Speaking Exam June

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Name: N°:

Sint-Janscollege Meldert
Class: Date:

Teacher: A.
Course: English

Talking about daily routines

Aalmoezeniers van de Arbeid Speaking comprehension

/ 10
1 You’re going to interview a classmate. You can prepare 10 questions beforehand,
but you will have to improvise some as well.
The goal is to have a fluent, natural conversation.

You can ask your partner questions about:

 His / her family (names, relationships, ages…

 Daily routine, habits, hobbies
 …

Step 1: Write down at least 10 questions. You need to have at least… (tick off what you used)

 1 question using ‘have got’

 1 question using ‘to be’
 3 inversion questions using the present simple
 3 question word questions using the present simple (with 3 different QW)
 Use at least 3 different adverbs of frequency.
 Check that your questions cover all the topics mentioned.

Step 2: Your partner will be assigned to you in class. Your conversation will be recorded as well. You will have to upload
this afterwards on smartschool.
Name: ___________________________________ Partner: ________________________________

Evaluation form for the teacher: Preparing questions

Your questions are formed in a correct way (have got / to be).

Your questions are formed in a correct way (present simple).
You have asked 3 inversion questions.
You have asked 3 QWQ with 3 different QW.
You have covered all the required topics.

Evaluation form for the teacher: Speaking / Conversation

Starting and The student greets The student The student
ending the his / her partner at forgets to greet doesn’t greet nor
conversation the beginning and but says goodbye say goodbye to
the ending of the or he / she says his / her partner.
conversation goodbye but
forgets to greet.
1 0.5 0

Content The student can The student The student

(interviewer) easily ask doesn’t mention doesn’t talk about
questions about one of the topics the requested
his / her partner’s (family, daily topics.
family, daily routine, hobbies.)
routine and
1 0.5 0

Content The student can The student is The student

(interviewee) easily answer unable to answer doesn’t answer
questions about one of the topics what he is being
his / her partner’s (family, daily asked.
family, daily routine, hobbies.)
routine and
1 0.5 0

Fluency The student The student The student the student is

presents no presents some frequently extremely hesitant.
hesitation and he / hesitation and hesitates, and he / He / she searches
she does not need he/she rarely has she often searches for words most of
to search for to search for for words. (3 or 4 the time (more
words. words. (1 or 2 times) than 5 times)
2 1.5 1 0

Grammar The student The student The student often The student makes
(present simple presents very few presents some presents a lot of
tense +, -, ?) and grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
use of time mistakes (1-3 mistakes. (4-6 mistakes. (7-9 mistakes. (10 or
indicators) mistakes) mistakes) mistakes) more mistakes)

3 2 1 0
Delivery and The student The student The student The student
attitude delivers the whole delivers most of delivers the delivers the
message in a the message in a message in an message with no
confident way. confident way. uncertain way. confidence. He/she
He/she uses facial He/she sometimes He/she uses facial does not use
expressions and uses facial expressions and neither facial
gestures to enrich expressions and gestures very few expressions nor
the message most gestures to enrich times to enrich the gestures to enrich
of the time. the message. message. the message.
2 1 0,5 0

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