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Chemical signals act over short and long distances. Hormones are released bz vesicles and
picked up by capillaries. Hormone can only act on the cell that has specific receptors. Hormones
are produces and released from ENDOCRINE cells to the blood. 1 hormone can have multiple
effects/ act on multiple cell types.
In neuro cells the transmittion is local there is no blood involved. Neuroendocrine cells are cells
that look like neuro cells but release shit into blood.
Hormone can act on neighbouring cells, itself or long distance.
Main glands in vertebrates: pineal gland(melatonin), pituitary gland below hipothalamus(they
communicate), thyroid gland, parathyoid gland behind it, thymus gland, heart, stomach, adrenal
glands, pancreas(insuline and glucagone),ovaries / testis (sex hormones).
3 major classes of hormones:
-polypeptides/proteins(AA chains), water soluble(ex.insulin)
-amines, made of tyrosine/ tryptopha, mainly water soluble(ex.noradrenaline)
-steroids, made from cholesterol(ex.estrogen)
-cell surface receptors(G protein, enzyme linked), primarily watersoluble hormones
-intracellular receptors(affect gene expression): they can be located in nucleus or just in
cytoplasma, nuclear or cytoplasmatic receptors
Synthesis of peptide hormones: Ex. Insulin
Crack, after its cleaved its proinsulin and before cleaving its Preproinsulin. In golgi S-S bridges
are formed. IDK human insuline has 51 AA.
Insulin is released in the blood when there are high glucose lvls. Its produced in the pancreas in
the islets of Langerhans in specific beta cells. Islets of langerhsn secrete hormones into blood
vessels and some acinar cells secrete …
Insulin lowers blood sugar lvls, glucagon increases blood sugar lvls. Diabetes can cause
destruction of beta cells, so no ir too little insuline production.
Pregnenolone goes to smooth ER which in different tissues produce diff steroid hormones.
The amines : T3,T4 metamorphosis in amphibians but also T control, metabolism…
Hypothalamus- pituitary. posterior pituitary is formed from hypothalamus and is neural tissue
and anterior pituitary is endocrine tissue formed from roof of the mouth. Median eminence is
interface between hypothalamus and pituitary, so ewe can have signals going to the body.
In hypothalamus we have neurosecretory cells,
Hormones of pituitary: Prolactin PRL milk oroduction in mammals and osmoregulation in fish.
Growth hormone GH, muscle and bone growth. Gonadotropins FSH,LH in ovaries and testes.
ADH antidiaretic hormone production of urine.
The adrenal gland: produces hormones important for ion and water balance from cortex and they
are steroid hormones. Medulla is nervous regulation and responsible for adrenaline and
HPA hypothalamic pituitary adrenal gland axis:
-input is stress or cardian rhythm then goes to hypothalamus and increases CRH then anterior
pituitary , ACTH goes to adrenal cortex and cortisol goes to general circulation. Those red
arrows are inhibiting actions – negative feedback.
The physiological stress response: adrenal gland and target tissues muscle heart liver. SO stress
goes to sympathetic nervous system and drenal medulla and adrenaline and noradrenaline get
secreted into blood. At the same time but slower CRH and ACTH are also secreted and cortisol
gets released. Effect of these 2 shits is energy balance and cardiovascular respiration effect –
that’s secondary effect. Tertiary effects chronic stress.
Endocrine control of water and salt balance. ADH. Aldosterone- salt thirst keeps Na+ in boody.
The renin angiotensin system stimulates aldosterone. Atrial natriuretic hormone secretion of
water and na+.
ANP promotes blood pressure regulation
Hormonal regulation of calcium in blood
3 hormones important : calcitonin, parathyroid, vitamin D- calcitriol which is active form of vit
Ca2+ imbalance: if we have too high Ca2+ thyroid gland reacts. Thyroid secrets calcitonin that
inhibits osteoclasts and Ca2+ removed from the blood and new bone built. If Ca2+ conc is too
low. On the back side of the thyroid there are parathyroid glands and they secrete parathyroid
hormone PTH. PTH can increase Ca2+ absorption thru vit D or it will breakdown of bone oa
blood ca2+ lvl can rise.
Endocrine system of insects
Corpora cardiaca– PTTH produced in brain and it stimulates secretion of ecdysone.
Molting and metamorphosis

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