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Systems Engineering Program

Subject Intelligent Systems

Professor Fran Ernesto Romero
Activity Workshop 4: Computer Vision

1. Goals

 Strengthen the knowledge acquired in Computer Vision algorithms and their applications in
the development of Intelligent Systems.

 Acquire skills in the development of Machine Learning models for Computer Vision.

2. Problem statement

A supermarket wants to develop a mobile application to help its customers find information
about its products. The mobile application obtains an image (from the camera) of the product
and returns information about it: stock, price, etc.

Use TensorFlow to train and test a model that allows you to recognize 5 or more products:
drinks, groceries, fruits, appliances, sporting goods, clothing, etc.

If you prefer, you can use the Google Vison API to complete the exercise. Remember to
activate an account on Google Cloud Platform, then activate the Cloud Vision API and finally
you must also generate the respective credentials. If you use Google Vision, your grade will be
maximum 4.0.

2. General Conditions

 Maximum two students per group

 You can use the tool of your choice. Recommended: Python
 A written evaluation will be carried out to validate the development of the exercise
 The usability, design, user experience and use of object-oriented programming will be

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