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Genina Gwyneth Amansec

9- Dalton
English Pt 2

Greetings to everyone! You are maybe wondering why I held a barangay assembly specially
when the weather is like this. I heard from the news that there is an increase in dengue cases
specially in our barangay. As of now we have 15 dengue patients. To stop the increase of dengue
cases I am here to enlighten you what to do to avoid dengue. But first of all I would like to
enlighten others who does not know what is dengue. Dengue is a viral infection that spreads
from mosquitos to people. It is transmitted to human by the bite of an infected mosquitos.
Symptoms may consists of high fever, headache, body aches, nausea and rash. Dengue is very
common in month of May to November. So, as your barangay captain I advise all of you to
always clean your surroundings especially mosquito habitat like old tire and stocked water
container. Always use insect repellant whenever you are going outside but as much as possible I
advise you to stay at home. And we should also take our vitamins especially immunity boosting
vitamins. People with low immunity is prone to dengue so we should always eat healthy foods
not junk foods. To end this assembly I would like to remind you about the saying prevention is
better than cure. That will be all Stay safe and Thank you. Have a nice Day.

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