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Caterpillar Acronyms

Caterpillar Acronyms
A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Y |Z |

A/C Div Caterpillar Aircraft Division
A/F Air Fuel Ratio
A/P Accounts Payable
AAO Acid Alkaline Oil Drain AAO Drains used to dispose of Aid Alkaline and Oil Liqu
AB Administration Building
ABC Activity Based Costing
ABC Automatic Blade Control
ABMR Activity Based Management Reporting
ABP Annual Business Plan
ABS American Bureau of Shipping a marine society
ACERT Advance Combustion Emission Reduction
ACF2 Access Control Facility Security Software used on the mainframe. Computer As
ACK Accounting Control Key
ACK Acknowledgements The Message Type code for order acknowledgments in
the EZ05 Order Messages conversation and the EZ80 M
ACL Access Control List
ACL Analyst Call List
ACR Assembly Conformance Reporting
ACRONYM Alphabetically Contrived Reduction Of Nouns
Yielding Mnemonics
ACS Application Check Sheet
ACT Advanced Concept Team
ADE Application Development Environment
ADEI Application Development Environment
ADEM Advanced Diesel Engine Management
ADT Articulated Dump Truck
AECD Auxilliary Emissions Control Device Either a mechanical or electronic method to alter an eng
output. An example would be a High Temperature Prote
reaches a maximum operating temperature to reduce th
NOx or PM output during that time the AECD is active.
AEM Association of Equipment Manufacturers Caterpillar receives retail sales information from this No
and EMI) to populate their BIC database which is used f
AEM Auxillary Equipment Manufacturer
AERA Additional Early Retirement Allowance Retirement supplement until age 62 when social security
AFA Applied Failure Analysis Technique used at Caterpillar to determine the root caus
repairs to prevent repeat failures.
AFRC Air Fuel Ratio Control 10/12/2004
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AHS Autonomous Haulage System Entire system used to operate AMT's in a mine.
AI Application Implementation - Accommodation
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIF Auxiliary Information File
AIM Availability & Inventory Management
AIMS Information Management System. EDS and PABACS accessed screens through Mainfram
AION Rule Base Development for putting all new/revised liete
AIS Assembly Inf. System Advance Inf. Services
AJS Automated Job Scheduler
ALF Aft Looking Forward When referring to either side of an engine while standing
ALM Alarm Module
ALT Assembly and Logistics Technology Division of TSD providing technical expertise in the area
Assembly Reliability Product Finishing (Paint etc.) and C
AMD Authorized Marine Dealer 2nd level marine product support distributor administere
AMOCS Advanced MOdular Cooling System Improved IMRM
AMS Assembly Material Status
AMT Advanced Materials Technology Division of TSD
AMT Automated Manufacturing Technology
AMT Autonomous Mining Truck
AN/C Advanced Notification/Communication One of fourteen CPPD initiatives. Intranet-based applica
members company wide.
ANC Advance Notification of Change
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ANTARES Parts ordering System
AOALT Advance on Altitude
AOC Assembly Operation Card
AOCT Advance on Coolant Temperature
AOE Area Of Excellence
AOSS Advance on Steady State
APA After Paint Assembly
APAC Asia Pacific Region
APD Asia Pacific Division
APG Arizona Proving Grounds Old proving grounds located in Phoenix see TPG
API All Parts International Caterpillar subsidiary company formed to provide Caterp
API All Parts International Division within Product Support Division selling new rem
API American Petroleum Institute
API Antares Parts Invoicing
API Application Programming Interface
APO Antares Parts Ordering System (APO) Antares Parts Ordering is the computer system that proc
sends (sources) the order to Facility Logistics or RTS/DT
the material.
APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning
APS Advanced Planning System MRP what-if simulation software. Formerly known as Ca
AQA Assembly Quality Analysis 10/12/2004
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AQI Annual Quality Improvement

AQL Acceptable Quality Level
AQR Assembly Quality Report
ARC Automatic Retarder Control
ARES Advanced Reciprocating Engines Systems
ARIZ Algorithm for Inventive Problem-Solving
AS Assignment Sheet A form filled out by the Editor and given to the author. T
form number due date sales model serial number engine
The Editor uses the Assignment Sheet when a module i
AS Application System
ASAE American Society of Agricutural Engineers
ASAP As Soon As Possible As in "do this ASAP!"
ASD Advanced Systems Division
ASIMCO Asian Strategic Investments Corporation
ASM Automated Storage Management
ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers
ASN Advance shipping Notices
ASOS Air Shut Off Solenoid
ASQ American Society for Quality
ASRS Automatic Storage Retreval System Computer controlled stores system used by all products
AST Asynchronous System Traps
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
ASWC Air Shielded Water Cooled
ATA After Test Attachment
ATA American Trucking Association
ATAAC Air To Air After Cooling
ATC All-Terrain Crane
ATD Analysis Tool Development Part of TSD located in TC-F
ATL AsiaTrak (Tianjin) Limited Caterpillar track manufacturing facility in Tianjin China. S
ATS Advance Tech. Systems After Test Assembly
ATSO A-Time Share Option
AWCS Automated Warehouse Control System
AWG American Wire Guage
AWS All Wheel Steer Option on Backhoe Loaders
AWS American Welding Society

BACT Best Available Current Technology
BAEB Bituminous & Aggregate Equipment Bureau Paving Industry Group
BAR unit for measuring pressure from the greek 'baros' = weight used for pressure measu
BBS Bulletin Board System
BCC Backwards Curved Centrifugal Quiet and Efficient fan used in HVAC and tested on Cat
BCL Building Customer Loyalty
BCP Building Construction Products
BCP Building Construction Products A division of Caterpillar. See 10/12/2004
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BCPD Building Construction Products Division

BCY Banked Cubic Yard
BDE British Department of Environment
BDS Business Development Services An internal consulting group located within Corporate Ac
planning and business process improvement
BEA Boundary Element Analysis Numerical analysis method
BHL Backhoe Loader
BHP Brake Horsepower
BIC Business Information Center Caterpillar web-based system for tracking Sales to End
World Sales Analysis Forecasts and Rental Analysis.
BIG Business Intelligence Group Caterpillar org within Marketing Support Services which
Business Information and Market Research services.
BIMS Information Management System EDS screens accessed through Mainframe cluster B
BIS Business Information System BIS is a worldwide sales forecast and information for Ca
for sourcing studies and special consulting projects.
BJA Bolted Joint Analysis Application for performing rigid body analysis of a bolted
BKW Brake Kilo Watt (Engine output)
BMCM Bill of material Consist and Prices
BMDB Bill of Material Database
BMEP Brake Mean Effective Pressure Brake mean effective pressure in pounds per square inc
cylinder pressure needed for an engine stroke to give th
BMMN Bill of Material Indicative Database
BMNO Bill of Material Notes
BMS Business Management System
BNR Billed Not Received
BOC Building Operations Center
BOD Bill Of Distribution Describes the flow of material for parts distribution
BOM Bill of Materials A list of the components which make up an item. This lis
modules within a Service Manual. The list also identifies
Service Manual.
BPSI Business Process Simplification and
BPT Business Plan Tracking
BRC Business Resource Center
BRM Business Risk Management
BRM Business Risk Management A comprehensive approach for the proactive identificatio
risks by process owners using a variety of methods and
BRP Business Resumption Planning In case a production interruption occurs these plans allo
maximum acceptable downtimes. For more information
Corp. Treasury
BRPS Business Resumption Plan Status Lotus Notes Based System used to record the status of
BSAU British-Standards Automobile Series
BSC Balanced Scorecard
BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
BSFC brake specific fuel consumption the mass flow rate of the fuel consumed normalized by t
are lbm/hp-hr or g/hp-hr or g/kW-hr
BSI British Standards Institute
BSOC Brake Specific oil Consumption 10/12/2004
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BSSB Before Shipping Stand By

BSSB Building Services Standby
BTDC Before Top Dead Center
BTM Brushless Torque Motor
BTRT Bottom of Top Ring Travel
BTSO B-Time Share Option
BUC Business Unit Council
BV Bureau Veritas a marine society
BVMS Business Value Management Services BVMS is a worldwide sales forecast and information for
used for sourcing studies and special consulting projects
entry be removed.

C&TS Computer and Technical Services
C++ an extension of C Program Language.[object- C++ is currently on the list as incrementally better than C
oriented program language. developed in the early 1980s to provide a powerful form
programming that contains C as a subset.
C/F Case to Frame
C/R Chamfer/Radius or Compression Ratio
C2C Cat to the Core
CA Team Competitive Advantage CA Teams monitor product costs and look for ways to re
product queality. Teams usually consist of representativ
manufacturing/assembly areas.
CAC Charge Air Core
CACL Caterpillar Attachments Canada Ltd. A CAPS plant in Montreal Canada.
CACO CAT Americas Co.
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAECAM Computer Aided Engineering Computer Aided
CAES Compuer Aided Earthmoving System GPS based on board information system
CAF Core Acceptance Family
CAFE Computer Aided Facility Engineering
CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy
CAL Caterpillar Asia Limited
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAMPAR Computer Aided Marketing PAR
CAN Controller Area Network High speed data link employed to allow controls with ad
integrated machine
CAP Caterpillar Agricultural Products Inc. DeKalb Plant. Makers of Challenger Ag Tractors.
CAP Customer Alliance Program Cost Avoidance
CAPL Caterpillar Asia Pte. Ltd. Caterpillar Marketing subsidiary located in Singapore.
CAPP Corp. Accounts Parts Purchases
CAPP+ Computer Aided Process Planning A CIS system which maintains Assembly and Productio
CaPS Casting Process Simulator Casting simulation code developed by Argonne Nationa
CAPS Caterpillar Attachment Products and Services previously known as Balderson Inc.
CAPT Computer Aided Product Technology Caterpillar developed software for product manufacture
CARB California Air Resources Board
CARS Caterpillar Account Registration System Web-based application providing single location to regis 10/12/2004
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CAT PAC Caterpillar Employee Political Action Information on membership in CAT PAC can be obtaine
Committee PAC should be directed to Lisa Young in Peoria at 309-6
CAT PC Caterpillar Engine Power Connection
CATS Cost Activity Tracking System
CBC Customer Business Center
CBE Corporate Brand Equity Division consisting of Corporate Identity & Communications and
approvals of trademark and logo usage and authorizatio
CBL Caterpillar Brazil Ltd. Piracicaba Plant
CBP CAT Branded Products Mainframe based CAT to non-CAT part cross-reference
CBR Case Based Reasoning
CBRAT Case Based Reasoning Authoring Tool
CBS Corporate Business System
CBSA Caterpillar Belgium S.A. Deprecated: Use of CBSA to refer to Brazil is obsolete (
CBSA Caterpillar Brazil South America
CBT Computer Based Training
CBU Completely Built Up A Special Machine Arrangement (SMA) sent to a Joint V
Completely Knocked Down (CKD).
CCA Cat - Claas America
CCA Cold Cranking Amps
CCAC Combine Circuit Aftercooler
CCCA Corporate Customer Code Administration
CCE Cat - Claas Europe
CCE Claas Caterpillar Europe Just an update to the current description It balances CC
by being CCE Claas - Caterpillar Europe - Note the cha
CCE Claas-Caterpillar Europe Joint venture with Cat Ag Products that sells the Challen
CCE Compact Construction Equipment
CCG Canadian Coast Guard a marine society
CCI Caterpillar (China) Investment Co. Ltd. A Caterpillar holding company located in Beijing China.
CCII Newsgroup cat.comp.intranet.issues
CCL Caterpillar China Ltd.
CCM Customer Communication Module
CCR Caterpillar Certified Rebuild CCR is also used by the Reman group referring to "Core
CCS China Classification Society a marine society
CCS Command Control Steering
CCS Customized Coverage System A corporate system which stores prime product warranty
CCY Compacted Cubic Yard
CD Compact Disk
CDI Contract Distribution Incorporated Warehouse for all Caterpillar literature. Works closely w
CDID Customer Dealer Indicative Data System
CDIM Corporate Disciplined Issue Management Replaces CIRT in CPPD terminology
CDIS Cat. Dlr. Information System
CDL Cat. Data Link
CDL Commercial Drivers License Necessary to drive on-highway trucks above 26000 lbs G
trucks for sales to certain markets.
CDM Cool1 Database Manager A software application that manages the performance da
exchangers engines etc.) which are used in cooling syst 10/12/2004
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CDP Career Development Process

CDSA-PC Common Data Standards Assembly PC
CDSW-PC Common Data Standards Weld PC
CDSW-V Common Data Standards Weld VAX
CEAP Caterpillar Educational Assistance Program. See your local HR department for further info.
CEBIS Combine Electronic Board Information Information system offering for LEXION combines.
CECE Committee for European Construction European trade organization used to populate retail sale
CEL Call and Event Logging
CEMC Caterpillar Employees Motorsports Club Club that exists for all Peoria area and other nearby Cat
CEMS Corporate Enterprise Mailbox System
CENN Caterpillar Employee News Network
CEOPS Corporate Engine orders Processing System
CEP CAT Expanded Products Mainframe based CAT to non-CAT part cross-reference
CEPL Caterpillar Elphinstone Pty. Ltd.
CES Caterpillar Export Services
CET Customer Equipment Training
CFAL Caterpillar Financial Australia Limited
CFD computational fluid dynamics
CFEL Cat Far East Limited Deprecated: see CAL
CFPI-S Caterpillar Forest Products Incorporated - A wholly owned Caterpillar manufacturer of tree harvest
CFRC Caterpillar Financial Receivables Corp.
CFS Caterpillar Financial Service
CFS Corporate Finance Services Group within Cat Inc Treasury
CFSA Caterpillar France S.A.
CFSC Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
CFSK Caterpillar Financial Services Korea Ltd.
CFSL Caterpillar Financial Services Limited Canadian Company
CGD Caterpillar Guided Diagnostics
CGDS Caterpillar Global Directory Service
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
CGS Corporate Gauge System
CGT College Graduate Trainee
CHL Caterpillar Hungary Limited
CHP Combined Heat & Power (cogeneration by any other name)
CI Continuous Improvement
CID Component Identifier
CIDB Customer Information Database
CIF Customs Insurance and Freight Accounting term used to indicate shipping costs to custo
receiving country.
CII Caterpillar Industrial Inc.
CIML Caterpillar Investment Management Ltd. A wholly owned subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc. Investment
a group of funds within Caterpillar's 401(k) plan. CIML a
Pension and other accounts.
CIN Customer Information Network A Corporate Information Systems Marketing Systems D 10/12/2004
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customer data.
CIPI Caterpillar Industrial Products Inc. Located downtown Bldg. AB
CIPL Caterpillar Impact Products Ltd. A Caterpillar-controlled joint-venture for the manufacture
CIRT Corporate Issue and Resolution Tracking Provides problem tracking and utilizes problem solving m
CIS Corporate Information Services Division responsible for supporting our mainframe and w
CIS Cost Information System A mainframe based cost accounting information system
CITA Caterpillar Information Technology CITA establishes architecture management processes a
Architecture Caterpillar enterprise.
CKD Completely Knocked Down A Special Machine Arrangement (SMA) sent to a Joint V
opposed to Completely Built Up (CBU).
CLD Corporate Literature Distribution Processes all literature orders from dealers and compan
CLIDB Corporate Logistics Information Data Base
CLIRS Corporate Logistics Information Reporting
CLMS Caterpillar Learning Management System The Caterpillar Learning Management System is an ente
competency management system. CLMS will serve the
facilties dealers and suppliers. It is a powerful tool that w
personal growth and development. Please refer to the C
CLS Caterpillar Logistics Services
CLUES Caterpillar Look Up Everyone Service CLUES is a web based application which provides a vie
CMA Complete Machine Arrangement
CMC Caterpillar Moldboard Control Automatic blade control for motor graders
CMDS Caterpillar Machine Diagnostic System
CMI Component Module Indentifier
CMIPS Corporate Miscellaneous Invoice Processing Located in AB. Invoicing system for miscellaneous prod
CMIS Core Management Information System System used by remanufactured products group to mon
CMLS Corp. Mail List System
CMM Capability Maturity Model Defined by the Software Engineering Institute
CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine
CMM Customized Maintenance Management/
Coordinate Measuring Machine
CMMI CITIC Machinery Manfacturing Inc.
CMMS Component Manufacturing & Marketing
CMO Cast Metals Organization Previously The Mapleton Foundry
CMOPS Corporate Machine Order Processing System Corporate system used to process machine orders from
CMP Custom machined Product
CMR Caterpillar Materiels Routiers S. A. Manufacturer of 4 models of Caterpillar compactors. Loc
CMS Capital Management System
CMS Computerized Monitoring System
CMS Corporate Mailbox System
CMS Cost Management System Remanufactured Products Division financial reporting sy
CMT Construction Mining Trucks Division located in Decatur
CMTB Caterpillar Mec-Track Located in Bazano (Bologna) Italy
Co-Op Student Trainee Program
COB Close of Business 10/12/2004
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CODAG Combined Diesel and Gas

COE Common Operating Environment
CofA Caterpillar of Australia
COM Component Option Model
COMP Customer Ordered Manufacturing Plan
COMPREX Air Injection System (Compression)
Cool-1 Cooling Package Sizing Tool Using Cool-1 the cooling package of a machine is mode
and sump temperatures can be evaluated.
COPPS Corporate Order Processing and Pricing
COS Corporate Office Services
COSA Catepillar Overseas S. A.
COT Cat Operator Training
CPAC Cabs Platforms and Controls Track-Type Tractors Division
CPBU Chemical Products Business Unit
CPC Constant Pressure Combustion
CPD Component Products Division
CPI Continuous Process Improvement
CPI Core Processing Instructions
CPL Caterpillar Peterlee Ltd Parent plant of the Articulated Truck & Work Tools divis
CPL Corporate Price List
CPL Crack-n-Peel Labels Labels created at COS to correct errors on covers bindin
CPLS Caterpillar Product Link System
CPMPS Corporate Production Material Processing System used to provide customs documentation for prod
CPN Customer Part Name Used in Tech Doc
CPPD Concurrent Product and Process
CPPE Caterpillar Paving Products Europe
CPPI Caterpillar Paving Products Inc.
CPPM Concurrent Product and Process
CPR Competitive Parts Reports
CPS Caterpillar Precision Seals Franklin NC Plant
CPS Corporate Price System
CPS Corporate Pricing System Corporate system that applies prices to machine and en
CPS Cycles Per Second
CPSE Corporate Planning Sales Estimate
CPSI Caterpillar Power Systems Inc. Caterpillar subsidiary - primary purpose: to distribute en
CQR Custom Quote Request
CQS Custom Quote System Client/Server application used to construct custom quote
CR Compression Ratio
CR Controlled Radius Specified on a drawing when the contour of a radius is r
Standard B2.3)
CRB Cancelled Replaced By Used on engineering data system. Used if a part is bein
CRC Camera Ready Copy Also called Paste Up (PUP). The copy fo a module or co 10/12/2004
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CRM Corporate Records Management

CRM Customer Relationship Management The new dealer business system will include specific fun
customer relationship by using process innovation and t
CRMP Corporate Records Mgmt. Program Corporate policy controlling the retention/ disposition of
CRS Croatian Register of Shipping a marine society
CRSI Cat Redistribution Services Inc.
CSA Canada Standards Authority
CSA Canadian Standards Authority
CSA Customer Support Agreement any arrangement between a dealer and customer which
designed to offer as complete a solution needed by the
CSARL Caterpillar Societe Anonymique avec Marketing company for Geneva for EAME & Russia
Responsabilite Limited
CSCS Corporate Standard Cost System
CSD Cool System Design A sofware application customized for modeling and simu
cooling systems. Developed as a joint effort between AT
CSD Corporate Services Division
CSF Critical Success Factors
CSFC Calculated/Corrected Specific Fuel
CSL Caterpillar Services Limited
CSL Caterpillar Stockton Ltd Stockton (UK) facility
CSM Caterpillar Shin-Mitsubishi
CSM Custom Shop Modification
CSN Caterpillar Scheduling Network System for planning production schedules.
CSP Customer Satisfaction Program
CSPC Corporate Security PC
CSPD Control Systems Product Division
CSS Corporate Security Services
CSS Customer Satisfaction Survey
CSSI Customer Service Satisfaction Index
CSSP Caterpillar Strategic Systems Plan
CSTG Caterpillar Service Technology Group Part of Logistics & Product Services Division CSTG mar
and equipment to Cat dealers for their service operation
CT Corporate Translations In Dealer Capability Department Product Support Divisio
CTC Caterpillar Technician Certification
CTC Caterpillar Tool Center Caterpillar Tool Center - COSA area: +31 73 6399 600
CTC Caterpillar Track Components Track component focus facility in Danville KY. Part of th
CTCo Caterpillar Tractor Company
CTE Caterpillar Technical English
CTF Cat Transmissions France
CTI Caterpillar Training Institute
CTL Cut to Length Forestry method for harvesting specific lengths
CTPS Corporate Transfer Pricing System
CTR Competitive Test Report
CTS Controlled Throttle Shift
CTS Custom Track Service 10/12/2004
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CTSO C-Time Share Option

CTTG Computer Technology Traning Group
CVRC Caterpillar VR Center The Caterpillar Visual Research Center at TC-F is part o
convertable power wall / CAVE in the world.
CWL Compact Wheel Loader Compact Wheel Loaders including the 902 906 &908 Mo
CWOI Crank Without Injection
CWPG Corporate Waste Products Group Group who markets all of Caterpillar products that are so
station recycle center etc)
CWS Corporate Web Security Directory/System used for web authentication
CWTC Caterpillar World Trading Corporation Wholly-owned subsidiary which trades Caterpillar equip
CWTS Caterpillar Work Tools & Services - Europe Previously CSA Caterpillar Special Attachments. HQ: 's-
CWTS - AAP Caterpillar Work Tools & Services - Amaricas Previously CAPS or Balderson.
Asia Pacific
CXL Caterpillar Xuzhou Ltd. Joint Venture manufacturer of Excavators located in Xuz

D&A Disassembly & Assembly
D/N Dealer Net The dealer net price of the module
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects
DASD Direct Access Storage Device such as PC hard drive
DATK Data Analysis Tool Kit Product of TSD - ATD
DBAM Database Attribute Management A software tool that allows users to maintain and update
include things such as new model/parts information or c
DBS Dealer Business System
DBSi Dealer Business System on Internet DBSi is the primary information link between customers
enabled tool utilizes industry-leading third party software
programs, to grow dealer business capabilities for custo
executive reporting (business warehouse), field service,
also provides Caterpillar with information necessary for
DC Deployment Champion (6 Sigma)
DC Distribution Center
DCAL Dealer Cost Acceptance Level
DCCP Dynamic Customer Chargeback Process
DCD Dealer Capability Department
DCE Distributed Communications Environment
DCE Distributed Computing Environment
DCO Document Content Outline An IE-level outline of a document based on document ty
will be published for a given document and in what orde
DCS Dealer Channel Systems
DCS Desktop Computer Services
DCSG Dealer Channel Systems Group
DCTB Discount Pricing Table
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
DDMS Dealer Demand Management System
DDP DBSi deployment portal
DDS Dealer Data System 10/12/2004
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DDT Digital Diagnostic Tool Engine diagnostic/adjustment tool

DEA Discrete Element Analysis
DEC Digital Workstation
DEFP I'm not sure what it stands for but I believe it's a marketi
help me find out what it stands for? Thank you for your h
DEI Dealer Equipment Inventory
DEO Diesel Engine Oil
DF Deterioration Factor
DFA Design For Assembly
DFCO Decleration Fuel Cutoff
DFM Design For Manufacturability
DFMA Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
DFP Defense and Federal Products Caterpillar Department responsible for bids to the Feder
DFT Dealer Forecast Tracking
DI Direct Injection
DIFN Direct Injector Fuel Nozzle
DIS Dynamic Inclination Sensor An electronic Angular Rate and Inclination sensor. Exam
DISTA Direct Injection Series Turbo Aftercooled
DIT Direct Injection Turbocharged
DITA Direct Injection Turbocharged Aftercooled
DITCAAAC Direct Injection Turbo Charged Air to Air
DITCAR Direct Inventory Transaction Costing and system used to cost and report material (inventory) trans
Reporting and continuing through the entire manufacturing process
DITTCA Direct Injection Twin Turbo Charged
DLCM Data Link Converter Module
DLRTSO Dealer Time Share Option
DLRUSER Caterpillar Dealers User Network Services
DLV Deflection Limiting Volume Widely used acronym in ROPS and FOPS
DMAIC Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Six Sigma tool
DMC Detonation Mixing Control
DMCE Direct Material Cost Effectiveness
DMCE Direct Material Cost Estimate
DMEDI Define Measure Explore Develop Implement A 6 Sigma method for creating new products and proces
DMR Defective Material Report
DMS Document Management System
DMT During Machine Time
DNV Det Norske Veritas a marine society
DOC Department Of Commerce
DOE Department of Energy
DOE Design of Experiments
DOLRS Dealer On Line Registration System
DOP Degree Option Program old CO-OP type program for apprentices. Apprentice gra
combined curriculium of Mfg. Engineering and Productio
DOS Disc operating System 10/12/2004
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DP Data Processing
DPO Dealer Parts Orders
DPORS Dealer Parts Orders Reporting System
DPSO Data Process Service Order
DPSR Data Processing Service Request
DPTS Declared Peak Torque Speed
DPW Demand Planner Workbench Software tool that assists the management of demand a
order to improve overall manufacturing effectiveness.
DRF Dealer Repair Frequency
DRM Data Resource Management
DRP Distribution Requirements Planning
DRS Diagonal Retention System
DSDB Discount Standards Database
DSF Dealer StoreFront
DSIA Dealer Sales/Inventory Analysis
DSIM Dealer Sales and Inventory Maintenance
DSTAB Dealer Service Training Advisory Board Full description should be "Dealer Service Training Advi
DSUO Dealer Solicited User Order
DT Type of Deutsch connector
DTAB Dealer Training Advisory Board
DTD Document Type Definition A template that defines the elements(SGML tags) that e
the rules for the relationships (called "context rules") bet
DTF Division Topic Failure
DTR Dealer Transaction Reporting
DTS Dealer Terminal System
DTSO D-Tme Sharing Option
DUES Dealer Used Equipment System
DUT Device Under Test
DVD Digital Video/Versatile Disk
DVP&R Design Verification Plan and Report
DVR Digital Voltage Regulator
DWR Deep Worldwide Recession
DYNASTY Dynamic Analysis of Systems

E&E Electrical & Electronic
E&E Eng Electric and Electronic Engineering
E&ES Electronics & Electrical Systems (Cat This should replace any reference to E&E or EEBU (no
Electronics) 1352
E/H Electro Hydraulic Implement Systems
E/ROPS Enclosed Roll Over Protection System
EA Enterprise ARchitecture (Caterpillar
EAC Engine Arrangement Complete
EAME Europe Africa & Middle East New name for COSA division to be used internally
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EC Electronic Test Procedure

EC&SE Electrical Components & Standard
ECAP Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer This is what ECAP is called now in PSS service manual
ECAP Engine Controller Analyzer Programmer
ECB Electronic Clutch Brake
ECE Economic Commission for Europe
ECIM Engine Commercial Issue Manager Similar system to the machine CIM (Commercial Issue M
of product problems. Lost sales etc.
ECM Electronic Control Module
ECN Electronic Communicator Newsletter
ECN Engineering Change Notice
ECPC Electronic Clutch Pressure Control
ECR Engineering Change Request
ECS Estimate Cost System
ED Engine Division Deprecated: see PPD
ED/IS Engine Division/Information Services
EDAG Engine Division Administrative Group
EDC European Design Center
EDE Engine Division Engineering
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDIFACT international EDI (Electronic Data
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EDN Engineering data notification
EDNS Engineering Data Notification System
EDP Employee Development Process
EDS Engineering Data System
EDSE Engine Division Service Engineering
EDSM Engine Division Supplier Management
EDT Engineering data transmittal
EDT Entering Differential Temperature
EEBU Electrical and Electronics Bus Unit Formerly EERD and before that EC&SE
EEC European Economic Community
EEF Engine End Frame
EEPROM Electrically Eraseable and Programmable
Read Only Memory
EERD Electrical and Electronic Research and
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EG-3C Electric Governor - 31 LB. FT. Compensated
EG-3P Electric Governor - 31 LB. FT. Proportional
EGC Electronic Governor Control
EGO External Graphic Object A shared graphic (picture or line art). EGOsconsist of th
dimensions etc ) and SGML overlay (for translated text)
EGR Exhaust Gas Restrictor or Exhaust Gas
Recirculation 10/12/2004
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EIA Engine Investment Analysis Dealer software program calculating engine 'life cycle co
EIMS Engine Information Management System
EIP Employee Investment Plan
EIS Electronic Ignition System
EIS Electronic Ignition System Caterpillar Designed Ignition Control module / system us
EIS Engine Information System/Electronic Ignition
EISD Enterprise Information Service Delivery The implementation phase of the infrastructure improve
EISP Equipment Investment Special Price
EKW Electrical Kilo Watt (Generator output)
ELC Extented Life Coolant
EMA Engineering Manufacturing Authorization Approval/authorization from Engineering/Manufacturing
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility To test for interference that causes misinterpretation of d
phone and Caterpillar equipment. In some cases garble
machine. (TSC Details March 97)
EMCC Engineering Manufacturing Change Control
EMCP Electronic Modular Control Panel
EMD Electronic Media Development CIS group that makes master CDs for CIS
EMDI Electronic Media Development Interface
EMF Earthmoving Fundamentals Software
EMI Electromagnetic Interference Interference from one electronic component to another c
through the air.
EMI Equipment Manufacturers Institute Cat is a member of this organization based in Chicago.
EMP Engine/Machine/Lift Truck Population
EMS Electronic Monitoring System
EMS Equipment Management System
EMTF Electronic Machine Tool Folder
EN European Norm
ENFLEX Environmental Compliance System
EO Engineering Order
EOC End of Current
EOC Engine Order Complete
EOCS Engine Order Communication System
EOD Engine order Division
EOI End of Injection
EOR Executive Office Review
EOS Employee Opinion Survey
EOT End of Test Often used in test settings to denote the completion of a
documentation and records management.
EP-Eng. East Peoria Engineering
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPD Engine Product Division
EPG Electric Power Generation
EPI Eagle-Picher Industries contract Elevating Scraper Mfr. Lubbock TX
EPIC Employee Profile Information Control
EPL Electronic Price List 10/12/2004
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EPP Engineering Product Program

EPP Executive Product Program
EPP Executive Product Program A central system that captures 5-year authorized capaci
levels are established by each individual Business Unit a
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPS Encapsulated PostScript
EPSR Engine Product Support Rep.
EPTC II Electronic Programmable Transmission
Control (second generation)
EQFD Enhanced Quality Function Development
ERF Engine Radiator Fan Cooling system design where radiator is between fan an
ERG Exhaust Recirculation Gases
ERIK Engine Repair Indicator Kit
ERLG Equipment Reapir & Labor Guidelines
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ERS Equipment Reporting System
ES Emergency Stop
ESC Extended Service Coverage
ESD ElectroStatic Discharge
ESI Early Supplier Involvement Early Supplier Involvement includes the supplier in new
experience and speed up the development process with
ESL Electronic Speed Limiter Used on vehicles to limit roading speed for legal reason
ESO Engine Shipping Order
ESOP Employee Stock Ownership Plan
ESP Employee Satisfaction Process Defunct plan for improving morale
ESRS Engine Specification Reporting System
ESS Electronic Service Support Visit for more info
ESS Electronic Speed Switch
ET Electronic Technician
ET Engine Test
ETA Electronic Timing Advance
ETDS Engine Technical Data System
ETE Engine Test Evaluation
ETR Energize To Run
ETS Energize To Shutdown
EUI Electronic Unit Injector
EVO Exhaust Valve Opening
EXC Excavator

F/U/W For Use With
FACM Factoring Pricing Table
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FARC Fuel Air Ratio Control
FAS Free Alongside Ship Accounting term used to indicate shipping costs to custo
FASIP Fabrication of Advanced Structures using 10/12/2004
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Intelligent and Synergistic Processing

FBC Feature Based Configurator electronic order entry for dealers
FCC Forward Curved Centrifugal Noisy and inefficient fan used in HVAC applications
FDO Future Dated Order
FDR Flexible Data Recorder A new data acquisition tool developed by MSD. It is cap
ECM (datalink) data.
FEA Finite Element Analysis
FEL Family Emission Limit
FF Fill Factor
FGM Functional Gradient Materials
FHP Flywheel Horsepower
FICHE Sometimes called Microfiche All current documents are sent to Bell & Howell for micro
FIE Fuel Injection Equipment
FIND For Information News & Documents A mainframe system for cataloging and delivering text-o
FIND-SIRS FIND Service Information Retrieval System A FIND option that provides a searchable index of servic
FIO Factory Information Only In NPR FIO indicates the part number is serviced by sep
FIS Fleet Information System
FIT Feature Integration Team Cross-functional team to integrate features into the Com
FL Facility Logistics Warehouse Management System that tracks and monito
FL Flange Cooled (liner)
FLC Fuzzy Logic Controller
FLEX Flexible Scheduling System
FLGANN Fuzzy Logic Genetic Algorithm Neural
FLS Full Load Setting
FLS/FTS Full Load Setting/Ful'i. Torque Setting
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
FMECA Failure Mode Effect & Criticality Analysis
FMI Failure Mode Identifier
FMI For More Information
FMRG Financial Mgmt Reporting Guide
FMRS Financial Management Reporting System
FMS File Management System
FMS Flash Memory System or Flexible
Manufacturing System
FMS Flexible Manufacturing System
FN Form Number The number found in the upper right hand corner of all m
numbers can begin with S H or R
FNL Factory Notification List
FOB Free On Board Accounting term used to indicate shipping costs to the c
FOE Facility Operating Engineer
FOG Falling Object Guard
FOGAP Facility Oriented General Accounting
FON Fleet Owners Net
FOPS Falling Object Projective Structure 10/12/2004
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FOSI Formatting Output Specification Instance A "style sheet" for the elements of the DTD. The FOSI s
all contexts). The FOSI can be used for both print outpu
FP Factory Planner
FPC Finish Protected Components Typically electrically charged paint deposition using dip
FPD Financial Products Division
FPG Finishing Product Group A TSD group with a paint finishing field of experties
FPG Forest Products Group part of Aurora
FPI Finishing Process Instructions
FRACS Factory Reporting And Control System
FRC Fuel Ration Control (previously known as
FS Front Shovel
FSA Facility Storage Availability AIM USE
FSC Forecast & Stock Control
FSC Foreign Sales Corporation
FSOS Fuel Shut Off Solenoid
FSR Field Service Report
FST Fuel Systems Test
FT File Tranfer
FTA Failure Test Analysis
FTC Finger Tip Control Steering
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTRF Front Track Roller Frame
FTS Full Torque Setting
FTS Full Torque Static Fuel Setting
FtS Full Load Static Fuel Setting
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI For Your Information

GA Genetic Algorithms
GAPS Group and Assembly Pricing System
GAV Gas Admission Valve
GD&T Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
GDC Grimbergen Distribution Center
GECM Gas Engine Control Module
GED Global Engine Development Global Engine Development is a part of TSD Power Sys
Engine Development in TC-L and the Engine Test in Pe
American Engine Development GED-UK and GSG.
GEIM Graphics and Engineering Information
Management Division
GEMS Greenville Engine Management System
GESM Global Engine Supplier Management
GET Ground Engaging Tools
GL Germanischer Lloyd a marine society
GLS General Ledger System
GLS General Ledger System Corporate developed system used to maintain and repo 10/12/2004
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and government agencies

GLT Grease Lubricated Track
GMO Geographic Marketing Organization
GO General office
GOPACS Goal Oriented Planning And Control System
GPO Gross Profit Margin
GPP Global Parts Protection Web based system to create and communicate service for more info.
GPS Global Positioning System Satellite based guidance system used in Caterpillar's CA
GRI Gas Research Institute
GRPTS Guidelines For Reusable Parts
GSC Generator Set Control
GSG Global Support Group The GSG is a part of the GED. This group is half based
work with both testing branches of GED and develop so
areas of testing technology processes and data analysis
GTO Global Technology Organization A technology based organization within Caterpillar comb
GTR Global Travel Reporting Caterpillar travel expense software
GUCG Graphic Users Communicator Group P&SS Service Support Department/Service Information
usage in all service publications
GUI Graphical User Interface

HCCI Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Operating principle for creating well distributed fuel in cy
Distributive burning zone has lower local temperatures w
HD10 Type of Deutsch connector
HE Heat Exchanger The preferred abbreviation over HEX
HEDC Hydraulic Excavator Design Control
HEPL Hydraulic Electronic Pump & Line
HEUI Hydraulic Electronic Unit Injection
HEUI Hydraulic-actuated Electronic Unit Injector
HEX Heat Exchanger Deprecated: see HE
HEX Hydraulic Excavators
HFBU Hydraulics Fabrications Business Unit
HH Head -- Harvester A forestry implement used to fell position and buck trees
HHDE Heavy Heavy Duty Engine
HI High Idle
HIP Hydraulic Injection Product
HIS Hydraulic Information System
HMI Hydraulic Machine Inspection This is a short one houer machine inspection dealer per
objective to get the customer to ask for preventive predo
HML Hindustan Motors Ltd. Licensee of Caterpillar TTT MWL and OHT strictly for th
HMSO Hydromechanical Shut off
HP Head -- Processor A forestry implement used to process (delimb top and/o
Primarily used on wheeled harvesters forestry excavato
HP Hewlitt-Packard
HP Horsepower
HPAC High performance aftercooler High Performance aftercooler used on the 3600 product
HPCU Hystat Power Control Units 10/12/2004
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HPL Hindustan Powerplus Ltd. Joint Venture Company - Licensed to manufacture 3400
Indian Market.
HPR High Performance Rubber
HPRG High Performance Rubber Group
HR Human Resources
HRBIS Human Resource Benefits Information
HRI Human Resource Information
HRSS Human Resources Self-Service
HSGE High Speed Gas Engines
HTC Hydraulic Truck Crane
HTIS Heat Treat Instruction Sheet
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language Underlying markup language used for the WWW
HTS Code Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code Descriptive identifying code to allow parts to move effice
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPD Hyper Text Transport Protocal Daemon
HV High Velocity New buzzword for a responsive organization
HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
HVC High Velocity Caterpillar
HVM High Velocity Machine
HYDO Hydraulic Oil
HYDRA- Hydra Mechanical Governor
Hz Hertz (CPS)

I/C The inter-company price of the module
IAD Interaxle Differential Lock
ICAP Individual Career Advancement Process
ICEMC Image Center's Electronic Media Center Caterpillar's centralized storage system for electronic m
Cat Secured Internet site
ICP Incentive Compensation Plan
ICP97 Interim CPPD Process -- 1997 ICP96 was TTT Division's CPPD process technology an
updated annually hence ICP97
ICSM Integrated Combustion Sensing Module Combustion sensor and Exh port temperature module -
ICTB Intercompany Pricing Factos for Subsidiaries
ICTC Impeller Clutch Torque Converter
ID Inside Diameter
IDI Indirect Injection
IDP Interdepartmental Procedure
IE Information Element The smallest piece of reusable stand-alone information.
in the Document Content Outline for each document pro
IE Internet Explorer Microsoft web browser used by most employees to brow
IEC International Electro-Technical Commission
IEID Information Element Identifier
IFP Innas Free Piston Engine
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor The IGBT is a power transistor used for high voltages an 10/12/2004
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IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Sequence An intermediate file format which is used to transfer cad
IHS Information Handling Service
ILC Inbound Losigtics Center
ILSC In-Line Super Charging
IMC Information Management Consultant Marketing subsidiary position (i.e. NACD IMC).
IMCE Indirect Materials Cost Effectiveness
IMechE Institute of Mechanical Engineers Chartered intstitute based in the UK. CGT's at the Desfo
IMO In My Opinion Used in email conversations with a group of listeners
IMO International Maritime Organization A United Nations specialized agency with responsibilitie
IMRM Improved Multi-Row Module Caterpillar custom radiator core
IMRRM Individual Multi-row Radiator Module or IMRM
IMS Information Management System
IMT Inlet Manifold Temperature
IMV Independent Metering Valve
IO Industrial Organization collection of people and equipment organized for the pu
IOUS Index of Unreliability Severity Measures the seriousness of a repair incident
IPG Information Protection Guidelines Guidelines providing definitions access rules and protec
IPL Interplant packing list
IPP Independent Power Producers
IPV In Process Validation
IQI Internal Quality Iniative
IR Infrared
IRM Information Release Memo Used to announce new products to the field.
IROI Initial Rate of Injection (mm cubed)
IS Information Services
ISD Infrastructure Services Division
ISDB Invoicing Standard Database
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network An Emerging technology which is beginning to be offere
combines voice and digital network services over into a
ISE International Service Employee
ISMD Industrial Site Maintaince Division Formerly Plant Engineering
ISO International Standards Organization
ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility
ISS East Peoria Interplant Shipping System
ISS Information Security Services
ISS Interplant Shipping Systems
IT Information Technology Synonymous with Information Services. (IS/IT)
IT Integrated Toolcarrier
ITSM Integrated Temperature Sensing Module Module to collect exh port temps broadcast to the data l
IVC Inlet Valve Closing
IVDB Invoicing Database
IVR Interactive Voice Response 10/12/2004
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JAD Joint Application Development

JAMS Joliet Assembly Material System
JAVA Sun Microsystems proprietary network Most appreciated for its use on websites through the use
programming language
JCL Job Control Language
JES Job Entry Subsystem
JET Joint Electronics Team
JIC Joint Industrial Council
JIS Job Instruction Sheet
JIT Just-in-time
JITD Just-in-time Delivery
JMI Job Method Information
JPEG A standard format for static images
JRC Job Related Characteristics Used in Cat PDP software
JV Joint Venture
JVL Joint Venture Licensee
JW Jacket Water
JWAC Jacket-Water AfterCooling

KBL Knowledge-Based Language
KISS Keep It Short and Simple
KM Knowledge Management
kPa KiloPascal
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KRS Korean Register of Shipping a marine society
KW Kilowatt

LAN Local Area Network
LAO London Area Office COSA calls these "areas" rather than "districts"
LAR Latin America Region
LCP Life Cycle Planner
LCV Low Crevice Volume
LCY Loose Cubic Yard
LD Lifting Device
LDC Lesser Developed Country
LDIS Logistics Division Information Services
LDPO Lift Truck Dealer Parts Orders
LE Low Emissions
LE Low Emissions Lean burn Gas engines (lambda>1.2)
LEC Large Engine Center Located at Lafayette part of PPD
LEUI Linear EUI (Electronic Unit Injector)
LHD Load Haul Dump (Elphinstone) Low profile wheel loader for underground mining
LHEX Large Hydraulic Excavator
LHV Lower Heating Value 10/12/2004
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LI Low Idle
LLC Life Cycle Costing
LLESS Logistics Lot Size Evaluation Support System
LLSC Lafayette Logistics Service Center
LMP Large Mining Products Division of MCE located in Joliet IL
LMS Location Management System System to setup and control warehouse storage opening
LMST Series of MOrton screens that provide Refer to LMST Section in this manual
information about modules
LMT Large Mining Trucks Division located in Decatur
LOHT Large Off-Highway Truck
LOS Line Of Sight A tool to measure product/process impact to the end use
LPP Lower Powertrain Products Formerly identified as Final Drive this commodity has ele
itself with its core products.
LPSD Logistics Product Services Division
LPWB Logistics Planner Workbench
LR Lloyd's Register of Shipping a marine society
LRS Lab Reporting System Client-Server App used to keep track of Met Lab Test D
LSA Location Storage Availability AIM USE
LSC Logistics Service Centre
LSD Legal Services Division
LSQ Location Storage Quantity AIM USE
LST Library Search Tool A software tool that allows users to search the authored
LTF Leland Transmission Facility Transmission Business Unit facility near Wilmington NC
LTL Loose Top Land (piston)
LTTT Large Track-Type Tractor
LVC Lock-up Torque Converter
LWL Large Wheel Loaders 988 990 & 992G

M&PS Materials & Procurement Services Combined Central Direct Purchasing and Indirect Purch
M&PS Materials & Procurement Services Department formerly known as Central Purchasing Direc
M/U Mark-up Rough draft of an IE or publication that is sent out to the
MAA Mechanically Attached Adapter System for
MAC Maximum Ambient Capability
MaK MaK Motoren GmbH & Co. KG A Caterpillar wholly owned medium speed diesel engine
MAMM Manufacturing and Material Management
MAO Made as Ordered
MAP Merchandise Assist Program
MARC Maintenance and Repair Contract
MARC Multiple Application Reduced Cost This acronym was assigned to a family of rubber mounts
elastomeric engine/cab mounts effort between CVDA (Corp. Vehicle Dynamic Analysis)
widely used today. jcDurand 1/22/01
MARC Multiple Application Reduced Cost Type of isolation mount.
Marked Copy A copy of the module that is used to note any For Service Manual Modules & OMMs store in module M
changes that need to be made to the module
at revision 10/12/2004
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MASH Machine Sales History

Master File A copy of the module that is to always e kept The printer date number of pages and quantity printed a
Copy in the module Master Folder on Master Copy.
MAWPS Mechanically Attached Wear plate System
mbm Manufacturing Bill of Material
MBU Marketing Business Unit
MCBM Manufacturing Configured Bill of Material
MCE Major Component Exchange
MCE Mining and Construction Equipment Decatur Plant and parts of Joliet and Peterlee. -Subject
MCG Machine Classification Guide
MCP Major Component Price
MCS Maintenance Control System Cat PC Software
MCS Manufacturing Control System
MCS Material Control System Marine Classification
MDR Materials Database Resource
MDS Master Demand System
MDTC Malaga Demonstration and Training Center Spain Cat S.A.R.L. facility
MDW Marketing Data Warehouse
ME Mass Excavator
MEC Mossville Engine Center
MEGS Mining Edge Guard System for Excavator
Mining Buckets
MEP Mean Effective Pressure
MEPD Medium Engine Product Division
MEPS Marine Engine Parts & Service
MER Mounted Equipment Resonance Vehicle test to measure components' response to vehicl
METS Mining & Earthmoving Technology Systems
MEUI Mechanical Electronic Unit Injector
MEWS Mechanized Work Standard
MFD Master File Directory VAX notation for "root" directory
MFPI Manufacturing Facilities Protection Instruction
MG Motor Grader
MGM Machine Guidance Module "Brains" of AMT.
MHA Material Handling Arrangement
MHDE Medium Heavy Duty Engine
MHE Mini Hydraulic Excavator Hydraulic Excavators with operating weight less than 6 m
MHI Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
MID Module Identifier
MIDS Machine Information Display System Next Generation Machine Monitoring System supporting
display for the user interface.
MIM/SRM Multimedia Information Manager/Student
Record Manager
MIP Mechanical Injection Products Category of fuel systems that are mechanically actuated
MIS Management/Marketing Information System 10/12/2004
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MISO Misc. Interplant Shipping Order

MIT Miscellaneous Interplant Transfer Form filled out when shipping between Cat facilities.
MLT Manufacturing Logistics and Transportation
MMDB Master Media Database The hub of SIS today to be replaced by FMS.
MMIS Machine Marketing Information System
MMS Marine Monitoring System Specifically the 3600 Diesel Marine Monitoring System
MMS Mossville Management System
MOADS Corporate Metlab System
MOCS Machine Order Communication System
MOD Machine Order Division
MOD Ministry of Defence (U.K.)
MOL Medium Overlap (camshaft)
MPa Megapascal 1MPa=10BAR or 1MPa=145Psi
MPC Marketing Profit Center
MPDB Market Price Database
MPDP Manufacturing Professionals Development A 3-year rotational program to develop leaders in an ope
MPEG A standard format for multi-media information
MPGM Multipurpose Molybdenum Grease
MPI Molding Process Instructions
MPLT Master List/Net Price
MPNO Master Price Notes
MPPS Multi Point Pressure Sensing
MPRT Master Price Indicative Data
MPS Marine Power System
MPTS Machine Performance Trending System A web-based software system that rapidly trends and or
MQA Material Quality Analysis
MR Machine Research
MRB Management Review Board Groups of managers that oversee TSD's exempt budget
MRDR Material Rejected Disposition Requested
MRP Material Requirement Planning Purchasing software for optimum lots lead time etc.
MRP II Manufacturing Resource Planning
MRP III MAMM Replacement Program A CIS initiative to upgrade the functionality and technolo
MRU Machine Retrofit Upgrade Program
MSC Machine Specification Comparison PC Software that compares Caterpillar equipment to com
MSD Measurement Systems Development part of EEBU
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
MSGE Medium Speed Gas Engines
MSHA Mine Safety & Health Administration
MSNETWRK Management Science Network Services
MSNUSER Management Science Network Services -
User Network
MSO Machine Shipping Order
MSP Marketing Support Program
MSQ Machine Sales Quoter 10/12/2004
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MSS Machine Security System

MST Management Steering Team
MT2000 Medium Tractor 2000
MTA Mechanical Timing Advance
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTO Multi-purpose Tractor Oil
MTS Material Tracking System
MTS Mobil-trac System Frictionally-driven rubber belt tractive device
MUI Mechanical Unit Injection
MV Material Vision
MVS Multiple Virtual Storage An IBM operating system
MWL Medium Wheel Loader 936 through 980

NACD North American Commercial Division
NADS North American Dealer Sales Deprecated in favor of PSNA
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NC Noise Control
NCC Network Control Center
NCM Non-Conformance Management system QCIR Deviation Request and In-house & Supplier scrap
NCN Numerical Control Network A CIS system for transferring files to various shop-floor
NDE Non-Destructive Evaluation Section of AMT
NDM Network Data Mover
NEEF Non Engine End Frame Refers to wheel loaders frame structure
NEOP New Employee Orientation Program
NES New Electronics System Adem 3 based Engine control system for Gas Engines
NFF No Failure Found
NFND Not For New Design
NG New Generation
NGEO Natural Gas Engine Oils
NGMR Next Generation Modular Radiator
NHL Next Higher Level
NINA150 Competitor Analysis
NIR Not in RASTAR An acronym to indicate that a Caterpillar part drawing ha
RASTAR drawing view system.
NK Nippon Kajii Kyokai a marine society
NN Neural Network
NOPS Non-Operational Product Status Identifies various defects during assembly process inclu
assembly workmanship; etc.
NOx Nitric Oxide Emissions Sum of the NO NO2 and NO3 emissions from an engine
the EPA local air quality regulators.
NPC Normal Plant Cost acquisition cost plus plant handling and storage costs
NPI New Product Introduction
NPPI New Product and Process Introduction
NPR Numerical Parts Record
NSFS New Scroll Fuel System 10/12/2004
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NSM Network Systems Management

NSPE National Society of Professional Engineers
NSSN National Standards Systems Network
NTSA National Transportation & Safety
NUMD Non-Useable Material Disposition Scrap in other words
NVH Noise Vibration and Harshness

O/ROPS Open Roll Over Protection System
OAC Office Area Certification A process used to support a Caterpillar office/service ar
proactive continuous improvement efforts. Certification i
documenting and improving of an area's processes and
administrated through a Corporate Program Administrat
OBESE Octave Band Enclosure Sound Equation
OD Outside Diameter
ODB Operations Data Base The relational data base that supports the Factory Exec
ODI Oil Drain Interval
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OHT Off Highway Truck
OIL Office Information Letter
OIS Office Information Services
OLPL On-Line Price List
OMEGA Miscellaneous Indirect Material Purchasing
OMM Operation and Maintenance Manual
OMT Outline Maintenance Tool Software tool used to maintain SPOs and DCOs
OO Object Oriented
OP Oil Pressure or price list nonrelated price Is (boxes forms etc.)
OPQ Overall Product Quality Quantifies Product Reliability
OPS Operator Protection Structure
OPT Overhaul Protection for Trucks
ORFC Orifice Reverse Flow Check
ORFS O-Ring Face Seal
OS Operating System
OS Overspeed
OS&D Over Short and Damaged Identifies freight discrepancies at time of receipt.
OTG Output Transfer Gear
OTICS Opportunity To Improve Customer
OTO One-Time-only (Pricing)
OTR Optical Test Rig Single cylinder engine with optical access to the inside o
cylinder can be visualized (located in the Tech Center)
OTS Offer to Sell
OVIB One Voice In Britain UK Joint Company/Dealer Initiative
OVSA On-Vehicle Stress Analysis
OWS Oil Well Service 10/12/2004
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P&B Plunger & Barrel
P&SS Parts & Service Support
P.O. Purchase Order
PA Pricing Arrangement
PABACS Partsbook Automated Compiling System Current authoring system for parts manuals.
PAC2 Product And Component Planning And Also known as PAC PAC or PAC squared
PAFP Parts Annual Forecast Project
PAM Performance Award Methodology
PAN Product Activity Notice
PAR Performance Analysis Report
PAR Price Assistance Request
PAT Product Acceptance Test Production Analysis
PATS Peoria Area Telephone System
PBP Parts Business Plan
PBRR Planning Burden & Routing Record
PC Personal Computer
PCA Permanent Corrective Action
PCA Price Change Analysis Compares current quote price against proposed change
PCB Parts Comparison Bulletin Used to compare Caterpillar parts to competitive parts.
PCC Pre-Combustion Chamber
PCD Price Check Discrepancies
PCFA Parent Company Financial Accounting
PCI Product Code Index An E&E Budget Term
PCL Parts Coverage Listing
PCN Product Change Notification
PCP Peak Cylinder Pressure
PCS Payload Control System Attached for use only on Medium and Large Wheel Load
PCTA Pre-Combustion Turbo Aftercooled
PD Prove Design
PD&S Process Development & Services Umbrella for Analysis Tool Development and Product De
PDCC Power Demand Cruise Control
PDF Portable Data Format A document format designed by Adobe. See http://www
PDI Pre-Delivery Inspection
PDLMS Parts Distribution Location Management
PDM Parametric Design Manager Please post the desicription correction to your web page
PDM Project Data Manager
PDMS Product Data Management System Used to manage files and data developed during the NP
changes. Includes process information.
PDP Participatory Discount Program
PDP Performance Development Process Process for aligning individual goals with those of the co
PDP Project Devlopment Phase
PDS Project Definition System 10/12/2004
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PDUG Product Definitions Users Group

PE Paving Equipment
PEEC Programmable Electronic Engine Control
PEG Product Evaluation Group
PEP Performance Engine Products Formerly Mossville Engine Center
PEPD Performance Engines Product Division More commonly referred to as Mossville Engine facility.
PERG Prediction & Evaluation of Reliability Growth
PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language A programming language that "is designed to make the
impossible." A favorite tool for web programming; system
manipulation. See FMI.
PES Parts Exchange Service
PES Product Engineering Solutions A division of corporate information services that focuses
consulting services. Formally P&PA.
PET Parts Editing Tool A software tool used by Parts personnel to author and e
PET Product Evaluation Test
PF Power Factor
PF Purchased Finish
PF Purchased Finished
PF12 Function Key 12 In the old days keyboards had PF keys that helped a pro
computer application. In modern society the PF keys are
continue to use the PF term to refer to performing a Fun
PHB Performance Handbook Edition 31 is now being produced.
PI Personal Involvement People Involvement
PIC Price In Chassis
PIMS Prod. Information Mgmt. Sys. Parts Mktg.
PIMS Profit Impact of Market Strategy Pioneering work done by Robert Buzzell & Bradley Gale
University in 1975 which studied the relationship betwee
on firm profitability(ROI). The PIMS Program has its orig
General Electric(GE) as a means of testing the reasona
submitted by operating units. By the end of the 1980's th
000 businesses.
PIN Product Identification Number Identifies the machine
PINS Percent of Industry Sales
PIP Product Improvement Program
PIQ Partners In Quality
PIR Product Improvement Request
PIS Product Information System
PIT Problem Identification Team
PJM Production Job Management Includes support of AJS ACL Docfile and Library Manag
PL Price List Pipe Layers
PLCN Price List Change Notification
PLIF Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence A laser diagnostic technique used in Tech Center for flo
PLP Product Line Profitability
PM Personal Manager; IBM Mainframe calendar
PM Powder Metal
PM Preventative Maintenance Participative
PM Product Mover Manual/Automatic vehicles used to move tractors down 10/12/2004
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PMA Planned Method Audit

PMCM Profit Margin/Cost Margin (Statement)
PMCM Projected Manufacturing Costs & Margins
(Verified Cost)
PMG Permanent Magnet Generator
PMI Positive Management Initiatives
PMI Product Monitoring Information PMI is a respository being created for Service Developm
support. This repository will store onboard machine data
AS/400. Sources of product information include: VIMS-P
Minings Mine Management systems.
PMIS Parts Marketing Information System
PMP Preventive Maintenance Program
PMPG Preventive Maintenance Products Group
PMS Problem Monitor System
PMTPS Pedal Mounted Throttle Position Sensor
PN Part Number
PNPI Part Number Price Inquiry
PO Purchase Order
POC Product Outline Compatibility
PODD Percentage Of Dealer Deliveries
POMS Pricing Orders Marketing Systems Div.
POPL Product Outline / Price List
POPS Percent of Parts Sales
POPS Percent of Population Sales Used for measuring Parts Percent of Market
POT Potential Average water temp. - Entering air
PP Price List Rack Settings
PPA Parts Product Analyst
PPAP Production Part Approval Process
PPCAR Prime Product Costing & Reporting System System used to accumulate and cost material consumed
PPCAR Prime Product Costing and Reporting
PPD Power Products Division Formerly ED
PPDC Planning Process Documentation & Establish planning disciplines.
PPF Prime Product Forecast System Corporate system used by marketing companies and pr
prime products.
PPG Peoria Proving Grounds
PPI Machine Prime Product Information
PPIDS Parts Pricing Information and Distribution Supported by Dealer Channel Systems
PPL Plant Problem List
PPL Project Priority List includes programs projects or one-time-only items wher
PPM Parts Per Million
PPM Prime Product Mover
PPM Product Problem Management
PPP Parts Projection Planner PC application for reading parts consumption listings
PPP Power Protection Plan
PPRA Prime Product Return Authorization 10/12/2004
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PPRD Pre-Production Reliability Development

PRDR Product Reference Database
Preview Magazine Name A bi-monthly publication that announces all new and rev
PRIDE Peers Recognizing Individual's Direct Efforts An award given to TBU's outstanding employees
PRIDE Product Reliability Improvement Definition
PRIME Pre-Injection Metering
PRL Piston Ring Liner
PRM Product Reliability Monitoring
Pro/E Pro/Engineer 3D design/drafting software.
Pro/PDM Parametric Design Manager The formal designation equivalent to PDM
PROS Predictive Reliability Operations Services
PRS Polski Rejestr Statkow a marine society
PRWB Product Release Workbench
PS Postscript
PS&EC Product Safety & Environmental Control
PSA Part Stock Authorization Power Systems
Associates Product Support Agreement
PSA Purchase Services Agreement Marketing Communications client agreements.
PSAP Product Support Activity Plan Plan showing NPI schedules for all new product
PSC Post Sales Credits
PSD Power Systems Distributors or Prevent
Significant Deteriation
PSD Product Support Division Responsibility for the Parts and Service Business. This
and Service Support).
PSG Pressure Compensated Simple Gov.
PSIA Pounds Per Square Inch - Absolute
PSID Pounds per Square Inch Difference Also called "delta-P". It is the difference between two pre
PSIG Pounds Per Square Inch - Gauge
PSM Product Structure Matrix A software tool that displays status information {e.g. "co
effectivity and document type criteria
PSNA Power System North America
PSNA Power Systems North America This is the old North America Dealer Sales group at the
PSO Part Shipping Order
PSO Power System Operation
PSOMS Product Support Opportunity Management Corporate PTOS
PSP Problem Solving Process A "Reader's Digest" version of G8D Problem Solving
PSP Product Support Program
PSPD Product Source Planning Department
PSPS Product Software Programming System A database system used for releasing tracking and insta
software)in Caterpillar machines. It also is used for trans
transmission calibration parameters from the transmissio
assembly/test facility.
PSR Parts Stock Recommendation
PSR Product Support Repository A new warehouse that is currently being developed in p
plans to store NPR and as-shipped bills of material in it.
PSS Project Scheduling System 10/12/2004
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PSSR Parts & Service Sales Representative

PSSR Product Support Service Representative
PSt Property Sheet Tool A software tool that allows users to enter view and searc
IEs meeting specified effectivity and document type crite
PTA Product Test Analysis
PTC Parametric Technology Corporation
PTE Purchasing Traffic Europe Deprecated: see SMTE
PTNR P.T. Natra Raya; Manufacturing joint venture
in Jakarta Indonesia
PTO Power Take-off
PTOS Product Tracking & Opportunity System
PUP Paste up Also called Camera Ready Copy (CRC). It is the copy o
PWAF Plant With A Future
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
PWO Parts Work Order Document used to convey part packaging requirements

Q&RGO Quality and Reliability General Offices
Q1 Quality is Job 1 Q1 - is an award given by Ford to it's supplier facilities a
level of excellence in customer satisfaction while meetin
Engineering and Delivery/Materials Management.
QAR Quality Alert Recommendation
QC Quality Control
QCIR Quality control inspection report
QFD Quality Function Deployment
QIR Quality Improvement Request
QIS Quality Information System
QMF Query Management Facility Software system used by Purchasing and Logistics.
QNET Quality Network A Caterpillar computer network system in which data pe
QRWB Quality & Reliability Workbench
QSC Quality Services - Corporate
QWS Quote Writer System

R&I Remove and Install
R&D Research and Development
R/A Rocker Arm
R/F Radio Frequency
RAAT Record Accuracy & Audit Trail
RACT Reasonable Available Control Technology
RAM Random Access Memory
RAM Real-time Analysis Manager
RAP Round About Plan Caterpillar just in time (JIT) material delivery system
RASTAR Electronic system used to access engineering
RBF Repair Before Failure
RBIPS Retirement Benefits Information and Payment
System 10/12/2004
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RBM Rolling Business Management

RBM Rolling Business Model
RBOM Repair Bill Of Materials List of repair parts for a standard repair.
RDBMS Relational DataBase Management System
RDC Regional Distribution Center (Parts Depot)
REDI Research and Engineering Document Inquiry
REMAN Remanufactured
RFM Rental Fleet Management
RFQ Request For Quotation
RFT Request For Tooling
RIF Reduction In Force
RINA Registro Italiano Navale a marine society
RIS Regional Information Center
RMDA Records Mgmt & Document Access This is an application composed of Lotus Domino.Doc a
document management system with records manageme
Managment Program.
RMDS Report Management Distribution System
RMF Resource Management Facility An IBM licensed program
RMN Remanufactured Parts Information
RMS Receivable Management System
RN Replacement Notice
RNB Received Not Billed
ROA Return on Assets Finacial ratio used to judge the effectiveness with which
to it by the owners(shareholders) of the business. Comm
profit minus overhead interest and tax expenses) to tota
of net profit margin and total asset turnover(which is larg
equipment). Industrial firms tend to have large investme
which must be offset by high margins to produce compe
the asset base in order to maintain the ROA(assuming f
business must have high turnover to produce acceptable
ROI Return on Investment
ROIP Rate of Injection Parameter
ROM Read Only Memory/Rough order of
ROP Repair Option Planner Dealer software for Service Marketing
ROPS Rollover Protective Structure
ROSS RIC Open Systems Storage
ROSS Retard on Steady State
RPA Returned Parts Analysis
RPAC Rapid Prototyping for Automatic Controls A Rapid prototyping tool developed by E&E Business U
page accessible from section web page for Tools & Ana
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RPE Repair Process Engineering
RPI Repair Process Integration A Service Vision Initiative
RPIR Request For Product Improvement Request
RPM Revolutions Per minute
RPPI Replacement Parts Protection Instruction Deprecated: see GPP
RPS Rhythm Production Scheduler
RPTO Rear Power Take Off Similar to PTO 10/12/2004
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RRCN Receiving Report Correction Notice

RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping a marine society
RSSM Request to Scrap Surplus Material
RTC Regional Translation Center
RTL Recommended Tool Program PC Software that contains tooling info for current produc
non current prouduction models
RTRF Rear Track Roller Frame
RTS Ready To Ship
RTV Room Temperature Vulcanizing
RWA Reliability & Warranty Analysis This tool analyzes Post-Production field failure and warr
available through QRWB.
RWAC Raw Water After Cooled

S&OP Sales and Operations Planning
S/COS Sales/Cost of Sales
S/N Serial Number Identifies an engine or lift truck serial number
S/T Speed Timing (Sensor)
SAAR Seasonaly Adjusted Annual Rate
SAC Stanadyne Automotive Corp
SAD Service Application Data
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAS Statistical Analysis System
SBMF Swept Blade Mixed Flow Research fan type
SBS EIS Strategic and Business Services European
Information Services
SCAC Separate Circuit Aftercooler
SCAC Seperate Circuit After Cooler
SCFS Scroll Fuel System
SCM Shin-Caterpillar-MItsubishi Corporation of
SCM Supply Chain Management
SCOF Sales Capacity Order Fulfillment From the time we get a customer order until we actually
SCORE Sales Configuration Owner Report System
SCP Suggested Customer Price
SCR Selective Catalyst Reduction
SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
Screen Prints The Camera Ready Copy of photos shot with
a 110 line screen
SCTE Single Cylinder Test Engine
SDC Software Distribution Center
SDC Sound Design Center Section of Advanced Engineering TSD
SDEC Shanghai Diesel Engine Co. Licensee of Caterpillar 3306B engine technology
SDM Solenoid Driver Module
SDS Supplier Data Sheet
SEA Selective Enforcement Audit
SEA Statistical Energy Analysis Vibro-acoustic analysis method 10/12/2004
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SEGO Service Engineering General Office

SEP Small Engine Product
SER Special Engineering Request
SERR Special Engine Rating Request
Service Provides notification fo improvements and
Magazine changes to parts and products
Service All literature {minus Parts Manuals} for a
Manual machine
SFMO Sales Force Mobile Office
SG Small Governor
SG&A Selling General & Administrative
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language A markup language for describing the logical and conten
processable form. SGML is an international standard {IS
SHP Shipment PINS
SI Spark Ignited
SI Special Instructions Procedures that can be packaged with parts
SIBI Calculate Pension Benefits
SICC Shanxi International Casting Company Ltd Joint venture foundry located in China. Cat is minority pa
Investments Corporation) and CMMI (CITIC Machinery
SICS Sales Information Collector Systems
SID Service Information Division
SID Split Injection Device
SIFT Secure Internet File Tranfer
SIMS Service Information Management System
SINA Spark Ignited Naturally Aspirated
SIP Seat Index Point The SIP is defined as a fixed point on a machine that re
operator's hip-point relative to the seat cushions when th
suspension travel and adjustment ranges
SIP Strategic Improvement Process One of the 6 Sigma Corporate Process Improvement Te
SIP Suppiler Integration Program
SIRS Service Information Retrieval System Used to locate and retrieve information from Caterpillar
SIS Service Information System CD-ROM based Service Information delivery system for
SIS Service Information System The system for providing service information to custome
component of SIS.
SIS-J Japanese version of SIS implemented and
owned by SCM
SISP Strategic Information Systems Planning
SITA Spark Ignited Turbocharged Aftercooled
SLA Service Level Agreement
SLC Super Line Charged
SLO Service Level Objective
SLP Shared Leadership Position
SM/TEN Service Magazine/Truck Engine News
SMA Special Machine Arrangement
SMART Specific Measurable Action-oriented Realistic Type of goals used in the PDP
and Time-and-resource-constrained
SMART Supplier Management And Reporting Tool
SMCS Service Management Control System 10/12/2004
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SME Society of Manufacturing Engineers

SMFS Sleeve Metering Fuel System
SMP Service Management Professional
SMS System Management Software
SMTE Supplier Management and Traffic Europe
SMU Service Meter Units (Miles/Hours)
SNA System Network Architecture The description of the logical structure formats protocols
information units through and controlling the configuratio
SOA Strategic Opportunity Assessment
SOC Start of Current
SOC Suggested Objective Cost
SOD Sales Order Division
SODB Shipping and Order Database
SOF Soluble Organic Fractions
SOHC Single Overhead Camshaft
SOI Start of Ignition
SOI Start of Injection
SOL Start on line
SOS Scheduled Oil Sampling
SOS Shop Operating System
SOS Source of Supply
SPAR Special Price Assistance Request
SPC Statistical Process Control
SPC Strategic Planning Cimmittee
SPEC Specifications module Part of a Service Manual
SPI Similar Parts Index
SPIFF Special Pricing Incentive For Fleets
SPL Similar Parts List
SPM Service Program Module
SPMS Service Problem Management System
SPN Standard Part Name The component name TID users for Parts Manuals. The
SPO Standard Product Outline A system/part name outline for a sales or engineering m
information. Tech Do IEs are linked to SPO line items vi
SPOC Single Point of Contact Person responsible to represent Product Support Servic
Supportability Planning.
SPPS Set Point Peak Shaving
SPS Select Performance Strategy
SRA Stock Record Audit
SRC Strategic Review Conference
SRCR Statically Regulated Controlled Rectifier
SRI Stock Record Inventory
SRM Supplier Relationship Management
SSD Service Support Department Formerly TID
SSI Shipments Sales & Inventory
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSL Skid Steer Loader 10/12/2004
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SSMAR Stock Status Material Availability Request

SSS Start-Stop Switch
STA Series Turbo Aftercooled
STATS Prints of line art that are to OMMs and
Service Manual Modules.
STDB Standards Table Database
STEX Small Track Excavators 307B/312B/315B/317B/318B
STIC Steering Transmission Integrated Control
STLE Society of Tribologists and Lubrication
STMG Service Training Meeting Guide
STOR Straight Thread O-Ring this is an industry standard as well as being used in man
STW Service Technician Workbench A service technician focused suite of service software p
STW Service Technician Workbench Electronic service tool used to troubleshoot and analyse
applications the service technician would need such as
SUB Supplemental Unemployment Benefits
SVS Single Virtual Storage
SWAC Sea Water Aftercooling
SWL Small Wheel Loader 914G/IT14G 924F/IT24F 928G/IT28G
SWOSS Standard Work Order Segmentation System

T&D Test and Development
T&E Test & Evaluation
TAM Trend Analysis Module
TAMS Track Adjustement Management System
TAMS Track Adjustment Management System
TBC Thermal Barrier Coating
TBD To Be Determined
TBU Transmission Business Unit
TC Technical Center (Mossville)
TC Technical Communicator A dealership employee that relays information on recurr
TCAA Total Cost Achievement Activity Process used to achieve target cost within NPI process.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
TCS Traction Control System
TD Time Delay
TDC Top Dead Center
TDI Technical Data Interchange A mail-box based file exchange system created to help f
TDM Top Down Modeling
TDR Transient Data Recorder used at TC and PPG
TDTO Transmission/Drivetrain Oil
TEAM Truck Engine Account Manager
TEBM Truck Engine Business Manager - Dealer
TECH DOC Service Manual Modules In a "strict sense" it includes OMMs but does not include 10/12/2004
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TED Total Estimated Demand

TEDM Truck Engine District Manager
TEHC Total Electronic Hystat Control Used on 'C' Version Track Type Loaders.
TEMP Targeted Engine Marketing Plan
TEN EN Truck Engine News Engine News Customer publication providing service information on m
generator sets for EN and on-highway truck engines for
TEOC Truck Engine Owner/s Club
TEPS Truck Eng. Parts & Serv. or Total Eng.
Product Support
TERM Truck Engine Regional Manager
TFF Tropical Forest Foundation
TH Telescopic Handler
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
THTC Tanaja Hills Training Center
TIB Technical Information Bulletin
TIC Technical Information Center located at TC
TIC The Item Catalog The Item Catalog is the single safe source for descriptiv
code 1 3 4 and 8) Miscellaneous indirect items (class co
Warehouse steel (class code U) Forgings/DIECARD (cla f
TID Technical Information Department Renamed and now called SSD
TIF Technical Information File
TIFF/G4 Tagged Imaged File Format/CCITT Group 4
(a FAX Format)
TIM Technical Instruction Module
TIM Tool Integration Module
TIR Total Indicator Reading or Tech. Information
TIS Traffic Information System
TLA Three Letter Acronym
TM&R Total Maintenance & Repair
TMI Technical Marketing Information (Engine
Division System)
TMI Technical Marketing Information
TMIS Tool Marketing Information System
TML Trademark Merchandise Licensing handles all approvals of trademark merchandise
TMO TurboMachinery Operations
TMS Transmission Multi-Season
TMT Translation Memory Tool Tool Used in Corporate Translations
TNI Trouble Not Identified This is the politically correct term for identifying parts fro
we have referred to these at NFF (no fault found) or TNF
TOA Truck Operations Analysis
TOPP Truck Owners Protectior Plan
TOPRS Terminal Oriented Production Routing System Runs on the Mainframe - System code "WM"
TOPS Tip-Over Protective Structure
TOWS Tool Order Writing System
TPA Truck Performance Analysis
TPC Total Plant Cost 10/12/2004
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TPCC Total Profit Center Cost

TPG Tucson Proving Ground With the move from Phoenix to Tucson a couple years a
TPM Total Productive Maintenance
TPS Throttle Position Sensor
TPU Tentative Production Usage relative to next level usage in EDS
TR Transient Response The response of a generator set to a sudden change in
TRAPS Track Shoe Production Scheduling
TRD Technical Resources Department
TRF Track Roller Frame
TRG Time Requirement Guide
TRIMS Tool Room Information Management System
TRPC Transaction Remote Procedure Call
TSD Technical Services Division
TSK Track Skidder
TSMP Targeted Segment Marketing Planning
TSODB Temporary Shipping And Orders Database
TTL Tight Top Land (piston)
TTL Track Type Loader
TTRT Top of Top Ring Travel
TTT Track Type Tractor
TTTD Track Type Tractors Division
TVA Torsional Vibration Analysis Software developed at Caterpillar for the analysis of the
TWI The Welding Institute Caterpillar is a long standing member of TWI. TWI is a r
supplies Caterpillar with expert knowledge advice and c
technology. Specialist areas and technologies include M
Welding Microtechnology Laser processes Friction proc
Resistance/fastening Design and engineering Electron b
For further information contact Nigel Smith or Tarsem Ju

U/C Undercarriage
U/CTR Undercarriage Test Rig The Undercarriage Test Rig is a versatile modular rig wh
configuration to an oval track machine. It is being used t
Track-type Tractors.
UCC Uniform Commercial Code
UG Universal Governor
UGC Uniform Group Classification A method of identifying similar Engineering drawings at
and consist.
UNF Unified Fine Thread
UPS Uninterrupted Power Source
URL Uniform Resource Locator
UTEPP Used Truck Engine Protection Plan
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair

VCM Versatile Control Module Part of the NES - handles inputs outputs
VCTC Variable Clutch torque Converter 10/12/2004
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VEHR Very Early Hour Reliability Pre-delivery through 10 or 20 hours dependent on size o
VFS Variable Floation System
VI Viscosity Index
VICCCI Vision Intuition Courage Commitment and The name says it all
Continuous Improvement
VIDS Vital Information Display System Similar hardware and user interface to VIMS but the sys
and does not collect prognostic and payload data like th
VIMS Vital Information Management System
VIPER Virtual Integration of People Equipment and
VM Virtual Manufacturing Virtual Manufacturing is a selection of software tools wh
manufaturing process prior to purchasing actual equipm
VMIS Vehicle Monitoring Information System
VOC Voice Of the Customer concept
VOM Volt Ohm Meter
VOP Valve Opening Pressure
VP Virtual Prototyping
VPAT Variable Pitch Power Angle and Tilt Blade available on the D5M and D6M TTT. The blade ca
VPG Virtual Proving Ground The ability to simulate full scale machine tests on the co
Analysis/Simulation/Test (A/S/T) environemnt in support
VPL Virtual Prototyping Lab part of MR at PPG
VPL Visual Prototype Lab Obsolete. Former VR lab at PPG replaced by the CVRC
VR Virtual Reality
VR Voltage Regulator
VSL Vehicle Speed Limit
VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method An IBM licensed program that controls communication a

WAE Wagner Asia Equipment Caterpillar dealer in Mongolia
WAN Wide Area Network
WATK Weibull Analysis Toolkit Product of TSD Q&R
WBL Work Based Learning Co-op students working for Caterpillar.
WCC WEST COAST CAB Excavator forestry cab installed by Finning LTD
WCC West Coast Cab Rear Entry Excavator Forestry Cab built by Finning LTD
WCIC World-wide Centralized Inventrory Control
WDWRD Woodward Governor
WECAP WEB Enabled Cataloging And Procurement
WEX Wheeled Excavator
WHAM Wiebul Hazard Analysis Method
WHL Wheeled Loader
WHP Wheel HP
WIIS Warehouse Inventory/Information System
WIP Work In Progress In reference to an open Work Order on a particular job.
WL Wheel Loader
WLED Wheel Loader and Excavators Division
WMF Windows MetaFile
WMS Warehouse Managemet System Software that tracks inventory and inventory activity (rec 10/12/2004
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WO Work Order
WOIS Work Order Issue System
Workflow Tool used to assign work in the new authoring
Manager environment
Worksheet A form completed by the Editor for new
Service Manuals. It contains the sales model
seriel nuber engine engineering model first
shiop date version and translations {for the
OMM} for the Service Manual. It also gives
the form number status of the module and
author to whom the module is assigned.
WSA World Sales Analysis
WSA World Sales Analysis
WSK Wheel Skidder
WSU World Source and User
WT Water Temperature
WT Whole Tree Forestry method for harvesting whole tree
WTL Wheel Tractor Loader
WTO World Trade Organization
WTS Wheel Tractor Scraper
WTS Windows Terminal Server
WWW World Wide Web The complete set of documents residing on all Internet s
users via a simple point-and-click system.
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get

XL extended undercarriage XL has undercarriage that extends track length to the fro
grading and general dozing applications.
XMSN Transmission
XR extended undercarriage XR arrangement extends track length to the rear to offse

Y2K YEAR 2000

ZC formerly CSS ZC is the previously used notation for CCS (China Class
ZWIP Zero Warehouse Inventory Program Indirect inventory reduction program used by Central Ind

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Web Master: Florence Druhen
Last Modified Date: 30-Jan-2004
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Data Privacy 10/12/2004

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