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PL ACES Generator
- Places -
47 Hells-
Name 48
50 Hobbit-
51 Horn-
1) First part 52
54 Inns-
1 Apple- 55 Iron-
2 Axe- 56 Kings-
3 Bad- 57 Kobold-
4 Barons- 58 Lake-
5 Barrow- 59 Lion-
6 Black- 60 Long-
7 Blue- 61 Low-
8 Boar- 62 Mage-
9 Bone- 63 Metal-
10 Book- 64 Moon-
11 Burn- 65 New-
12 Candle- 66 North-
13 Castle- 67 Oak-
14 Cloud- 68 Old-
15 Coal- 69 Queens-
16 Copper- 70 Rain-
17 Corn- 71 Ram-
18 Cow- 72 Rat-
19 Crow- 73 Red-
20 Deer- 74 River-
21 Demon- 75 Royal-
22 Dorf- 76 Salt-
23 Dragon- 77 Silver-
24 Dust- 78 Snake-
25 Dwarf- 79 Snow-
26 Eagle- 80 South-
27 East- 81 Spice-
28 Elf- 82 Spring-
29 Fall- 83 Stone-
30 Far- 84 Summer-
31 Farm- 85 Sun-
32 Fish- 86 Sword-
33 Fog- 87 Temple-
34 Fog- 88 Tower-
35 Forest- 89 Valley-
36 Fox- 90 Water-
37 Frog- 91 Wells-
38 Ghost- 92 West-
39 Glass- 93 White-
30 Gnoll- 94 Wild-
41 Goblin- 95 Wind-
42 Gold- 96 Winter-
43 Grave- 97 Witch-
44 Green- 98 Wolf-
45 Grey- 99 Wood-
46 Hawk- 100 Wyvern-

2) Second part
1 -bay
2 -bridge
3 -break
4 -burg
5 -creek
6 -cross
7 -dale
8 -din
9 -field
10 -gate
11 -glade
12 -glen
13 -ham
14 -haven
15 -helm
16 -heid
17 -heim
18 -horn
19 -keep
20 -mill
21 -moor
22 -pass
23 -pool
24 -rock
25 -rest
26 -sby
27 -spring
28 -stead
29 -tale
30 -worth

Additionally, feel free to add or remove a

“s” between the first and the second part
to get a better sounding name.

Population Ruler(s)

Roll 1d6 then 1d20 on the following

1) General tables to characterize the ruler(s) by their
alignment (relative to the villagers):
Size & Scale factor
1-2 Opposite
3-6 Same
Roll 2d6 to determine the size of the
village and its corresponding scale factor:
And their type:
Size Scale factor
2 Tiny 1 1-5 Lord
3-5 Small 2 6-8 Council
6-8 Medium 3 9-10 Mayor
9-11 Big 4 11-13 Village elder
12 Huge 5 14 Bandits
15 Clergy
16 Merchants
Disposition 17 Thief guild
18 Vampire/Lycanthrope
19 Witch
Roll 2d6 to determine the initial 20 Wizard
disposition of the villagers towards the
PCs (modified by Charisma):

2 Attack on sight
3-5 Hostile
6-8 Neutral
9-11 Welcoming
12 Enthusiastic


Roll 2d6 to determine the alignment of

the villagers:

2-3 Loyal
4-10 Neutral
11-12 Chaotic

2) Guards
Roll 1d6 and multiply by the village scale
factor to determine how many guards are
protecting the village.

3) Notable NPCs
Roll 1d20 as many times as the village
scale factor to determine what other
interesting characters can be found here:

1 Aggressive guard
2 Annoying minstrel
3 Bandit in disguise
4 Beggar who knows a lot
5 Clever orphan
6 Curious waitress
7 Frightened peasant
8 Lonely widow
9 Misunderstood witch
10 Penniless merchant
11 Princess on the run
12 Retired mercenary
13 Seasoned adventurer
14 Sick child
15 Stubborn magician
16 Talented craftsman
17 Traveler from a distant land
18 Troubled hunter
Vampire (or werewolf)
20 Village idiot

Background 2) Secret
Roll 1d6 to check if the village has a
1) Main occupation secret. If the result is 1, roll 1d30 to
determine what it is:
Roll 1d20 to determine the main
occupation of the villagers and the 1 Aliens
2 Animals turned human
associated type(s) of buildings that can be 3 Apple pie secret ingredient
found in the village: 4 Cannibals
Children born with
1-4 Farming crops deformities
(farms, fields) 6 Curse
5-7 Livestock breeding 7 Doppelgangers
(farms, meadows) 8 Dungeon
8 Pottery (pottery shop) 9 Elder god cult
9 Trading 10 Eternal youth
(caravanserai and/or port) 11 Ghosts
10-11 Fishing (fishery) 12 Goblins in disguise
12-14 Hunting (tannery) 13 Hidden treasure
15-16 Mining (mine) 14 Hiding outlaws
17 Logging (sawmills) 15 Hivemind
18 Brewing (breweries) 16 Human sacrifices
19 Viticulture (vineyard) 17 Immortals
20 Metallurgy 18 Inbred
(forge, foundry) 19 Lycanthropes
20 Mind parasites
21 Murderers
If you want the village to have more than 22 Pact with a demon
one big occupation, roll again on this 23 Protecting something
table. 24 Sadistic rituals
25 Secret society
26 Source of income
27 Unability to leave
28 Undeads
29 Underground galleries
30 Vampires

Points of 2) Defense
Roll 1d12 as many times as the village
Interest scale factor to determine what defensive
features the village has (reroll any
Every village has at least one of these: duplicate):
 Tavern
1-4 Wooden palisade
 Granary
5-6 Stone wall
 Blacksmith 7 Chevaux de frise
 Market 8 Guard checkpoint
 Well 9-10 Motte
11-12 Guard towers

1) Special places 3) Location

Roll 1d24 as many times as the village
Roll 1d6 to check if the village is built in
scale factor to determine special places:
an unusual place. If the result is 1, roll
1 Abandoned building 1d20 to determine where it is located:
2 Apothecary
3 Castle 1 Around a lake
4 Castle-farm 2 Around hot springs
5 Chapel/Shrine 3 Atop of trees
6 Famous person's house 4 Behind a waterfall
7 Fountain 5 In a cave
8 Graveyard 6 In a dormant volcano
9 Guild 7 In an ancient dragon nest
10 Hardware store 8 In the sky
11 Library 9 Inside a crevasse
12 Manor 10 Inside trees
13 Mill 11 Near a river
14 Monastery/Church 12 Near a waterfall
15 Orchard 13 On a lake
16 Point of view 14 On a small island in a lake
17 Prison 15 On a strong slope
18 Ruined building 16 On clifftop
19 School 17 On stilts
20 Stables 18 On the edge of a cliff
21 Statue/Obelisk 19 On the edge of a crevasse
22 Taylor 20 Underwater
23 Watchtower
24 Wizard tower
Other 2) Feature
Roll 1d6 to see if the village has a notable
1) Event feature. If the result is 1, roll 1d30 to
determine what it is:
Roll 1d6 to see if there is an event. If the
result is 1, roll 1d6 on the following table, 1 Animal cult
to determine whether the event: 2 Apartheid
3 Aphrodisiac scents
4 Beauty of its inhabitants
1 Ended earlier 5 Beehives everywhere
2-4 Is happening now 6 Blends with nature
Will take place in the near 7 Dark history
future 8 Drugs are part of culture
9 Excellent drinks
Then, roll 1d20 to determine its nature: 10 Excellent food
11 Flowers everywhere
12 Heads on pikes
1 Abduction
13 High criminality
2 Adventurers passing by
Large collection of
Announcement by a town 14
3 something
15 Lots of gambling
4 Assassination
16 Magical source
5 Bad/Destroyed crops
17 Military value
6 Ceremony (wedding, etc.)
18 Outlaw posters
7 Construction of a building
19 People are nudists
Disappearance of the
8 20 Pillories everywhere
9 Fire 21 Site of a miracle
10 Harvest season 22 Songs about this village
11 Landslide 23 Statues everywhere
12 Looting/Theft 24 Strange law
13 Market day 25 Strong alcohol drinking
14 Natural disaster 26 Unique vegetable
15 Siege/Attack 27 Unusual accent
16 Tournament/Festival/Fair 28 Unusual architecture
Under the yoke of 29 Unusual custom
17 30 Vigilante group
18 Vermin invasion
19 Visit of a notable
Visit of a religious or the

Cover image
Ink Splats designed by kjpargeter / Freepik.
Scratch vector textures designed by Graphics Fuel.

Edition (all caps version) designed by Mike Diehl & Paul Volk / Dafont.
Highway Gothic Wide designed by Tom Oetken / Dafont.

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