Allelopathy STEPHEN

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1) My understanding allelopathy is a biological phenomenon by which an organism produces one or

more biochemicals that influence the germination, growth, survival, and reproduction of other
organisms. These biochemicals are known as allelochemicals and can have beneficial (positive
allelopathy) or detrimental (negative allelopathy) effects on the target organisms and the community.
Allelopathy is often used narrowly to describe chemically-mediated competition between plants,
however, it is sometimes defined more broadly as chemically-mediated competition between any type
of organisms. Allelochemicals are a subset of secondary metabolites, which are not directly required for
metabolism (i.e. growth, development and reproduction) of the allelopathic organism.

2) Allelopathy occurs when one plant species releases chemical compounds, either directly or indirectly
through microbial decomposition of residues, that affect another plant species.

3) the influence of allelopathy is usually detrimental, of one plant on another, by toxic chemical
substances from living plant parts, through their release when a plant dies, or their production from
decaying tissue.

4) The allelopathy targeting the characteristic of certain plants, bacteria, coral, fungi, rather than algae.
Allelopathic interactions are an important factor in determining species distribution and abundance
within plant communities and are also thought to be important for the success of many invasive plants.

5) Cyanobacterin is a potent algicide produced

By Scytonema  hofmannii which inhibits photosynthesis and interferes with the thylakoidal membrane
structures (Mason et al., 1982).

6) Cellular exudates from the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria have been shown to inhibit growth of its

predecessors (Oscillatoria sp. and Chlorella sp.) from the same eutrophic lake but not the growth of its
contemporary cyanobacteria Synechococcus.

7) Allelochemicals are several extracellular metabolites including polysaccharides, nitrogen compounds,

and proteins (i.e., bacteriocin) which are involved in this temporal separation.

8) As herbicide options dwindle in the era of herbicide-resistant weeds, there is renewed interest in
utilization of allelopathy for weed management. Allelochemicals are chemically diverse, e.g., terpenes,
alkaloids and non-proteinaceous amino acids, phenols, and sugars/glycosides (Lin et al., 2007; Rice,

9) The integration of allelopathic crops as components of various cultural operations such as crop
rotations, intercropping, or cover crops for weed control has been widely studied.
10) Allelopathy is a natural phenomenon of plants or microorganisms who compete by interfering with
the growth of other plants or microorganisms by the synthesis and release of the plant bioactive
compounds, which are called allelochemicals . These chemicals act as pesticides and can be effectively
used for weed management in field crops . Allelopathy can be exploited for managing weeds by
allelopathic aqueous extracts as surface mulch incorporation of crop residue  and in combination with
herbicides. Tank mix application of clodinafop-propargyl plus metribuzin or sulfosulfuron plus
clodinafop-propargyl or pinoxaden plus sulfosulfuron at 50% of their recommended rates, along with
allelopathic mulches of maize, rice, sorghum, or sunflower at 8 t ha-1, resulted in effective control of
resistant P. minor, and higher wheat grain yield over alone mulch conditions.

*Be flexible- include and adopted as many to possible because ‘DIVERSITY ISAFUTURE “

* IWN- identify the crops and the weeds

* cultural- include crop rotation cover crops, good agronomic practices, healthy seed, clean pant
material and use clean manure.

* physical- Mechanical, manual, mulches, soil solorization/soil cultivation.

*BIOLOGICAL- Grazing animal/raise animal to eat the weeds.

*CHEMICAL- Use less toxical alternative targeted and selected as specific target weeds.

* Protect your crop- Monitor weeds constantly and apply a combination of management measures

*ORGANIC- cannot use most of synthetic herbicides.

*enter cropping- effective idea to suppress weeds.

*ELIMINATE- ELIMINATED before they can produce seeds.

What is the good effect of allelochemicals?

What have you learned from this topic?




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