LC23 Online Nicky and Pippa Hosting Scripts - LC23 Online v3

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Worship ends: “...Praise forever to the King of Kings.”

PIPPA: (PRAYER) Lord Jesus, we worship you, we honour you, we hail you King.
We thank you that you love your church, that you love your people and that you
are here amongst us today.

We’re so grateful to you. We love you. Come, pour out your spirit here and to
each and every person who is joining us online from around the world. We long to
have more of you Jesus. We just want to be in your presence. Be with us today.

In Jesus name, Amen.

NICKY: (WELCOME) We want to give a very warm welcome to everyone joining us

around the world for the Leadership Conference Online 2023!

Earlier in the month we had 5000 people in the Royal Albert Hall for the in-person
event and today we are excited to welcome people joining us online across all the
main Christian denominations including Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant,
Pentecostal... all one in Christ Jesus.

We’re hosting this online conference four times and we’re excited to welcome
people from 120 countries around the world, in the Americas, Europe, the Middle
East, Africa and Asia, from Canada, to Columbia, South Africa, South Sudan, South
Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Jordan, Germany, Egypt, Indonesia...

NICKY CONTD: (BE EXPECTANT) We can be expectant that God is speaking,

uniquely to you and pouring out his love upon you. He is with you right now in
your churches, in your homes, your office, wherever you are, whatever your

PIPPA: (RECEIVE PRAYER) Each one of you is so precious to God and whatever
you are going through, wherever you at, our hope is that this time together will
be an opportunity for you to meet with God. If at any time you would like prayer,
we have a team waiting in the chat to pray with and for you. Or if you are
gathered as a group, we encourage you to take the opportunity to pray among
yourselves. Ultimately, please don’t leave today without someone praying for you
and being met by the Spirit of God.

NICKY: (VISION) This conference is hosted by Alpha and it is a conference with a

vision and a purpose. The vision for this conference is the Evangelisation of the
Nations, the Revitalisation of the Church, and the Transformation of Society. And
this is a very special and exciting year as it is the launch of our 2033 vision, which
we can all be involved in and I'll be sharing more on this very shortly.

PIPPA: We have some great speakers coming up and although this is a shorter,
edited version of the conference, we will be adding more content from the
conference to the LC website for you to watch back at a later time. Including the
full-length version of the talk from our next speaker - it’s Nicky Gumbel!




PIPPA: What a fascinating conversation with Anthony and Chloe. So interesting

and helpful.

NICKY: At this stage of the conference, you've already heard us talk about Alpha
and if you haven’t heard of Alpha - it’s just a very simple, easy way of introducing
people like your friends or family, a colleague or school friend to the Christian

People run Alpha courses through the local church, or in their workplaces,
schools, colleges, prisons and across all the main Christian denominations,
including Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches. Pippa and I are now
hosting our 98th Alpha group – this time we are doing it in our home – and we are
amazed at how Alpha has grown since it began over 30 years ago.

It is now running in over 100 countries and over 100 languages around the globe.
Last year alone, over 1.3 million people heard the gospel on Alpha and over 30
million people have now done Alpha around the world.

PIPPA: And over the years, we have been so blessed and privileged to hear stories
of how God is transforming people’s lives through Alpha.

We are delighted to share some of those stories with you today. Let’s take a look.




PIPPA: Stories like Gram’s or Sam’s are why we keep running Alpha. It is a
privilege to see God changing people’s lives and we want to do everything we can,
to reach everyone around the world with the gospel.

NICKY: That’s the vision and that’s what we are praying for and working on for
2033 - to play our part in ensuring that everyone on the planet has the
opportunity to encounter Jesus, in their own language, in their own context, and
by the 2000th anniversary of His resurrection.

And to make this possible, we are filming a new version and contextualised
versions of the Alpha Film Series, making Alpha more accessible and inclusive of
different experiences around the world.

PIPPA: And this includes a brand-new version of the Alpha Youth Series for young
people. And right now, we have a sneak preview of the trailer just for you. Take a
look at this.





PIPPA: Wow, that’s really exciting!

NICKY: And this is just a glimpse of how we at Alpha want to play our part in the
evangelisation of the nations. And this is possible only if we work together.
There are different ways you can get involved. You can ...

1. PRAY Most importantly, you can pray. Prayer is the foundation of all we do.
2. RUN You can run Alpha, anyone can run it - just visit for all you
need to run Alpha in your community.
3. INVITE You can invite people to Alpha. (I’ve just invited a whole new group
of friends to Alpha - Serpentine illustration?) Alpha always works best when
we invite our friends. When we speak to people about how they ended up
coming to Alpha, for the majority, the reason is because someone
personally invited them to come and see.
4. GIVE And you can give to Alpha. The testimonies we heard earlier, people’s
lives changed by Jesus, are made possible because people give financially to
Alpha. If you would like to support Alpha and the 2033 vision you can do
that today. There is information coming up on your screen now about how
you can give. [cut to giving slide]


We’re going to take a moment now...

Thank you so much – we are hugely grateful for your support. And now it's back
to Abel and Jacintha for what’s coming next.


Danielle Strickland (ending)

DANIELLE: …(prayer) Thank you that you loved us first. And I pray Holy Spirit that
you would awaken love in us. That you would awaken love in us. That love would
lead us out of self-focused leadership. That love would lead us out of willful
blindness, of religious conformity, that love would lead us out of fear, and move
us to you. That we would let love lead us.


NICKY: Amen. Many of you are watching in your churches around the world and
we’d love to encourage you to stand if you can. And if you’re watching on your
own right now then you too can receive the Holy Spirit. If you feel comfortable
you might want to out your hands if you can as a sign to God that you want to
receive His love today,

We want to pray for you now, for God to pour out his Spirit, to lead us out of

Let us pray, come, Holy Spirit


TO ADD: <A little bit of reflection on how it all ties together and a reminder of
look up and look out and lead into prayer>

NICKY: Jesus tells us, ‘Lift up your eyes, look at the fields, they’re ripe for harvest.’
And today God has been speaking to us. Maybe you have been distracted or
overwhelmed by what is going on in the world around you but today we’ve been
encouraged to look up in faith and to look out to the world in love.

May we be willing as leaders, everyone here, to lead with love, to serve the
people God has called us to, to get on our knees and pray and be a people of
hope in the name of Jesus for our world.
And don’t count yourself out, all of us have a part to play. Mission is the shared
business and shared joy of the whole global family. We need to take the whole
gospel to the whole world, from every place to every place together. Every church
that's here, every person involved with unconditional love, an unchanging
message, unsurpassed, unity, unlimited power. And what could we see in the next
10 years? We could play our part in the evangelisation of the nations, the
revitalisation of the church and the transformation of society in Jesus' name.

PIPPA: As we close, we want to thank you for joining us. What a wonderful time
we had together.

That is the formal end to LC23 Online and before we close in prayer, if you’d like
to continue worshipping and can stay on after we close, we’d love to share one
last song of worship with Sinach and Manor Collective leading us. It was an
amazing moment, and we hope you enjoy it. And don’t forget you will be able to
watch the full-length version of Nicky’s talk and more on the LC website.

NICKY: And now the blessing...

I want to pray God’s blessing over you at the end of this conference and the
words of the blessing have power. They are not just words; they carry the
anointing of God on your lives. Receive this blessing from God.

The blessing of God Almighty, the Father who loves you, the Son who died for
you, the Holy Spirit who fills you, the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the
Son, the Holy Spirit, fill you now, come upon you now and remain with you
always. Amen.

Thank you for joining us. See you next year.

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