The Program

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The Program

The Pamphlet
By Notsalony

Participants in the NIS (Naked in School) Program, or The Program, should read this pamphlet
to gain a greater understanding of the rules they’ll be agreeing to as they remove their clothing.

Please google Naked In School Program, I couldn’t find the original version of this that the
people in that project created, so I suggest if you can find their version and want to use theirs,
credit them with the creation, or even link back to it.

This is the only version I can find online myself so far:

If you use mine, please link back to this if you can. Mine has been edited to make it more non
con and less rational. And I added a few new sections that my discord server helped give the
ideas for, so THANK YOU HAVENITES!


OMC(s)/OMC(s), OFC(s)/OFC(s), OMC(s)/OFC(s)

OMC(s), OFC(s)

NIS, Naked in School, Forced Nudity, Forced Masturbation, Forced Public Nudity, Forced
Public Masturbation, Forced Sexual Servitude, Non Con, D/s, Power Play, Writer’s Resource

Questions about my writing, please join me over on discord

Student Guide To The Naked in School Program

Prepared by the Federal Office of Social Awareness

Greetings! Your Parents, the Administration of your High School, and your community in
cooperation with the Naked in School Program under the authority of Natural Sexuality Act have
selected you for participation in the Program.


The Program has been carefully designed to help you become more comfortable with your body
and your sexuality, to treat others in natural balance as both individual people and sexual beings,
to learn to harness your natural energies, and to behave more mature and morally conscious
manner. By becoming more comfortable with your body and sexuality, as well as help you lower
your sexual tensions, with the goal of diminishing your sexual hang ups and shame. This is your
opportunity for rapid personal growth.
Please familiarize yourself with the Rules of the Program found on the following pages. There
will be no written exam; however, compliance with each of the rules is mandatory. Failure to
comply will result in penalties as determined by your local Program Officials. This can include
longer periods of time in The Program as well as other punishments that can be merited out on a
case to case basis.

Compulsory Nudity

For the duration of your time in The Program, you must remain naked in school. This is to say
no clothing, save saftey gear and shoes will be allowed, and in some cases shoes may be
removed at the discression of your local Program Officals.

That duration shall be from the start of school on the Monday on which your participation was
selected, until the end of any school activity on the following Sunday. If your participation is
deemed unsatisfactory due to absence (whether for illness or truancy), your participation will be
extended in one week increments until satisfactorily completed.

This compulsory nudity will continue within the confines of the school, during school hours, and
shall include all school sponsored activities during or after normal school hours. (see
accompanying list)

It should also be noted that some states have adopted a monthly program as apposed to a weekly
program. So where in those states please sub in month(s) for week(s).

School sponsored activities shall include but are not limited to:

Sporting Events, whether as spectator or participant

(These events include, but are not limited to: Basketball, Hockey, Swimming, Lacrosse,
Baseball, Soccer, Archery ect.)
Theatre Productions of the Drama Department
Dances & Prom (Including after parties and after prom.)
Concerts, Recitals, or Performances by the Music Department
Poetry Readings (Including Slam Poetry)
All Tryout Events
School Spondered Jobs (This will include off campus times in many cases, and if the job entails
delieveries this is also covered.)
Student Times (Both working in the office for page lay out and writing, as well as ads sales and
photography sessions. Yes, this will include times off campus.)

No clothing other than shoes and socks is permitted at any time, nor shall any participant attempt
to cover or hide any part of their body with their hands or arm, nor with books or book bags or
other devices. Long hair arranged as concealment will be rearranged up on the first offense, but
may be trimmed to prevent concealment should a subsequent offense occur. Participants who
continue to attempt to conceal themselves with their hands may have their hands restrained.

Participants are required to stay in public areas of the school. Participants are permitted up to
three (3) bathroom breaks per day, not to exceed five (5) minutes per break. Unless fullfilling a
Reasonable Request. Also, it is up to the Local School Offical to decide if bathrooms and
shower or locker room facilities of a differing gender or a unisex nature will be used by
participants. These spaces are likewise open to Reasonable Requests as well. During any breaks
beyond this the participant will continue to be subject to Reasonable Requests.

The Program does NOT expect participants to risk their health or safety.
Appropriate safety equipment may be worn if required under certain circumstances, for

Lab Safety Aprons in shop or chemistry classes,

Athletic padding or helmets for contact sports,
Taping for stability, such as ankles,
Cups and jockstraps when required,
Back braces while lifting, including weights in gym,
Gloves of appropriate types for rope climbing or laboratory safety.

Note, for some classes and situations condoms will be issued or at least made available to any
participant. Be it for their use or the use of others while engaging in sexual activity. This
however can be over ridden by some officials.

Class Participation

Participants in The Program must be expected to assist teachers and instructors in the
performance of their lesson plans. Participants shall cooperate with their teachers.

Because of the educational value of said assistance, Teachers and instructors may ask for
participation and demonstration beyond that described under Reasonable Requests. Participants
may not decline unless the request involves sexual intercourse, the insertion of a foreign object,
or would result in physical harm or pose the danger of imminent physical harm to themselves or
their classmates.

Though these refusals can be taken to the Local School Offical to decide if it is okay or not, and
if it is deemed to go against the rules, then the participants must comply with the request.

This requirement in no way conflicts with the participant's right to wear appropriate safety
equipment as described in Compulsory Nudity. Teachers have been instructed to remain
cognizant of the welfare of participants. If a participant feels that their health or safety, or that of
their classmates is being jeopardized, it is not only their right but their responsibility to point out
that jeopardy to the instructor.

Examples of activities which may require significant active involvement include, but are in
no way limited to:

Posing for art, photography or cinema classes,

Serving as a live training aid for health, biology, physical education or sexual education classes,
Acting as a research subject for Sociology or Psychology classes,
Stage work for Drama Classes.

Where the participant is involved in a school related extracurricular activity, as has been
previously stated under Compulsory Nudity, the participant shall remain nude. In addition, the
director, advisor, or instructor for that activity may request additional activities similar to those

Activities which are subject to these rules include but are not limited to:

School newspaper journalists and photographers,

Yearbook photographer,
Chess Club, Debate Team, and all similar clubs,
Athletic Teams,
Band, Choir and Glee Club,
Cheerleaders, Boosters, and Mascots.
As well as support roles (ie water boys and equipment managers)

Note that it is up to the best judgment of the director, advisor, or instructor of these events as to if
the program will be extended to all members of team events. It is entirely possible that your
entire team, group, or shift must work in the nude as well if those in charge of the situation deem
it necissary to The Program.

Likewise it has been determined that in the spirit of team building and the spirit of The Program,
all Team and Club photos will be shot fully nude and full frontal. So when your coach or club
dirrector informs you of when your team or club photo day is, be sure to groom yourself

Suggested grooming is either neatly trimmed all the way to fully shaved. You sould considere
how you’ll want to be remembered when classmates look back in the future and look back at
your naked bodies.

Reasonable Requests

Participants must comply with Reasonable Requests. Participants are to consider themselves on
display for any student who expresses a desire to examine the nude form, and cooperate in that
examination, providing only that it does not interfere with class time without the express
permission and supervision of the teacher or instructor of a class as described in Class

It is up to the individual Program participant to determine what is reasonable, given the

following guidelines:

A student is only required to comply during school hours on school grounds or while engaged in
a school activity on or off campus. If a school activity runs to after school hours the student must
still participate while 'present for' or 'part of' the activity.

The Program Participant is the primary judge of the reasonability of any request that involves
physical contact. Any school official may and can overrule the participant’s judgment if said
official deems to.

Posing and other acts which entail no touching are always required to be agreed to if they will
not interfere with other school activities.

Participants are strongly encouraged to allow touching for the purposes of education and
promoting a sexually aware environment. School administration may create incentives for
students who do so at the judgment of local Program Officials.

Students shall be required to insert a foreign object into any bodily orifice as a part of a
Reasonable Request or Classroom Activity. Objects such as vibrators and dildos will be supplied
to the participant the first day and the participant is required to carry said object with them at all

Students are required to submit to oral sex or penetration with a sexual organ as a part of a
Reasonable Request. As well as the use of their sexual organs, with in reason, by others.

Students must submit if required to have their freedom of movement restricted as a part of a
Reasonable Request. This restriction may not last longer then 45 minutes for any given time and
may not be requested again with in five hours of a previous restriction.
Students do not have to comply with a request while eating lunch or using the restroom; but may
be over ruled by school staff at any time.

One exception to this if the student takes longer than half the lunch period to eat or longer than 5
minutes in the restroom (up to three times per day). Beyond those limits they must follow
Reasonable Requests.

Participation in The Program shall not be construed by others as license to abuse the Participant.
However, the program is designed to give one a more open look on sex and one’s sexuality. So as
such, students will comply with most sexual situations that meet guidelines.

Disagreement over what constitutes a reasonable request may be referred to the local Program
officials. Participants are advised, however, that frivolous attempts to skirt the intent of the
program may result detention (which is a school sponsored time) or in additional week(s) of

Note: Keeping up with the fartherment of technology and the exploration of one’s sexuality, it
has come to our attention many are opening up Onlyfans and other for pay pornography accounts
as well as out right staring in pornography. So the following ruling has been handed down:

Shooting scenes or content is entirely allowed on School Grounds, if you are not in The Program
and wish to include someone who is in The Program in your scenes or content, you only have to
ask, this is a reasonable request and thus premitted. If the participant requests there can be a
student or teacher represenative present to witness the scene or content so that they can be asked
if something crosses a line or not.

Requesting Relief

While in no way dangerous or harmful in a medical sense, it is recognized that a long term
priaptic (erect) condition can become quite painful. For this reason, the Teachers and Instructors
have been advised that it shall be deemed a reasonable request on the part of male participants to
seek relief during the first five minutes of class time. This act of relief is open to all genders of
course, but those with penises are encouraged to particapte in requesting relief.

Some classrooms and Teachers are allowed to ask at any time through out the course of the class
and to allow this relief to last for as long as they wish, so long as it doesn’t interfere with class
time. Also the time the relief is allowed, before, during, or after class is at the sole judgment of
the Teacher or Instructor. The Teachers and Instructors have been further advised that this event
may be abetted by other students or participants or the instructors themselves (if no student is
willing), and should be integrated into the educational nature of the program.

Teachers may force a Participant to take relief, or they may simply encourage Participants so
seek relief by means of inquire if relief is desired or necessary. However, it has been deemed that
if the Teacher wishes the Participant(s) to take relief or to receive it, the Participant will follow
the Teacher’s wishes or face disciplinary actions. Also, it has been added that Teachers now have
the ability to decide if students shall only be teased rather then given relief in their classrooms. It
is suggested to ask your teachers if you will be allowed to find relief in their classrooms.

Considerable leeway may be granted the Participant in the nature of the relief granted. Any
student may be singled out or pressured to assist, however teachers may create general incentives
to encourage assistants.

These incentives include, but are not limited to:

Extra credit
Extra points
Letters of Recommendation
And gifting of particpants for periods of time.

This “gifting” allows the Teachers and Instructors to alott a set amount of time that a Participant
is to be the sexual play thing of the student who has earned that gifting. In short, particpants will
be required to act out any and all sexual and non sexual fantasies of the student or individual who
has earned them as a gift.

Likewise Teachers and Instructors are hereby also granted the power to incentivize grades and
participation in classroom activites by holding the Participants of The Program as a prize to be
won for an alotted amount of time for the winner or winners who meet or exceed the goals set
down by the Teachers and Instructors.

Also, it has been decided by the School Board that any student who exceeds a 4.0 gpa and makes
it on the honour roll will be alloted one day apiece with the Participants of their choosing out of
the available canadates. Anyone who succeeds on maintaining this gpa and honour roll all terms
this year will be alotted one week at the end of the year with the Participant of their choosing
from the entire pool of canadates. And to farther incentivise the place of the Valavictorian, upon
naming of the Valavictorian, they will be granted two full weeks of free use of any Participant of
their choosing.

Conflicts in scheduling will be delt with in the office, please see your Coordinator or Guidence
Councilor for more clarification.

Also, in the chance that the Valavictorian is also a Participant at the time of their naming as such,
it has been determined that they will be given their two week period of free use, but will also be
assigned two full weeks of free use to the next runner up.

Selection and Volunteers

Students are selected at random for the Program with an attempt to maintain fairness. Selection
in done in a manner that will ensure the greatest participation of the student body. Local laws
may vary on this, but in the majority of districts the aim will be to ensure all nonexempt students
complete one week before graduation. Baring any punishments or special circumstances.

Students may choose to volunteer for the Program at any time. If you desire to volunteer contact
your school's administration. You can either be enrolled in the Program normally or complete the
optional volunteer participant plan (if available in your district). Optional volunteer participants
must complete a full consecutive month of nudity and get signatures of their teachers to prove

Optional volunteers must follow all rules of the Program but may not request relief unless a local
exception has been made. While they may not request relief directly, it can be decided for them
when and where they may obtain relief. They may choose to quit at any time but doing so will
discount their time as a volunteer. Upon completion of the month, they are not removed from the
selection list and will most likely still receive a time at being made to go through the program.
The volunteering option is solely for extra credit.
Certain exempt students (such as in the case of a treaty or diplomatic issue) may not volunteer
without first clearing their exemption. However, simply being an exchange student does not
exempt you. In fact, the school staff will have gone to great lengths to determine your eligibility
due to your limited time in their systems. If you are called upon, you should view this as fact or
proof that you have no exemption.

Likewise, due to international treaties some exchange students will likely be shocked to discover
that their governements have opted for them to spend their entire term with us in the nude and
subject to the program. In these cases, you will be contacted and your clothing confiscated for
the duration of your visit to our country. More over, in keeping with international cooperation, it
has been determined that if a Participant would normally wear a Hijab or similar religious
covering they will be allowed to wear it, and only it as an exception and can not be made to
remove it via normal reasonable requests.

We respect your religious freedoms and do not wish to infringe upon them.


In keeping with the philosophy of The Program, Participants are strongly encouraged to continue
their nudity, and hence, their exploration and expansion of personal limits, outside the
compulsory boundaries discussed in the rules. To further that encouragement, a federal
affirmative injunction under the authority of the Equal Protection Act and the Natural Sexuality
Act has nullified the Indecent Exposure Laws for women and men of all ages.

It should be noted that some states have added that family participation is mandatory as well as
some states making outreach mandatory as well. There are some states that the program lasts
24/7 until you have completed your time. Please check with your local law center.

No participant shall be refused service at any establishment for complying with the intent of The
Program. However some establishments may at their choice require you to furnish and place a
towel down anywhere you are seated. Merchants have been encouraged to support all aspects of
The Program in any way possible. As well has having been given the right to make reasonable
requests of Participants. So long as they full fill the rules and guidelines of that section.

Participants are also strongly encouraged to find ways to extend the benefits of the program to

Nude individuals, including fellow students who choose a nude lifestyle, are not subject to the
rules of The Program and should not be treated as such.  Unless they sign a waver on file with
the school, a posted notice will be placed on the bulletin board if this becomes the case. As well
as a full gallery of any Participant that is viewable nation wide by any individual who wishes to
view it simply by logging onto The Program’s website.

Public Outreach

A new program has been started in many cities where, as a form of public outreach a center has
been opened up where the Participants who have time and no extracaricular activites may spend
their evenings servicing the public in the nude. This allows for them to get to know their
community all the more personally.

As such Staff at these centers have absolute authority over the Participants enrolled in their
centers. And will dull out punishments as required and earned.

Local Program officials may make exemptions for students unable to participate in the Program.
These exemptions will not be given lightly and will be limited to matters of health, impending
relocation, excusable absence, diplomatic status, international treaty, prior participation, and
matters to be determined by the national board. This includes some religious exemptions.

Where possible an exemption will merely result in rescheduling to another date. Students who
have previously completed participation may be selected again against their will. Students who
do not qualify for an exemption must complete their week in The Program, once selected, in
order to graduate.

If you believe you qualify for an exemption, please bring it to the attention of your school's
administration in order that the local Program officials may be contacted to review your case and
make a decision. Do this by contacting your local Guidance Counciler.

Disciplinary Action

Failure to comply with the rules of the Program may result in disciplinary action. The exact
penalties shall be determined by school administration in cooperation with local Program

Acceptable forms of punishment are as follows:

Detention may be used in keeping with normal school policy.

Corporal punishment may be delivered to the bare buttocks only.
Students may be 'drafted' into the Program for any amount of time on a summary basis by
teachers. School administration may extend this out to the full length of the program, this how
ever will not count as their being selected, or may make it a daily requirement.
If deemed necessary suspension and even expulsion may be used.
Criminal acts by or upon Program students will be dealt with by local law enforcement.

Equipment Provided:

The schools involved in The Program will be issuing the following items to every student when
they enter The Program as Participants, as such these items are the personal property of the
Participants after their time in The Program has ended. Thus they will remian their property and
be treated accordingly.

Items Issued:

One large bath towel – to be placed over chairs and seats

One large postate massager for male students
One large vaginal massager for female students
One large vibrating butt plug for all students
One large vaginal plug for female students

If required the school will also issue restraints to keep the students compliant with the rules and
regulations of The Program as well as Reasonable Requests.

Legal Information

Prepared by the Federal Office Of Social Awareness under the guidance of the Natural Sexuality
The Federal Office of Social Awareness has been empowered by an affirmative injunction of the
Supreme Court and releases its reports to the public in accordance with the Freedom of
Information act.

In short, all morality laws in this country in reguards to public nudity, public acts of sexual
activites, lude acts, and anything reguarding exposure and sexuality have been suspended for the
Participants and those using them.

To this end, we have also repealed and suspended most if not all laws about prostitution in this
country as well.


The Leaflet from The Department of Sexual Awareness in Conjunction with the School

It has come to our attention that several students have complained and questioned about the
status of the program during school picture day. We have reviewed this issue and have come up
with the following conclusion.

School Picture Day is covered as a school function and there for the students who are going
through the program proscribed in The Pamphlet will comply with the program and attend the
photo shoots in the nude. They will also note that it is the decision of this comity that, all
photography of their body while they are in the program is deemed authorized and acceptable.

Meaning that they do not have grounds to attempt to prohibit the sale, display, or anything the
owners of said photographs choose to do with them.  And in the cases of Program Participants
and the photographer’s the school hires, the photographer’s have ownership of the photographs
or any other media they use to capture the image of the participants.

Likewise, it has been decided that in all fairness to the students that all school photos for both the
year book and student news papers can be taken fully nude exposing even students who are not
currently in The Porgram when the photo was taken if deemed approprate by your local school


Leaflet on Nudity in the Work Place

It has been brought up to the Federal Office of Social Awareness that some states have gone
forwards and passed legislature that prohibits people under going the program form being fired
from their jobs for having to appear nude at work. We whole heartily support this decision, and
have pushed through the legislation that protects the program members from being fired at work
but it does set some guide lines for their treatment as well.

Furthermore, we have worked to institute inititves for employers to allow Participants in the
program to work nude, as well as doing outreach to their entire work force.

Reasonable Requests
Yes, while on the job any and all participants must comply with Reasonable Requests.
Participants are to consider themselves on display for any persons who expresses a desire to
examine the nude form, and cooperate in that examination, providing only that it does not
interfere with the participants’ job without the express permission and supervisor or over seer of
the participants’ job.

It is up to the individual Program participant to determine what is reasonable, given the

following guidelines:

A participant is only required to comply during any hours, the job’s grounds or while engaged in
an activity on or off said grounds. If a job activity takes the participant off of the grounds, then
he or she will abide by his or her employer’s rules or requests, as well as those of the clients or
public persons that the participant interacts with while at the job.

The Program Participant is the primary judge of the reasonability of any request that involves
physical contact; however the participant’s employer may and can over rule the participant’s
judgment if said employer deems to.

Now the requests that are required and permitted are still basically the same, there are some
minor differences here. While in the school setting the participants who are in school have the
rights to refuse touching and physical interactions, the students participants still have the right to
refuse, but call to their employer can over rule that. That being said, that part only covers the
student participants, it does not however cover their families that participate.

Some states have made it minatory for parents to participate. In that case the reasonable requests
are extended. The parents or adult participants do not have the right to refuse. They must comply
with any and all requests of their employers and business associates, not to mention any public
person they come across while they are in the program with their children.

It should also be mentioned that students who are legally adults, i.e. 18 or over, are counted as
adult participants and can be treated as such in the work place. We have left it up to the
individual states to decide if they are applicable for adult participation while in school.

While the rules over foreign objects still applies, to both kinds of participants, the rules about
penetration are more lax while at the work place. For health reasons condoms are requested if not
required by your state’s law. But the participants have little or no say, depended on the employer,
as to the objects or genitals that are inserted into their orifices. The person who wishes said
object or genitals will be required to furnish them. They can also procure time with the
participant’s orifices for the insertion of other people’s genitals. This also goes so far as to cover
the use of the participants’ sexual organs, with in reason, by others.

Participants must submit if required to have their freedom of movement restricted as a part of a
Reasonable Request. This restriction may not last longer then 45 minutes for any given time and
may not be requested again with in five hours of a previous restriction.

Disagreement over what constitutes a reasonable request may be referred to the local Program
officials. Participants are advised, however, that frivolous attempts to skirt the intent of the
program may result in an additional week(s) or even months of participation or serious
consequences going so far as to allow jail time. 


School Board announcement to general public

It has come to our attention that some students are “snubbing” or avoiding meeting or getting to
know new students for a time. It is our wish to help new students mesh well with in our districts
so we’ve begun a new policy with all new students. Effectively immediately from this point
forward, all new students; even those who arrived earlier this week, will now be going through
the “preview” program week.

Upon entering the school the day after this program comes into effect, and whenever a new
student joins our school, the student body president will be called in to personally strip the new
student. Then he or she will be sexual aroused and brought to climax in front of school staff by
the student body president. It is up to the sbp, student body president, to choose the manor of the
new student’s climax.

After this the new student will spend his or her first day shadowing the sbp. And the sbp will
have sole control over that person’s body and the reasonable requests for the first day. This is in
hopes to help the new student become accustomed to the program rules.

At the end of the day the sbp may and will select a group of students to come over to the new
student’s house and help the family acclimate to the program through forced out reach. The
student and his or her family will be made to be sexually active and perform reasonable requests
at the behest of this group hand-picked by the sbp. After this is done and the other students leave
at a reasonable time, the sbp will initiate the new student’s family into a family wide sexual
activity to help them prepare for what is to come this first week. After that the sbp will give the
new student his or her schedule and they will be expected to show up to those new classes the
following day adhering to the rules of the program.

To help the new family become more open with our community as a whole, the outreach will be
made mandatory for them while in public. They’ll be expected to comply with the rules of the
program for the same term as their student. But we can see where this may cause family strain
during this period so either the sbp or a school official will be coming over every night to
supervise a family wide masturbation and sexually active break.

This will go on for at least one week. The school board and student council may decide to
expand this time frame and will notify the effected students. Now this does not exclude the
student from further participation in the program. This is only to endeavor to open the new
student up to the school and to help him or her to acclimate to our systems. That being said, the
student must realize that eventually that he or she will be selected again to undergo the program

Now it should be noted that if a new student or his or her family attempt to skirt or avoid the
program, the police will be called and involved. Their involvement will help the family
understand that they must comply with this ruling. And the police have the right to enforce any
punishment they deem worthy to get this point across.

This may include but is not limited to:

Public Masturbation
Public Edging
Public Penetration
Public Nudity
Public Confinement
Public Detainment
Free Use
Gangbangs and Orgies
Congical visits for prisoners
And in some cases, permanent loss of right to clothing or refusal.
Thank you,
Head of the School Board Committee.


School Board announcement to general public

We would like to address the subject of the scholastic achievement incentives program. This is a
program that either a student, a teacher, or a parent may submit a name to the SAE program. This
program will review the student and the reason for the student’s submission and if this student is
found to meet the requirements they will be put on a list. This list is designed to make sure that
our School Whore is not over worked. The list is designed to give an order to who will be

Now many have been wondering what the School Whore program is for. A random student is
selected and then placed in the program to be the school’s designated Whore for the month or
better. If his or her services are deemed good enough by school staff or the student body or even
the student council can submit that the student be kept on for longer.

The duty of the School Whore is to service in any way, in any place, at any time, any sexual need
the student who is on the SAE program list. This is a reward, or the incentive for scholastic
achievement. Good grades in classes, good classroom participation, all of that is now rewarded
with time to fulfill a fantasy with the school whore.

We have also gone so far as to move this program on to encompass the extracurricular and sports
areas of the school. If you have the best scores in any field dealing with the school, you’re name
will probably make the list of students who have time with the School Whore. You’ll be allowed
to change the time, location, or any other details about how or where the School Whore services
you. Please see your guidance councilor for more details.

Also, as a reminder, know that Faculty and Staff retain the right to “gift” the School Whore to
students who have achieved either accademic or athletic excelence and this is done at their
discression, but you will have to come in and schedule your alotted time in the Guidance Office.

Thank you,
Head of the School Board Committee.

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