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LESSON PLAN Unit 3 Lesson #1-3

C. Strella (EDU 620)

Name: Christina Strella Date: September 6, 2023 Lesson Content: Unit 3 African & Middle Eastern Middle Ages & Islamic Empires Grade Level: 10th Grade Honors World History

World History Standards of Excellence: GA DOE GSE WH

Unit 3 Truncated and Color-Coded Teacher Notes:

Google Doc: Unit 3 Teacher Notes
PDF: Unit 3 World-History-Teacher-Notes 2023-2024 C. Strella

Essential Question:
What factors contributed to the success and expansion of the Gunpowder Empires in the 14 th and 15th centuries?
How did the Gunpowder Empires impact the Middle East and its development?

Curriculum Guide and Planning Calendar 1st 9 weeks Fall Semester 2023:
Google Doc-
PDF: PDF HWH Curriculum Map-Calendar C. Strella Fall 23 1st 9weeks

Standard(s) Objective “I Can” Statement

List the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) that align The objective should be measurable and aligned with the The objective is written in student-
with the learning objective. standard (written in student-friendly language). friendly “I CAN” language.
NOTE: You must identify the following elements in your
SSWH12 Describe the development and contributions of the Ottoman, Safavid, and objective:
Mughal empires.

a. Describe the development and geographical extent of the Ottoman, Safavid, and 1. Behavior I can locate the Gunpowder Empires on a
Mughal Empires. map.
2. Condition
b. Describe the cultural contributions of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires. I can describe the impact of geographic
3. Criteria (Quantitative/Qualitative) expansion.
SSWH5 Examine the political, economic, and cultural interactions within the
Medieval Mediterranean World between 600 CE/AD and 1300 CE/AD.
I can explain the cultural connections
a. Analyze the origins of Islam and the growth of the Islamic Empire. 1. TSWBAT (The students will be able to…) locate and label
between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires on a map.
b. Understand the reasons for the split between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims.
I can explain the innovations and progress
c. Assess the economic impact of Muslim trade routes to India, China, Europe and
2. TSWBAT (The students will be able to…) describe
religious, economic, and academic contributions of the made by Muslim scholars and their impact

July 2020

Africa. Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires on a map. today.

d. Identify the contributions of Islamic scholars in science, math, and geography
3. TSWBAT explain the connections in Abrahamic religions
e. Analyze the relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. and the cultural impacts that resulted.

SSWH6 Describe the diverse characteristics of early African societies before 1500 4. TSWBAT analyze the academic achievements of Muslim
CE/AD. scholars during the Islamic golden age and make
connections to daily life in the current time.
a. Describe the development and decline of the Sudanic kingdoms (Ghana, Mali,
Songhai); include the roles of Sundiata and the pilgrimage of Mansa Musa to Mecca.

b. Describe the trading networks and distribution of resources by examining trans-

Saharan trade in gold, salt, and slaves; include the Swahili trading cities.

c. Understand the blending of traditional African beliefs with new ideas from Islam
and Christianity and their impact on early African societies.

*Standards will be blended and double dipping.

Vocabulary and Geography will be taught and reviewed in the flipped classroom through PREZI, Nearpod, and Youtube videos.

July 2020

Pre-requisites: What are the content, skills, and experiences students should know/be able to do/and/or have BEFORE they can achieve the learning target
you set? Consider the class, group, and individual needs:

 Content Knowledge: Basic global geography is all that is required. These standards are not meant to have been discussed as they do not appear in
any Georgia standards of Excellence in any incarnation from K-12 in social studies.
A pretest will be given at the onset of the class (first two days) as well as at the unit to determine if there is any background or specialty knowledge
from outside school that the student can build upon.
 Skills: Basic geography skills to know where continents are located will be needed. Specifics about countries, rivers, as well as the expansion and
contraction of regions will all be included in the knowledge skills for this unit.
 Experiences/Background/Culture: These standards are not meant to have been discussed as they do not appear in any Georgia standards of
Excellence in any incarnation from K-12 in social studies.
 Basic understanding of Islam will enhance student understanding from the onset but is not required because it will be covered in various ways with
multiple resources to establish a wide background of student knowledge.

Identify Resources Needed:

From the State-

Standards: World History GSE
Teacher Notes: World History Teacher Notes from GA DOE
From the Local District
Textbook: Digital Archive with PDF of Textbook that can be downloaded

Identify Technology Types:

Laptop Computers
Weebly Website QR Codes
Microsoft Forms Quizziz

July 2020

Nearpod Kahoot
Prezi Quizlet
Padlet Power Point
Microsoft Sway Screen Pal
Adobe Spark

List References:

From the State-

Standards: World History GSE
Teacher Notes: World History Teacher Notes from GA DOE
From the Local District
Textbook: Digital Archive with PDF of Textbook that can be downloaded
Teacher Identified
World History Encyclopedia OttomanEmpire
Mrs. Carter's Note Assistance World History
Freeman-pedia Pre-1500

Unit 3 Assignment Progression Flipped Classroom

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

August 28-Day 1 August 29-Day 2 August 30-Day 3 August 31-Day 4 September 1-Day 5
To do: To do: To do: To do: To do:
o Pretest Forms o Nearpod 1 SSWH 5 o Choose your project o Nearpod 2 SSWH 6 a + c o Quizziz SSWH5
o Quizlet Vocabulary Discussion Post to Mrs. Strella in Canvas o Use our Padlet Resources page to
o Notes Presentation PPT o Begin building project
Flashcards begin research

September 4- September 5-Day 6 September 6-Day 7 September 7-Day 8 September 8-Day 9

July 2020

To do: To do: To do: To do:

o Comment responses to digital o Quizziz SSWH6 o Finish building project. o Turn in Project on Canvas by
presentation with Prezi-due in o Nearpod 3 SSWH 12 11:59pm
discussions o Continue building project. o Test Unit 3-
Labor Day o Continue building project.

Label and Step by Step Progression

allocate (What will the teacher do?)
time for [NOTE: Be sure to identify and label the following elements in your WHAT WILL STUDENT DO?
lesson plan:
1. Hook and Link, Before Class
transition, 2. Task (small group, peer, stations, worksheet, video, etc.),
and activity 3. Closure}

Day 1 At Home- At Home, the student will-

Aug 28
Pretest-Unit 3 Pretest Complete the Pretest and the Vocabulary Review
using Quizlet Flash Cards
Quizlet flashcards-Vocabulary African-middle-eastern-
middle-ages-islamic-empires-flash-cards On the Weebly Website Day 1.

At School-

Vocabulary Matrix-Unit3VocabularyMatrix At School, the students will-

Hook Opening: Words to know- Based on the Pre-quiz Develop and review understandings of vocabulary
and Quizlet flash Cards Students will begin the day by and people integral to African, Middle Eastern, and
listing 3 words they didn’t know 3 words they did know Islamic Empires during the Middle Ages.
on post it notes and attaching them on anchor charts for Students will engage in small group, whole class, and
review. (10-15 min) individual activities to strengthen and clarify their
Link: own understanding of key vocabulary, people, and
July 2020

A1- Short Reading with vocabulary Gilder Lehrman 10 places in Unit 3.

Key words and Debate.
Students will work in small groups reading in 3s or 4s
highlighting the words. The group will have discussion
led by a teacher or a student facilitator. Once the group
has decided on their 10 words each group will write a
paragraph using the words and summarizing what they
have learned. (30 min)

A2 Visual Vocabulary Artifact matching vocabulary

word connections-Group Categorization Peer Review
and Discussion.

Students will work in small groups with 5 different

pictorial representations of vocabulary words. Each
group will have different picture groupings and will
share out their words and a memory trick to remember
what it means with the class. Students may keep a
Vocabulary Journal (Graphic Organizers will be
available) (30 min)

Closure: Self reflection

What vocabulary do you know better after today?

What words are still on your lookout list?

Day 2 At Home- At Home, the student will-

Aug 29 Nearpod – Islamic Scholars *Short Video Focus View the Nearpod Video and answer the questions
discovery and learning* embedded within it.

Watch and take notes and questions on the Power

July 2020

NearpodIslamicAcademics Day2 Point for Unit 3 Part 1 from the Canvas Day 2.

At School- This will focus on the Geography and Culture of the

Islamic Empires.
Hook (Opening):
Discussion from Nearpod Video: At School, the students will-

*Students will be presented with academic The students will utilize various resources from
discoveries and technology developed by primary and secondary sources to analyze and
Islamic scholars and have a discussion on connect to the overarching themes.
ancient technology and academic
advancement. (10min)


A1: Questions on the Notes PPT Screencast.

Students will share out based upon the questions
they have. Post it board will be available at the
beginning of class and students may ask verbal
questions. (10 min)
A2: The teacher will use printed pieces of primary
sources that support and extend the material on
Islamic scholars’ contributions in science, math,
and geography. Students will explain and
categorize how these contributions have impacted
the world today. (20 min)

Student groups will then discuss and evaluate each

contribution and determine the most important
innovation/academic achievement and make a case
using evidentiary support to solidify their
July 2020

reasoning. (20 min)

Art in Real Life: Students will choose a Theme Song-
Slogan- TV Show- Character
Students should have 2 points that explain their
reasoning. Share out with groups and the best o the
group will be shared with the class. Representatives may
share on behalf of shy persons. (10-15 min)

Day 3 At Home- Students will complete the interactive Prezi At Home, the student will-
Aug 30 lesson and watch the Crash Course on View the Prezi, Nearpod, and Crash Course videos
Abrahamic religions. and answer the questions embedded within it.
*Students should take notes or have questions
The student will complete interactive activities
ready for class discussion in person.
Students will also complete a complementary At School, the students will-
Nearpod that expands on the Prezi, including a video and
The students will utilize various resources from
additional interactive activity.
primary and secondary sources to analyze and
At School- connect to the overarching themes.
Hook Opening: Chalk talk Vocabulary links.

Students will have two unlikely words paired on the

board. Their task is to make connections that connect
one of the unlikely pairs. Students’ initial thoughts will
be written on a Post-it note and affixed to an anchor
chart. Students will only have 3 post-it- notes 1-initial
post, 1-note to defend, and 1-agree/disagree post.

July 2020



A1: Monotheistic Religions Reading

Students will independently read and then debate

whether these religions are similar or different.
Are they siblings, cousins, or just neighbors?

(30 min)

A2: Project delivery. Projects will be handed out, and a

preliminary question-answer session will take place.

(20 min)

Weekly Review Good/Bad/Ugly/Recycle (10 min)

Teacher survey pulse point:

What was good?

What was bad?

What was ugly?

Anything we want to recycle?

July 2020

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