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SEMESTER 2 SESI 2022/2023








1. Tablet

Tablets have become increasingly popular in education due to their versatility, portability, and
interactive features. Here are some functions of tablets in education. Note-Taking and
Organization: Tablets offer various note-taking apps that allow students to type, write, or draw
directly on the screen. These apps often have features like highlighting, bookmarking, and
organizing notes into folders, making it easier for students to review and search for information.
After that, E-Books and Digital Resources: Tablets provide easy access to digital textbooks, e-
books, educational apps, and online resources. Students can carry a vast library of materials in
a single device, saving space and weight compared to traditional printed books. Next,
multimedia learning, tablets support multimedia content, including videos, audio files, and
interactive presentations. Students can engage with multimedia materials that enhance their
understanding of complex topics, such as science experiments, historical footage, or virtual
simulations. Tablets offer a flexible and interactive learning experience, allowing students to
engage with digital content, collaborate with peers, and access a wide range of educational
2. Digital pads

Digital pads, also known as graphics tablets or pen tablets, have several functions that make
them valuable tools for education. Here are some ways digital pads can be used in an
educational setting. Drawing and illustration, digital pads provide a natural drawing
experience, enabling students to create digital artwork and illustrations. They can experiment
with various artistic techniques, colours, and styles. This can be particularly beneficial for art
classes or graphic design courses. After that, writing and Note-Taking: Digital pads allow
students to write and take notes directly on the tablet's surface using a stylus or pen. This can
be especially useful for subjects that involve complex diagrams, equations, or formulas.
Students can save and organize their notes digitally, making them easily accessible for future
reference. Next, interactive presentations, with a digital pad, teachers can create interactive
presentations by writing, drawing, or annotating directly on the tablet while simultaneously
displaying the content on a larger screen. This enhances engagement and helps convey concepts
more effectively. Overall, digital pads offer versatile and interactive tools that enhance
engagement, creativity, and collaboration in educational settings. They provide opportunities
for personalized learning and can improve the learning outcomes of students across various
3. Smartboards

Smartboards are widely used in educational settings to enhance teaching and learning
experiences. These advanced technological tools combine a traditional whiteboard with
interactive features, allowing teachers and students to engage in interactive and dynamic
lessons. Here are some key points about smartboards for education. First, it has interactive
features, smart boards enable teachers to interact with the content displayed on the board using
touch or stylus input. They can write, draw, highlight, and erase content directly on the board,
replicating the experience of a traditional whiteboard but with added digital functionality. After
that, multimedia capabilities such as smartboards can integrate with various multimedia
resources, such as videos, images, and audio, making lessons more engaging and interactive.
Teachers can easily incorporate multimedia content into their presentations to enhance the
learning experience.
4. 3D Printing

3D printing is an important technology within the education industry. It is especially useful

within design-based courses, students studying architecture, resistant materials, and
engineering can use 3D printing to create prototypes and models for their projects. First benefit
of having it is concept visualization, 3D printing allows students to transform abstract concepts
and ideas into tangible objects. It provides a visual and tactile representation that helps students
better understand complex subjects, such as geometry, molecular structures, or historical
artifacts. After that, design thinking and prototyping. With 3D printing, students can engage in
the design thinking process by iterating and refining their designs. They can create prototypes
and test their ideas quickly, enabling them to learn from failures, make improvements, and
develop critical thinking skills. Next, 3D printing allows for customization and personalization
of educational materials. So that lecturer can adapt learning resources to meet the specific needs
of individual students.
5. Virtual Reality

There are many functions of VR one of it is virtual field trips, virtual reality can visualise
students to places they might not have the opportunity to visit physically. They can explore
historical sites, natural wonders, museums, and cultural landmarks, providing a richer and more
engaging learning experience than traditional classroom methods. After that, science and
engineering visualization: VR can visualize abstract and complex scientific concepts, making
them more tangible and understandable. Students can explore microscopic organisms,
planetary systems, molecular structures, or engage in interactive physics simulations. This
enhances conceptual understanding and scientific inquiry. Virtual reality can recreate historical
events or cultural experiences, providing a deeper understanding of different time periods and
cultures. Students can virtually walk through ancient civilizations, witness historical events, or
interact with virtual historical figures.
6. Digital reader

Digital readers can be use to access to educational resources, digital readers enable students to
access a vast range of educational materials, including textbooks, reference books, research
papers, and educational websites. This access to a wide array of resources promotes
independent learning and allows students to explore subjects beyond what is covered in
traditional textbooks. After that, portability and convenience, digital readers are lightweight
and portable, making them ideal for students to carry multiple textbooks and reading materials
in a single device. This eliminates the need for heavy backpacks and provides flexibility for
studying both in and outside of the classroom. Next, interactive and engaging content, digital
readers can incorporate interactive features, such as multimedia elements, interactive quizzes,
and embedded videos. These features enhance engagement and make learning more interactive
and dynamic, helping students grasp complex concepts more effectively.
7. Smart pen

The benefits are digital notetaking, smart pens allow students to take handwritten notes during
lectures or classroom discussions while simultaneously capturing them digitally. This enables
students to have both physical and digital copies of their notes, providing flexibility and
convenience for studying and organizing their materials. After that, Audio Recording: Many
smart pens have built-in audio recording capabilities. Students can record lectures or
discussions while taking notes. This feature proves especially useful for reviewing complex
topics or ensuring accurate notetaking, as they can later sync their written notes with the
corresponding audio recordings.
8. Digital tables

Digital tables, also known as interactive touch tables or interactive tabletops, are specialized
devices that feature a large touch-sensitive surface, typically in the form of a table. These tables
are designed to facilitate collaborative learning and interactive experiences in educational
settings. Here are some key points about digital tables in education. Can use for collaboration
and group work, digital tables are designed for collaboration. Multiple students can work
together around the table, sharing ideas, discussing concepts, and engaging in group activities.
The large interactive surface allows for simultaneous interaction, teamwork, communication,
and problem-solving skills.
9. Projector

Projectors are widely used in educational settings to enhance teaching and learning
experiences. They can display visual content on a large screen or surface, making it easier for
students to see and understand information. Here are some key points about projectors in
education. Visual Presentations, projectors enable teachers to display visual presentations,
slideshows, and multimedia content to engage students and enhance their understanding of
complex topics. Teachers can use projectors to showcase images, videos, graphs, diagrams,
and animations that support their lessons. After that, flexibility and portability, projectors
provide flexibility in terms of location and setup. They can be moved between classrooms or
used in different areas within a school. Portable projectors are also available, enabling teachers
to take their presentations to different locations or conduct outdoor classes. Next,
multifunctional use, projectors can be used for various educational purposes beyond classroom
instruction. They are commonly used for school assemblies, presentations, student showcases,
and parent-teacher meetings, providing a versatile tool for different school events.
10. Finger reader

Finger readers can be a valuable assistive technology for blind or visually impaired individuals.
Braille reading, finger readers can be used to scan and interpret braille text, providing blind
individuals with a way to access printed materials. By sliding their fingers over the Braille text,
the finger reader captures the patterns and converts them into digital or auditory output,
allowing blind users to read and comprehend the content. After that navigation and wayfinding,
finger readers can assist blind individuals in navigation and wayfinding by providing haptic
feedback and directional cues. For example, when exploring maps or diagrams, the finger
reader can vibrate or provide audio feedback to indicate landmarks or points of interest, helping
blind users navigate and orient themselves in their surroundings.

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