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Name: …………………………………………………… May 2023


1. A. Read about Emily-Fleur.

1. B Read the article again and write T (True) of F (False). _____ / 10

a) She didn´t care about her GCSEs results. ______

b) When she left school, she was indecisive about what to do later. ______
c) She asked her teachers if she could take some photos of their birthday parties. ______
d) Taking photos was an immediate success to Emily´s economy. _____
e) She believes that young university students are not prepared for the real world, as she is. _____

1.C. Answer the following questions with your own words. _______ / 4
a) How often do you take photos? Do you always post them on Instagram? Why/why not?

b) When was the last time you took photos? Were you celebrating something?

ACTIVITY 2. Emily has been interviewing photographers for her new project. Complete the
text about Jimmy, A Nat Geo photographer, with the corresponding form of the verbs in
brackets. _______ / 28

Hi Emi, how are U?

Every day, I _______________________1.(take) pictures of different

subjects. I love _______________________2. (capture) the beauty of
the world through my lens. Right now, I _____________________3.
(photograph) a beautiful sunset, and the colours are breath taking.

Last week, I _______________________ 4.(take) some stunning

portraits of a family. They were thrilled with the results, and it _______________________ 5.
(feel)amazing to see the joy on their faces. Since I ______________________6. (start) photography, I
_______________________7.(capture) many precious moments. From weddings to family gatherings, I
have been there to document those special occasions. I _______________________8.(be) grateful for
the opportunity to freeze those moments in time and create lasting memories.

Lately, I _______________________9. (practise) my skills by experimenting with new techniques. It's

important to keep learning and growing as a photographer. I've been trying out different lighting
setups, angles, and compositions. It _______________________10. (be) challenging, but also very

While I _______________________11. (take) pictures at the beach, a dolphin suddenly

_______________________12. (jump) out of the water. It _______________________13.(be) a magical
moment, and I was able to capture it on camera. Moments like these remind me why
I_______________________ 14.(love) photography so much.

ACTIVITY 3. Complete the following sentences with the words from the box. _______ /12


1. Ups! I need to climb __________ to here to get the perfect photo!

2. The ____________ is so dark that I need to take photos with flash.
3. Argentina has wonderful ______________ that should be photographed.
4. Look at that __________ hamburger ads! I`m really hungry!
5. She is ____________, but she can communicate with you in many different ways.

ACTIVITY 4. Answer the following questions______ / 14

A) What did you use to do when you were a child?

1) _______________________________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________________________

B) What didn`t you use to do when you were a child?

3) _______________________________________________________________________________________
4) _______________________________________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 5. Choose the correct option. _______ /10

1) I bought a new camera, ___________ has excellent zoom.

A) who B) which C) where
2) He is the photographer ___________ is interested in wildlife photography.
A) who B) which C) where
3) I have been passionate about photography ___________ I was a child.

A) about B) for C) since

4) She has been taking photos with this old camera __________ six years.
A) for B) since C) when

5) We haven`t taken photos of the Obelisk _______. We need to go now!

A) yet B) already C) just

ACTIVITY 6. WRITING SECTION _______ / 22 100-120 words

Choose one of the following topics and write about:

_____ Tell me the last time you got extremely furious with someone, the reason you were like this
and what happened that day.

_____ A day in your life that you will always remember.

_____ A time when you made a mistake and learned from it.

You need to use at least 5 of the following structures or phrases from the box:



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