice them
the babies instinctively nuzzle to the intruding
their heads down toward their snake. Scientists
mother’s rear end to eat her poop. hypothesize that
The reason? Fresh eucalyptus Lanyu Island skinks
leaves are too toxic for a baby eat the eggs to nourish
koala’s stomach, and not only and strengthen themselves while
does the mom’s digestive process depriving the snake of a meal, too.
neutralize those toxins, but
the poop also contains helpful Quokkas
nutrients. (The next time you
Okay, okay . . . quokka moms
feel guilty about letting your kids
do not actually “throw” their
eat cold pizza for
babies. But they don’t hold on
breakfast, it’s worth
to them either. When a quokka
mom is carrying a newborn in her
that a koala’s first
marsupial pouch and finds herself
solid meal is its
being chased by a predator, she
mother’s feces.)
creates a diversion as part of her
escape plan: She will eject her

joey by relaxing her feed and dote on their newborn
pouch muscles, pups for twelve days before they
allowing it to fall disappear to go mate again,
to the ground. leaving the vulnerable babies
The joey serves sitting out in the open on a block
as a yummy of ice, unable to feed themselves.
distraction for the The pups then spend the next
predator while the mom runs to several weeks starving, losing
safety, hopefully to breed again. about half their weight. Eventually,
they learn to swim and hunt for
Cuckoos themselves, but only
A European common cuckoo is 70 percent of them
known as a “brood parasite,” or a survive their first
type of animal that tricks others year of life (hey,
into raising its young for them. A at least they’ll
cuckoo mom finds another bird’s have something
nest, surreptitiously deposits her to talk about in
egg inside, then flies miles away therapy).
from the scene of the crime. The
unsuspecting bird mom accepts Plovers
and raises this strange new egg During mating season, female
as her own. After the baby cuckoo plovers in Western Alaska will
hatches, it may even kill the nest’s lay four eggs, which hatch about
original baby birds to ensure it a month later. As soon as the
gets maximum resources. The eggs have hatched, both bird
cuckoo egg is often thicker parents abandon their babies to
shelled (cuckoos sometimes drop make the 3,000-mile,
their eggs on existing host eggs 50-hour trip to
to break one or more of them) and Hawaii (one of the
darker in color so that it blends longest nonstop
into the shadows of the nest. migrations of
all birds). The
Harp seals hatchlings are left
Harp seals are seemingly to figure life out on
dedicated moms at first. They their own.

Pipefish reason that this happens because
of competition for resources (like
A pipefish is related to a seahorse,
food and future mates). In rare
except without the “good dad”
instances, if a stallion suspects
reputation. A pipefish father
one of his mares has been
assumes the brunt of
impregnated by another—even if
the pregnancy,
the horse isn’t totally sure—he’ll
carrying the eggs
attack and try to kill the offspring.
in his body until
Scientifically speaking, he doesn’t
they’re ready to
want to waste time and energy
be released. To
caring for another dude’s foal.
separate the weak
from the strong, he
restricts nutrients to his pouch,
allowing the heartier eggs to get poison dart frogs
all the food. Then he absorbs Frogs typically don’t make the
the remaining (weaker) eggs. best parents, so it’s a miracle the
The amount of eggs he “eats” strawberry poison dart frog puts
varies, but if the female he mated in any effort at all. After the tiny
with is perceived as weak or mom frog lays her batch of eggs
“unattractive,” that pipefish dad on a leaf near the rain forest floor,
will absorb more of her eggs it’s the dad’s turn to protect them
than others’. by making sure they don’t dry out
or get eaten by predators. To keep
Horses the eggs moist, male
Stallions are beautiful, but it’s poison dart frogs
true that they also sometimes will transport
murder other horses’ children— water via its
particularly male foals. A number cloaca (a sort of
of other animals (including zebras, reptilian anus/
lions, squirrels, and sea lions) urethra combo) for
do, too, so it’s not uncommon in about ten days until
the animal kingdom. Scientists they hatch into tadpoles.

First off, a loud, heartfelt thank you to the people
who quite literally made this book happen: Brandi
Bowles and Reg Tigerman. You two are a kick-ass
dream team.
Thank you to Priscilla Witte: Working alongside
you was like your illustrations—an absolute joy.
Thank you to the Workman team: Rae Ann
Spitzenberger, Sarah Curley, and especially
Megan Nicolay. I’m so grateful for your sharp
insight and guidance. I hit the editor jackpot!
And a final thank-you to my family: Mom, Dad,
Gagey, Richard, Holly, the Boozans, the Shermans,
and John. I’m so lucky to have ended up with all of
you in my life.

GLENN BOOZAN is an Emmy- and
WGA Award–nominated comedy
writer whose credits include Conan;
Comedy Central’s Lights Out with
David Spade; Sarah Silverman’s
I Love You, America; and Adam Ruins
Everything. She lives in Los Angeles,
a 30-minute drive from her mother,
which apparently is still too far.


PRISCILLA WITTE is a Los Angeles–
based illustrator and muralist. Her
work has taken her from the Black
Sea of Russia to the beaches along
the coast of Bali. Some of her clients
include Warner Music Group, Mattel
(Barbie), and Google. Her most recent
mural is painted in downtown Los
Angeles between a Jeff Koons and a
Takashi Murakami. That’s a tasty sandwich. 

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