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Due on: May 11, 2023

Assignment 2 (5 pts)
Name & surname: Zeynep Yılmaz
Number: 2201101003
Age: 19
When you started to write in English: Age 13
When you became fluent in writing in English: Age 15
Final or midterm: Final
Instructions: Write a paragraph discussing the causes of unemployment among young people in
developing countries. Write between 15-20 sentences. Make sure that you follow the guidelines of
writing a paragraph. Do not forget to put a title. You may use the following points or any others that
you wish to. Stick to the code of ethics. Any form of plagiarism results in failure.
Possible causes:

 Rapid growth of population

 Existence of the defective (poor) education system
 Rural urban migration
 Use of inappropriate technology
 Wage policy problem
 Decline of expectations of recruitment
 Demographic issues

Unemployment Problem In Developing Countries

Unemployment in developing countries is a growing problem which should be

solved for the future of young generations. But along with finding solutions to the
problems, getting into their roots and analyzing their possible reasons are also
important. One of the reasons of unemployment in developing countries is rapid
population growth. As competition is more intense with the increase in population, it
gets harder for young people to enter the labor market. Another reason could be poor
education given at schools. Because students may not be able to acquire the skills
necessary for their future jobs if the education system is problematic. They may have
to get lower paying jobs as these jobs do not require advanced skills. Rural urban
migration also increases unemployment levels in urban areas. Job opportunities in
urban areas may not be enough to provide everyone migrating from rural areas jobs.
Use of inappropriate technology is also one of the reasons. If technology can do the
work of workers, many people may lose their jobs. Furthermore if workers can not
compete with new technological applications they may be left without a job. Another
reason is that employers load extra work on employees so as to pay them lower wages.
As a result of this, employees may not stand the pressure and hard working conditions
and quit their job. Last but not least having formal employment opportunities is one of
the reasons for unemployment among young people. As they have no other chance but
to work in the informal economy. Not having insurance may be given as an example.

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