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1- When you finish typing your paper on the computer, be sure to

save the information ……………………your hard drive.

a) Under
b) onto
c) near
d) over
2- I punished the children for …………………….at the child who
a) Laugh
b) laughs
c) laughed
d) laughing
3- This book has 54 …………………..text on every page.
a) Commas.
b) margins
c) lines
d) Titles
4- Daisy's friends consider her neither vain …………..ignorant.
a) and
b) but
c) nor
d) or

5- Sue and Jack were arguing …………….the details of the ceremony.

a) Into
b) over
c) with
d) out

6- Since the boy who stole the car was only 16, he will have to be
tried in ………..court.
a) formative
b) infantile
c) youthful
d) juvenile
7- The man refused to replace the worn – out tires on his truck,
………..putting his family at risk.
a) moreover
b) thereby
c) otherwise
d) heretofore
8- Olivia: Helen has been staying with me for over a month now.
Patty: it sounds to me like she is …….on your hospitality.
a) imposing
b) proposing
c) deposing
d) composing
9- Jamaica and Puerto Rico are similar ………….they both have
mountain chains dividing the islands in half.
a) so that
b) beyond that
c) but that
d) in that
10- Tony is always ……….about what a terrific car he has.
a) declaring
b) wishing
c) bragging
d) grumbling

11- …………….the accused has been found guilty of murder in the
first degree, the punishment will be severe.
a) In order that
b) So that
c) Whereas
d) Unless
12- James has been ………….with bankruptcy for some time.
a) flirting
b) impoverishing
c) ruining
d) spending
13- …………..that there might peace in the region, the parties made a
a) In order
b) Despite the fact
c) Beside the fact
d) Given
14- The boom of the sudden explosion …………..everyone.
a) strangled
b) stifled
c) startled
d) stranded
15- The divorce was granted ………….that there were irreconcilable
a) in the hope.
b) to the end
c) on the grounds
d) for the purpose

16- The doctor gave his patient ………..lecture about the dangers of
a) a stern
b) an abundant
c) a prime
d) an equivalent
17- ………….lake Baikal is in …………………….Russia.
a) -----, --------
b) The, …………
c) …………, the
d) The, the
18- A light shining on an object will cause the object to ……..a
a) cast
b) carry
c) cancel
d) take
19- You …………have collision insurance not to exceed six months.
a) neither
b) each
c) either
d) other
20- The force of the earthquake …………….several buildings on the
a) trampled
b) torched
c) toppled
d) tickled

21- My mother suggested that I ………….all my money on clothes.
a) doesn't spend
b) no spend
c) not spend
d) don't spend
22- Living in almost constant danger ……….an indelible bond among
the soldiers.
a) forged
b) cramped
c) traced
d) exceeded
23- She demanded that he …………………….immediately.
a) will leave
b) left
c) leaves
d) leave
24- After the storm subsided, the people found their
city…………totally in ruins.
a) being
b) to be
c) is
d) be
25- Select the correct sentence.
a) The house has legend that ghosts inhabit it.
b) That ghosts inhabit the house it has legend.
c) Legend has it that ghosts inhabit the house.
d) The legend has it that ghosts inhabit house.

26- Susan: who was your teacher in that class?
James: My teacher was …………..European scientist.
a) a
b) the
c) an
d) no article needed
27- Mr. and Mrs. Carter had …………..their daughter's marriage in
the local newspaper two weeks before the wedding took place.
a) announced
b) prepared
c) written
d) attended
28- The report was faulted for a lack of …………………………………..
a) clear
b) clarify
c) clearly
d) clarity
29- The ……………..of Queen Victoria of England lasted more than
sixty years.
a) session
b) assembly
c) reign
d) county
30- The president insisted that the union …………its decision to
a) reconsidering
b) reconsidered
c) reconsiders
d) reconsider

31- The police were closer to ……………..a suspect once the autopsy
was completed.
a) have
b) having
c) have had
d) had had
32- Hopefully, Ms. Simmon's report will ……….persistent rumors
about unsafe playground equipment.
a) violate
b) implement
c) dispel
d) manipulate
33- You ……….pay the bill on time or you will be charged a late fee.
a) had better
b) were supposed to
c) used to
d) were about to
34- To make lemonade, you first ………..the juice from two lemons.
a) squeeze
b) spread
c) stretch
d) stomp
35- ………………….book is this?
a) Who
b) Who's
c) Whose
d) Whom
36- …………in a free country is a great privilege.
a) Live
b) To living
c) Lives
d) To live

37- In the United Stated in the nineteenth century, political party
candidates for the office of president were chosen by the
delegates who attended a special convention. (now a direct
primary system is used) often when there were two strong
contenders and the delegates could not agree on either one,
they would simply choose someone completely unknown as a
compromise candidate. Thus is was that in 1844, James K Polk
walked into his party's presidential convention never having
had any thought of being President and waked out a few days
later as his party's candidate. He is still known as the original "
dark horse" president.
According to this paragraph , a "dark horse " was..
a) an unknown delegate at a party convention
b) a strong contender for the office of President
c) a nineteenth century President of the U.S.
d) an unexpected Presidential candidate

38- The men were chunkling in the next room. They seemed to ……..
a) be arguing about something
b) have fallen asleep
c) be having a good time
d) have started working
39- The man got lost in a blizzard and died of exposure to the
a) elements
b) materials
c) rudiments
d) substances
40- ………….the investigation , several people were charged with
a) Even though
b) As a result of
c) Nevertheless
d) Furthermore

41- The aim of these advertisement is to ………people into buying
something they really do not need.
a) restrict
b) accept
c) entice
d) divulge
42- The incumbent candidate ……….his opponent to a debate.
a) Challenged
b) Threatened
c) Inquired
d) disputed
43- We heard that a large business ……….had purchased the
a) conglomerate
b) companion
c) cooperation
d) correlation
44- …………… Ann come while I'm gone, tell her I'll be right back.
a) Would
b) Should
c) Could
d) Might
45- A very ………..friend of mine is getting married that day, and I
have to be there.
a) profound
b) intense
c) dear
d) deep
46- A vacation might ……………the stress.
a) relieve
b) refine
c) retort
d) request

47- Everyone suspected that Carol ………..had called the police.
a) her
b) she
c) herself
d) hers
48- If people such as Todd Machover have their way, there may
someday be computer sections in symphony orchestras, along
with the woodwinds and strings. Machover has invented a
hyperviolin which is fitted with small batteries, magnets,
computer circuitry,and a tiny antenna. These feed information
to surrounding computers which provide appropriate
accompaniment from computerized sound stored in one of the
machines. Rather than replace musicians, the computers would
magnify their creativity.

The underlined word in the paragraph refers to ………………

a) devices in the violin
b) musicians in the orchestra
c) the woodwinds
d) the computers
49- …………….Susan and me, no one knew the secret.
a) As for
b) Apart from
c) In addition to
d) Instead of
50- ………………….you talk Frank into coming with you next week?
We'd love to have him.
a) May
b) Mustn't
c) Ought
d) Can't
51- What do you get when your suggest ways to improve the civility
in public discourse? Answer : a lot of abuse just ask Judy
Kleinberg, who helped to draft new rules for debate that are
under consideration by the City Council in Palo Alto, California.
They'd discourage smirking, rolling the eyes, and "body
language" to express " disagreement or disgust" at what a
fellow councilor or constituent happens to be saying . her
colleagues may appreciate her efforts, but it's apparent that the
general public doesn't. " I've been receiving hate mail from all
over the world, " She says. Result : she doubts the measure will
pass. In fact she says, she may vote against it herself.
According to the paragraph……………….
a) Kleinberg's new rules received public support
b) Kleinberg was criticized for smirking
c) Kleinberg's attempt at reform failed
d) Kleinberg was fired by the city council
52- I was furious …………..him for addressing me in that offensive
a) by
b) of
c) at
d) to
53- The coach urged that the player ………….given a second chance
to make the grade.
a) are
b) was
c) is
d) be

54- That is a very …………….neighborhood. The average price of
homes there is over a million dollars.
a) congested
b) impoverished
c) affluent
d) inaccessible
55- The basketball player's mediocre shooting ability was ………….by
his superior ball handing ability.
a) offset
b) affined
c) imparted
d) imitated
56- The divorce was granted …………..that there were irreconcilable
a) in the hope
b) to the end
c) on the grounds
d) for the purpose
57- For …………of anything better to do, Gloria went to a movie.
a) issues
b) reasons
c) want
d) love
58- The storm blew a large …………of the tree.
a) root
b) shrub
c) bark
d) limb

59- Hopefully, Ms. Simmon's report will ………persistent rumors
about unsafe playground equipment.
a) violate
b) implement
c) dispel
d) manipulate
60- The enemy had …………their position
a) strengthen
b) strengthens
c) strengthened
d) strengthening
61- …………….book is this?
a) Who
b) Who's
c) Whose
d) Whom
62- ……………….in a free country is a great privilege.
a) Live
b) To living
c) Lives
d) To live
63- Ten dollars ………a lot of money to me in those days.
a) were
b) was
c) were being
d) are being
64- Everyone enjoys watching the clown perform at ……………..
a) display
b) circus
c) tournament
d) situation
65- There are ten ………… the word " dictionary".
a) letters
b) numbers
c) vowels
d) consonants
66- The portion of atmosphere above any country is called it's
a) airpower
b) airspace
c) air mass
d) air stream
67- Esther: I was just thinking about the day we met .
Cecil: Oh, I remember …………………….day!
a) those
b) that
c) these
d) this
68- The faculty stood and applauded …………respect for the retiring
a) out of
b) in spite of
c) along with
d) in regard to
69- I want you to ………….that Mr. Jackson's money is credited to his
account by tomorrow.
a) display
b) ensure
c) engage
d) dismiss

70- The crack of the rifle fire …………the canyon walls.
a) initiated in
b) impersonated
c) reverberated off
d) incinerated
71- Three of these books belong to you, but the rest ……………to
a) belong
b) belongs
c) belonging
d) to belong
72- When Tom's ears began to get cold, he pulled up his……………
a) zipper
b) cap
c) hood
d) vest
73- I would like to buy from a ………………………owned business.
a) private
b) most private
c) privately
d) most privately
74- ………………taxation without ………representation was one of the
main causes of the American Revolution.
a) The, the
b) ……….,the
c) The. ………..
d) ………… , ……………..

75- We heard that a large business ……..had purchased the


b) companion



76- The police were closer to …………a suspect once the autopsy was
a) have
b) having
c) have had
d) had had
77- The weather forecaster gave the forecast this morning. She said
it would be 95 degrees and sunny. I wasn't surprised at all. That
is typical Texas weather.

The underlined word in the paragraph refers to……………..

a) this morning
b) the forecast
c) the weather fore caster
d) none of the above
78- Joe: Are you thinking of putting in for the position?
Sue: ……………………………………….
a) No, I won't
b) No, I'm not
c) No, I haven't
d) No, I don't

79- …………..your son be coming by bus or by plane?
a) Will
b) Ought
c) May
d) Must
80- The detective reported that the homicide had occurred prior
……..the accident.
a) on
b) to
c) until
d) since
81- As soon as I saw the present, I thought it ………have come from
my mother. She always gives me ties.
a) should
b) must
c) can
d) will
82- David …………for two hours before his tutor arrives this
a) Will have studied
b) Was studying
c) Studied
d) Studies
83- The enemy's rapid advance …………our supply lines to artillery
a) exhibited
b) proved
c) exposed
d) displayed

84- my sister insisted that I ………her two kids to the zoo, and so we
a) take
b) taking
c) takes
d) took
85- I don't entirely trust Steve; ………I'm willing to go along with his
a) moreover
b) nevertheless
c) therefore
d) whereas
86- Although the police were right behind him, the thief managed
to ………them.
a) eclipse
b) evoke
c) emit
d) elude
87- His father's job demanded that he ………many long hours.
a) to work
b) will work
c) work
d) worked
88- Wearing baggy pants is the latest ………… clothing for
teenage boys.
a) habit
b) trend
c) episode
d) intention
89- What an experience it must have been for a Japanese of –ah –
mature years as he set off in his pickup truck earlier this week
to visit relatives north of Tokyo. His route was a busy three –
lane expressway he's never driven before. Alas, it dawned on
him that he'd missed the desired exit. Solution: a U-turn. For
the next 15 miles, he sped along at 60 m.p.h. into oncoming
traffic, apparently never noticing the police cruises signaling
frantically for him to pull over. Except for a minor sideswiping of
one other vehicle, there were no accidents or injuries. No word
on whether he'll be taking the bus from now on.

According to the paragraph, the driver………………

a) Collided with a bus north of Tokyo
b) Nearly caused a major car accident
c) Signaled frantically to police for help
d) Was ticketed by police for speeding
90- Peter finished the test in a ……………….short period of time.
a) barely
b) scarcely
c) relatively
d) repeatedly
91- All of the students must abide …………the school regulations.
a) with
b) to
c) by
d) in
92- The child has a …………….for cats.
a) likeness
b) fineness
c) gladness
d) fondness

93- A team of scientists combing Western Australia's " outback" for
fossil evidence of early life on Earth say they have found a reef
– like structure built by marine microbes some 304 billion years
ago. And while the region hosting the formation has provided
plenty of fodder for scientists trying to find evidence for the
earliest life, they acknowledge that no one has yet found a
"smoking gun" establishing microbes as the architects of the
ancient, layered rocks.
According to the passage,………………….
a) a murder weapon was found by a team of scientists in
Western Australia's outback
b) fossils containing evidence of the earliest life on Earth have
been discarded.
c) proof that microbes actually made a reef-like formation in
Western Australia has not been established
d) a team of scientists looking for fossils stayed in structures
built marines.
94- The heat ……………………..from the stove.
a) erupts
b) spills
c) exhales
d) emanates
95- Okay, I'm in a restaurant and the waiter asks me if I would like
marbles on my pizza. These days, bizarre questions like the
waiters are commonplace. You see, at 52, I find my hearing is
slipping. Now you might think I would be upset about this turn
of events. But to be honest, at least for the moment, I find it
amusing. I was getting a tad bored with the predictable arch of
conversation. This is, in a way, my revenge on the world. I've
always felt didn't understand me, that I was the one getting the

sideways looks and raised eyebrows. Well, my friend, what's
good for the goose is good for the panda, if you get my

The tone of this paragraph is…………….

a) Self – pitying
b) Self – aggrandizing
c) Tongue – in – cheek
d) In-your – face
96- Yesterday the instructor …………..about her trip in class.
a) has spoken
b) in speaking
c) spoke
d) speaks
97- He entered the room, turned on his heel and …………………
a) leaves
b) left
c) was leaving
d) has left
98- The murder was committed ………………exactly 2:00am Saturday
a) by
b) at
c) on
d) in
99- They hope to finish ………………their assignments by 10 tonight.
a) read
b) to read
c) reading
d) reads

100- Joey, …………this shirt in the closet for me, please.
a) hang
b) hangs
c) hanged
d) is hanging
101- An additional password …………..for accessing the student
records database.
a) requires
b) required
c) will require
d) is required
102- Scientists ……………for that site for 15 years next March 13th,
the anniversary of Dr. Conway's departure from London.
a) will be searching
b) had been searching
c) have been searching
d) will have been searching
103- Because of the ………………….thousands of people died of
a) harvest
b) famine
c) feast
d) intermission
104- This building was constructed ……………………..1850.
a) beside
b) minus
c) toward
d) circa

105- Tom: Mark falls for every scam that comes along.
Mary: Yeah Hem's so …………………., poor thing.
a) irritable
b) gullible
c) liberal
d) insolent
106- It is hardly surprising that a lengthy sequence of letters or a
shoebox of leather – bound diaries will enhance what's known
of an epoch. The wonder is that seemingly insubstantial item –
a shopping list, a bill of sale, a menu, a Christmas card – bear a
burden of meaning, too. In every rushed or measured line, in
the scrawl or precision of the script, emendations and second –
guesses, in sentences that sit gracefully on page or loop about
its edges, you can discern the character of an individual mind.

The main idea of this paragraph is the ………………….

a) Importance of practicing good penmanship

b) Historical value of the minutiae of life
c) Difficulty of preserving insubstantial artifacts
d) Insignificance of preserving letters and diaries
107- After having served time in jail for political corruption, the
former president was forced to leave his country in ………………. .
a) disarray
b) disrespect
c) disgrace
d) dismay
108- It is often said that ………………truth is the first casualty of war.
a) the
b) a
c) an
d) no article needed
109- The new students had to go to the orientation, ……………………..?
a) won't they
b) hadn't they
c) didn't they
d) shouldn't they
110- The large garden was illuminated by dozens of bamboo………….
a) trees
b) tarps
c) torches
d) trenches
111- By the time funeral eulogy was over, everybody was…………….
a) smirking
b) sobbing
c) sauntering
d) swaggering
112- The rocket ……………upon entry into the Earth's atmosphere.
a) disintegrated
b) reorganized
c) transposed
d) dismantled
113- We will ………….one end of the post in concrete.
a) anchor
b) torch
c) urge
d) shuffle
114- President requests that Mr. Baker……………..given the position
before the end of the year.
a) be
b) is
c) was
d) being
115- The windows were blow out by a huge……………………………
a) moan
b) sigh
c) blast
d) throb
116- Lou: Does Frank go to the same church you attend?
Debra: He …………………., but he doesn't anymore.
a) was supposed to
b) was about to
c) used to
d) was to
117- George's ……………..license needs to be renewed.
a) hunts
b) hunted
c) hunting
d) hunt
118- The general ………… Florida for only two months when the
hurricane came through.
a) has lived
b) is living
c) had been living
d) will have lived
119- After the kill, the lion …………on the antelope and then didn't eat
for days.
a) limped
b) roared
c) gorged
d) slumbered

120- A light shining on an object will cause the object to …………..a
a) cast
b) carry
c) cancel
d) take
121- Paul: Well, did ever show up for dinner last night?
Rick: Yes , she …………got there about an hour late.
a) instantly
b) precisely
c) eventually
d) momentarily
122- Select the correct sentence:
a) in the abandoned bunker unused lay boxes of ammunition.
b) Boxes of ammunition lay unused in the abandoned bunker.
c) Unused lay in the abandoned bunker boxes of ammunition.
d) Lay of ammunition in the abandoned bunker unused.
123- If you set a pot of water in the sun, it ………………………………..
a) had evaporated
b) is evaporating
c) evaporates
d) evaporated
124- After being convicted by the Jury, the prisoner was …………to
five years in prison.
a) sentenced
b) cataloged
c) registered
d) promoted
125- Acting on a tip earlier this month, police in Shenyang, China,
dispatched four vans and almost two dozen officers to a street
on which a jeep had been left unattended for several days.
Why? Because a passerby has spotted a man's hand poking up
from among other items in a cardboard box in the back seat
and assumed it had been severed from a murder victim.
Ownership of the vehicle was traced to a member of the
Shenyang Opera. As for the hand, it turned out to be artificial –
a prop in one of the company's productions.
According to the paragraph,……………………
a) a member of the opera was murdered
b) the police call was unnecessary
c) a member of the opera murdered someone
d) the police were called to the opera
126- There are ten ………………….in word " dictionary"
a) letters
b) numbers
c) vowels
d) consonants
127- The library requires that borrowed books …………..returned no
later than two weeks after the checkout date.
a) be
b) are
c) will be
d) will have been
128- I think your child's sleepiness being ………….by the allergy pills
he's taking
a) implicated
b) implemented
c) inspired
d) induced

129- The tornado had winds …………………..over 100 m.p.h.
a) puffing
b) fanning
c) whirling
d) fluttering
130- The famous quotation the student used to open his speech was
very …………. .
a) rapt
b) apt
c) prompt
d) unkempt
131- Three of these books belong to you, but the rest ………….to Jim.
a) belong
b) belonga
c) belonging
d) to belong
132- My sister insisted that I ………..her two kids to the zoo, and so
we went.
a) take
b) taking
c) takes
d) took
133- Joe wouldn't come right out and say it, but he certainly……………
that I wasn't doing my share of the work.
a) implied
b) insisted
c) declared
d) confessed

134- In the collision, one rear tire was punctured, …………the rear
bumper was dented.
a) however
b) moreover
c) nevertheless
d) therefore
135- Carlton will eat ……………….anything.
a) just about
b) even so
c) only just
d) not often
136- A famous poet said that ……thing of beauty is ……….joy forever.
a) the , the
b) a, the
c) the, a
d) a , a
137- The exchange rate between the Mexican peso and remained
very …………….for many years. There wasn't change at all.
a) stable
b) mature
c) adept
d) recent
138- I want you to …….that Mr. Jackson's money is credited to his
account by tomorrow.
a) display
b) ensure
c) engage
d) dismiss

139- The problem could ………..long ago.
a) have been solved
b) solve
c) be solving
d) have solved
140- I don't like to do all this record keeping, it's a …………………..
a) nuisance
b) privilege
c) delight
d) sample
141- From Berlin comes word of the arrest last week of – well. We'll
call him Karl. His crime: being involved in a minor traffic
accident in which he was driving without a license. Normally,
this wouldn't raise eyebrows. After all, police in the German
capital deal with far more serious offenses every day. Still, Karl's
case is noteworthy because for years he has been earning his
living as a driving instructor. He flunked his first road test in
1961 and never went back because " I was too afraid to try
again. " He has since schooled more than 1,000 people in the
fine points of operating a motor vehicle. No word on whether
they'll have to be retaught.

According to the paragraph, Karl……………. .

a) was innocent driving without a license

b) flunked out of police training
c) was not qualified to teach driving
d) taught over 1,000 policemen how to drive

142- One of my pet peeves is ……..dirty clothes on the bathroom
a) find
b) found
c) finding
d) finds
143- What a bad ……………..he's in! it would be wise avoid him today.
a) mode
b) mood
c) medium
d) moment
144- The popular old nightclub, ……….with tourists did not meet the
fire safety regulations.
a) jam
b) jams
c) jamming
d) jammed
145- When walking a tightrope acrobats carry a long pole to help
them ……..their balances.
a) prepare
b) reserve
c) advance
d) maintain
146- Although the student didn't agree with his teacher's advice, he
………..agreed to follow it.
a) remotely
b) suggestively
c) Contrarily
d) reluctantly

147- Captain Barker exercised …………..superior judgment as
company commander
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article needed
148- The teacher had corrected the same student errors many times,
………………… her exasperation.
a) otherwise
b) besides
c) hence
d) instead
149- …………..investing in ……..stock market requires intelligence are
nerves of steel.
a) An, ………..
b) The, the
c) The, a
d) ….. , the
150- When you write a research paper, you must ………..the sources
you used.
a) shred
b) print
c) burn
d) cite
151- After a major accident occurred, the main highway was ……….
With stalled traffic.
a) stung
b) wrung
c) grabbed
d) choked

152- Hopefully, Ms. Simmon's report will ……………persistent rumors
about unsafe playground equipment.
a) violate
b) implement
c) dispel
d) manipulate
153- My parents think my friends are a bad ………………………….on me.
a) monopoly
b) authority
c) attraction
d) influence
154- Carl used a…………………………… to dig the hole in the garden.
a) shovel
b) hose
c) rope
d) string
155- To learn how to clean that properly, you …….by a professional.
a) must instruct
b) must be instructed
c) must have instructed
d) must be instructing
156- What with supplying 70 percent Russia's electricity, Unified
Energy System already had plenty to keep it busy before taking
on a new last week: trying to undo the public relations damage
done by its affiliate in the city of Vladivostok. That became
necessary after the affiliate announced it would confiscate the
pets of customers who were behind in their bill until they paid
up. Said its manager : " let the father answer his daughter's
questions as to why her cat has been taken away" . " No, no,
no!" said the parent company in an immediately contradiction:
No four – footed friends will be taken away".
The Unified Energy System affiliate in Vladivostok……………
a) Developed a program to help rescue lost pets
b) Was sued by a customer whose pet was killed
c) Was reprimanded for its bill collection tactics
d) Wanted to confiscate the homes of people who owed money
157- The indigent man …….…….against the flu, thanks to the free
a) is vaccinating
b) Vaccinates
c) will have been vaccinating
d) will get vaccinated
158- We couldn't see the road ………the fog.
a) by
b) on
c) to
d) for
159- From a letter a magazine editor:

As a New York who regularly used Central Park, I anticipated

with some concern Christo and Jeanne Claude's installation of
the art exhibit called " The Gates". The day after the piece
opened, I visited the park. I can relate that " The Gates" has all
the charm of my neighbor's shower curtains hanging on a
clothesline, and has brought the color of construction site
safety netting to the park's winter scene.

From this letter we can infer that the author…………..

a) does not like the art exhibit

b) thinks the exhibit is charming
c) is tired of construction in the park
d) thinks the park should close for the winter

160- The portion of atmosphere above any country is called its
a) airpower
b) airspace
c) airstream
d) air mass
161- New pilots must have ………………acute vision.
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article needed
162- Does your son enjoy ………… that rock band?
a) play
b) plays
c) playing
d) to play
163- This man will be prosecuted to the full ……….of the law.
a) example
b) expression
c) extend
d) existence
164- …………the accused has been guilty of murder in the first degree,
the punishment will be severe.
a) In order that
b) So that
c) Whereas
d) Unless

165- I suggest that we not …………ourselves to become alarmed
based on such unreliable evidence.
a) allow
b) allowed
c) allowing
d) to allow
166- Are those devices……………………………… to the hardware?
a) attach
b) attaches
c) attaching
d) attached
167- Unless you ,r hungry right now, we can …………………………………
a) get a bite to eat
b) eat a little later
c) ask for a menu
d) finish our meal
168- The paint began to flake.
a) chip
b) drip
c) fade
d) run
169- The divorces was granted ………………….that there were
irreconcilable differences.
a) in the hope
b) to the end
c) on the grounds
d) for the purpose

170- The pilot is very ………………in running his pre-flight checklist. He
does it exactly the same way every time.
a) powerful
b) methodical
c) moderate
d) selfish
171- Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating assumed the briefcase he
lost on a 1989 plane trip was gone for good. Until, that is, it
arrived in the mail earlier this month (Nov.. 2002) from a United
Airlines security office with Christmas gifts for mother –in law
still wrapped inside. She'll get them now for thanksgiving. Said a
United spokesman: : We're glad we got it back to him. Sorry it
took 13 years.

The underlined word in the paragraph refers to ……………………..

a) losing the briefcase

b) the gift
c) Thanksgiving
d) returning the case
172- …………..the test was very old, the test administrator halted its
further use.
a) Although
b) That
c) Therefore
d) Since
173- If it …… election year, the government pave the roads.
a) Is
b) Was
c) Had been
d) Is being

174- The refugees were living in ………………conditions.
a) hysterical
b) deplorable
c) reluctant
d) ravenous
175- The little child couldn't lift the ………………ball.
a) bowl
b) bowls
c) bowled
d) bowling
176- …………..the project is not a viable option.
a) abandon
b) abandons
c) abandoned
d) abandoning
177- I didn't see ………………… I knew at the dance.
a) someone
b) no one
c) something
d) anybody
178- The student's father tried to …………his son's bad academic
record by drawing the principal's attention to the boy's great
athletic achievements.
a) run with
b) fall below
c) dredge up
d) gloss over

179- Please return ……………..books in two weeks.
a) This
b) These
c) Them
d) That
180- The suspect refused…………..
a) cooperate
b) cooperated
c) cooperating
d) to cooperate
181- Everything went well at the reception …………..the caterers did
not deliver enough food.
a) save that
b) unless
c) so that
d) provided
182- Mark shuddered …………that though of losing his job.
a) of
b) at
c) to
d) in
183- Water from the storm ……..completely inundated the island.
a) surge
b) blare
c) flare
d) merge
184- I don't want to stay here, ………… I want to return home.
a) And
b) For
c) Nor
d) But
185- Those tasks ought to …………a long time ago.
a) finish
b) be finished
c) have finished
d) have been finished
186- That agency is known for giving people the run around
a) rapid promotions
b) poor service
c) salary increases
d) long work hours
187- Major Roberts ……………….finish yesterday.
a) will
b) had to
c) must
d) ought to
188- The orchestra divided into …………….each one containing a
different family of instruments.
a) regions
b) districts
c) Sections
d) particles
189- Frank won't read these, …………………..?
a) will he
b) won't he
c) doesn't he
d) does he
190- …………you hand me that book , please?
a) Should
b) Must
c) Could
d) may
191- The detective reported that the homicide had occurred prior
……….the accident.
a) on
b) to
c) until
d) since
192- I needed to know the time, so I ………… the clock.
a) laughed
b) trembled
c) glanced
d) fired
193- Mrs. Jenkins smiled as her son waved goodbye to ………………..
a) herself
b) her
c) hers
d) she
194- Mark runs in the next race, ………………………………..?
a) he does
b) doesn't he
c) won't he
d) he will
195- it will be necessary ……………all the doors by 9:00 p.m.
a) lock
b) locked
c) locking
d) to lock
196- I ………… toe in the edge of the carpet and fell.
a) Stubbed
b) Inched
c) Shoved
d) Slipped
197- We ……………..ever see him anymore.
a) scarce
b) scarcely
c) scarcer
d) scarcest
198- The store ………………by the time we get there.
a) had been closing
b) will have closed
c) had closing
d) is closing
199- Joyce: Where do the Mississippi and Missouri rivers come
Lany: Their ………………….is in St. Louis, Missouri.
a) influence
b) confluence
c) affluence
d) benevolence
200- The roar of the military guns was ………………. .
a) defying
b) deafening
c) demeaning
d) despairing
201- Ron: Are these procedures standard?
Diane: No, they're not in compliance with the established policy
they're highly
a) conventional
b) routine
c) irregular
d) traditional

202- The detective reported that the homicide had occurred prior
………….……..the accident.
a) on
b) to
c) until
d) since
203- ………………………this cord gets very hot, it won't ignite.
a) Even if
b) Regardless of
c) Even so
d) No matter
204- China and Japan are preparing for …………negotiations between
their two leaders in Beijing.
a) unilateral
b) quadrilateral
c) bilateral
d) multilateral
205- I don't know why one of my twin sons is so much more ………
accidents than the other is.
a) akin
b) prone
c) tilted
d) prompted
206- I …………………through the files in every drawer, but I just
couldn't find my passport.
a) combed
b) sliced
c) pitched
d) hauled

207- At the sanctuary, a ………….of animals will approach your car as
you enter the gate.
a) Squad
b) delegation
c) horde
d) crew
208- you look so tired! You really …………..get more sleep.
a) are about to
b) are going to
c) ought to
d) would rather
209- Sally: How are you progressing in school?
Jane: I'm ………..nicely.
a) giving in
b) taking off
c) wearing out
d) getting along
210- The man ……………. of assault with a deadly weapon.
a) was convicted
b) will convict
c) is convicting
d) convicted
211- The court took a …………………….for one hour.
a) pledge
b) verdict
c) mandate
d) recess

212- Mr. Burns entered the dark hotel room and ……………for the light
a) pinched
b) groped
c) pressed
d) stroked
213- Al: Wow, the discussion at the meeting was really heated.
Sue: Yes, it was so ………………..that I felt drained when it ended.
a) relaxed
b) intense
c) creative
d) repressed
214- A chemical …………..consists of two or more ingredients.
a) crisis
b) conversion
c) compound
d) component
215- in distance running, the challenge is ………oneself.
a) to pace
b) to pacing
c) pace
d) paced
216- The ……………equinox occurs in March of every year.
a) tidal
b) lunar
c) external
d) vernal

217- We ……………..ever see him anymore.
a) Scarce
b) Scarcely
c) Scarcer
d) Scarcest
218- Mark shuddered …………the thought of losing his job.
a) of
b) at
c) to
d) in
219- …………… that there might be peace in the region, the parties
made a truce.
a) in order
b) despite the fact
c) beside the fact
d) given
220- You stay here and save our seats for the movie …………I go to
buy popcorn.
a) while
b) after
c) before
d) since
221- The manager sent several workers home changer their clothes
because he felt they were …………..dressed.
a) inarticulately
b) inactively
c) inadvertently
d) inappropriately

222- The mechanic slipped and fell on the floor.
a) greasily
b) most greasy
c) greasy
d) more greasily
223- Several political candidates have spoken out …………..the
a) unlike
b) pending
c) against
d) without
224- ……………….you still going to the party tomorrow?
a) Have
b) Do
c) Can
d) Are
225- The refugees were living in ……………….conditions.
a) hysterical
b) deplorable
c) reluctant
d) ravenous
226- I would sell my truck if I ……………....that I could get a good price
for it.
a) thought
b) will be thinking
c) am thinking
d) will think

227- The store ……………….by the time we get there.
a) Had been closing
b) Will have closed
c) Had closed
d) Is closing
228- In the pioneer days of American history, people traveled across
the plains in covered…………………………….
a) vans
b) sleds
c) wagons
d) canoes
229- I ………………through the files in every drawer, but I just couldn't
find my passport.
a) combed
b) sliced
c) pitched
d) hauled
230- I ………………my toe on the edge of the carpet and fell.
a) stubbed
b) inched
c) shoved
d) slipped
231- your son is …………… son.
a) tall as
b) as tall
c) as tall as
d) taller

232- Our football team lost …………….last night.
a) Bad
b) Worst
c) Badly
d) Worse
233- They considered ……………to Chicago instead of taking the plane.
a) to drive
b) drive
c) drove
d) driving
234- After the kill, the lion ……………on the antelope and then didn't
eat for days.
a) limped
b) roared
c) gorged
d) slumbered
235- Government cannot ………..upon a person's constitutional rights.
a) injure
b) inflate
c) infringe
d) influence
236- I can't use regular soap because I have ……….skin.
a) sensory
b) sensible
c) senseless
d) sensitive
237- I should have this dirty coat………………………….. .
a) cleaned
b) is cleaned
c) cleaning
d) cleans
238- As soon as I saw the present, I thought it ………………have come
from my mother. She always gives me ties.
a) should
b) must
c) can
d) will
239- The association that judges the worthiness of entries for the
Guinness Book of World Records is awaiting Jim Hager's
application. The Oakland, California, resident hoped to qualify
for his feat last weekend: gobbling 115 M&Ms in three minutes
in an event sponsored by a local shop. But wait, you say that
doesn't sound like very many. Perhaps not …until you learn that
the criteria for this category call for carrying the little candy –
coated chocolate to the mouth one at a time with wooden
chopsticks. Oh the current record:112 .

The underlined word in the paragraph refers to ……………….. .

a) one at a time
b) three minutes
c) 112 M&Ms
d) 115M&Ms
240- What an experience it must have been for a Japanese of – ah-
mature years as he set off in his pickup truck earlier this week
to visit relatives north of Tokyo. His route was a busy three –
lane expressway he's never driven before. Alas, it dawned on
him that he's missed the desired exit. Solution : a U-turn. For
the next 15 miles, he sped along at 60 m.p.h. into oncoming
traffic, apparently never noticing the police cruisers singling
frantically tor him to pull over. Except for a minor sideswiping of
one other vehicle, there were no accidents or injuries. No word
on whether he'll be taking the bus from now on.
According to the paragraph, the driver …………………… .
a) Collided with a bus north of Tokyo.
b) Near caused a major car accident
c) Singled frantically to police for help
d) was ticketed by police for speeding
241- It is hardly surprising that a lengthy sequence of letters or a
shoebox of leather – bound diaries will enhance what's known
of an epoch. The wonder is that seemingly insubstantial items a
shopping list, a bill of sale, a menu, a Christmas card – bear a
burden of meaning, too. In every rushed or measured line, in
the scrawl or precision of the script, emendations and second
guesses, in sentences that sit gracefully on the page or loop
about its edges, you can discern the character of an individual
The main idea of this paragraph is the ………………………….. .
a) importance of practicing good penmanship
b) historical value of the minutes of life
c) difficulty of preserving insubstantial artifacts
d) insignificance of preserving letters and diaries
242- How important is time off from work to you? If you're British,
the answer may be: not very. Results of a new national survey
found that 18 percent of respondents don't take the vacation
they're entitled to; usually four weeks. The reasons ranged from
" I can't afford it" to " this makes it harder for my employer to
phase out my job." But 10 percent of those replying said they'd
miss their work because it is so enjoyable.
According to the paragraph,……………………………
a) 18 percent Britons don't get vacations
b) A majority of Britons are afraid to take vacations
c) Some Britons like their work better than vacationing
d) Britons are demanding more vacation time from work

243- One of the most valuable objects that the Smithsonian History
Museum preserves in its collection is the U.S. flag that flew
above Ft. McMenry in 1814. In the summer of that year, the
British attacked and burned many of the buildings in
Washington, D.C. They then tried to destroy Fort McHenry,
located in the seaport of Baltimore. However, after
withstanding a tremendous naval bombardment and attempted
invasion for two days, the Americans were finally able to repel
the attack. When Francis Scott Key saw the American flag still
flying over the fort after the battle, he was inspired to write the
words of the Star Spangled Banner, which would become the
nation's anthem in 1931.
According to the paragraph …………….in 1814.
a) Fort McHenry was in Washington, D.C.
b) the British destroyed the Smithsonian Museum
c) the U.S national anthem was written
d) Francis Scott key led the British
244- Effective June 1, the Community College of the Air Force will no
longer accept photocopies of approved certificates, licenses,
and registries from students to award credit. The procedure to
receive CCAF credit for degree – applicable credentials is for the
student to request an official letter from the issuing agency. It is
the student's responsibility to contact the agency and to order
the official letter.

The underlined word in the paragraph refers to ………………….. .

a) the letter
b) the certificate
c) the agency
d) none of the above

245- From the town of Aigle, in the French – speaking sector of
Switzerland, comes word that a woman hailed a taxi one day
last week, and paid a fare of $29.15 so she could catch to a train
that had pulled out of the station before she was able to board
it. (Swiss trains are famous for their punctuality) Happily, the
driver got her to Bex, about six miles down the line, in time.
Now, normally, this wouldn't qualify as unusual, but in this case
it does. You see, the woman in question was the conductor, and
in her absence the train had made the trip with tis doors open.
No word on whether she still had a job after the incident was
reported to her superiors.

According to the paragraph, the train conductor …………………

a) missed her train at one stop

b) had to drive the train
c) forgot to got to work
d) started her train at the wrong time
246- The edition of the Oxford Dictionary of English have selected
3,000 new entries for their latest edition. The largest one –
volume collection of words and phrases in the language drawn
on such sources as the internet, newspapers TV scripts and
scholarly journals to find candidates. Even then, each must be
widely known and must have stood the test of time. So which
new entry seems to be causing the most comment? That would
be ….bada big, which is defined as "an exclamation to
emphasize that something will happen effortlessly and
predictably." Its source? The hit cable TV series " the sopranos"

The underlined word in the paragraph refers to ………………

a) TV scripts
b) The internet

c) Bada bing
d) The Oxford Dictionary
247- A village fire captain said he's never seen a blaze as unique as
this. A Fort Summer, New Mexico, man said he caught a mouse
inside his house and wanted to get rid of it. He had a pile of
leaves burning outside, so he threw the mouse on it. The mouse
caught fire and ran back into the house, said the 81 – year old
man who talked about the event from a hotel room. He claims
the blaze the mouse started destroyed his home and everything
inside it.

What is unique about this story?

a) A fire captain burned down the house of an 81 – year old

b) An 81 – year old man claims a mouse burned down his
c) An 81 – year old man saved a mouse from a burning house.
d) A man's pet mouse set fire to a pile of leaves.
248- The intramural softball season is now in its second week.
Games are scheduled for Monday through Thursday at diamond
three. There are three leagues, with each developed for a
different level of competition. Anyone interested in paying
should contact the intramural sports office.

The underlined word in the paragraph refers to the ……………

a) game
b) league
c) diamond
d) season

249- in Poing, Germany, jail inmate Maria Brunner is hoping her
husband can't raise the money to cover the fine that landed her
behind bars. Yes , you read that correctly. Hubby, you see, was
ticketed for illegally parking her car, but failed to tell her. As
time went by without the penalty's having been paid, it rose to
$4,700 – far beyond what she could afford as a mother of three
young children and a part – time worker cleaning other people's
houses. Did we mention that her spouse is unemployed and, in
Maria's words, " lazy"? jail time, she added, " means I can finally
get some res without having to cook, wash, and clean for
everyone." Said one of the police officers sent to arrest her,
"She seemed really happy to see us."

According to the paragraph, Maria Brunner …………………….

a) was innocent, but had to go to jail

b) had to wash and clean the jail in Poing
c) paid $4,700 to bail herself out of jail
d) didn't pay her fine because she was unemployed
250- Ah, Miami in the summertime: temperatures in the 90,s, heat
waves boiling up from asphalt streets, sidewalks, and the steel
benches at bus stops. Steel benches? Y up. Despite warnings
that in sunny weather they'd be like a gas grill with all its
burners firing, city planners okayed 1,500 new ones to replace
wood – and – concrete seating. Not surprisingly, installation has
been halted after just 150.

The main topic of this paragraph is …………………. .

a) bureaucratic incompetence
b) the weather in Miami
c) the management of bus lines
d) urban street maintenance

251- My mother found …………vase in the attic.
a) an old, Chinese, ugly
b) an ugly, old, Chinese
c) a Chinese, old, ugly
d) a Chinese, ugly, old
252- Ken: Are you planning to take a vacation this summer?
Sue: No, I've already used up all my …………………………..
a) groceries
b) gasoline
c) ideas
d) leave
253- A famous poet said that ………………..thing of beauty is ………
a) the, the
b) a, the
c) the, a
d) a, a
254- Since he doesn't use pesticides tom grown ……………vegetables.
a) organic
b) organist
c) organism
d) organize
255- It wasn't easy for the widow ……….her children alone.
a) raises
b) raised
c) to raise
d) raise

256- Her daughter's wedding was a very …………….event for Janice.
She cried throughout the entire ceremony.
a) rational
b) affectionate
c) impulsive
d) emotional
257- If we obtain emergency funds. We …………..that equipment.
a) have ordered
b) can order
c) had ordered
d) order
258- The money my mother left ………….us to take a trip.
a) enabled
b) excluded
c) encountered
d) exerted
259- The only way for us to save money is ………….carefully.
a) budget
b) budgets
c) to budget
d) budgeted
260- You …………..too hard lately; you look worn out.
a) will be working
b) were working
c) have been working
d) had been working
261- Mom won't let me borrow her dress on Saturday night …………I
agree to do the household chores on Sunday.
a) although
b) since
c) provided
d) unless
262- ……………………the planning committee announced the next
guest speaker?
a) Has
b) Can
c) Does
d) May
263- As the exhausted swimmer dragged himself ashore, he ……….for
a) grasped
b) gasped
c) gripped
d) groped
264- Ada: I need someone to help me address envelopes.
Joe: I ……………be happy to help.
a) can
b) must
c) would
d) could
265- I didn't see …………I knew at the dance.
a) someone
b) no one
c) something
d) anybody
266- My sister insisted that I ………her two kinds to the zoo, and so
we went.
a) take
b) taking
c) takes
d) took

267- Go ahead, call Jose Genoino vain. He won't disagree, especially
since his concern over his appearance has kept him from being
kidnapped and robbed. As we pick up the story, Brazil's ruling
workers , party Chief and adviser to the new President, Luis
Inacio da Silva, and ride to da chief as up the story, Brazis uli a
Silva, was about to join his driver and an aide for the TV studio,
where he was to appear on a talk show. But he forget the comb
he uses to primp for such appearances and went back to
retrieve it from his Sao Paulo apartment. As he did, thugs
commanded the waiting car, leaving Genoino stranded. The
aide and driver were freed later, minus all their cash.
According to the paragraph…..,
a) Brazil's President was kidnapped.
b) Genoino escaped a crime attempt.
c) President da Silva is a vain man.
d) Genoino,s driver was killed.
268- History teacher us that those who are not willing to learn from
their mistake are ……….. to repeat them.
a) destined.
b) unlikely.
c) anxious.
d) tempted.
269- Nichole …………..Carl,s proposal of marriage for several days
before she gave him her answer.
a) estimated.
b) resolved.
c) pondered.
d) persuaded.

270- Lt. Johnson sent some troops to …………..the territory.
a) Step up
b) Fill in
c) Run down
d) Scout out
271- The ………………of the fuel gauge was in the red, indicating that
the car was almost out of gas.
a) probe
b) stick
c) needle
d) barb
272- The Smiths are out of town for the week because the pesticide
company ……….their home all day tomorrow.
a) will be fumigating
b) will have been fumigating
c) has been fumigating
d) had been fumigating
273- Our Project would be doomed if anyone ……………that piece of
a) is stolen
b) can steal
c) were to steal
d) will steal
274- He asked me if I ……….consider taking the job.
a) can
b) ought
c) would
d) may

275- Did you know that Dr. Moore ………… the new department
a) has been appointed
b) appoints
c) will have been appointing
d) has been appointing
276- The unidentified victim who in the auto accident was
transported to the ………………. .
a) television station
b) police station
c) municipal morgue
d) veterinary clinic
277- Earlier this month, police in northern Denmark found
themselves involved in an unusual case involving a vehicle that
been stolen. What was odd was the they were appealed to for
help by of all people, the thieves. It seems culprits became
afraid for their safety the angry owner emerged from his house,
climbed into his other car, and took up the chase.

According to the paragraph………………………….

a) two thieves asked a homeowner for protection from the

b) citizens groups are being formed to help catch car thieves.
c) fearful car thieves turned to the police for protection.
d) Police arrested two notorious car thieves.
278- The magazine article Eurekar about the role of serendipity in
invention. Cited only male inventors. But consider chemist
patsy Sherman, who was inducted into the national inventors
hall of fame in 2001. While trying to improve gasoline hoses at
3M, she spilled a chemical Polymer on her sneaker. She noticed
that the area covered by the chemical remained cleaner than
the rest of her shoe, even after many washings. Thus, she came
upon the idea for scotch guard, the fabric protector. The
intention of the author of this letter is to …………
a) Promote the sale scotch guard.
b) Try improve gasoline house.
c) Correct an oversight by the magazine.
d) Recommend women for the hall of fame.
279- Those flower will ………….if you don't put them in water.
a) warp
b) corrode
c) wilt
d) burst
280- Mr. Walters is a skinflint.
a) very skinny
b) Abad person
c) a wise person
d) very stingy
281- The trick to opening this lock is ……….the key.
a) to jiggle
b) Jiggle
c) Jiggles
d) to jiggling
282- Carl parked ……………..between the two buildings.
a) central
b) middle
c) midway
d) intermediate

283- Have you seen the this morning? There were four major natural
disasters on the west coast.
a) headlines
b) editorials
c) classifieds
d) funnies
284- Ming Ming, the world's oldest giant panda generated headlines
when she died of kidney failure at the age of 34. According to
the WWF, the nature conservation group whose logo famously
features a giant panda, wild pandas live 15 years on average.
Thanks to improved nutrition and medical care, those in
captivity can live much longer.

According to the paragraph, Ming Ming ………………….. .

a) died of malnutrition.
b) Lived to age 15.
c) Lived longer than most pandas.
d) Escaped from captivity.
285- That …………….be policy, but it no longer is.
a) would
b) had rather
c) is supposed
d) used to
286- James is ……………… the legal age for voting.
a) onto
b) along
c) Under
d) Before

287- In this story, a frog changes …………..a prince.
a) into
b) for
c) over
d) by
288- Select the correct sentence.
a) Jason won't ever because he's afraid of the dark sleep by
b) Jason because he's afraid of the dark ever won't sleep by
c) Jason ever won't sleep by himself because he's afraid of the
d) Jason won't ever sleep by himself because he's afraid of the
289- The plumber fixed the faucet using a strange ………………………..
a) Organism
b) Gadget
c) Expression
d) Weapon
290- I ……………….. to the left before I turned.
a) am to look
b) should be looking
c) will be looking
d) should have looked
291- Drizzle caused the roads ………………slippery.
a) can be
b) be
c) are
d) to be

292- The …………………..of the apartment complex had to move out
after the fire.
a) contracts
b) statues
c) obstructions
d) occupants
293- The patrol was …………………by guerrillas hiding in trees along the
a) withdrawn
b) drafted
c) ambushed
d) notified
294- I didn't do it ……………I wanted to.
a) unless
b) so
c) since
d) although
295- The climbers were jubilant after their ………..of the mountain
a) construction
b) destruction
c) descent
d) conquest
296- Why is the bird …………….at the window?
a) Snapping
b) barking
c) snorting
d) pecking

297- Paul ………………………to be a U.S senator.
a) inspires
b) respires
c) perspires
d) aspires
298- Richard was …………out of a lot of money by tow con men.
a) swindled
b) pushed
c) traded
d) distilled
299- Terry: bobby is very conscientious about his work.
Chris: I know. He always …………………………. .
a) forgets things
b) does his best
c) seems very happy
d) changes his mind
300- Charles needs five ……………….to fasten the part of the table
a) beads
b) saws
c) balls
d) screws
301- The governor will ……………..someone to fill the position until
new elections can be held.
a) designate
302- The captain was licked ……..…the army for refusing to obey an order.
a) off of
b) out of
c) from
d) back
303- The works of Marlowe. Like those of Shakespeare,
………….famous in English.
a) being
b) is
c) be
d) are
304- By the time my children reach college age. The tuition ………..up
another 50%.
a) has gone
b) will have gone
c) has been going
d) is going


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