Class Rules and Consequences Assignment

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Class Rules and Consequences Assignment

Set of Rules:
1. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
2. Listen when others are talking.
3. Be kind to everyone.
4. Try your best!
Because most students in Special Education really benefit from visuals, I think it’s important to
have pictures included with each rule. Having frequent conversations of what it means to keep
your hands and feet to yourself as well as role playing on what could happen in different
scenarios is equally important. Practicing on how to raise our hands if we need to ask a question
and not interrupting if someone else is talking. Being kind? What does it mean to be kind?
Receiving input from the students on what are some kind and not so kind words also benefits
them with interacting with their class and with students from other classes. What does it mean for
Mrs. Celestino to be kind to her students? It’s important for the students to understand that not
only students need to be kind, but also teachers need to be kind as well. Modeling this type of
behavior on a daily basis. Trying your best in anything and everything you do and really focusing
on rewarding positive behavior.

Step 1: Verbal redirection or warning
Step 2: Move reward clip down the visual chart (second warning)
Step 3: Take a break! Time to think about how better choices can be made (third warning)
Step 4: One on one conversation with teacher and final warning
Step 5: Note sent home to parent
Step 6: Parent conference
Step 7: Administration referral

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