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9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created

Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

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31 Aug, 2022 10:12 / Home / World News

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‘This is something that only
Russian Jews can do': How modern
Zionism was created 125 years ago
This week marks the anniversary of the first
Zionist Congress, which laid the foundation
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Ukrainian nuclear plant

For centuries, it was the dream of the Jewish people to targeted again – official
reach the “Promised Land,” to have a place they could
call home. 125 years ago, in the Swiss city of Basel on White House approves
the banks of the Rhine, that dream began to take shape. weapons sales to Taiwan

Unsuspecting of the horrors that the 20th century had in

store for them – the Holocaust, mass migration from Kiev attempts new raid
Europe and the exodus from Arab countries – 204 Jews near Zaporozhye nuclear
from 17 countries came together to formulate the first plant – local official 1/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

political program of the Zionist movement, paving the way Is civil war possible in
for the eventual creation of the Israeli state. modern-day America?

Though this historic event took place in Switzerland, it

would not have been successful without participants of
Russian origin. It was the Russian Jews who founded the
first Jewish settlements in the territories that would
become the state of Israel, developed financial support Subscribe to RT
programs for their compatriots and even proposed the newsletter to get
national symbol – the star of David. news highlights of
the day right in your
A rift in the Jewish community mailbox
For the Jewish people, the road towards a shared
political program was not an easy one. Originally, the E-mail
First Zionist Congress was to be held in Munich.
Ironically, it was the German rabbis who opposed this: We offer you the
speaking out strongly against Zionist ideas, and possibility to receive RT's
especially against the creation of a ethno state based news highlights every
Monday, Wednesday and
around the faith.
Friday by email.

These ‘Protest-Rabbiner’ (protest rabbis), as they would

later be mockingly called by the Zionist Congress, Subscribe
believed that the Jews comprised their community based
solely on religion, and scoffed at the prospect of giving
Judaism a nationalist overtone.

Curiously, the ranks of RT Features

the Protest-Rabbiner
included both the
deeply orthodox
German rabbis and
the advocates of
'Reform Judaism'.
The West wants to disarm
Aside from the very
the 'powder keg' of
Read more:
Jesus, Byzantium concept of political
Europe, but it risks igniting
and the Slavic legacy: The true Zionism, the German
meaning behind the Russian flag rabbis had a particular
explained distaste for founder of
the Zionist movement
Theodor Herzl. The
rabbis dismissed him as a 'fake' Jew, that he was only 2/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

made Jewish through a formal bar mitzvah in a Budapest

synagogue. Leaked document exposes
hidden Western hand
Theodor Herzl, by then a journalist of certain renown, a behind new British-style
writer and doctor of law, took that criticism hard, fearing anti-worker laws in
that his ideas would never come to fruition. Ukraine

In the same year, 1897, he wrote: "I am the leader of no

one but youngsters, ne'er-do-wells and loudmouths.
Some are using me. Others are already jealous, willing to
betray and abandon me at the slightest chance of earning
a coin. <...> We shall see, however, what the future will
‘This is something that
Herzl continued his work in the face of criticism. The First only Russian Jews can
Zionist Congress was held, after all – not in Munich, but do': How modern Zionism
in Basel, Switzerland. was created 125 years ago

On Saturday, August 28, 1897, which, according to

eyewitnesses, was one of the hottest days of that
summer, around 200 delegates from Jewish communities
in 17 countries gathered in the city synagogue. Podcasts All podcasts

Crosstalk, HOME EDITION:

Tide is turning

0:00 26:21

CrossTalk on Taiwan: Reckless


0:00 24:2 3/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News
Synagogue of Basel. © Sabine Simon / ullstein bild via Getty Images

Over a quarter of the new arrivals represented Zionist

organizations from the Russian Empire. And it was their
participation that changed the future of the Jewish

Jews in Russia
Better assimilated, educated and wealthier Jews from
Germany and other Western countries identified
themselves as Germans or French more than Jewish.
They often looked down on their kin from the Russian
Empire, considering them to be primitive boors. But the
meeting in Basel changed their opinion of their Eastern

“At the Basel Congress, the Russian

Jews revealed the cultural power we
couldn’t even imagine… Seventy of
them attended the congress, and
there’s no doubt they represented the
opinions and hopes of five and a half
million Russian Jews. So
embarrassing! We thought to be their
superiors, but the education of those
professors, doctors, lawyers,
engineers, businessmen and traders
is on par with the Western standards
to say the least,” Herzl later wrote.

Of 204 participants, 66 were Russian citizens, of which

44 came directly from Russia. Other Russian Jews had 4/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

migrated to Germany and other European states by that

time. Those were the people who established the
Russian Jewish Scientific Society in Berlin, dedicated to
developing Zionist ideology.

The organized global Zionist movement emerged thanks

to the Congress, but it gained widespread popularity only
in the Russian Empire which included Ukraine, Belarus,
Moldova, Poland and Baltic states. These territories were
home to the majority of Ashkenazi Jews.

The status differences between the Western and Russian

Jews led to noticeable differences in their take on the
Jewish national problem and the future of Jews. The
Western Jews, with Hertzl at the helm, insisted on
political and diplomatic approach and interactions with
the heads of states and powerful individuals. They
believed they had to secure the international recognition
of the right to found a Jewish state before settling Israel,
reviving Hebrew and restoring Jewish culture. At the
same time, these practical matters were the number one
priority for Russian Zionists.

Hasidic men and boy sitting at table. © Culture Club / Getty Images

In spite the differences, the Russian delegation wasn’t

too active at the Congress. They didn’t want to stand out
to avoid the suspicion of the Saint Petersburg authorities 5/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

and didn’t want to provide any grounds to accuse

conference participants of plotting against their country.

"At Basel I founded the Jewish State"

The results of that congress seemed incredible for the
time. Within a year, the Zionist movement adopted the
Basel Program, which would guide Jewish communities
for half a century to come.

The central idea of the program was the “creation of a

national home in the land of Israel,” – that is, in Palestine,
which at the time had been under Ottoman rule for nearly
400 years.

To achieve this goal,

as the authors of the
document envisioned
it, Jewish
communities were to
repopulate Palestine
with agricultural
laborers and people
with technical Read more:
The Wild East: Inside
professions. Other the Russian-Chinese gold-rush
Jews were charged 'California' where women were
with organizing the banned and fortunes were quickly
movement and made and lost
steadily strengthening
it through the
formation of local branches in different countries. Their
goal was to promote the national consciousness of Jews
everywhere and to explain to European governments the
importance of establishing a state.

Long before the Basel Program was formulated, Jews

from Russia were turning these ideas into reality as
thousands fled the Russian Empire from the wave of
pogroms, and took to developing the dry and marshy
lands of Palestine into their new home. By 1897,
thousands of settlers had relocated there from Kharkov,
Kiev and Odessa. 6/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

They were aided by two organizations founded in

response to the pogroms: the Hovevei Zion, whose name
translates literally as [Those who are] Lovers of Zion; and
the Bilu, with its name being an acronym of a verse from
the Book of Isaiah (2:5): Beit Ya'akov Lekhu Venelkha
(“Oh, House of Jacob, come ye and let us go.”)

These settlers were hard-working to the point of

fanaticism. Being mostly students with no experience in
hard agricultural labor they were nonetheless adamant in
their decision to make it possible to live off this land. As
many as 15 years prior to the First Zionist Congress, a
handful of them formed a Bilu settlement in Gedera that
actually started off the first wave of the First Aliyah, the
ultimate homecoming movement of the Jewish people.

Star of David on top of a gravestone. © Getty Images / Philippe Lissac

In addition to converting the idea of repatriation inspired

by the first wave of settlers from Russia into a program,
the First Zionist Congress in Basel had more far-reaching
consequences. The major achievement was not the
establishment of the political principles of Zionism but
rather the practical implementation of its ideology.
Specific steps were proposed to accelerate the creation
of a Jewish state.

For example,
professor Hermann 7/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

Shapira (also a
Russian Jew)
proposed to establish
a foundation to
purchase land in Eretz
Yisrael (Land of
Israel), which resulted
Read more:
The last Tsar: How in creation of a Jewish
Russia commemorates the brutal National Fund only
communist murder of Emperor three years later,
Nikolai II's family although the author of
the idea did not live
long enough to see it.
Most of the major land purchases of the Zionist
Organization in Palestine were made by Russian Jewish
activists. One of them was Yehoshua Hankin, who
dedicated his life to negotiating a huge number of large-
scale land purchase deals for the future State of Israel.

The Congress also brought up an idea of founding a

university there, giving birth to the Hebrew University of

The First Zionist Congress also adopted the emblem for

the Jewish State, known as the Star of David, and gave a
name to the currency, the shekel. Both ideas were
authored by yet another Russian Jew, David Wolfson, a
close of ally of Theodor Herzl.

The work of the First Zionist Congress was basically that

of a “Jewish parliament in exile,” and Herzl was half-
jokingly dubbed “Jewish President” after the Basel
program was signed. 8/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

Theodor Herzl at the balcony of the hotel in Basel where he stayed during the
zionistic congress overlooking the Rhine River, Switzerland, Photograph, 1897.
© Imagno / Getty Images

Herzl wrote a few days later:

“If I were to sum up the Basel Congress in a single

phrase — which I would not dare to make public — I
would say: in Basel I created the Jewish State. If I said
this out loud today, l would be greeted by universal
laughter. In five years perhaps, and certainly in fifty years,
everyone will perceive it.”

51 years later, the State of Israel emerged on the political

map of the world. Although truth be told, this would have
hardly been possible without the foundation laid by the
wave of Jewish settlers from Russia.

A premonition – and the aftermath of the

‘‘The Jewish question’ was real in Europe, for the
European nations and for the Jews themselves. After the
Congress, the German embassy in Basel sent a report to
Berlin about the ‘Jewish events’ there. An Israel scholar
of law and politics Amnon Rubinstein quoted a side note
on the document made by the German Kaiser, “I am
more than happy with the migration of Jews to Palestine.
The sooner the better, I am not going to stop them.” 9/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

In the long run, anti-Semitism and Judeophobia in

Europe, and primarily in Germany, spiraled into what is
now regarded as the most tragic page in the history of the
Jewish people – the Holocaust.

The signs of Jewish persecution by the emerging Nazi

regimes were seen as early as in 1933, but the issue was
not globally recognized until the 21st World Zionist
Congress that took place in 1939. At the same time, Berl
Katznelson, a Jew of Belorussian origin, urged his kin to
illegally migrate to Israel in greater numbers. According to
him, it was the only way to avoid genocide.

“All I pray for is to meet you all again,” the president of

the Congress, Chaim Weizmann, said as he addressed
the participants.

Worn and exhausted from their experiences at the hands of the Nazis is this
group of Jews liberated from German camps by Red Army troops. © Getty
Images / Bettmann

At the eventual 22nd Congress, having survived the

tragedy of the Holocaust, those Zionists who attended
were firmly determined to create their own state and
unwilling to compromise with the British government that
held Palestinian land under its mandate at the time.

And Russia, this time represented by the Soviet

government, once again played a key part in achieving
the goals set by the Jewish people. 10/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

The Soviet Union as Israel’s best friend

The UN General Assembly did not welcome the concept
of founding an Israeli state at first. However, the Soviet
delegation led by Andrei Gromyko, the USSR’s first
Permanent Representative to the United Nations, actively
lobbied, for several days, the idea of establishing two
separate states on Palestinian territory – an Arab and a
Jewish state.

Before final voting took place on November 29, 1947,

Gromyko addressed the UN with an impressive speech.

“Studies of the Palestinian issue

have shown that the Jews and Arabs
in Palestine don’t want or cannot live
together. And this welcomes a logical
conclusion that if these two peoples,
inhabiting Palestine and both having
a history deeply rooted in that
country, cannot live side by side
within one state, we have no choice
but to establish two states, instead of
one – an Arab state and a Jewish
one. And the Soviet delegation
strongly believes that there is no
other viable option available…”

After this address, the number of countries which

abstained from voting dropped to 10, with only 13 UN
member states voting against the partition project in
Palestine, and 33 states – in favor of it. 11/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

When the establishment of the Jewish state was

proclaimed on May 14, 1948, the United States
recognized it on the following day, but only de-facto,
which did not imply full diplomatic relations. The Soviet
Union recognized de-jure the newly created state two
days later. The USSR thus became the first country to
establish diplomatic relations with Israel. The United
States did not follow suit until 1949.

But Soviet support for the new country did not stop at
that. After the Arab states’ armed forces invaded Israeli
territory, the USSR supplied it with weapons which were
shipped to the Middle East through socialist
Czechoslovak Republic and Romania. Apart from
weaponry, the countries of Eastern Europe also supplied
Israel with servicemen. They were mostly Jews who had
participated in the war against Germany. Soviet military
officers were also secretly sent to Israel.

Around 710,000
Arabs left the country
and about 400,000
Jews were expelled
from Arab countries
from 1948 to 1951
during Israel’s War for
Independence. Over
the first ten years of
Israel’s existence, its Read more:
Robert Inlakesh: How
population grew from Israel’s 1967 war paved the way
800,000 to 2 million. for the turmoil in today's Middle
Most immigrants were East
refugees settling in
tent camps. The first
Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, agreed to a
reparation agreement with Germany, for which he
was severely criticized by Jews worldwide, who were
outraged by the very idea of cooperation with Germany
after the Holocaust.

The supporters of Zionism knew that once the State of

Israel was created, the “Basel Program” focusing on the
idea of acquiring statehood became obsolete. They 12/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

worked out a new platform, the “Jerusalem Program” that

shifted the goals of the Zionist Movement to
strengthening the newly-established state by way of
encouraging Jewish immigration and promoting the unity
of the Jewish people.

Jews from the USSR and former Russian Empire

continued to play an important role in the continued
development of Zionism even after that – but now mostly
as citizens of Israel.

However, it is very unlikely that the state itself could’ve

been founded without the contribution of their
predecessors. Herzl himself wrote this about Russian
Jews, “When we saw them, we understood what it was
that gave our forefathers the strength to persevere even
in the hardest times. I remembered how people used to
say to me, ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can
do.’ If I heard this again, I would say – and that’s

By Valentin Loginov, a Russian journalist focused on

the political process, sociology and international relations


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‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 y

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9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

Write a message

This article is another stain on RT website its just repteaing the lies and claims of the Zios


Velo Cast
Mount Zion is the place where Yahweh, the God of Israel, dwells (Isaiah 8:18; Psalm 74:2)
king (Isaiah 24:23) and where he has installed his king, David (Psalm 2:6).


Velo Cast
Hovevei Zion (those who love Zion), also known as Hibbat Zion, refers to a variety of orga
founded in 1881 in response to the Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire

These organizations are now considered the forerunners and foundation-builders of mo

the first groups were established in Eastern European countries in the early 1880s with t
Jewish immigration to Palestine.


HE henrypie
If you have any doubt about the jews. Go into google & enter jewish persecution over the
will get a 4 page printout.


IM Imer.Whiteman
Can't believe that 75 years ago humanity had the opportunity to rid itself of a barbaric po
jubism. But instead they gave it, its own country to run. What a terrible missed opportun
political ideaology is always a win for humanity. Well hopefully next time.


MA MatMati
Good topic. 13 hr 14/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

Reply +1 + −

? Comment has been deleted

Domenico Zagari, Murder INC was Jewish 13 hr

1 reply

YA Yagma_Fifty_Eight_And_Haif
Thanks for undoing what God did. 14 hr

Reply 0 + −

RE Redpossum
Gah, who wrote this fawning pile of fertilizer? "and took to developing the dry and marsh
into their new home" - there he goes again, perpetrating the false idea that Palestine was
the smallhats arrived, which is a steppingstone to arguing that the Palestinian people de
their homeland. This is all trash.


TA Tamarque
This reads like a romance novel and ignores a lot of deviousness. Not mentioned is the Z
eliminate all the Palestinians in Isreal. Escaping the pograms of Russa/Ukraine and the N
promote an ideology based on universal humanism. The new immigrants to Palestine we
that brough their European white skin privilege with them with all its self-centered, self-s
Today we watch with horror the manifestations of this Zionist movement morphed into a
with genocidal goals as seen by what they do. The US funds this to billions of dollars of U
annually while refusing to put any oversight limits to how it is used. While we have may J
genuinely humantarian and promote a pluralistic world view, the Israeli power structure
the Palestinians. It is a State that was created without Palestinian involvement or agreem
was illegal.


5 to One
Tamarque, Yip 2 hr

1 reply

moha 15/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

I think the power of Jews is in their diaspora not in the create a country 23 hr

Reply 0 + −

GA GameraBot
So-called Jews you mean. These are not the Hebrews of Judea. These are Russian Khazar
identity in order to seize power and crush anyone who stood in their way.


Comment has been deleted

1 reply

Yosef ben Israel

Thank you again Valentin Loginov for your paper. 1 d

Reply −1 + −

JO JohnGilberts
Zionism is racism. Down with Apartheid Israel. Free Palestine. 1 d

Reply +5 + −

Comment has been deleted

1 reply

AU Aussie4Truth
Thank you for this article. I have long been interested in the history of Jews, since learnin
when I was young. But I often get conflicting messages from reading different articles & w
of the all-too-frequent confusion of people between Zionists and (what I call) real Jews.


Comment has been deleted

1 reply

Kurta Murta
I will quote the Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal:
321715/ 16/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News


Sussex C63
Kurta Murta, Where there is confusion there is the always the devil 1 d

1 reply

Debra Legorreta
Like Theodor Herzl, all Ashkenazi "Jews" are fake. They are Turcic people, and not Semitic
not God's chosen people.


Debra Legorreta, I agree. 1 d

4 more replies

00 007noname
European Jews are European. They have nothing of the Near East and even less of the ar
The many DNA tests done are accurate. No one has Abraham as an ancestor, not even cl
ordinary Jews) needed a sovereign territory from where they could act undisturbed.


007noname, So they stole Palestine from palestinians 1 d

1 more reply

Ari Greenblatt
The Russians have the best culture in the world. They could still learn from the West to b
They did try very hard and thus far it hasn't been an easy road.


Ari Greenblatt, How in the world can you learn to be a more free society from totalita
dictate freedom and liberty according to your political opinion, skin colour or gender

No, it is actually the other way around. The west can learn a thing or two about a free
f R i ll 17/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News
from Russia as well.

2 more replies

JO Johnw
Driving this Ukraine war look at the leading lights in other countries or close to it

Victoria nuland usa

Antony Blinken usa

Joe Biden all his kids partners usa

Anna Baerbock Germany husband

President Duda Poland

President levits Lithuania

Boris Johnson uk his wife

Freeland Canada

Zelensky Ukraine

Keir Starmers wife leader of opposition uk

Many many more in power

Trumps daughters husband

This is why Palestinian rights are blocked 1d

Reply +7 + −

Johnw, You must have forgotten the real Financial Power behind all this: The US FED,
aristocrats worth multiple billions of $$s, along with the parasites you mentioned. Fin
include, the US Big Tech CEOS, the US Oil, Gas/Mining CEOS, the MIC: America's "Milit
The FED, Wall Street (Including Hedge Fund CEO: Larry Fink of Black Rock, The Big Ban
Banks in the UK/EU. Then there's the CIA/FBI and The Mossad as guardians for the US

1 reply

‘This is something that only FED Fraudster Bankster, Z-i-o-n-i-s-t Planet Eater Alien Bugs c
The tragic events of the creation of the deadliest cancer tumor on planet's contemporary
h-e-i-d State of I-s-r-a-e-l!

That said, and frankly, I like it when such Hasbara trash shows up, cause then, I appreciat
RT and other real news outlets much more.


Paul Maroun
Sounds like you are proud too of those Bolsheviks - whose majority were jewish - who he
land of Palestine, in the creation of urgun, hagana, stern and other jewish terrorists, in th 18/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News
land of Palestine, in the creation of urgun, hagana, stern and other jewish terrorists, in th
Palestinians, in the bengorion’s led eviction of more than seven hundred and fifty thousa
their homes and villages in1948, in in the current apartheid system carrying out the land
demolitions, in the deadly and cruel attacks on Gaza and other Arab districts… the lists o
atrocities goes on limitlessly…


Johan D
Thank you RT for telling the truth. While I'm usually agreeing on comments here, when it
usually a lot of hate. Thank you for creating an objective article!


Johan D, If I was expelled grom 109 universities i would accept that i was the problem

1 reply

? Comment has been deleted

Tibor Brown
Gringo21, Jews got it banned 1 d

1 reply

Dominic Rice
Great Story 1d

Reply −3 + −

Ari Greenblatt
Very proud of Israel. Very thankful for the influence of Russian Jews and Russia, in creatin


NO NotSure36
Keep kissing kosher @$$. They still hate you. 1 d

Reply +6 + −

First Last 19/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

If you want to know the real history about these devils I mean so called "Jews", study the
Hosein. He goes down to every minute detail you could have ever possibly wanted to kno
our current times, all your answers will be solved.


First Last, Thanks for this tip. I will certainly check him out. 1 d

1 reply

Salman M. Salman
Not to be proud of history 1 d

Reply 0 + −

Paul Haeder
"Putin and Israel – a complex and multi-layered relationship" ..... Make no mistake. There
Russia and Israel. But neither is there a lot of hostility, at least not on the Russian side. M
of the ugly role Jews played already twice in Russian history, but this does not translate in
towards Jews which you would see, for example, in the Ukraine. At most Russians can be
*power* but rarely does this translate into hostility for Jews as regular people. Some of t
Russian public figures, like the bard Vladimir Vysotskii, had Jewish blood. Most Russians a
between “their” Jews (russophobic Jews in the West) and “our” Jews (Russian Jews who lov
russophobia has also been widespread amongst Russian elites, before and after the Rev
described as a Jewish phenomenon. The Russian culture having always been multi-nation
does not really separate people by their ethnicity but judges them much more readily by
ideas. For all these reasons, the hatred of the “Yid” is much more a Ukrainian nationalist
Russian one.

And while most Russians would not want to have a return to power of a new version of t
commissars or the “democratic” oligarchs inside Russia, there is a closeness and an anti-
Russians and Israelis which should not be dismissed.

Concerning Palestine, Russia will support all the relevant UN Resolutions and thus be the
unimaginative “two state solution” proponent. At most, Russia will “deplore” or “regret” th
Palestinians by Israelis, but Russia will never become a systematic defender of Palestinia
Hezbollah simply because the future of Palestine is not a Russian priority.


Comment has been deleted

1 reply 20/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News
1 reply

American census was only 130 million in 1933. Why didn't they take in a million? 1 d

Reply 0 + −

FO FooBangPop
Evicted and hunted out of most countries for millennia.. I'm sure there's a reason for tha

Reply +7 +

Sammy Isaac
FooBangPop, Then there must be a reason for their survival in spite of all that! 1 d

1 more reply

AE aetheri
Why don't RT mention all of the millions of dead Russians due to jewish communism? 1

Reply +14 + −

Garry Compton
Well, somewhere along the ride - Zionism became Satanic and all there is left is Zionists l
his NeoCon crew of haters.


Comment has been deleted

1 more reply

AL AllodialMan
Any "religion" that accepts the cutting off of a male baby's foreskin and THEN....then suck
baby whilst his penis is bleeding....BLOOD!!!.....IS PURE EVIL!!!


AllodialMan, WHaaaaaaaat!? Nah! 2 d

2 more replies 21/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

AL AllodialMan
That "star" is Satanic, and THEY KNOW IT!!----because they're evil! 2 d

Reply +4 + −

Sammy Isaac
AllodialMan, If Satan has no right to operate on earth, why is he still here? 1 d

1 reply

Ridiculous article. Simple continuation of a one-sided PR/Propaganda style narrative. BUT
Ukraine Special Military Operation, it serves to contrast the opportunistic hypocrisy regar
literal, Ukrainian neo-Nazis by Zionist-occupied-western-governments, as they sought to


5 to One
After reading old and modern history and witnessing what goes on in this world, I progra
believe a single word that comes out of a Shlomo or Cohen or Berg.


5 to One, Don't listen to them Jews when they talk & discuss things publicly (TV/radio
when they talk among themselves.

1 reply

This cancerous growth should've been eradicated with a vengeance all those years ago. B
today we pay the price by being led ever closer to our collective doom...


Yosef ben Israel

Joao_M, We are ready to receive you, punk. Make my day! 2 d

1 reply

AL Alex2300 22/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News
AL Alex2300
Great article 2 d

Reply −4 + −

Arshud Shaik
It is really sad that Russia is a proud founder of an apartheid state 2 d

Reply +4 + −

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1 more reply

TR treetopdweller10
I could go on showing that most of the Mosaic law, which is contained in the Torah, is not
congregation of Jews today, even the most strictly orthodox. All that is left of the Jewish r
Moses which was in force at the time of Christ are the food prohibitions and the restrictio
Sabbath.. The Temple was destroyed by the Roman army in the year 70, and the remnan
left alive after the slaughter were forbidden to live in or to visit the land under pain of de
first into neighboring countries and then into Europe. To summarize; the intregal law of M
any Jews, and has not been for nearly 2000 years. The religion of the Jews at the time of C
only authentic Jewish religion - is defunct. So how do Jews define themselves? I would say
an ethnic group, largely defined by their rejection of Jesus Christ and the religion he foun
of a number of extra-legal customs - dress, hair styles and prayer postures, and of course
of clean and unclean foods. They profess to believe in one God, but I don't know what kin
does not obey the prescriptions of that God revealed by Him to Moses. As for Semitic blo
in the majority of Jews today. You do see occasionally the middle eastern type in congreg
minority. The fact remains: The Jewish Religion is contained in the Torah, and that has no
the destruction of the Temple and the expulsion of the people from the land of Israel by
makes their claim to be the Chosen People of God untenable is the fact that that the God
permanently abolished the means - -priesthood and Temple - to do what Jews must do to
continue to call themselves His people.


Jungle Defender
treetopdweller10, Religion, the root of hate, greed, narcism, vanity and anthropocent

5 more replies

Jean Marie-Franklin Ntiruhungwa

In my language Russia means "God's embassador" 2 d 23/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

Reply +1 + −

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1 reply

zkooby doo
The modern world has been shaped by 2 great deceptions: first, that Zion ever meant an
spiritual goal, and second, that modern "Jews" have any cultural or historical connection
exterminated by Rome in 70 A D.


Sussex C63
zkooby doo, I mean imagine the Native Americans deciding they have a right to repos
expelling the Jews. Or the muslims retaking Spain and Portugal because the unfair Re
Templars retaking the Promised land? What’s the difference?

1 more reply

PE PeterKurten
Zionism is just like White Supremacy, BLM, La Raza, Nation of Aztlan, Asian Supremacists


Sussex C63
I have three things to say ask about jews: 1) How come the Holocaust™️is the ONLY histo
be locked in jail for questioning the details of, and 2) Why is it wrong to talk out loud abo
much every aspect of our lives and Western civilisation is controlled or profited from by J
about how “evil” White people are all day long, and 3) Why are Jews in our nations at the f
present) of flooding all White nations with non-whites, while their ethno/Zio state of Israe
the tightest borders and migration policies (Jews only by DNA) in the world. People are n
increasing numbers. Serious answers only please.


Yosef ben Israel

Sussex C63, Sussex, suck it! 2 d

8 more replies

JA JateHews 24/26
9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

Nationalism for men but not for thee! 2 d

Reply +1 + −



Yosef ben Israel

FEIBEL, On May 14, 1948, the United States recognized the provisional Jewish governm
authority of the Jewish state. But they they recognized Israel de jure on January 31, 19

1 reply

Luis Romo
What a disappointment! - I had always thought that the Soviet Union had been on the Ar
State of Israel, also known as Uncle Sam's favourite puppet.


Luis Romo, luis-homo 2 d

2 more replies

Salvatore Vitale
Amazing How the plight of one race/ religion is Played Up and others are Played Down..

Reply +5 +

T Joes
Salvatore Vitale, Christians that don't see the obvious, Jesus was tortured and murde
overturned the blood sacrifice money changers in the temple and the Talmud tells w
rest of humanity....or should I say the "animalhood" of man.

1 reply

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9/3/22, 1:29 PM ‘This is something that only Russian Jews can do': How modern Zionism was created 125 years ago — RT World News

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