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I'll tell you about a trail I did with some friends, it was on May

7th last year, we left Brasilia to go to a waterfall in Formosa

called Agua Frida. We left Brasilia around 4 am, as we needed
to arrive in Formosa at 5 am to meet the tourist guide and
enter the trail, the waterfall was a 15 km walk, of these 15
kilometers 4 were in the water, 3 were climbing stones and
the rest we did inside the woods, it was an incredible
adventure, because the place was close to a farm, so in the
middle of the trail inside the woods a cow ran after us, we
managed to escape, but after going through a creek inside the
water, carrying our backpacks on our heads so they wouldn't
get wet, we saw a jaguar drinking water near the rise of rocks
where we would pass, so we just waited a little in silence,
until she looked at us, but as we were in a large number of
people, and colorful clothes, she left, we were scared of her
coming back, but she didn't, so we followed the trail, climbing
the rocks into the waterfall, and around 10 am, we managed
to reach the waterfall, and the place was beautiful, incredible,
it was one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited, so we
ate the food we had in our backpack, took a shower, and
started our journey back home. it was a very exhausting day
though, it was rewarding for all the natural beauty we saw,
but I will never go back to that place.

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