Lesson C World Geography

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Lesson C World geography

1. Look at the pictures. Then drag and drop the correct words Available points: 6

for geographical features to label the pictures.

Score: 6 out of 6

1. ✓ river 2. ✓ rain forest 3. ✓ valley

4. ✓ lake 5. ✓ ocean 6. ✓ desert

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2. Type the correct words for geographical features to complete Available points: 7
the sentences. You can use each word once.

Score: 7 out of 7

desert island lake Ocean Rain Forest River valley waterfall

1. The Nile River is 6,650 kilometers long.

2. A desert is extremely dry and hot.
3. We swam in a small lake on vacation.
4. The Indian ocean has less water than the Atlantic or Pacific.
5. Maui is a beautiful island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean.
6. I went to the Amazon rain forest  last winter. The trees and other plants were beautiful, and I saw a lot of animals, but it really

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rained a lot!
7. When we went camping last summer, we put up our tent in a valley next to a river. Every morning, we looked up at the
mountains all around us. It was great!
8. The most famous waterfall in the United States is Niagara Falls.

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3. Type the correct superlative forms of the adjectives in Available points: 9

parentheses to complete the text.

Score: 9 out of 9

Yosemite National Park is one of the most beautiful (beautiful) parks in the United States, and it’s one of

the largest (large) parks in California. There are many interesting geographical features in

Yosemite. Yosemite Valley is the most popular (popular) place to visit in the park. It’s easy to walk

around in the valley. Tuolumne River is the longest (long) river in the park, and there are many river

trips you can take. There are also many waterfalls to see in the park. Yosemite Falls is the highest

(high) waterfall. Chilnualna Falls is one of the most difficult (difficult) to see because it’s behind


January, February, and March are the wettest (wet) months in Yosemite. Spring is

the best (good) season to see waterfalls. Summer is the hottest (hot) season, and it’s

also the busiest (busy) season. There aren’t many visitors in the park in the winter because it’s

very cold.

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4. Look at the chart. Choose the correct country to complete Available points: 5

each sentence.

Score: 5 out of 5

1.   Cuba has the most land.

2.   Cuba has the most people.

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3.   The Dominican Republic gets the most rain each year.

4.   Aruba has the most official languages.

5.   Cuba has the most TV stations.

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5. Type the superlative forms of the underlined words to Available points: 6

complete the sentences.

Score: 6 out of 6

1. A:
We’re going to New Guinea this year. It’s an extremely large island.

Yes, it is. But Greenland is the largest island in the world.

2. A: This street has a lot of cars. Is there always this much traffic?

B: Yes, First Avenue gets the most traffic in the city.

3. A: My uncle does research in the Antarctic Desert, and he says it’s really


B: I know. The Antarctic Desert is the coldest desert in the


4. A: What a great day! Let’s sit in the sunshine.

B: OK. This is the most sunshine we’ve had all summer!

5. A: Wow, this is beautiful! We’re up so high. What a great view!

B: Did you know Lake Titicaca is one of the highest lakes in the


6. A: I’m going to Japan. Where is a good place to see temples?

B: I think Kyoto is one of the best places to see temples in


7. A: I’m tired of being wet on this vacation! It has rained every day on this


B: Well, May is usually the wettest month in this city.

8. A: How many people live in New York?

B: Over 8 million. It’s the city in the United States with

the most people .

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