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The table shows the amount of money given to developing countries by the USA, EU countries

and other countries from 2006 to 2010 (Figures are in millions of dollars).

 Donor = Contributor = a country that gives money to another country to support it.
 Financial contribution/support = the amount of money donated = donation
The given table compares how much money that America, EU countries and other nations
donated to developing countries from 2006 to 2010. Overall, USA was the greatest donor in the
given period. Furthermore, the financial contributions from all countries witnessed a general rise
from 2006 to 2010.
In terms of the USA, it is evident that it was the largest donor to developing countries from 2006 to
2001. The total donation, which began at 9.8 million in 2006, increased significantly to 17 million,
dropping slightly to 16.7 million, then bounced back/rebounded strongly to 20.3 million at the
period’s close.
Other countries contributed the least amount of money and witnessed a similar trend to that of
America, with figure being initially 2.8 million and reaching 3.7 million in the final year.
Financial support from nations in EU was smaller compared to the USA. The donation began at
3.1 million in the first year, which was followed by a steady growth to 4.1 million in 2010.
It is also notable that the total amount of money donated by all aforementioned countries
increased from 15.7 million to 28.1 million in the final year.

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