Her Feelings On The Matter Are Black and White

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Her feelings on the matter are black and white

An original short story written by [MtG-Ti] Hoss and based on art by skecchiart.

[ Diiing—dooong! … Ding—dooong! … Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong,

ding-dong! ]
“...You’d better go get that before they break it, Anon. While I’m glad they got here
quickly, do me a favour and take your time checking if they messed up my order again,
won’t you~? If they did, chew out the driver and don’t give them my half of the tip…
Be firm but polite about it, and be sure to explain where the shop went wrong and that it
isn’t the driver’s fault…”
Yeah, and directly punishing the driver oughta get that across clear as crystal, right~?
“...They need to learn their lesson one of these days, and getting the delivery drivers
mad at the restaurant too is probably the best way! Honestly, it’s the same order every.
single. week. and we’ve been customers for years, if not decades, so how they still
manage to mess it up is beyond me~!”
Uh huh…
“Ugh, I wish literally anyplace else had bamboo shoots as a topping…! I’d order from
them instead in a heartbeat…!”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you knew the drill by now…
Vincenzhou’s, your favourite Chinese-Italian-fusion pizzeria — believe it or not, they
managed to make it work somehow, as much as you hated to admit that egg rolls on
pizza was abso-friggin’-lutely delicious — only messed up your order like, once a
year, if that, and only when their supplier couldn’t do their job because there were
shortages everywhere!
…But complaining about it like it was a weekly occurrence and the end of the world was
usually a pretty good way for your best friend Lei to keep you busy. You had the whole
act down to a T already: while you were fetching the pizza and drinks like some kind of
serf, your prissy princess could unpause whatever game you were playing that
weekend and get ahead of you somehow only to act like you were crazy for even
suspecting her of foul play no matter how obvious it was!
Not that it even mattered in the end… She’d still get her ass handed to her one way or
another~! Mwahahahah~!
So, going through the motions and giving
her-royal-majesty-of-not-lifting-her-fat-ass-off-the-couch the customary deep,
overexaggerated bow — as was expected of servants such as yourself, obviously —
you headed for the stairs before the delivery driver really did break her doorbell.
…Just not before holding your comedic pose until you saw the panda-girl reach for
something to throw at you while giving you her usual scowl-and-smile with a side of
blush combo.
It was the perfect reply to your face-splitting, shit-eating grin that reminded her you
knew exactly what she was up to and that you didn’t care in the slightest because you
both knew what was going to happen as soon as you got back…
Chuckling and smiling to yourself as you added another tally to your imaginary win
column a little early, you lazily loped your way down the stairs and to her front door to
pick up another weekend’s feast so you and your best friend in the whole wide world
could munch the night away playing vidya before you flipped a coin to see if you’d be
watching a legitimately good movie, or a hilariously bad one…
Ah, tradition…! You’d think it would get old after all these years, but that part was
always your favourite~ What would Friday nights even be like without it~?
…Vinny-Z’s had of course remembered the bamboo, and after a weak smile and an
awkward laugh (and a couple extra bucks to smooth things over with the driver for
holding them up those precious few minutes) you made your way to Lei’s kitchen to
collect your drinks.
With a couple boxes of ‘za in one hand and your ice-cold soda and freshly-washed
glasses in a bag in the other so you didn’t drop them — because plastic cups were
wasteful and just tasted wrong to you on an almost spiritual level — you mounted the
stairs and ignored the shuffling noises you heard coming from inside Lei’s room.
Your bestie was probably just trying to hide the evidence as usual, right?

WRONG! Instead of spotting your nervously-smiling friend trying her best not to
crack under the pressure of being caught red handed, you spotted your number-one
lifelong gal-pal showing off the thiccest, phattest ass you’d EVER seen in real life OR
on the internet, and she was pointing it straight at YOU!
…She must have tied her hair up in what struck you as a supremely grabbale ponytail
to show off her slender neck, smooth back, and the itty-bitty green tank-top that was
trying and failing to contain— Hoooooly hell, she wasn’t wearing a bra…!
N-Not that you were in the habit of checking out her chest whenever you saw her! Lei
was just definitely wearing one earlier, that’s all! Now her— [Gulp!] Now her
p-p-pandas were spilling out the sides of her too-small-top and giving you the kind of
sideboob that had you at half-mast in no time flat…! And then the ass to end all
asses that you’d somehow never noticed before got you the REST of the way
Hoo-boy! Sitting side-saddle on an armless-armchair you couldn’t recognize for a good
half-second, your eyes traced the lines of Lei’s ass-cleaving thong like they were going
over the top of a rollercoaster! As they roamed down, down, down those hips, the
sudden change of her fur colour from white to black was the only buffer before there
was nothing but ASS-ASS-ASS hitting you right in the face!
They were mammoth cheeks you couldn’t possibly hold in just one hand, but that you
really, really wanted to feel on your face for some reason, and a cute little tail that
wiggled in a nonexistent breeze and—!
“Figured they’d put my bamboo on the side~❤” your bestie turned baddie announced
while looking over her shoulder and directly at the circus-tent you were now pitching…
Putting your food for the night safely to one side before you dropped it on the floor just
like your jaw, by the time you looked back up, the most beautiful girl in the world was
jiggling her booty right at you!
“...I’m only in heat a couple days a year, Anon, and I’m not about to wait that long
“—so if you like me the same way I like you, then get over here and prove it…”
This was— WEW! She’d really pulled out all the stops to distract you from her blatant
and obvious—!
“...Take your pants off and get that fat-fucking-human-cock in me NOW~!”
…Y-Yes MA’AM!
Like a zombie, or maybe a robot, you undressed in record time, your throbbing, aching,
drooling cock bobbing up and down like you were trying to send a message in morse
code, or maybe like you’d just slapped one of those springy door stops…
“I want us to be more than just best friends…” the sexy, smouldering panda woman
breathed as she got to her knees underneath your cock and started to worship your
‘bamboo’ with her warm tongue and soft white lips like it was the most delicious—
Jiminy Christmas!
From zero to every-inch-you-had in 1.7 bobs, she’d taken you by the wrists and forced
you to wrap one hand around the makeshift handle behind her head and the other
around one of her soft and fluffy ears…!
The contrast between undeniably cute and pure, unadulterated SEX threw you for a
loop, but also kept you from busting straight down her throat too quickly, so— Wait,
scratch that…
Spluuuurt, spluuuuuuuuurt, spluuuuuuuuuuuuuuurt!
Mmnnnfff~❤! Mnnnnn~❤ Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp~❤
As weak as your wobbly knees felt after getting your soul sucked out, the way Lei
chugged your baby-batter straight from the tap like she was gulping down her usual
soda — not to mention the fiery look in her eyes as she licked her lips and wordlessly
ordered you to stay hard — kept you on your feet and ready for more…
“That was… good,” she admitted after huffing and puffing so she could smell your cum
on her breath. “Now for the real thing…”
Some part of your brain snapped back into place and made you question whether or not
you were ready to take the plunge with Lei… Obviously you were, in the most literal
sense, but on the other hand…
She’d been a childhood friend for as long as you could remember! She only ever saw
you as ‘human’ when it served as the punchline for one of her jokes, and likewise, you
only ever saw her as an anthro when something like— When something like… Wow…
When something like this popped up, actually…
Point being, you didn’t really care that you weren’t the same species, and you did care
deeply for her, but was that just friendship, or did it go deeper than—?
“Why don’t you put those rumours to rest and show me what humans are made of~?”
Huh…? The extra blood flow needed to keep your cock hard at all times made you a
little sluggish, so you didn’t quite catch the softball innuendo Lei was tossing your way.
“...You’re a human, I’m a panda. You’re supposed to be really good at screwing, and
I could really use a good screw~! So I want you to turn me inside out and upside down
until you’ve painted me white, or spanked me red! Understand!?”
When did she—? Lei had somehow managed to— Oh wow…
Your future girlfriend (you hoped) had managed to turn her chair around and pull off a
spread-eagle that showed off her glistening, winking, perfectly PINK pussy…
Seeing that splash of colour in a sea of black and white now that she’d taken off
everything else colourful was like finding an oasis in the desert kind of thing. Hypnotic
was an understatement…! Before you knew it, your wobbly legs had carried you right
over to her so she could start to feed your cock into herself, and the only way you knew
you were finally balls deep was when you started to hear her moaning and screaming
right in your ear.
Then you head the chair squeaking as it scuffed its way across the floor as you
jackhammered your hips into your fertile, fuckable, female—
“BREED ME~!” Lei shouted as an orgasm ripped through her body.
The way she was clamping down around you was a pretty good hint she’d cum, but the
way her legs locked around you REALLY drove the point home!
“I love you, Anon~! I’ve loved you for years~!” she confessed between hot and humid
kisses. “You’re the best friend I could ever have, and I don’t want anyone else but
you~! I don’t care about finding a panda boyfriend, I want to make cubs with YOU~!”
…When did you start sucking on her tongue, and why had you never tried it before!?
Kissing Lei felt so natural, like you’d been doing it all your life despite your amateurish
attempts at tasting all of her, and you started to get a little upset at yourself that you
couldn’t maintain full lip-to-lip contact as you pulled your cock almost all the way out of
her only to slam it back in again…
Seconds quickly turned to minutes and then an eternity as your hips collided with hers
and your heart beats synched up — each of you unconsciously committed to the ‘cause’
you were using as an excuse to bare your souls to each other — and your vision finally
started to blur right around the time Lei dug her fingernails into your scalp and raked the
other set across your back. That’s when, with a wordless, thoughtless grunt, you
started to fill her guts up.
Tilting the chair back until it was primed to fall over in an attempt to get as deep into the
fertile panda-pussy that was thirsty for your seed — your stranglehold on Lei’s perfect
hourglass hips the only thing keeping the two of you from ending up on the floor — you
practically screwed your new lover onto your cock until you felt you couldn’t go any
further, and then you CAME.
You came like you’d never cum before…
Long, shuddery ropes exploded out of your cockhead to splash against the back of
Lei’s womb — you hoped, at least, on an instinctual, almost feral level — and the
panda-girl screamed your name over and over again until her screams were silent.
Her mouth was still moving, her tongue still flapping, and her ridiculously soft chest still
smooshed against yours, but no sound escaped her as you held her close to your
chest and filled every last inch of her with your white hot love.
Her bedroom was entirely silent except for the possibly imagined sound of you
unloading what you prayed was a baby-making load of human swimmers into the
fat-assed, big-titted, kind-hearted, drop-dead-gorgeous love of your life, and then you
really did fall on the floor…
A quick trip back downstairs to warm up the by-then-cold-pizza after an eye-rolling
cleanup blowjob started the second round of what would turn out to be your
weekend-long fuckfest, and so you wouldn’t spend even a minute outside of the
woman you knew was going to end up being the mother of your children, you called
Vincenzhou’s for a couple more ‘refueling’ orders whenever you could rub enough
unfried brain cells together to form words…
“...Thank you, Anon. You don’t know how much this meant to me…” Lei whispered in
your ear as you plumbed her silky depths for maybe the sixth or seventh time that night,
time itself losing all meaning besides ‘time to eat’ and ‘time to fuck.’ “I can’t help but
feel at least a little responsible for helping increase the panda population, so you’d
better convince my parents to let me marry you by giving them lots of grandcubs~”
Sucking on a fat nipple and blowing another strong, viscous load as those dirty, filthy,
amazing words wormed their way straight into your cock, you knew what you had to do,
and you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
It was your responsibility now too, after all… Your reason for being. You had to make
the most of the… 69 or so hours you had left…?

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