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MANAGEMENT PROCESS AND ORGANIZATIONALBEHAVIOUR The beginning of any relationship is critically important as each person sizes up the other,

categorizing them against stereotypes and other internal models. Then egotiation thus effectively starts well before the talking starts in earnest. When meeting the other person, you should thus seek to create the desired impression right from the start. If you want to negotiatecollaboratively, then you might startwith an agreeable and friendly greeting, whilst for acompetitiveapproach, youmay take a strongly assertive or even aggressive position in order to intimidate anddominate the other person. Be confidentW h a t e v e r s t yl e y o u u s e , i t i s i m p o r t a n t t o b e c o n f i d e n t a n d show that you know what you are doing and where you are going.I f y o u s e e k t o b e c o l l a b o r a t i v e , t h e n t h i s e n c o u r a g e s t h e o t h e r person to trust you. If you intend to be competitive, it positions you as capable of doing whatever it takes. State your case The context around a negotiation provides information that justifies a n d explains the need. Thus, for example, when selling your car, you might start byexplaining how your wife is pregnant and will be giving up work soon, thus settingthe context for your explaining later how you cannot accept a low price. Be carefulwith this to legitimize your later arguments whilst not showing that you are in a weak negotiating positions, for example that you are desperate to sell the car. Alsomatch the length of the story to the negotiation -- if it is a quick exchange, and thenkeep it to a few words. If you are expecting to negotiate all day, then a somewhat longer explanatory preamble may well be appropriate. State the need Explain what you need as a result of the contextual situation. Show that your needis real and legitimate. Make it clear what you want from the other person. In somesituations this is clear and simple, whilst in others you may have multiple needs, f o r e x a m p l e i f y o u a r e n e g o t i a t i n g a n e m p l o ym e n t c o n t r a c t t h e n t h e r e m a y b e many terms and conditions to consider. Listen to their case When it is your turn tolisten, do soactively. Listening is not just being polite - - t h e r e are many reasonswhy yo u should listen, especially in a n e g o t i a t i o n . Showing respect and interest will get them to give you more information, and in RAHUL GUPTA, MBAHCS (1 ST SEM), SUBJECT CODE-MBOO22, SET-1Page 25

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