Bitches For WikiLeaks OpWallStreet Solidarity GeekTechMac1 Misogyny Master Portland Oregon

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Bitches for Wikileaks

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#opwallstreet 9/17/2011 geektechmac1 misogyny master portland oregon

file under misogynistic uneducated american #opwallstreet portland solidarity misogyny issue
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mary eng
TO: kevin zeese lewis and clark NLG keith fink Justice Through Music daniel pinci Dan Finkel dan diamond nick

Monday, September 19, 2011 10:12 PM

this is a message for the youtube video content producer geektechmac1 who refers to me, mary eng, as "one dumb bitch" in our #opwallstreet portland oregon solidarity protest in video here: could you though please not refer to me as "one dumb bitch"

can you correct this: my name is mary eng not "one dumb bitch" thank you so much for your coverage otherwise!!!! i look forward to clearing up this issue and appreciate your support. i am mailing you because you have blocked my commenting. my previous comments on your channel read: on video:
hi my name is mary rose lenore eng. geektechmac1 refers to me "one dumb bitch" my name is "mary eng" i would appreciate your misogynistic anonymization of my identity to be cleared up. feel free to find me maryeng1 at youtube or write me at i blog at "braingarbage" i would like to thank geektechmac1 for taking the footage despite his misogynistic language. thanks everyone who turned out.
maryeng1 10 hours ago 2

on channel:

hi my name is mary rose lenore eng. geektechmac1 refers to me "one dumb bitch" my name is "mary eng" i would appreciate your misogynistic anonymization of my identity to be cleared up. feel free to find me maryeng1 at youtube or write me at i blog at "braingarbage"
i would like to thank geektechmac1 for taking the footage despite his misogynistic language. thanks everyone who turned out.e to thank geektechmac1 for taking the footage despite his misogynistic language. thanks everyone who turned out.

this really hurts my feelings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see:

Uploaded by GeekTechMac1 on Sep 17, 2011

This gathering of retards was a flop (as predicted by media). One dumb bitch is saying how Bradley Manning and Wikileaks are the reason for the Day of Rage (which is complete horse crap), then you have another tweaker running around being an idiot... then a bunch more idiots who think they are really making a difference, all 20-25 of them. #loserswithnolife
Category: Nonprofits & Activism Tags: portland pdx or ore oregon 2011 september

17 sept sep 091711 11 09 protest protestors idiots retards dumb bitches us day of rage pansies cowards dip shits liberals democrats republicans independents lack common sense douche bags

see my post at braingarbage for all young women who find that political organizing holds unfair discrimination especially in sexist uneducated AMERICA, i am very sorry you face this abridgement of your Equal Rights. the purpose of publishing this is not to humiliate geektechmac1 who can be consulted at for his vulgar misogyny but to encourage all humans to respect each other and speak respectfully!!!!! especially of women and minorities who have often faced extreme verbal abuse in their lives!!!!!

thanks to the lawyers guild, to wikileaks, to kevin zeese, and velvet revolution for so much inspiration for the david house generation, that they may stand in solidarity with women who are excessively verbally abused in the tech and work communities in america and underpaid and underrepresented in government. it is not enough to simply accept the ease of benefits that come with being a white male. please support womens equal participation in government and economic equality and freedom from hate speech and acts of violence. lovingly mary rose lenore eng i would love to speak with geektechmac1 and explain what wikileaks has to do with bank of

america and toxic assets and economic embargo and the student debt bubble etc. DOJ hunton and williams etc dataplan visa/MC paypal et al. i am open to explain in depth.

Portland OR US Day of Rage September 17, 2011 GeekTechMac1

"one dumb bitch" for wikileaks?????? GeekTechMac1 calls me "one dumb bitch" i wonder if he sexually harasses his co-workers???? what does he mean by "bitch" . . ..???? like "bitches for wikileaks"??????? now truly my black panther solidarity video was trolled by white american racists who called me "white bitch" and the man who raped me called me "psycho bitch" before he strangled me. but "GeekTechMac1" was very kind to be filming of our little protest!!!!!!!! even though he calls me "one dumb bitch" as for "one dumb bitch" you are welcome to call me "mary rose lenore eng"--- as i am not anonymous. if you would like to talk it over please write me

at "" now i am not so musically inclined and find the sound of my voice as shrill and hard to listen to, too. so no worries, so far i am not booking stadiums with songs about the imprisonment of bradley manning. for all sensitive american men out there, i find american misogyny and the unequal pay and constant sexual harassment in the media and internet as something i need your help on. please help renounce all sexism within all progressive movements!!! as for causal relationships . . . . music is a very artistic exploration and when people sing extemporaneously . . . many subconscious things come up. i don't equate the political messages of music as something to be analyzed easily by linear misogynists.

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