TF 001 Platinum Foundation PE Guide - Ver - 5

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PE User Guide

Welcome to Foundation PE!

This is a PE planning scheme designed to be used in Reception.
Written by a PE specialist and in conjunction with the Twinkl Early
Years teaching team, it contains 6 units, all linked to the Early Years
Outcomes and specifically designed to be Early Years-friendly
This overview is your guide to Platinum Foundation PE and should
cover any questions you have. If there is something you need help
with then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Your EYFS planning &

assessment, covered.
Meet the Teacher Team behind Twinkl Foundation PE

Laura has worked as a teacher in primary education for the past
11 years. She has a passion for the Early Years - specifically
Early Years PE. Laura has written and delivered many PE training
programs for teachers and practitioners, some of which include
dance, gymnastics, Early Years PE and assessment in PE.

Susie Liz
An experienced teacher who has Liz has over 15 years’ experience
taught across Early Years in a variety teaching children from 5 to 11 years old.
of schools. Passionate about Early Currently teaching within an Early Years
Years education, she loves to support setting, she loves enthusing children and
practioners by providing creative and developing their love of learning.
innovative resources.

Sarah Vicky
Sarah has 12 years’ experience With 12 years’ experience in education
teaching 5-7 year olds. She loves to (teaching from 0 to 18-year olds), Vicky
develop creative lessons, activities and is an Early Years Professional and
resources which engage and motivate Childminder who is passionate about
children to learn. quality Early Years education and science.
What Do We Cover?
There are 6 Foundation PE Units of Work:

The scheme is designed to be used over the Reception year but can be taught as you
wish e.g. once a week, in a block, or linked with your topics. The skills and objectives
covered are progressive through each unit rather than across all units, meaning that
the units can be taught in any order. The scheme has been carefully planned so that
different skills are taught in each unit. Therefore, if all 6 units are taught throughout the
year, you will have covered a wide range of PE skills. (There are details of how this links
to the Early Years Outcomes document later in this overview.)
What is in a Foundation PE Unit?

Medium Term Overviews

These plans show the progression throughout each unit, from
the starting point to the final lesson, with a brief overview
of the unit, equipment needed, and the individual lessons
included. This overview also shows you the success criteria,
lesson objectives, Early Years Outcomes and the resources
required for each lesson. All lessons are hyperlinked so
you can look at the lessons and resources in more detail if

Lesson Plans
Each unit pack includes 6 or 7 lessons plans. The plans
form part of the unit but can be used individually if required.
Further on in the dopcument there is an example lesson
plan with details of the different sections included in each
plan. All our Foundation PE lesson plans are fully editable
and are contained in a pack that also includes all relevant
printable resources.

Assessment Pack
Each unit pack includes two linked assessment grids. The
individual assessment grid can be used to set targets and
track progress of individual children, whereas the class
assessment grid can be used to monitor the progress of a
whole class. Each assessment grid includes the success
criteria from each lesson, in addition to the linked Early Years
Outcomes. All assessment grids are fully editable.
Home Learning Challenge Pack Teacher Support Cards Pack
These sheets are linked to each unit and designed Each unit includes individual teacher support
to be sent home to continue the learning and cards that are linked to teaching specific skills e.g.
develop home-school links. All the activities are jumping. Each support card provides specific dos
written with parents or carers in mind, therefore and don’ts linked to each skill to help practitioners
the activities only use resources that are readily recognise what to look out for during the lesson.
available in a typical home. The sheets also
include a small section about the skills that are
being developed through the activities.

Foundation Stage Risk Assessment

A resource is provided to support a practitioner when completing a PE risk assessment in their own setting. It
is broken down into different sections and specific examples are given to help identify any potential health and
safety issues.

Warm-Up Activities Cool-Down Activities

Throughout the scheme, 30 different warm- As well as warm-ups, 30 different cool-down
up activities are included - these can also be activities are provided, which can also be
downloaded as a pack. Although a specific warm- downloaded as a pack. A cool-down is suggested
up is recommend for each lesson, as there are for each lesson, but can be swapped for others
plenty to choose from you may wish to let the based on children’s interests. The cool-downs
children choose which one to use. Each warm- include easy-to-follow instructions and resources.
up activity comes with step-by-step instructions These short 5-minute physical activities lower the
and includes its own set of resources. The warm- heart rate and calm children after completing the
ups are designed to be short 5-minute physical main part of the lesson, so they are ready for the
activities to raise the heart rate, ready for the next part of the day. They will also work well if
main part of the lesson. They can also be used as used individually as quick games or activities.
stand-alone games or activities.
How Does Foundation PE Link to the Early Years
There is opportunity for observation and assessment of many Early Years Outcomes throughout the Foundation PE
scheme, particularly outcomes from the Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design areas of learning.
Although the Foundation PE (Reception) units mainly focus on the 40-60 months outcomes and ELGs, you will also
have opportunity to assess the lower ages and stages by teaching the units. Many of the outcomes are covered
several times and throughout more than one unit in order for the children to demonstrate a secure level of skill or

Main Early Years Outcomes Covered through Foundation PE

During the PE lessons, many opportunities will arise for assessing children in all areas of the curriculum. The following
section picks out the Early Years Outcomes covered from Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design.

PD - Moving and Handling

• Runs safely on whole foot.
• Squats with steadiness to rest or play with object on the ground, and rises to feet without
using hands.
• Climbs confidently and is beginning to pull themselves up on nursery play climbing equipment.
• Can kick a large ball.
• Moves freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways, such as slithering,
shuffling, rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping, sliding and hopping.
• Mounts stairs, steps or climbing equipment using alternate feet.
• Walks downstairs, two feet to each step while carrying a small object.
• Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid
• Can stand momentarily on one foot when shown.
• Can catch a large ball.
• Experiments with different ways of moving.
• Jumps off an object and lands appropriately.
• Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children,
adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles.
• Travels with confidence and skill around, under, over and through balancing and climbing
• Shows increasing control over an object in pushing, patting, throwing, catching or kicking it.
Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move
confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space.
EAD – Media and Materials

• Enjoys joining in with dancing and ring games.
• Beginning to move rhythmically.
• Imitates movement in response to music.
• Begins to build a repertoire of songs and dances.
• Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.

EAD – Being Imaginative

• Developing preferences for forms of expression.
• Uses movement to express feelings.
• Creates movement in response to music.
• Captures experiences and responses with a range of media, such as dance.
• Initiates new combinations of movement and gesture in order to express and respond to
feelings, ideas and experiences.
• Children represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through dance.
Foundation PE Skills Progression Ladder
Using the Early Years Outcomes as a basis, the following success criteria have been devised to support assessment.
The table below shows all of the success criteria that will be covered if all 6 units are taught.
Some of the statements used as success criteria are lifted directly from the Early Years Outcomes document, whereas
others are added as a step required before the outcome can be achieved, or to meet other specific PE skills. These
are then broken down into the different areas of PE (although many should remain cross-curricular).
* Taken directly from the Early Years Outcome document

Games Dance Gymnastics

40-60 40-60 40-60
• I can travel confidently in a range of ways.* • I can create movements to music. • I can experiment with different
-- Running • I can find suitable moves to suit the music. ways of moving.*
-- Jogging • I can combine a range of dance movements. • I can create my own ways of moving.
-- Jumping • I can create a sequence of movements or • I can confidently climb on a range
gesture in response to an experience.* of different equipment.*
-- Hopping
-- A story • I can confidently move in a range of
-- Skipping
ways around different objects.*
-- Galloping -- A picture
• I can confidently move in a range of
-- Jogging backwards -- A piece of music
ways under different objects.*
-- Jogging sideways -- Some key words or phrases
• I can confidently move in a range
• I can safely play a chasing -- A video of ways over different objects.*
game with other children.* -- A feeling • I can confidently move in a range of
• I can successfully move in and -- An idea ways through different objects.*
out of objects at speed.* • I can remember a range of movements • I can confidently move around,
• I can change direction when to create a short dance. under, over, and through different
travelling at speed.* • I can build up a repertoire of dances.* objects and equipment.
• I can avoid objects when • I can change the speed of my dance moves. • I can jump from one space to another.
travelling at speed.* • I can hop from one space to another.
• I can change the style of my dance moves.
• I can jump in a range of ways. • I can confidently jump over a
• I can talk about a dance performance.
• I can bend my knees to make range of small equipment.
• I can share my ideas about
myself jump further. • I can balance on one leg.
a dance performance.
• I can land safely when jumping. • I can confidently balance for a few seconds
• I can think about how to make
• I can jump over a target. a dance even better. on a range of different equipment.*
• I can control a ball and move • I can make my body roll in different ways.
it round my body. • I can perform a range of different rolls.
• I can move a ball in a range of ways. • I can create my own short
• I can pat a large ball, making it bounce.* sequence of movements.
• I can throw an object. • I can confidently jump off a
• I can throw an object at a target.* range of equipment.
• I can throw an object into a target.* • I can confidently land safely when
• I can catch a range of objects.* jumping off equipment.
• I can kick a range of objects
towards a target.
• I can kick a range of objects into a target.*
• I can control an object when
it is coming towards me.
• I show good control when using • I can confidently join a wide range • I can confidently join a range of
equipment in a range of ways. of different movements. movements to create a short sequence.
• I show good control over my movements. • I can confidently use a range of • I can control my body when performing
• I can coordinate my movements. movements to create a short dance. my sequence of movements.
• I can coordinate my movements • I can confidently put my
when using large equipment. dance to suitable music.
• I can coordinate my movements • I can adapt and change my dance
when using small equipment. to suit a different style.
• I can confidently move in a range of ways. • I can create a short dance which
shows my own ideas and thoughts.
• I can confidently negotiate a space.
• I can create a short dance which
shows my own feelings.
What is Included in a Foundation PE Lesson Plan
Lesson Outline: A brief Date: This is left blank so
Lesson Title and Number Area and Unit
outline of what will happen that you can add in your
during the lesson. own date.

Early Years Outcomes and

The Lesson Outline is written with
Skills Being Developed: This
the intention of working towards
lists outcomes directly from the
the Early Years Outcome. It is
Early Years Outcomes document
also broken down further into the
and the physical skills that the
Success Criteria.
children will be learning and

Key Questions and Key

Organisation: This gives
Vocabulary: These boxes
an indication of where the
give suggestions of key
activity could take place,
vocabulary and questions
along with the suggested
that could be introduced
group size and equipment.
and explained during
the activity.

Resources: The resources

needed including Twinkl Safety: Safety considerations
resources where applicable. are detailed here, along with
a link to the Foundation PE
(Reception) Risk Assessment.
Key Cross Curricular Links: This
section shows the most relevant
cross curricular links as well as Next Steps: This has
opportunities for assessment in been left blank so that
other areas. you can to add details of
any next steps that are
specific to the children in
your setting.
Warm-Up: A specific warm-
up is suggested. You can Setting the Context of the
also choose your own from Lesson: This guides you
the pack of 30 warm-ups through how to introduce
designed for the scheme. the lesson to the children.

Skills Practice & Application: Skills Development: This details

This section gives the opportunity the objectives being developed
to practise or apply the skills with the step-by-step instructions
they have been developing required to develop a new skill,
previously. It details step-by-step and any additional support that
instructions and any additional may be required.
support that may be required.

Differentiation: Additional ideas about how the Cool-Down: A specific cool-down is suggested. You
activity can be altered to suit the different needs can also choose your own from the pack of 30 cool-
of the children in the group/class. downs designed for the scheme.

All plans are completely editable so that you can adapt them to meet the needs of your setting.
Your EYFS planning &
assessment, covered.

If you need us, just get in touch - contact

© Twinkl 2016

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