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EA-6B Prowler
The Grumman (now Northrop Grumman) EA-6B Prowler is a unique national asset that can be
deployed from land bases and aircraft carriers to monitor the electromagnetic spectrum and
actively deny an adversary the use of radar and communications. The EA-6B is a unique, high-
demand low-volume (HDLV) national asset that provides electronic attack for the Navy, Marines,
and Air Force. The EA-6B Prowler was designed to complement the Navy's defenses in today's
electronic warfare environment. Electronic countermeasures required improvement to compete
with the ever-increasing complexity of hostile radar-guided guns, missiles and aircraft. The Prowler
was the first aircraft built from the drawing boards to fulfil the role of an electronic warfare aircraft.
The EA-6B Prowler is included in every aircraft carrier deployment. The EA-6B's primary mission is
to protect fleet surface units and other aircraft by jamming hostile radars and communications. The
EA-6B is an integral part of the fleet's first line of defense, and will remain so well into the next
century. As a result of restructuring DoD assets in 1995, the EF-111 Raven was retired, and the
EA-6B was left as the only radar jammer in DoD. Five new squadrons were stood up. Four of these
squadrons are dedicated to supporting USAF Aerospace Expeditionary Force wings.
The crew includes one pilot and three electronic countermeasures officers. The EA-6B carries the
ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System, which includes a receiver, processor, and various mission-
configured jammer pods carried as external stores. The EA-6B has the USQ-113 Communications
Jammer, and may also be armed with the highspeed
anti-radiation missile (HARM) for enemy surface-to-air
radar destruction and suppression. The EA-6B is a key
contributor to the Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
Electronic Attack mission.
As of March 2001 the Navy and Marine Corps had three
configurations of ICAP II EA-6B aircraft, the Block 82,
Block 89, and Block 89A. The EA-6B ICAP II Block 89
Aircraft has replaced the EA-6A Aircraft in the Navy
Reserve. The Block 89A upgrade program will bring 89
of 123 EA-6B aircraft, including all Block 82 aircraft, into
a single avionics configuration for upgrade to the ICAP
III. The remaining 34 EA-6B Block 89 aircraft will
upgrade directly to ICAP III configuration. EA-6B Block
89A ICAP II aircraft are entering the fleet in FY00 and ICAP III configuration aircraft are scheduled
for fleet introduction in FY04.
The EA-6B has proven itself in Vietnam, the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and the Balkans, where
strike aircraft losses were dramatically reduced when the Prowler was on station. These conflicts
made it evident that the winner of future military conflicts will be the force which most completely
controls the electromagnetic spectrum. To achieve this, the EA-6B uses sensitive receivers to
detect radar signals in order to determine whether they should be jammed with high powered
transmitters or destroyed using High Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARMs).
The EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft - which played a key role in suppressing enemy air
defenses during Operation Desert Storm - enhances the strike capabilities not only of carrier air
wings but of US Air Force and allied forces as well. The decision to retire the Air Force EF-111A
Raven and to assign all Department of Defense radar jamming missions to the Prowler adds to the
significance of the EA-6B in joint warfare. With its jamming and High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile
(HARM) capability, the Prowler is a unique national asset that will be deployed from land bases
and aircraft carriers. Its ability to monitor the electromagnetic spectrum and actively deny an
adversary's use of radar and communications is unmatched by any airborne platform worldwide.
In a strike mission a variety of aircraft are assigned for different roles. The EA-6B aircraft is mainly
utilized for Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, or SEAD. It achieves this through the use of
jamming equipment and High speed Anti-Radiation Missiles, or HARM. Jamming involves the

release of electromagnetic energy that interferes with the enemy's radar detection capability. A
great part of an enemy's air defense system that poses a threat to US forces can be neutralized
with the EA-6B Prowler. The first part of an enemy's air defense system a strike package
encounters is the Early Warning (EW) radars. The air defense system depends on these EW
radars to indicate the direction and location of US forces approaching the enemy's territory. With
an EA-6B flying with a strike package and producing jamming signals to these EW radars, the
enemy's ability to detect us approaching is greatly reduced. This provides precious time for the
successful completion of the mission. The Prowler can jam a variety of radars.
Another aspect of an air defense system is its surface-air-missiles, or SAMs. Numerous SAM
systems require some sort of electronic tracking by a radar system in order to be effective. When
this enemy electronic tracking system is illuminated towards US forces, the EA-6B can fire a
HARM missile which guides in on radiated energy. Thus, a hardkill is accomplished by destroying
the radar. When the enemy does not turn on their weapon system radar for fear of a HARM missile
being fired at them, a softkill is accomplished.
ICAP III, which will be the most significant upgrade on the EA-6B to date, includes a new receiver
intended to provide a reactive jamming capability. It includes provisions for Link 16 connectivity, via
the Multi-Functional Information Distribution System. ICAP III builds upon the Block 89A
improvements to achieve a reactive jamming/targeting and geolocation capability for active
emitters. The Navy’s procurement plan is to transition all EA-6B aircraft to the ICAP III
configuration by 2010. Addition of the Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal and the Improved
Data Modem capability improves battlefield situational awareness for the crew. The program is
also integrating aircrew night vision devices to enhance night capabilities. The Navy had scheduled
IOC for the upgrade for June 2005.
A new era in naval aviation began in 2006 with the first EA-18G Growler aircraft. This next-
generation electronic attack aircraft is being developed to replace the fleet's current carrier-based
EA-6B Prowler. The next-generation electronic attack aircraft, for the U.S. Navy, combines the
combat-proven F/A-18 Super Hornet with a state-of-the-art electronic warfare avionics suite. The
EA-18G will replace all carrier-based EA-6B aircraft and will reach IOC in FY 2009. The Navy
expects to buy 85 EA-18G Growlers by 2012, when the last carrier-based EA-6B Prowler will be
retired. Those 85 EA-18G Growler aircraft will fill 12 fleet squadrons as well as a training.
The Marine Corps will continue to fly the ICAP III EA-6B Prowler as a capability bridge to a
MAGTF-oriented, scalable, system-of-systems able to support the needs of the joint force. In
development are UAS payloads, ground systems, and joint improvements to the F-35 JSF that will
enable a distributed EW capability suitable for MAGTF operations.
EA-6B Prowler

The Prowler is derived from the two-seater A-6 Intruder attack aircraft. The basic airframe was
stretched and strengthened to accommodate a four-seat cockpit. The major external differences
between the EA-6B and the two-seat A-6E are a 54-in. fuselage extension for two additional crew
stations, a large pod on the vertical tail to house electronic countermeasures equipment, and a
canted refueling probe. Although the fuselage was stretched to permit space for four crew
members, the wing area is the same as that used on the A-6E. The basic mission, external stores,
and electronic suites of the Prowler are considerably different from those of the A-6E. The EA-6B is
more than 10,000 lb heavier than the A-6E, and carries large pods for electronics on wing pylons.
Since the EA-6B is considerably heavier than the A-6, this results in a significant reduction in
maneuvering capability.
The EA-6B wing span is 53 feet or 26 feet folded. The aircraft length is 60 feet with a height of 17
feet or 22 feet folded. The Prowler can carry over 20,000 lbs. of jet fuel (about 3000 gallons) and
has a maximum takeoff weight of 61,500 lbs. The aircraft is powered by two J52-P408A Pratt and
Whitney turbojet engines which can each produce 10,400 lbs. of thrust for a maximum speed of .86

mach or 630 mph at sea level. At maximum power
the EA-6B engines burn over 20,000 lbs. (almost
3000 gallons) of fuel per hour. At cruise power it burns 6000 (880 gallons) per hour.
Combining a fully integrated electronic warfare system with long range, all-weather capability, the
EA-6B has the ability to intercept, analyze and effectively neutralize hostile radars. Built by
Grumman Aerospace Corporation, it is designed for carrier and advanced base operations. It has
the basic airframe of the A-6 series with the addition of a forward cockpit, increasing the crew
complement to four: one pilot and three electronic counter-measures officers (ECMO's). The pilot
and ECMO in the front cockpit are responsible for flying the aircraft, radio communication,
navigation, operating the air-to-ground radar, and firing the HARM. The ECMO in the right front
seat is responsible for navigation, communications, and defensive electronic countermeasures.
The two ECMOs seated in the aft cockpit are responsible for operating the ALQ-99 tactical
jamming system and electronic surveillance.
The heart of the EA-6B is the AN/ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System. The Prowler can carry up to
five pods (one belly mounted and two on each wing). Each pod is integrally powered and houses
two jamming transmitters that cover one of seven frequency bands. The EA-6B can carry any mix
of pods, fuel tanks and/or HARM anti-radiation missiles depending on mission requirements.
The EA-6B's tail fin pod houses sensitive surveillance receivers, capable of detecting hostile radar
emissions at long range. Emitter information is processed by the central mission computer.
Detection, identification, direction-finding, and jammer-set-on-sequence may be performed
automatically or by the crew.
The EA-6B is operated by a crew of four, comprised of one pilot and three Electronic
Countermeasures Officers (ECMOs). The EA-6B is designed for carrier and advanced base
operation, day and night, in all weather conditions. It uses the AN/TQS-142 Tactical EA-6B Mission
Planning System (TEAMS) for mission planning. TEAMS uses a computer stored electronic order
of battle for the applicable geographic area. It provides the ECMO with software associated with
the planned aircraft flight route. The software is carried to the aircraft and is used to initiate the
AN/ALQ-99 TJS. It then ensures the most efficient and effective use of the AN/ALQ-99. During the
mission, other software records the scenario and is then used for postflight updating of the
The Marine Corps EA-6B Prowler provides Airborne Command and Control (C2W) support to Fleet
Marine Forces to include electronic attack (EA), tactical electronic support (ES), electronic
protection (EP) and high speed anti-radiation missile (HARM).
The EA-6B's ALQ-99 OBS is used to collect tactical electronic order of battle (EOB) data which can
be disseminated through the command and control system while airborne, and which can be
recorded and processed after missions to provide updates to various orders of battle. The ALQ-00
TJS is used to provide active radar jamming support to assault support and attack aircrtaft, as well
as ground units. Additional suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD) capability is available with
the employment of HARM.
The Prowler is not optimized to provide a safe haven by virtue of an "umbrella of electrons".
However, if used efficiently and effectively, this limited asset can provide the JFC with a decisive
tactical advantage. The EA-6B is a multi-mission capable platform, that couples human interface
with a sophisticated electronic warfare package. Whether the crew of four is assigned to a carrier-
based Navy VAQ squadron, Marine Corps VMAQ squadron, or a newly formed, jointly manned
Navy land-based squadron (also VAQ), they come to the "battlefield" as a highly standardized crew
that completed centralized training at NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
Marine Prowlers may be land-based from prepared airfields, or they can operate from
expeditionary airfields (EAF). They may also be sea-based, operating from aircraft carriers. Marine
Prowlers are unique in their integration with the Tactical Electronic Processing and Evaluation
System (TERPES). TERPES provides post-mission analysis of EA-6B ES data for reporting and
updating orders of battle. It also provides post-mission analysis of jamming and HARM
employment for reporting, assessing and storing mission data.

EA-6B Prowler

The Prowler is derived from the two-seater A-6 Intruder attack aircraft. The basic airframe was
stretched and strengthened to accommodate a four-seat cockpit. The major external differences
between the EA-6B and the two-seat A-6E are a 54-in. fuselage extension for two additional crew
stations, a large pod on the vertical tail to house electronic countermeasures equipment, and a
canted refueling probe. Although the fuselage was stretched to permit space for four crew
members, the wing area is the same as that used on the A-6E. The basic mission, external stores,
and electronic suites of the Prowler are considerably different from those of the A-6E. The EA-6B is
more than 10,000 lb heavier than the A-6E, and carries large pods for electronics on wing pylons.
Since the EA-6B is considerably heavier than the A-6, this results in a significant reduction in
maneuvering capability.
The EA-6B wing span is 53 feet or 26 feet folded. The aircraft length is 60 feet with a height of 17
feet or 22 feet folded. The Prowler can carry over
20,000 lbs. of jet fuel (about 3000 gallons) and has a
maximum takeoff weight of 61,500 lbs. The aircraft is
powered by two J52-P408A Pratt and Whitney
turbojet engines which can each produce 10,400 lbs.
of thrust for a maximum speed of .86 mach or 630
mph at sea level. At maximum power the EA-6B
engines burn over 20,000 lbs. (almost 3000 gallons)
of fuel per hour. At cruise power it burns 6000 (880 gallons) per hour.
Combining a fully integrated electronic warfare system with long range, all-weather capability, the
EA-6B has the ability to intercept, analyze and effectively neutralize hostile radars. Built by
Grumman Aerospace Corporation, it is designed for carrier and advanced base operations. It has
the basic airframe of the A-6 series with the addition of a forward cockpit, increasing the crew
complement to four: one pilot and three electronic counter-measures officers (ECMO's). The pilot
and ECMO in the front cockpit are responsible for flying the aircraft, radio communication,
navigation, operating the air-to-ground radar, and firing the HARM. The ECMO in the right front
seat is responsible for navigation, communications, and defensive electronic countermeasures.
The two ECMOs seated in the aft cockpit are responsible for operating the ALQ-99 tactical
jamming system and electronic surveillance.
The heart of the EA-6B is the AN/ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System. The Prowler can carry up to
five pods (one belly mounted and two on each wing). Each pod is integrally powered and houses
two jamming transmitters that cover one of seven frequency bands. The EA-6B can carry any mix
of pods, fuel tanks and/or HARM anti-radiation missiles depending on mission requirements.
The EA-6B's tail fin pod houses sensitive surveillance receivers, capable of detecting hostile radar
emissions at long range. Emitter information is processed by the central mission computer.
Detection, identification, direction-finding, and jammer-set-on-sequence may be performed
automatically or by the crew.
The EA-6B is operated by a crew of four, comprised of one pilot and three Electronic
Countermeasures Officers (ECMOs). The EA-6B is designed for carrier and advanced base
operation, day and night, in all weather conditions. It uses the AN/TQS-142 Tactical EA-6B Mission
Planning System (TEAMS) for mission planning. TEAMS uses a computer stored electronic order
of battle for the applicable geographic area. It provides the ECMO with software associated with
the planned aircraft flight route. The software is carried to the aircraft and is used to initiate the
AN/ALQ-99 TJS. It then ensures the most efficient and effective use of the AN/ALQ-99. During the
mission, other software records the scenario and is then used for postflight updating of the

The Marine Corps EA-6B Prowler provides Airborne Command and Control (C2W) support to Fleet
Marine Forces to include electronic attack (EA), tactical electronic support (ES), electronic
protection (EP) and high speed anti-radiation missile (HARM).
The EA-6B's ALQ-99 OBS is used to collect tactical electronic order of battle (EOB) data which can
be disseminated through the command and control system while airborne, and which can be
recorded and processed after missions to provide updates to various orders of battle. The ALQ-00
TJS is used to provide active radar jamming support to assault support and attack aircrtaft, as well
as ground units. Additional suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD) capability is available with
the employment of HARM.
The Prowler is not optimized to provide a safe haven by virtue of an "umbrella of electrons".
However, if used efficiently and effectively, this limited asset can provide the JFC with a decisive
tactical advantage. The EA-6B is a multi-mission capable platform, that couples human interface
with a sophisticated electronic warfare package. Whether the crew of four is assigned to a carrier-
based Navy VAQ squadron, Marine Corps VMAQ squadron, or a newly formed, jointly manned
Navy land-based squadron (also VAQ), they come to the "battlefield" as a highly standardized crew
that completed centralized training at NAS Whidbey Island, WA.
Marine Prowlers may be land-based from prepared airfields, or they can operate from
expeditionary airfields (EAF). They may also be sea-based, operating from aircraft carriers. Marine
Prowlers are unique in their integration with the Tactical Electronic Processing and Evaluation
System (TERPES). TERPES provides post-mission analysis of EA-6B ES data for reporting and
updating orders of battle. It also provides post-mission analysis of jamming and HARM
employment for reporting, assessing and storing mission data.


EA-6B Prowler

The Prowler fleet is being modernized and upgraded to keep the aircraft and its systems abreast of
evolving threats and to maintain aircraft safety. EA-6B improvements have been many and varied
to meet the current and projected threat. The older Prowler air frames (modified A-6 Intruder
bodies) will get new wing center sections. Before 2005, each of the Navy's 123 Prowlers will be
retrofitted with new communication and navigation equipment. Before 2010 Prowlers will be
retrofitted with new jamming equipment. Other additions include incorporation of the "high-speed
anti-radiation missile" (HARM) and improved communications jamming capability. This aircraft is
projected to be operational through the year 2015.
The purpose of the EA-6B Improved Capability Modification II (ICAP II) Program is to upgrade
selected avionics employed aboard Navy and Marine Corps EA-6B Aircraft. The ICAP II Block
upgrades provides new safety, structural and avionics modifications for the aircraft. Navy Reserve
EA-6A squadron VAQ-209 transitioned to the EA-6B ICAP II Aircraft in FY89. The Marine Corps
Reserve EA-6A squadron, VMAQ-4, transitioned to EA-6B ICAP II Aircraft in March 1991 and to
active duty 1 October 1992. VMAQ-2 has been split into three squadrons; VMAQ-1, VMAQ-2 and
VMAQ-3. The EA-6B Prowler is undergoing a variety of enhancements to improve the overall
capabilities of the weapon system. The four phases of this process are the ICAP II improvements,
the ICAP II Block 86 enhancements, the ICAP II Block 89 upgrades, and the ICAP II Block 89A
upgrades. The EA-6B ICAP II Block 89 program include two configurations of ICAP II EA-6B
Aircraft, the Block 82 and Block 86.
The EA-6B ICAP II Program retrofitted 51 early models of the EA-6B ICAP I enhancement
program aircraft. The Technical Evaluation (TECHEVAL) of the EA-6B ICAP II was conducted at
the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) formerly Naval Air Test Center, Patuxent
River, from January to March 1982. The Operational Evaluation (OPEVAL) was conducted from
May to August 1982 at Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division formerly the Naval Weapons

Station, China Lake. No additional manpower or training was required for either the TECHEVAL or
the OPEVAL. Production aircraft were delivered with the ICAP II configuration beginning with
BUNO 161776. All ICAP II introductions for VAQ-129, Navy fleet squadrons, and Marine Corps
Fleet Marine Force (FMF) squadrons were completed in FY91.
The ICAP II Block 82 Program was designed to upgrade the Navy and Marine Corps EA-6B
weapon system and was accomplished by modifying earlier models. All Navy EA-6B aircraft have
been converted to Block 89. The Marine Corps reported 59 Block 82 EA-6B aircraft still in inventory
as of August 1999. As of March 2001 thirteen of these were being upgraded to Block 89A
configuration. The following are system improvements in the Block 82 ICAP II program.
 The AN/ASN-130 Carrier Aircraft Inertial Navigation System replaced the AN/APN-153
Doppler Radar Set.
 The AN/AYK-14(V) Digital Data Computer replaced the AN/AYK-6B Computer Group.
 The AN/ASN-123 Tactical Navigation Display (TND) replaced the OD-117/A Digital Display
 The AN/ALQ-99F(V) Tactical Jamming System (TJS) replaced the AN/ALQ-99D(V) TJS.
 An interim HARM capability was introduced.
 The digitally controlled Universal Exciter replaced the earlier analog Jammer exciter.

The ICAP II Block 86 Program program modified 51 Navy ICAP II Aircraft. Block-89A configuration
is a pre-requisite for the Improved Capability-III (ICAP-III) upgrade. All Block 86 aircraft have
recently been modified with Block 89 safety improvements to produce a Block 86/89 variant.
Production incorporation of Block 86 modifications of 51 EA-6B ICAP II Aircraft began with BUNO
163049. All Block 86 transitions for VAQ-129 and Navy fleet squadrons were completed in FY90.
The Developmental Test for the EA-6B ICAP II Block 86 was completed in December 1988 and the
Operational Test was conducted from April through June 1989 at NAWCAD, Patuxent River. No
training was required. Incorporation of Block 86 changes during remanufacture began with Bureau
Number (BUNO) 163049 and has been completed. The following are Block 86 enhancements:
 Two AN/ARC-182(V) Ultra High Frequency (UHF)/Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio Sets
replaced the AN/ARC-159(V) UHF Radio Set and the AN/VHF-20B VHF Radio Set.
 The AN/ARC-199 High Frequency (HF) Radio Set, in conjunction with the TSEC/KY-75
processor and remote control unit, replaced the AN/ARC-105 HF Communication Set.
 The Computer Interface Unit/Encoder (CIU/E) combined the converter synchronizer and
signal comparator into one unit.
 A digital fuel quantity system with a microprocessor-controlled direct current capacitance
system replaced the alternating current fuel quantity gauging system. The digital system uses a
Liquid Crystal Display for flight station presentation.
 Production HARM improvements replaced the interim capability. Existing AN/ALE-41 wiring
was used and a new HARM control panel was added.
 The AN/ASH-30 Digital Recorder was removed. The AN/UYH-4 Recorder Reproducer Set
that is currently installed received software changes to enable it to provide recording capabilities.

The ICAP II Block 89 Program modifies Navy ICAP II Aircraft. Block 89 improvements are being
retrofitted into 55 aircraft. Block 89 aircraft have replaced the EA-6A Aircraft in the Naval Reserve.
Due to the nature of the modifications in the ICAP II Block 89 Aircraft, developmental and
operational tests was not necessary. The Block 89 improvements are safety related items. The
following are Block 89 improvements:
 Fire safety improvements include additional fire detection systems, additional Halon fire
extinguishing systems, material changes for the chimney covers and braided bellows assemblies,
improved Liquid Oxygen bottle installation, modifications to elevator control rods, and incorporation
of a test panel for remote testing of fire detection and extinguishing systems.
 Two caution lights are added to warn the pilot of failure of flight or combined hydraulic
systems, and non-agreement of the emergency flap switch and the hydraulic flap handle position.
 A Yaw Rate Indicating system is added to give the capability of displaying yaw rates, up to
+/- 100 degrees per second, to aid in spin recovery.
 Fuel shut-off valve discharge tubes are added to preclude foaming caused by high fueling
 Boarding platform support fittings are replaced with a single, redesigned fitting to improve
the stability of the boarding platform.
 The filter system circuit breaker has been increased in size and larger size wire has been
installed to accommodate the additional electrical power requirements for the AN/ARC-182
frequency agile filters.
 The aft fuel cell pilot valve circuitry is revised to enable fuel transfer from the wing and drop
tanks to the main tank as an additional fuel transfer route.
 Improved engine tailpipes are installed, as required.

The ICAP II Block 89A upgrade program addresses structural and supportability problems
associated with aging aircraft and includes numerous avionics improvements for safety of flight and
joint interoperability. The Block 89A upgrade program brings 120 EA-6B Aircraft into a single
avionics configuration, which forms the baseline from which all future improvements to the EA-6B
will be based. The Block 89A ECP was installed in two phases; the Accelerated Block 89A which
began in FY-96 and the Block 89A which commenced in FY98.
The ICAP II Block 89A Accelerated Phase Program modifies existing Navy ICAP II Aircraft. The
ICAP II Block 89A Accelerated Phase Program could be referred to as the Accelerated Electronic
Flight Instrument System (EFIS) program. It upgrades the attitude and position referencing
systems to proven digital technology on all Block 82 and Block 89 EA-6B Aircraft. All Block 82 and
Block 89 have EFIS or are currently having EFIS installed. Incorporation of these changes
established the baseline for upgrading to Block 89A. Block 89A upgrades were incorporated into
100 Navy and Marine Corps EA-6B Aircraft begining fourth quarter FY96. The Accelerated Block
89A improvements were incorporated into all EA-6B ICAP II Aircraft by field modification teams at
NAS Whidbey Island and MCAS Cherry Point. During Block 89A modifications, all Block 82 aircraft
were first brought into block 86/89 configuration and then be fitted with Block 89A enhancements.
Following completion of Accelerated Block 89A modifications, all Block 86/89 aircraft were then
upgraded to the block 89A configuration. EA-6B ICAP II Block 89A Accelerated Phase Follow-on
Test and Evaluation (FOT&E) was conducted by NAWCAD, Patuxent River, and began in the
fourth quarter of FY95. FOT&E training also began in the fourth quarter of FY95 at NAWCAD,
Patuxent River. Naval Aviation Engineering Service Unit (NAESU) conducted FOT&E training. The
following are Block 89A Accelerated Phase improvements:
 The Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) replaces the Electro-mechanical Attitude
Direction Indicator (ADI) and the Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI).
 The Digital Signal Data Converter (DSDC) replaces the Course Attitude Data Transmitter
 The AN/KNR-634A VHF Instrument Landing System (ILS) is installed to provide enhanced
landing capabilities at commercial and United States Air Force (USAF) airfields and is integrated
with EFIS.
 The Global Positioning System (GPS) Miniature Airborne GPS Receiver (MAGR) enhances
navigation capabilities.

The ICAP II Block 89A Program upgrade promises to be a substantial improvement over previous
Block aircraft. The EA-6B Block 89A achieved IOC in 2000. As of March 2001 there were four
Block 89A aircraft in the fleet and 27 are in the process of being modified. The schedule for FY00
identified a total of 25 Block 89A aircraft, excluding the two Block 89A aircraft scheduled for ICAP
III conversion.
 The Embedded Global Positioning System Inertial Navigation Unit (EGI) replaces the
current AN/ASN-50 Compass System.
 The upgraded AN/AYK-14 Central Mission Computer is further upgraded from the current
Single Card Processor module to a Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Processor Module.
 The AN/ARC-210 UHF/VHF Radio Set replaces the AN/ARC-182 UHF/VHF Radio Set.

 The Control Display Navigation Unit (CDNU) replaces the MAGR and the Control Display
Indicator (CDI).

The ICAP II Block 89A communication system is designed around two ARC-210's in the front and
one ARC-182 in the back. In addition to being capable of the same communication frequency
ranges as the ARC-182, the ARC-210's also have integrated HAVEQUICK and SINCGARS
functions. Another nice feature about the ARC-210's is that they are integrated with the control
display navigation unit (CDNU) to control the radios (all three of them) from a "Radio" page on the
CDNU. Navigation system upgrades are also very substantial. The primary navigation sensor is the
Litton CN-1649(V)4/ASN-172 Embedded GPS/INS (EGI). This unit combines the Litton LN-100G
strapdown inertial unit with a GPS receiver. The result is that the system, or the aircrew, can select
from four possible navigation solutions from this one unit -- a pure inertial, GPS, filtered inertial, or
filtered inertial solution with GPS aiding. Most of the testing used the filtered inertial solution with
GPS aiding, called Blended/Coupled, because it was typically the most accurate. This mode
allowed the Prowler to navigate with an accuracy of about 16 m (52 ft), a big improvement. The
ASN-130 is still in the aircraft as the secondary attitude and navigation source with all the capability
it has always had. The 89A also features an improved databus structure that allows the CDNU to
integrate many things like the radios, RADAR cursor, both navigation sensors, route control,
HARM control, WRA BIT, and current navigation and attitude information.
Software improvements to the AGM-88 High-Speed Antiradiation Missile (HARM) have created the
Block IIIA and V missile from the Block III and IV hardware. To ensure continued EA-6B
compatibility, OFP's SSA 5.2 and 89A 1.0 have been developed by the Weapons System Support
Activity, Point Mugu, California. Both are baselined from 5.1 COD, will include HARM III/IIIA/IV/V,
and are supported by the same TEAMS release. Two successful live fires of IIIA and V missiles
from Block 89A aircraft were made in September 1998 and were followed this winter by Block
82/89 live fires. The differences in the OFP software was nearly transparent to the fleet when Block
89A's began arriving. The 89A 1.0 OFP has been optimized for the Block 89A avionics architecture
that includes a second 1553 navigation bus and CDNU bus control.
Three new avionics changes dramatically improve the warfighting capabilities of the EA-6B. The
AN/ALQ-99 TJS is being expanded to provide jamming capability in J-Band, with a new Band 9/10
transmitter, which will be operational in the fleet approximately the same time as Block 89A.
Improvements to the AN/ALQ-99 jamming pod capability include the Universal Exciter Upgrade
(UEU), which replaces the Universal Exciter that digitally control the jamming transmitters in the
EA-6B wing station pods. This provide increased reliability and maintainability, as well as,
increasing exciter capability to include the Band 9/10 transmitter. Other changes include a
prototype Band 7/8 jamming capability derived from the in-production Band 9/10 transmitter, along
with the EMD development phase Low Band Transmitter (LBT) upgrades. The Navy re-baselined
the LBT upgrade to the AN/ALQ-99 jammer in September 2000, slipping the program IOC from
3QFY04-2QFY05. The resultant TEMP revision is in progress. During the program restructure, the
PEO directed anechoic chamber tests of the transmitter/antennas. These tests took place in
August 2000 with favorable results: no catastrophic failures and an assessment by the program
office that the problems encountered can be resolved within program cost and schedule
constraints. EMD and DT&E activities continue to progress.
Addition of the Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal and the Improved Data Modem
capability improves battlefield situational awareness for the crew. The Multimission Advanced
Tactical Terminal (MATT) and Improved Data Modem (IDM), a program originally called the
Connectivity Modification, is a miniaturized, airborne UHF receiver providing detection, decryption,
and correlation of contact information obtained through the TRAP, TADIXS-B, and TIBS
broadcasts. The contact data arrives in near-real-time from national asset sensors and can give an
over-the-horizon look at both friendly and hostile platforms and emitters. The MATT is a single
WRA installed above the port wing shoulder, with associated satellite receive antenna and filter,
replacing the ADF antenna on the “turtleback.” The IDM is a device that formats digital data for
transmission using the existing ARC-159, radio No. 3. In a perfect world, incoming MATT data can
be examined, selected, and digitally transmitted using the IDM to F-16's as HARM target

packages. Information can also be exchanged with other IDM-equipped EA-6B's or Rivet Joint
aircraft. The flip side of the new capabilities is that both the MATT and IDM are controlled using a
commercially ruggedized laptop computer in a Windows 95 environment, connected by a cable to
the center console in the rear cockpit. This less-than-optimum solution of system engineering will
be solved when both MATT and IDM systems are integrated into the aircraft displays on the future
ICAP III model of the EA-6B.
The USQ-113(V)3 Phase III Radio Countermeasures Set was designed to detect, analyze,
monitor, and/or jam voice and data link signals. The AN/USQ-113 Communications Jammer,
manufactured by Rockwell-Collins, replaces the AN/ALQ-92 system, which has become logistically
unsupportable and operationally obsolete. The USQ-113 (Version 3) Connectivity Upgrade
(awaiting OT&E) improves the capability to jam enemy communications. Block 89 has undergone
extensive ground testing for the USQ-113, following resumption of testing in September 1998.
Ground testing was stopped due to software immaturity and BIT reliability problems. Anechoic
chamber testing included finishing electromagnetic compatibility, TEMPEST, precipitation-static,
and system performance. Electromagnetic vulnerability testing took place in mid February 1999,
and flight testing began at the end of the month. The USQ-113 is controlled primarily by the same
ruggedized laptop computer that is used for the MATT/IDM systems, or by an improved operator
control panel in the front cockpit. DT was completed in April 2000. However, as a result of an
Operational Test Readiness Review (OTRR) in May of 2000, OPEVAL is was held until the
program office addressed certain safety of flight issues involving the use of a laptop computer in
the rear cockpit as an interface to the communications receiver/jammer capabilities. In October
2000, a second OTRR resulted in a successful certification for OPEVAL to begin. USQ-113 was
already declared EOC in May 1999 and deployed to two fleet EA-6B squadrons in support of air
operations over Serbia.
Night Vision Devices (NVD) integration DT was conducted in August and a Quick Reaction
Assessment (QRA) was conducted in September 2000. No major deficiencies were noted prior to
the QRA other than insufficient NATOPS documentation. The QRA found the upgrade effective,
and recommended that operational testing be done to substantiate the opinions in the QRA. The
Prowler should be able to see into the night. Both cockpits and the external lights of the Prowler
will be modified to provide this additional capability to improve situational awareness. NAWCAD
has modified a Block 89 aircraft with a floodlight based NVD internal lighting system along with an
NVD friendly external lighting kit. This overall kit places filters over all of the existing electronic
displays (EFIS, IOCP, DDI's, and DVRI's) as well as converting all of the other misc. lights (e.g.
Master Caution, all caution advisory lights, fire lights, etc.) to radiate in a spectrum that is friendly to
NVG's. The external lighting modification operates in two distinctive modes, in the normal visible
spectrum and in the IR spectrum. In addition, the external lights have been modified to allow for the
pilot to select distinctive flash patterns for identification purposes. Initial testing indicated that the
floodlight based approach will not provide adequate lighting for the primary flight instruments.
Therefore testing stopped pending a redesign.
The EA-6B Exterior Night Vision “Friendly” Lighting System is to have solid state LED lighting
components, and is to be a dual-mode visible and infrared (covert) lighting system. The exterior
lighting assemblies are to be form and fit replacement for exterior lighting components currently
used on the EA-6B aircraft, however the system shall have solid state LED arrays for all exterior
lighting components. The new system shall be a dual-mode visible and Infrared (IR) lighting
system. One mode, Visible lighting, is referred to as NVIS “Friendly” lighting. This NVIS Friendly
lighting is to provide performance equal to existing lighting system (in the photopic region of the
spectrum), with a reduced IR content emission so that it can be used while flying in formation with
other aircraft in which NVIS devices are used. The second mode, IR lighting (Covert lighting) is to
viewable only by NVIS devices, and has significantly reduced visible content (in the photopic
region of the spectrum).
The EA-6B lighting system upgrade is to replace existing Upper and Lower (red) Anti-Collision
Light Assemblies, Pylon (red and green) Light Assemblies, Wing Tip Position (red and green) Light
Assemblies, and Tail Light (white) Assembly, and to include a new Exterior Lighting Control Panel
(NVIS Class 1- NVIS Green A per SAE-AS-7788). No allowance is made for alteration of existing

aircraft wiring except for an interface cable from the new Exterior Lighting Control Panel to the
existing lighting control system. Replacement lights (except Lower Anti-Collision Lights), are to be
dual mode (visible and IR) capable and dimmable in each mode. Visible lighting components are to
meet existing platform lighting performance requirements and Infrared (Covert) requirements will
be documented in the solicitation specification. System is to be form and fit for items replaced for
visible lighting. IR lighting capabilities are to allow controllable variable flashing pattern for IFF
identification of aircraft.
The EA-6B ADVCAP (Advanced Capability) modifications defined by the joint EA-6B program
were directed at an advanced version of the aircraft which included a myriad of improvements such
as an upgraded onboard receiver suite, a new jammer, a new engine, as well as airframe
modifications. ADVCAP was in FSD in FY93, and IOT&E (OT IIA) of the warfighting improvements
was completed in 1QFY94. Fiscal constraints and other programmatic issues restrained the Navy
from funding the upgrade program, which was terminated in 1994. In the post Desert Storm re-
ordering of defense priorities and missions, influenced in part by the success of the EA-6B during
Desert Storm, the ADVCAP program was excluded from the FY95 Navy budget submission and
was subsequently canceled. ADVCAP warfighting improvements included a new receiver
processor system, the AN/ALQ-149 Communications Jammer, a new band 2/3 transmitter, and an
upgrade to the universal exciter. Also included was a major aircraft avionics upgrade and airframe
and engine improvements. The continuing evolution of the EA-6B and the demands of the all-
weather warfare mission involved a continuous upgrade of advanced electronic systems that
demand adequate cooling for satisfactory operations. The projected Advanced Capability version
of the aircraft, which was not funded for continued development, included a significant electronics
upgrade that required additional cooling. Flight tests of a modified EA-6B designated the Vehicle
Enhancement Program (VEP) test aircraft were conducted to evaluate the effects of the airframe
modifications derived from the Langley-led joint studies. Flights began on June 15, 1992, and the
final flight occurred on 04 April 1994. The flight evaluation of the test aircraft validated all
projections of the research program, and the performance, stability, and control characteristics of
the modified aircraft were judged to be far superior to those of the basic EA-6B. The aircraft
performed flawlessly.
The Improved Capabilities (ICAP) III upgrade develops and procures a new tactical receiver that
provides a reactive jamming capability and replaces the current 1960s era receivers. Additionally,
ICAP III systems integrates many of the above mentioned warfighting enhancements with the
addition of new controls and displays, allowing improved crew operation. ICAP-III includes
provisions for Link-16, via the Multi-Functional Information Distribution System. ICAP-III builds
upon the Block-89A improvements to achieve integrated receiver connectivity and reactive
jamming/targeting capability through accurate geolocation of active emitters. The procurement plan
is to transition all EA-6B aircraft to the ICAP-III configuration by 2010.
The following are the ICAP III improvements.
 Tactical Jamming System Upgrade. The LR-700 Receiver subsystem will replace the ALQ-
99 Receiver System, CIU/E, and Junction Box A. A new Central Mission Computer will also be
 Tactical Display Subsystem. The new Tactical Display Subsystem (TDS) (utilizing liquid
crystal displays, color icons, and pull-down menus) will be installed in all positions. Combined with
a TDS Interface Unit, the TDS will replace both the pilot and ECMO monochromatic displays and
the AN/ASN-123 TND.
 Mission Reprogramming Unit. The Mission Reprogramming Unit utilizes solid state
technology and is easily reprogrammed. It will replace the tape-based Recorder Reproducer Set.
 Integration of the AN/USQ-113, the Multi-mission Advanced Tactical Terminal (MATT), and
Integrated Data Modem (IDM) systems allows for information from these systems to become
available for interpretation at all positions. This allows for much more efficient synthesis of
collected data with onboard assets.

In March 1998 Northrop Grumman, Bethpage, NY, was awarded a $144,200,131 cost-plus-
incentive-fee/award-fee contract for the engineering and manufacturing development of the EA-6B

Improved Capabilities III (ICAP III) Warfighter Upgrade System. Work will be performed in College
Park, Md. (29%), Bethpage, N.Y. (28%), St. Augustine, Fla. (18%), Hollywood, Md. (13.5%), and
Nashua, N.H. (11.5%), and is expected to be completed by January 2004. In September 2000
Lockheed Martin Information Systems, Orlando, Fla., was awarded a $27,969,890 fixed-price-
incentive delivery order for the procurement of the EA-6B Improved Capabilities Program (ICAP III)
that consists of two weapon systems trainers; two operational flight/navigation trainers; one team
tactics trainer; and one maintenance training unit. Work will be performed in Orlando, Fla., and is
expected to be completed by February 2004.
The Navy re-baselined the ICAP-III upgrade in May 2000 as a result of cost growth due to
underestimating the complexity of the LR-700 receiver design, software, and development
requirements. IOC slipped from 3QFY04 to 2QFY05. A TEMP revision resulted. A significant
feature of the restructure was that the new acquisition strategy eliminated an LRIP decision, and
the concomitant operational test, originally planned in FY02. The key feature of ICAP-III, the LR-
700 receiver, was prepared for integration into test aircraft and the beginning of DT in FY01. The
ICAP III systems are currently under test and evaluation. The test and evaluation phase is
scheduled for completion by FY02 with fleet introduction of ICAP III scheduled for FY04.
In early 2003 The Navy completed a month-long operational assessment of the EA-6B's improved
capability (ICAP-3) hardware and software, which also serves as the building block for the future
EA-18G. The original test plan allowed for the two EA-6Bs modified with ICAP-3 hardware to run
into development problems that would have to be fixed, but that never happened. The jammer was
tested at the Naval Air Warfare Center, China Lake, Calif., and flown on ranges at Nellis AFB, Nev.
The aircraft flew a total of 29 flights and 56.1 hr., leading to the technical evaluation phase slated to
begin in the coming days. The operational evaluation period is expected to begin late in 2003.
With a production go-ahead, the Navy is expected to buy 10-12 ICAP-3 upgrades each year for the
next three years, before full-rate production of the system would start. The first ICAP-3-equipped
EA-6Bs are slated to be operationally available in March 2005 with a yet-to-be-identified four-
aircraft Navy squadron. Still uncertain is how many ICAP-3 aircraft the Navy will buy, since the
service is starting development of the EA-18G which could curtail acquisition of improved EA-6Bs.
The core of the ICAP-3 program is a new digital receiver system, designated ALQ-218, that should
identify an emitter and develop an appropriate jamming solution much more quickly than current
technology. The equipment is designed to allow Prowlers to jam at high power at specific
frequencies in response to a threat, rather than having to preemptively jam across a broad
spectrum, thereby reducing the amount of energy the radar is exposed to. Moreover, ICAP-3 will
integrate USQ-113 communications jammers into the entire suite, enhance communications links
and provide color displays for all four crewmembers.
Later improvements to the Prowler's AN/ALQ-99 tactical jamming system, including the Improved
Capabilities (ICAP) III upgrade, new high and low frequency transmitters, and continuing structural
enhancements, will ensure that the EA-6B remains the world's premier tactical electronic warfare
platform and a force multiplier for years to come.
Although the ICAP III-equipped EA-6Bs have been found to be significantly more capable, the
numbers of aircraft that are funded to receive the ICAP III upgrade has been reduced compared
with earlier DOD intentions to fully upgrade all EA-6Bs. As of 2006 a total of 14 EA-6B aircraft had
been funded to receive the ICAP III upgrade, because of funding reductions, development test
results, and the decision in 2003 to replace the EA-6B with the EA-18G.
According to Navy and Marine Corps requirements officials, fitting only 14 EA-6Bs with ICAP III
is not sufficient to allow for the transition to the EA-18G without leaving them with an airborne
electronic attack capability shortfall against some current and future threats. They believe that
between 21 (to meet the Navy requirement) and 31 (to meet the Marine Corps requirement) EA-6Bs
should be fitted with ICAP III to address this shortfall. However, an analysis provided by the EA-
6B program office concluded that 44 ICAP III aircraft would be needed to meet both Navy and
Marine Corps requirements.


Block 89 Block 89Accel Block 89A

Prior 40 2

FY96 15 9

FY97 48

FY98 43 4
FY99 12
FY00 13
FY01 19
FY02 48
FY03 8
Total 55 100 100

On December 17, 2003 the Naval Air Systems Command announced the restarting of the Northrop
Grumman Integrated Systems EA-6B outer wing panel production line in St Augustine, Fla. The
production line, which was formerly in Bethpage, N.Y. and had closed in 1987, is expected to
produce 54 shipsets. Delivery of the first shipset is scheduled for July 2005. Once completed, the
outer wing panels will be installed on Prowlers at fleet sites or at Navy depots.
NAVAIR EA-6B Program had reevaluated the wing fatigue life algorithm with updated information
based on tear-downs of worn out wings. The results of this indicated that the Navy was actually

wearing out wings at a much higher rate than previously estimated. This in turn forced the Navy to
remove from service a large number of aircraft ahead of schedule to await wing replacement.
In addition to the outer wing panels, Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems is currently producing
wing center sections for EA-6B aircraft to meet fleet needs. The 64th wing center section will be
delivered December 2003, six months ahead of contract schedule and the St. Augustine
production line is ramping up to two wing center sections per month starting January 2004.
Procurement and replacement of 114 wing center sections for the EA-6B, begun in 1998, have
been made on 94 aircraft and were ongoing as of mid-2006. A few aircraft received more than one
wing center replacement because of heavy use. As a result, program officials identified the fatigue
life of the fuselage as the determining factor in projected inventory levels. The official estimated life
analysis of the EA-6B was conducted between 1984 and 1988. The aircraft used in that analysis
had 1,873 actual flight hours when the test began, and program management believes that factor
was not considered in determining the current fuselage life limit. Program management asked that
updated fatigue life charts be developed based on this information. Program management
predicted that this will result in an increase in fuselage life to 14,000 hours. In addition, according
to program officials extended inventory life can be obtained by procuring 32 additional EA-6B wing
center sections at an estimated cost of $170 million. This would result in an inventory of over 90
EA-6Bs through 2019. However, according to program officials, Northrop Grumman Corporation
wrapped up wing center section production late summer 2006, and any new wing center section
production would have had to have been placed on order in 2006 year to avoid additional startup
and production break costs.

The EA-6B aircraft is projected to be operational through the year 2015. The EA-6B will begin
retirement in the 2010 timeframe, after a career exceeding 40 years of deployments in support of
USN, USMC, and USAF strike forces. In December 1999 the Navy began a study to evaluate
follow-on designs to replace the EA-6B Prowler by 2010. As of early 2000, Defense Department

planning for replacing the EA-6B Prowler include a scheme under which the Navy would buy an
F/A-18G "Growler" -- an F/A-18E/F modified for escort and close-in jamming. The Air Force would
provide standoff jamming with modified EB-52s or EB-1s, and close-in jamming with unmanned air
vehicles such as the Northrop Grumman Global Hawk or General Atomics Predator.
An Electronic Warfare plan focused on restarting the EA-6 line and building brand-new EA-6C
aircraft with new-technology pods would cost about $34 billion. As part of the 2001 Advanced
Electronic Attack (AEA) Analysis of Alternatives(AOA), Northrop Grumman was asked for
information on the condition of EA-6B tooling, with a view to restarting production after more than
10 years. The proposed EA-6C would incorporate replacements for the aircraft's twin Pratt &
Whitney J52 turbo-fans and modernised avionics including a fly-by-wire flight control system. The
US Navy prefered the proposed EA-18, given that many Prowler legacy systems are no longer
available and the EA-6C would entail a major redesign. Northrop Grumman was reluctant to
champion a new EA-6C at the expense of the EA-18, given that the company was teamed with
Boeing as Growler prime system integrator.


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