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Papua New Guinea University of Technology

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Second Year Mathematics - Semester 2 – 2017
MA236 – Engineering Mathematics 2 (B)

Assignment 1 – 2nd Order Linear Differential Equations & Applications

Due Date: Thursday 10th August 2017 at 4pm sharp.

Drop your assignments in the Assignment Box in the Main Office. The assignments will be stamped and
delivered to your tutors. Only stamped assignments will be marked.
Note that the main office closes at about 4pm so you must be prompt. Marks will be deducted for late
submission. Do not hand directly to your tutor.

Question 1

A series circuit contains a resistor with 𝑅 = 24Ω, an inductor with 𝐿 = 2𝐻, a capacitor with
𝐶 = 0.005 F, and a 12-V battery. The initial charge is 𝑄 = 0.001C and the initial current is 0.
(a) Find the charge and current at time t.
(b) Graph the charge and current functions.

Question 2

A spring has a mass (M) of 1 kg and its spring constant is 𝑘 = 100. The spring is released at a
point 0.1 m above its equilibrium position. Graph the position function for the following values
of the damping constant µ: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. What type of damping occurs in each case?

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