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Name Hope Nillas Ramirez

z i n c

g o l d

p o t a s h

p h o s p h a t e s

b a u x i t e

t a l c

C o p p e r

q u a r t z

c a l c i t e

c l a y



Activity 4: Let’s Read Mind-erals!

Directions: Let’s invigorate more our brain powers by completing the table below. Read the paragraphs
about “Some Important Minerals in the Society” so you can complete the task. Write the name of the
minerals in column 1. In column 2, tell whether the identified mineral is an ore mineral, industrial mineral,
or gem. In column 3 write its use or importance.

Your eyes and mind are fueled by the minerals copper, chromium, magnesium, selenium, sulfur and zinc.
Read with zing!

Bentonite industrial Used for drilling muds for oil and gas wells

Fluorite industrial Used for steel enamelware production

Barite industrial Used to make a wide variety of barium

Chalcopyrite ore mineral Use of chalcopyrite is an ore copper since
smelting began over 5 million years ago
Silver ore mineral Used for jewelries and tableware

Galena ore mineral Used for world’s lead production. It is

significant ore of silver
Zeolite industrial Used as a catalyst, gas separation, and ion
Limestone industrial Used as a building material, an essential
component of concrete
Sand industrial Used to be mixed with concrete to create a
firm foundation
Halite industrial Used for cooking and a household kitchen
partner (Rock salt)
Gypsum industrial Used for fertilizer so crops would grow

Borax industrial Used in making fiber glasses, high

temperature glass cleaning agents, etc.
Diamond gem Used as a jewelry. Has great value

Uranium ore mineral Used to generate and utilized nuclear


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