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Unit 1 - Expressing rules and regulations - Contents and bibliographical references

Contents and bibliographical references of the unit:

In this Unit you must study Modules 1 & 2 from the E book where you can check the following online content:

Module 1 - Using conditionals, talking about habits and their results, talking bout scientific facts, reading email
messages, talking about superstitions, identifying phrasal verbs.

This online content has as objective to show to the students how to ask for repetition, how to repeat
information, how to verify and ask for clarification, and to know about interviews and to respond to interviews. 

UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1-1: Interview and respond to interviews (1). Inglés B1. Taken from the E
book B1 level in Learning Environment.

Module 2 - Finding a job, expressing necessity and obligation, talking about necessity and lack of necessity,
expressing obligations using must, talking about prohibitions, expressing prohibitions using must not, talking
about actions that are not necesssary, understanding necessity and obligation, talking about rules. 

This online content has as objective to show to the students how to follow rules and regulations, how to
express prohibition, and how to participate in general conversations.

UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1-2: Interview and respond to interviews  (2). Inglés B1. Taken from the E
book level B1 in Learning Environment.

Arias, Angela. (2021). Objeto Virtual de Aprendizaje. OVI: "900003 - Looking for a


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