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1. Lay on your back in a comfortable position with your legs

2. Breathing is done in a wave fashion, from the pubic bone to
the base of the head and back down.
3. As you inhale, through your mouth or nose, fill your belly
with air from the pubic bone to the diaphragm. Fill it so it is
rounded like a balloon.
4. Next as you continue to inhale, fill your lower ribs with air.
As you do this, the ribs will expand in a bucket handle
5. Next, fill your upper ribs with air. The upper ribs expand in a
pump handle fashion.
6. Finally pull your air in hard enough that you tighten the neck
muscles all the way up to the base of the head.
7. Hold your breath in for 2 seconds. .

8. Exhale in the reverse order as above; let the neck muscles

relax, then let the upper ribs drop down followed by the lower ribs
and finally push the air out of the belly by lowering the navel down
towards the bed or floor.
9. Then relax and let all your muscles drop into the bed or floor.
10.Repeat the technique three times.

Hints: This is a difficult technique. Be patient and keep trying. Sometimes

it is helpful to move your hands to the body parts you are trying to relax;
belly, lower ribs, upper ribs, neck, hold, neck, upper ribs, lower ribs, belly,
push the air out, rest. Once you have mastered the basics try the technique
standing up, sitting down or when you're stressed or stiff.
By Sandra L. Sleszynski, DO

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