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Due on: May 11, 2023

Assignment 2 (5 pts)
Name & surname: Zeynep Gül Süzergöz
Number: 2101101025
When you started to write in English: 11th grade
When you became fluent in writing in English: I don’t think I’m fluent yet
Final or midterm: Final
Instructions: Write a paragraph discussing the causes of unemployment among young people in
developing countries. Write between 15-20 sentences. Make sure that you follow the guidelines of
writing a paragraph. Do not forget to put a title. You may use the following points or any others that
you wish to. Stick to the code of ethics. Any form of plagiarism results in failure.
Possible causes:

 Rapid growth of population

 Existence of the defective (poor) education system
 Rural urban migration
 Use of inappropriate technology
 Wage policy problem
 Decline of expectations of recruitment
 Demographic issues

Why I cant find a job?

Dou you know any young and successful people who can’t find a job even though they are
well qualified and willing to work? We can’t connect this unemployment problem within only
one reason, but I believe the most important ones are Rural Urban migration and disbelief
about capabilities of young’s. Rural Urban migration is a wide and very problematic issue not
just about employment but for many aspects of life, but unemployment side people who came
with migrations are willing to work more for less money than jobs required wage. Their only
concern is to find money to survive in the new nature so the people who actually should have
been working in that position for proper wage are getting fired to make profit out of salaries
by employer. Solution to uncontrolled migration can also cure the unemployment among
young workers. Additionally disbelief for young I personally never experienced it but I heard
so many people rejected because they are not experienced in the field but how will they get
the experience without working though. Disbeliefs are generally just an excuse to work with
the so called mature people and deal things with old way not with the help of the new well-
functioning brains. All this kind of problems lead to increase of unemployment among young
and slowdown the development of countries. To sum up immigrants should have different job
opportunities than local people and leaders, managers should start to believe the young people
to make a change in the world.

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