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1. Where does computer virus came from?
2. How does computer virus spread?
Viruses, Worms, and
Trojan Horses
Computer Virus
• Computer viruses are created with
malicious intent and sent by attackers.
• is an executable program that has the
ability to copy or replicate itself and infect
a computer without the owner knowing it.
• Computer viruses are created with
malicious intent and sent by attackers.
Effects of Virus in the Computer
• It can damage your hard disk
• Corrupt data
• Change data
• Degrade the performance of your system
Signs of Computer Infection
1. Your computer started to run slowly than the
2. The computer takes longer that the usual to
start up.
3. Your web browser keeps on crashing or you
get a new homepage.
4. The preferences in the folder options are set to
5. The Window registry editor cannot be access.
Types of Computer Virus
1. File infector and Boot sector viruses
2. Macro Viruses
3. Worms
4. Web Applet viruses
5. Spyware
6. Trojan Horse
File infector
File infector – works by running together
with the executable file they are attached

Boot sector viruses
Boot sector – infect
your computer
when it reads an
infected drive or

Macro Viruses
These viruses infect the files created using
some applications or programs that
contain macros such as doc, pps, xls and
They automatically infect the files with
macros and also templates and
documents that are contained in the file.

A virus that replicate
itself even without
human intervention.

Web Applet viruses
A type of virus that can exist using scripting
language: ActiveX, JavaScript, and Java.
The virus infect your computer by simply
installing an infected ActiveX, JavaScript,
and Java file.
is any technology that
aids in gathering
information about a
person or
organization without
their knowledge.
(spybot or tracking
Trojan Horse
• Trojan threat is hidden in
software that appears to do one
thing, and yet behind the scenes
it does another.
• Trojans often are disguised as
useful software.

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