Lista de Adjetivos 1pag (2018)

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ADJECTIVES LIST Lcdo. Roy A. Murillo P.

– English Teacher
Adjective Comparative Superlative Meaning Adjective Comparative Superlative Meaning
CORTOS -er than the -est CONS + Y -ier than the - iest
bright brighter than the brightest brillante angry angrier than the angriest enojado
calm calmer than the calmest calmado busy busier than the busiest ocupado
cheap cheaper than the cheapest barato crazy crazier than the craziest loco
clean cleaner than the cleanest limpio dirty dirtier than the dirtiest sucio
clear clearer than the clearest claro dry drier than the driest seco
cold colder than the coldest frío early earlier than the earliest temprano
cool cooler than the coolest fresco easy easier than the easiest fácil
dark darker than the darkest oscuro funny funnier than the funniest gracioso
deep deeper than the deepest profundo happy happier than the happiest feliz
fast faster than the fastest rápido healthy healthier than the healthiest saludable
fresh fresher than the freshest fresco heavy heavier than the heaviest pesado
full fuller than the fullest lleno lazy lazier than the laziest perezoso
great greater than the greatest enorme pretty prettier than the prettiest lindo(a)
hard harder than the hardest duro risky riskier than the riskiest arriesgado
high higher than the highest alto scary scarier than the scariest espantoso
kind kínder than the kindest amable tasty tastier than the tastiest sabroso
light lighter than the lightest claro ugly uglier than the ugliest feo
long longer than the longest largo -er / -le / -ow -er than the -est
near nearer than the nearest cercano bitter bitterer than the bitterest amargo
new newer than the newest nuevo clever cleverer than the cleverest listo
old older than the oldest viejo idle idler than the idlest holgazán
poor poorer than the poorest pobre low lower than the lowest bajo
quick quicker than the quickest rápido narrow narrower the narrowest estrecho
rich richer than the richest rico shallow shallower the shallowest superficial
short shorter than the shortest bajo - corto slow slower than the slowest lento
small smaller than the smallest pequeño IRREGULARES
smart smarter than the smartest listo bad worse than the worst malo
soft softer than the softest suave good better than the best bueno
soon sooner than the soonest pronto farther than the farthest
far lejano
strong stronger than the strongest fuerte further than the furthest
sweet sweeter than the sweetest dulce little less than the least poco
tall taller than the tallest alto LARGOS more + adj + than the most + adj
warm warmer than the warmest cálido more aggressive the most
aggressive agresivo
wise wiser than the wisest sabio than aggressive
weak weaker than the weakest débil more attractive the most
attractive atractivo
wild Wilder than the wildest salvaje than attractive
young younger than the youngest joven more beautiful the most
beautiful hermoso
1 SÍLABA -er than the -est than beautiful
big bigger than the biggest grande more comfortable the most
comfortable cómodo
fat fatter than the fattest gordo than comfortable
hot hotter than the hottest caliente more dangerous the most
dangerous peligroso
sad sadder than the saddest triste than dangerous
thin thinner than the thinnest delgado difficult more difficult than the most difficult difícil
wet wetter than the wettest húmedo elegant more elegant than the most elegant elegante
-E -r than the -st exciting more exciting than the most exciting emocionante
brave braver than the bravest valiente more expensive the most
expensive costoso
close closer than the closest cercano than expensive
large larger than the largest grande famous more famous than the most famous famoso
nice nicer than the nicest agradable more intelligent the most
intelligent inteligente
polite politer than the politest cortés than intelligent
rare rarer than the rarest raro more interesting the most
interesting interesante
safe safer than the safest seguro than interesting
simple simpler than the simplest simple more responsible the most
responsible responsable
strange stranger than the strangest extraño than responsible
wide wider than the widest ancho useful more useful than the most useful útil

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