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Petri Nets*

Department of Computer Sciences, The Unwers~ty of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712

Over the last decade, the Petri net has gamed increased usage and acceptance as a basic
model of systems of asynchronous concurrent computation. This paper surveys the basic
concepts and uses of Petm nets. The structure of Petri nets, their m a r k i n g s and
execution, several examples of Petm net models of computer hardware and software, and
research into the analysis of Petm nets are presented, as are the use of the reachability
tree and the decidability and complexity of some Petri net problems. Petri net
languages, models of computation related to Petm nets, and some extensions and
subclasses of the Petri net model are also bmefly discussed
Keywords and Phrases: P e t n nets, system models, asynchronous concurrent events.
CR Categories. 1.3, 5.29, 8.1

INTRODUCTION tems of parallel or concurrent activities.

Section 3 presents a more formal definition
A Petri net is an abstract, formal model of
and discussion of the fundamental con-
information flow. The properties, con-
cepts and notations of Petri nets. Section 4
cepts, and techniques of Petri nets are
considers the extensive body of research
being developed in a search for natural,
dealing with the analysis of Petri nets,
simple, and powerful methods for describ-
their advantages, and their limitations.
ing and analyzing the flow of information
Petri net languages are presented in Sec-
and control in systems, particularly sys-
tion 5. Finally, in Section 6, we consider
tems that may exhibit asynchronous and
some of the m a n y variations of Petri nets
concurrent activities. The major use of Pe-
t h a t have been defined, both as generali-
tri nets has been the modeling of systems
zations of Petri nets and as subclasses of
of events in which it is possible for some
the general model; the more general
events to occur concurrently but there are
models have certain advantages for model-
constraints on the concurrence, prece-
ing, while the more restricted models have
dence, or frequency of these occurrences.
certain advantages for analysis.
Since many readers may be unfamiliar
with Petri nets, we first present a very 1. OVERVIEW
brief and informal introduction to their
Figure 1 shows a simple Petri net. The
fundamentals and history. Then we con-
pictorial representation of a Petri net as a
sider several aspects of Petri nets in more
graph used in this illustration is common
detail. We begin, in Section 2, by consider-
practice in Petri net research. The Petri
ing the use of Petri nets for modeling sys-
net graph models the static properties of a
system, much as a flowchart represents
* This work was supported, m part, by the National
Science Foundation, under G r a n t N u m b e r MCS75- the static properties of a computer pro-
16425. gram.
Copyright © 1977, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. General permismon to republish, b u t not for
profit, all or p a r t of this material is granted provided t h a t ACM's copyright notice is given and t h a t reference
is made to the publication, to its date of msue, and to the fact t h a t reprinting privileges were granted by
permission of the Associat]on for Computing Machinery.

Computing Surveys, Vol 9, No. 3, September 1977

224 * J. L. Peterson

CONTENTS the Petri net. Tokens, indicated by black

dots, reside in the circles representing the
places of the net. A Petri net with tokens is
INTRODUCTION a marked Petri net.
1 OVERVIEW The use of the tokens rather resembles a
board game. These are the rules: Tokens
Properties of Petn Nets Useful m Modeling are moved by the firing of the transitions
Modeling of Hardware of the net. A transition must be enabled in
Modehng of Software
3 STRUCTURE OF PETRI NETS order to fire. (A transition is enabled when
The Petn Net Graph all of its input places have a token in
Markings them.) The transition fires by removing
Executmn Rules for Marked Petrl Nets
The State Space of a Petn Net the enabling tokens from their input
The Reachabfllty Set of a Petrl Net places and generating new tokens which
Analysis Questmns
are deposited in the output places of the
Solutmn Techmques transition. In the marked Petri net of Fig.
Analysis Using the Reachabfllty Tree 2, for example, the transition t2 is enabled
The Reachablhty Problem
Unsolvable Problems since it has a token in its input place (Pl)"
Complexity Transition ts, on the other hand, is not
5 PETRI NET LANGUAGES enabled since one of its inputs (P3) does not
Extended Petrt Nets have a token. If t2 fires, the marked Petri
Subclasses of Petrl Nets net of Fig. 3 results. The firing of transi-
Related Models
tion t2 removes the enabling token from
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS place Pl and puts tokens in p2 and P3, the
BIBLIOGRAPHY two outputs of t2.
The distribution of tokens in a marked
Petri net defines the state of the net and is
called its marking. The marking m a y
change as a result of the firing of transi-
tions. In different markings, different
The graph contains two types of nodes: transitions may be enabled. For example,
circles (called places) and bars (called in the marked net of Fig. 3 three transi-
transitions). These nodes, places and tran- tions are enabled: tl, t3, and t5, none of
sitions, are connected by directed arcs which were enabled in the marking of Fig.
from places to transitions and from transi-
tions to places. If an arc is directed from
node i to node j (either from a place to a
transition or a transition to a place), then i
is an input to j , a n d j is an output of i. In
Fig. 1, for example, placepl is an input to
transition t2, while places P2 and p3 are
outputs of transition t2.
In addition to the static properties repre-
sented by the graph, a Petri net has dy-
namic properties that result from its exe-
cution. Assume that the execution of a
computer program represented by a flow-
chart is exhibited by placing a marker on
the flowchart to mark the instruction
being executed, and that as the execution
progresses, the marker moves around the
flowchart. Similarly, the execution of a
Petri net is controlled by the position and FIGURE 1. A simple graph representation ofa Petrl
movement of markers (called tokens) in net.

C o m p u t i n g S u r v e y s , Vol. 9, N o 3, S e p t e m b e r 1977
Petri N e t s • 225

Pl sition t5 has been disabled since there is no

longer a token in place P3. In the marking
of Fig. 4c, transition t3 has become disa-
bled. Firing either of transitions t3 or t5
disables the other; they are said to be in

5 ~ p5p This simple, vague, and incomplete ex-

ample of a Petri net is meant to give a brief
introduction to the basic concepts of Petri
nets. It also raises some questions for fur-
ther consideration. For example, the
markings of Figs. 3, 4a, 4b, a n d 4 c were
generated from the marking of Fig. 2 by
7 firing transitions. Can we characterize the
class of markings that m a y be reached
from a given marked Petri net? Can we
characterize the class of sequences of tran-
FIGURE 2. A m a r k e d Petr~ net. sition firings that are possible from a
marked Petri net? What interesting prop-
erties can Petri nets have and how can
these properties be tested for?
Some of these questions are of interest
for Petri nets as abstract formal entities.
Other questions relate to Petri nets in
their function as models of other systems,
existing or proposed. For example, the net
of Fig. 2 can represent a producer-con-
sumer problem [25] with one producer
(places p~ and P2) and two consumers

t~ P7
(places P4, P5 and pe, P7). The items pro-
duced by the producer are passed to the
consumers. This is modeled by placep3 and
the tokens '~roduced" by transition t 2 and
"consumed" by transitions t3 and ts. For
this interpretation of the net, we m a y be
interested in how far the producer can get
FIGURE 3 The m a r k i n g resulting from firing tran- ahead of the consumers (the maximum
sition t2 in Fig. 2 Note t h a t the token in Pl was number of tokens in P3), whether the con-
removed and tokens were added to p2 and p3- sumers could get ahead of the producer or
consume the same item twice, and so on.
2. In this situation, we have a choice as to The use of Petri nets in modeling is dis-
which transition will fire next. Figure 4 cussed in Section 2.
shows the three possible resultant mark- Although Petri nets are basically very
ings; from each of these, other markings simple, they m a y be approached and uti-
may then be reached since transition fir- lized in a large number of ways. Petri nets
ings may continue as long as there is an can be considered as formal automata and
enabled transition. investigated either as automata or as gen-
Note that in the marking of Fig. 4a, erators of formal languages [37, 79]. Ques-
transitions t3 and t5 remain enabled, and tions dealing with the theory of computa-
transition t2 is also enabled; if transition t2 tional complexity have been raised [64,
fires, the resulting marking will have two 49]. Petri nets have associations with the
tokens in place p3. In the marking of Fig. study of linear algebra [69], Presburger
4b, transition t~ remains enabled but tran- arithmetic [52], and graph theory. They

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

226 • J. L. Peterson

are a major model of concurrent systems lel Computation at Woods Hole in 1970,
[6], particularly computer systems. They [23] and the Conference on Petri Nets and
are of interest in some areas of hardware Related Methods at MIT in 1975.
design, description and construction, soft- From the work at Applied Data Re-
ware systems, and the interactions be- search and MIT, the use of Petri nets has
tween design and implementation. spread widely. A large amount of research
Because of the breadth of application has been done on both the nature and the
and depth of research into Petri nets, we application of Petri nets, and their use
can only touch here on many of the results. seems to be expanding. The simplicity and
We refer the interested reader to the origi- power of Petri nets make them excellent
nal works cited in the Bibliography for the tools for working with asynchronous con-
proofs and details of much of the research. current systems. Unfortunately much of
the work on Petri nets is in the form of
History theses, dissertations, reports, and memos
The theory of Petri nets has developed that are not readily available nor in wide
from the work of Carl Adam Petri, A. W. circulation. This paper is an attempt to
Holt, Jack Dennis, and many others. Petri remedy this situation; it is intended as
nets originated in the early work of Petri, both a survey and a tutorial on Petri nets.
in Germany, who in his thesis [80], devel- It should be noted that Petri nets can be
oped a new model of information flow in viewed in many different ways; we cannot
systems. This model was based on the con- present here all such views. In part due to
cepts of asynchronous and concurrent op- the difficulty of obtaining literature on Pe-
eration by the parts of a system and the tri nets and the newness of the theory, the
realization that relationships between the terminology, notation, and emphasis have
parts could be represented by a graph, or varied widely in research on this subject.
net. This problem is also caused by the power of
The ideas of Petri came to the attention Petri nets and the resultant diversity of
of a group of researchers at Applied Data applications.
Research, Inc., working on the Informa- Petri has expanded upon his original
tion Systems Theory Project [43]. This theory, continuing work on the basic con-
group, led by Anatol Holt, developed the cepts of information flow and the structure
theory of "systemics" [44] which was con- of concurrent systems. This has resulted in
cerned with the representation and analy- a form of general systems theory called net
sis of systems and their behavior. It was theory [81, 82] which is related to topology.
this work which provided the early theory, This research, involving the fundamental
notation, and representation of Petri nets, nature of information and its control, has
and showed how Petri nets could be ap- stimulated a wealth of further research in
plied to the modeling and analysis of sys- Europe, particularly at the Institut f(lr In-
tems of concurrent processes. formationssystemforschung of the Gesell-
Applied Data Research's associations schaft fiir Mathematik und Datenverar-
with Project MAC at MIT, and particu- beitung in Bonn. While starting with the
larly the Computation Structures Group same fundamental concepts as the work in
under the direction of Jack Dennis, intro- the United States, this work developed in
duced the concepts of Petri nets to this a different direction, evolving into a more
latter group. The Computation Structures general and abstract theory.
Group has been a most productive source Holt also has continued to develop new
of research and literature in this field, concepts from the original work on Petri
publishing several PhD theses and numer- nets, concentrating on the development of
ous reports and memos on Petri nets [73, tools for the representation and analysis of
32, 34, 84, 38, 28]. Two pertinent confer- systems. His work has centered mainly on
ences have been held by the Computation research into the fundamental aspects of
Structures Group: the Project MAC Con- concurrency and conflict in systems with
ference on Concurrent Systems and Paral- multiple parts.

Computing Surveys, Vol 9, No 3, September 1977

Petri Nets • 227




t~ P7

I) t5 •

FIGURE 4. Markings resulting from the firing of different transitions in the net of Fig. 3 (a) Result of firing
tranmtion tl; (b) Result of firing transition t3; (c) Result of firing transition t~.

In contrast to the work of Petri, Holt, analyzing Petri nets in order to answer
and many European researchers, which questions similar to those raised earlier
emphasizes the fundamental concepts of (e.g., what markings are reachable in a
systems, the work at MIT and many other given Petri net? What sequences of transi-
American research centers concentrates tion firings are possible? etc.). This mecha-
on those mathematical aspects of Petri nistic approach is quite different in ori-
nets that are more closely related to auto- entation from the more philosophical ap-
mata theory. (This paper is written from proaches of Holt and Petri.
the latter point of view.) This approach is
motivated by a desire to analyze systems 2. MODELING WITH PETRI NETS
by modeling them as Petri nets, and then
manipulating the Petri nets to derive In many sciences, a phenomenon is stud-
properties of the modeled systems. This ied by examining not the actual phenome-
requires the development of techniques for non itself but rather a model of the phe-

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

228 • J . L. Peterson

nomenon. A model is a representation, of- A CARDREADER

ten in mathematical terms, of what are NO CARD READER
felt to be the important features of the
object under study. By the manipulation of
the representation, it is hoped that new
knowledge about the modeled phenome-
non, and the model itself, will be obtained
without the cost, inconvenience, or danger A CARDREADER
of manipulating the real phenomenon it-
FIGURE 5. A rumple model of t h r e e conditions a n d
self. For example, much work on atomic a n event.
energy has been done by modeling because
of the expense and danger of handling ra-
dioactive materials. ~A card reader is available' might cause
Most modeling uses mathematics. The the event ~Allocate the card reader' to oc-
important features of m a n y physical phe- cur. The occurrence of this event results in
nomena can be described numerically and the ceasing of the conditions 'A card reader
the relations between these features de- is needed' and 'A card reader is available',
scribed by equations or inequalities. Par- while causing the condition 'No card
ticularly in physics and chemistry, proper- reader is available' to become true. These
ties such as mass, momentum, accelera- events and conditions, and their relation-
tion, position, and forces, are describable ships, m a y be modeled as in Fig. 5, where
by mathematical equations. To success- we are using places to represent conditions
fully utilize the modeling approach, how- and transitions to represent events. Note
ever, requires a knowledge of both the that other conditions, such as 'The card
modeled phenomena and the modeling reader is allocated', may also hold in the
techniques. Thus, mathematics has devel- system even though they are not modeled.
oped as a science in part because of its More complicated systems m a y also be
usefulness in modeling phenomena in modeled in this manner. Consider for ex-
other sciences. For example, the differen- ample the following description of a com-
tial calculus was developed in direct re- puter system:
sponse to the need for a means to model • Jobs appear and are put on an input
continuously changing properties such as list. When the processor is free, and
position, velocity, and acceleration in there is a job on the input list, the
physics. processor starts to process the job.
Petri nets are also a modeling tool. They • When the job is complete, it is
were devised for use in the modeling of a placed on an output list, and if
specific class of problems, the class of dis- there are more jobs on the input
crete-event systems with concurrent or list, the processor continues with
parallel events. Petri nets model systems, another job; otherwise it waits for
and particularly two aspects of systems, another job.
events and conditions, and the relation- This is a very simple system composed of
ships among them [44]. In this view, in a several elements: the processor, the input
system, at any given time, certain condi- list, the output list, and the jobs. We can
tions will hold. The fact that these condi- identify several conditions of interest:
tions hold m a y cause the occurrence of • The processor is idle;
certain events. The occurrence of these • A job is on the input list;
events m a y change the state of the system, • A job is being processed;
causing some of the previous conditions to • A job is on the output list;
cease holding, and causing other condi- and several events:
tions to begin to hold. • A new job enters the system;
A simple example might be that the si- • Job processing is started;
multaneous holding of both the condition • Job processing is completed;
'A card reader is needed' and the condition • A job leaves the system.

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No 3, September 1977

Petri Nets • 229
in a Petri net. This reflects a philosophy of
time which states that the only important
A JOB IS ~ T" P O--SS- property of time, from a logical point of
ONT~Is f ~ ~i~ R ~ E OR
view, is in defining a partial ordering of
the occurrence of events. Events take vari-
able amounts of time in real life; the Petri
net model reflects this variability by not
depending upon a notion of time to control

the sequence of events. Therefore, the Pe-
tri net structure itself must contain all
necessary information to define the possi-
ble sequences of events of a modeled sys-
Thus, in the net of Fig. 6 the event ~Job
processing is completed' must follow the
corresponding event 'Job processing is
THE OUTPUT LIST started' because of the structure of the net

although no information at all is given or
considered concerning the amount of time
required to process a job. On the other
FIGURe. 6 Modeling of a simple computer system. hand, events which need not be con-
strained in terms of their relative order of
occurrence are not constrained; thus while
The Petri net of Fig. 6 illustrates the
a job is being processed the event ~A new
modeling of this system. The '~job enters"
job enters the system' may occur, before,
transition in this illustration is a source;
after, or simultaneously with the occur-
the '~job leaves" transition is a s i n k .
rence of the event 'Job processing is com-
Properties of Petri Nets Useful in Modeling A Petri net, like the system which it
models, is viewed as a sequence of discrete
The example above illustrates several events whose order of occurrence is one of
points about Petri nets and the systems possibly m a n y allowed by the basic struc-
they can model. One is inherent concur- ture. This leads to a n o n d e t e r m i n i s m in
rency or p a r a l l e l i s m . There are two main Petri net execution. If at any time more
kinds of independent entities in the sys- than one transition is enabled, then any of
tem: the job and the processor. In the Petri the several enabled transitions m a y fire.
net model, the events which relate solely The choice as to which transition fires is
to one or the other can occur independ- made in a nondeterministic manner, i.e.,
ently; there is no need to synchronize the randomly or by forces t h a t are not
actions of the jobs and the processor. Thus modeled. This feature of Petri nets reflects
jobs may enter or leave the system at any the fact t h a t in real-life situations where
time independent of the action of the proc- several things are happening concur-
essor. However, when synchronization is rently, the order of occurrence of events is
necessary, for instance when both a job not unique, so t h a t any of a set of se-
and an idle processor must be available for quences may occur. While nondetermi-
processing to start, the situation is also nism is advantageous from a modeling
easily modeled. Thus a Petri net would point of view, it introduces considerable
seem to be ideal for modeling systems of complexity into the analysis of Petri nets.
distributed control with multiple processes To reduce this complexity, one limita-
occurring concurrently. tion is generally accepted in the modeling
Another major feature of Petri nets is of systems by Petri nets. The firing of a
their asynchronous nature. There is no in- transition (occurrence of an event) is con-
herent measure of time or the flow of time sidered to be instantaneous, i.e., to take

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

230 • J. L. Peterson

zero time. Since time is a continuous vari- t

able, then, the probability of any two or
more events happening simultaneously is
zero, and two transitions cannot fire si-
multaneously. The events being modeled
are considered primitive events, Note t h a t
this need cause no problems in the model-
ing of events. For example, in Fig. 6 the
event 'Process a job' was modeled. But
since this event is not a primitive one (it
FIGURE 8. Modeling of %lmultaneous" events
takes nonzero time and other events, such which may occur m either order.
as the entering and leaving of the system
by other jobs, may occur at the same time),
it is decomposed into a beginning and an tj
ending, which are instantaneous events,
plus the noninstantaneous occurrence.
This is shown in Fig. 7. Since this tech-
nique can be used for any nonprimitive P~
event, the modeling power of Petri nets is
not reduced.
The nondeterministic and nonsimulta-
neous firing of transitions in the modeling
of concurrent systems takes two forms.
One of these is shown in Fig. 8, which FIGURE 9. Illustration of conflicting transitions
depicts "simultaneous" events t h a t may Transitions t~ and tk conflict since the firing of one
occur in either order. In this situation the will disable the other.
two enabled events do not affect each other
in any way and the possible sequences of The two concepts illustrated by Figs. 8
events include some in which one event and 9, concurrency and conflict, are basic
occurs first and some in which the other to an understanding of Petri nets. At the
occurs first. same time, the usefulness of Petri nets as
The other type of situation, where si- models of information flow derives from
multaneity causes difficulties in modeling, the natural way in which they can be used
is handled by defining events to occur non- to express and analyze concurrency and
simultaneously. This is illustrated in Fig. conflict.
9. Here the two enabled transitions tj and An important aspect of Petri nets is t h a t
tk are in confhct. Only one transition can they are uninterpreted models. The net of
fire, since in so doing it removes the token Fig. 6 has been labeled with statements
from p, and disables the other transition. that indicate to the h u m a n observer the
To accurately model a system using Petri intent of the model, but these labels dD
nets requires careful attention to assure not, in any way, affect the execution of the
t h a t in cases such as the above the Petri net. The net of Fig. 10 is identical to t h a t of
net reflects all, and only those, event se- Fig. 6 in t h a t it has an identical structure.
quences which are possible in real life. However, no meaning is attached to the
places and transitions in this uninter-
preted net; we deal only with the abstract
NON-PRIMITIVE NON-PRIMITIVE properties inherent in the structure of the
net. Since we are interested in the proper-
ties of Petri nets per se, in this paper we
concern ourselves only with uninterpreted
EVENTOCCURRING Another valuable feature of Petri nets is
FIGURE 7. Modeling of a nonpnnutive event. their ability to model a system hierarchi-

Computing Surveys, "Col.9, No. 3, September 1977

Petri Nets • 231
lelism into a sequential program in such a
way as to maintain correct results is called
t1 d e t e r m i n a t e . T h e conditions for maintain-
ing determinancy have been considered by
Bernstein [10]. They are the following: For
two operations a and b such that a pre-
cedes b in the linear precedence of the
program, b can be started before a is done
if and only ifb does not need the result of a
as an input and the results of b do not
FIGURE 10. An uninterpreted Petri net. change either the inputs or outputs of a
cally. An entire net may be replaced by a One method of applying these con-
single place or transition for modeling at a straints to the construction of the com-
more abstract level (abstraction) or places puter control unit that is to issue instruc-
and transitions may be replaced by sub- tions is to use a reservation table. An in-
nets to provide more detailed modeling struction for functional unit u using regis-
(refinement). Figure 11 illustrates this hi- ters ~,j , and k can be issued only if all four
erarchical modeling capability. of these components are not reserved; if
Most of the work on Petri nets has been the instruction is issued, all four of them
in the investigation of the properties of a become reserved. If the instruction cannot
given net or class of nets. Little explicit be issued at this time, the control unit
attention has been paid to developing waits until the instruction can be issued
modeling techniques specifically for Petri before continuing to the next instruction.
nets. However, there are certain areas in This sort of scheme can be modeled as a
which Petri nets would seem to be the Petri net. To each functional unit and each
perfect tool for modeling: those areas in register we associate a place. If the unit or
which events occur asynchronously and in- register is free, a token will be in the place;
dependently. There are many examples, if it is not, no token will be in the place.
some of which we present here. Figure 12 shows a portion of a Petri net
which could be used to model the execution
Modeling of Hardware of an instruction using unit u and regis-

Large, powerful computer systems often

use asynchronous parallel activities in an
effort to achieve maximum parallelism
and hence increase effective processing
speed. In computers such as the CDC 6600
[91] and the IBM 360/91 [4], for example,
multiple functional units are provided to
perform computations on multiple regis-
ters. The control unit of the machine at-
tempts to keep several of these units in
operation simultaneously.
However, the introduction of parallel-
ism in this manner must be controlled so
that the results of executing the program
with and without parallelism are the
same. Certain operations in the program
will require that the results of previous
operations have been successfully com-
FIGURE 11. Hierarchical modeling in Petrl nets by
puted before the following instructions can replacing places or transitions by subnets (or vice
proceed. A system which introduces paral- versa).

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

232 • J. L. Peterson
INSTRUCTIONUSES DlglTu READY TO DECODE ands, it can t u r n out results at the rate of
one every t time units.
ISSUE As an example, consider the addition of
two floating-point numbers. The gross
steps involved are:
UNIT u ~ ~ a) Extract the exponents of the two
IS FREEI ~ ~UNiT b) Compare the exponents, and inter-
REGISTER u OPERATING change if necessary to properly or-
der the larger and smaller of the
j is FREE\V ]7

c) Shift the smaller fraction to equal-
~/ ~INSTRUCTION ize exponents;
FREE ~ COMPLETED d) Add fractions;
e) Post-normalize;
FIGURE 12. A portion of a Petri n e t modeling a f) Consider exponent overflow or un-
control u n i t for a computer with multiple registers derflow, and pack the exponent
and multiple functional units. and fraction of the result.
Each of these steps can be performed by a
ters i,j, and k. Modeling the entire control separate computational unit, with a par-
unit would of course require a much larger ticular operand being passed from unit to
Petri net. unit for the complete addition operation.
The scheme described above is a very The coordination of the different units
simple method of introducing parallelism can be handled in several ways. Typically,
and does not consider, for example, the the pipeline control is synchronous with
fact that multiple functional units can use the time allowed for each step of the pipe,
the same register as an input simultane- being some fixed constant time t; every t
ously. Thus, this scheme may not produce time units, the result of each unit is
schedules with maximum parallelism [55]. shifted down the pipe to become the input
However, there are other schemes which for the next unit. However, this can un-
can do so. These (more complicated) necessarily hold up processing, as the time
schemes can also be modeled by (more needed m a y vary from stage to stage and
complicated) Petri nets. For example, the may also vary for different inputs. For
CPU of a CDC 6600 has been modeled by a example, the post-normalization step in
Petri net [90]. This model was used to de- the floating-point addition above may take
termine how object code should be gener- different amounts of time depending on
ated to minimize execution time by maxi- how long the normalization shift should be
mizing parallelism between the various and whether it should be to the left or to
functional units. the right. Thus processing might be
Another approach to the construction of speeded up by an asyrmhronous pipeline in
a high-performance computer is the use of which results from stage k are sent on to
pipelines [13]. This technique is useful, stage (k + 1) as soon as stage k is done and
particularly for vector and array process- stage (k + 1) is free. This scheme can be
ing, and is similar to the operation of an easily modeled by a Petri net.
assembly line. The pipeline is composed of Consider an arbitrary stage in the pipe-
a number of stages, which m a y be in exe- line. Operations at this stage require cer-
cution simultaneously. When stage k fin- tain inputs and produce certain outputs.
ishes, it passes on its results to stage (k + Obviously, there has to be a place to put
1) and looks to (k - 1) for new work. If each the inputs and outputs. Typically, this in-
stage takes t time units and there are n volves registers: the unit uses the values
stages, then the complete operation for one in its input register to produce values in its
operand takes nt time units. However, if output register. It must then wait until 1)
the pipe is kept supplied with new oper- a new input is available in its input regis-

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

~ i ;~'~<~7:1 ~ i . ~ # ~
Petri Nets • 233
ter and 2) its output register has been emp- gating the fault-tolerant properties of de-
tied by being copied into the input register signs [48].
of the next stage. Thus the control for the
pipeline needs to know when the following Modeling of Software
conditions hold:
• input register full; On a more abstract level, Petri nets can
• input register empty; also model software concepts [24, 77, 61].
• output register full; Resource allocation, deadlock, and process
• output register empty; coordination in an operating system can be
• unit busy; modeled. A process can be modeled by a
• unit idle; Petri net in the same way that it can be
• copying taking place. modeled by a flowchart, and then the in-
Figure 13 shows the Petri net which teractions between processes can be
models the operation of an asynchronous modeled as additional places, arcs and
pipeline of this kind. Other forms of pipe- transitions.
line control units can also be defined in For example, consider the mutual exclu-
terms of Petri nets. sion problem [25]. This is a problem of
The above examples show some of the enforcing coordination of processes in such
uses to which Petri nets can be put in the a way that particular sections of code
modeling of hardware. Petri nets have also called critical sections, one in each proc-
been associated with the description of ess, are mutually excluded in time. That
general modular asynchronous systems is, if Process 1 is executing its critical sec-
[22, 75] and macromodules [14]. At Honey- tion, then Process 2 m a y not begin its criti-
well, Petri nets have been used for investi- cal section until Process 1 has left its own
critical section. At its highest level of ab-
straction, the situation is illustrated as
/\ /
/ follows:
Process I Process 2

f ours ~T
~!i!~tion ~~mt.~laC~ii~tio
n Hal't

The problem is to define appropriate entry

code and exit code to assure mutual exclu-
The mutual exclusion problem can be
F OUTPUT easily solved by using P and V operations
as defined in [25] for process synchroniza-
tion and coordination. The P and V opera-
tions operate on semaphores, and only P
! and V instructions m a y be executed on a
semaphore. (A semaphore S is a variable
\ / with integer values.) These operations can
be defined as follows:
FIGURE 13. Representation of an asynchronous
pipelined controlunit. The blockdiagramon the P(S): As soonasS > 0, setS:= S-l;
left is modeledby the Petri net on the right. V(S): S:= S+I.

ComputingSurveys,Vol.9, No.3, September1977

234 • J. L. Peterson

These are indivisible operations. A process

executing a P operation must wait until
the semaphore is positive before it can de-
crement it and continue. A V operation
simply adds one to the semaphore (per-
haps allowing some other process to exe-
cute a P operation). Two processes cannot
execute P or V operations on the same
semaphore concurrently. For example,
Process I Process 2
P(mutex); P(mutex);
"Crihcal Sechon"; "Critical Sechon";
V(mutex); V(mutex);

is a solution of the mutual exclusion prob-

FIGURE 15. A Petrl net model of a P / V solution to
lem diagrammed above using P and V op- the mutual exclusion problem
erations, which are primitive, and the
semaphore "mutex" which is global to the
two processes and has an initial value of ing up this technique of using Petri nets to
one. prove properties of semaphore systems is
P and V operations have been used reported in [57], [3], and [56].
widely. Systems of processes that use these These simple examples can only provide
operations can be modeled by Petri nets a slight indication of the modeling power
(see [74]). A semaphore is modeled by a of Petri nets and the many diverse systems
place; the number of tokens in the place that can be modeled by them. Many other
models the value of the semaphore. A V areas of study have been mentioned as
operation on the semaphore places a token possible subjects of Petri net modeling, in-
in the semaphore; a P operation removes a cluding resource allocation, operating sys-
token (it waits until there is one to re- tems [71], queueing networks, traffic con-
move, if necessary). This is illustrated in trol, distributed computer systems, legal
Fig. 14. The mutual exclusion problem can systems [65], proofs in mathematics [30],
then be modeled as shown in Fig. 15, in and brain modeling. While much work in
which the place S models the semaphore. developing modeling techniques remains
Note that places P2 and P4 are mutually to be done, Petri nets are a very powerful
excluded. modeling tool that can be applied to a
The modeling of P and V operations by large variety of systems.
Petri nets has resulted in the discovery
and proof of some limitations of these nets. 3. STRUCTUREOFPETRINETS
Patil showed that certain process synchro-
The use of Petri nets for the modeling of
nization problems (such as the Cigarette
concurrent systems requires a careful un-
Smokers Problem) cannot be solved by P
derstanding of the properties of such nets.
and V operations [74]. Other work follow-
The development of an appropriate theory
has motivated most of the research on Pe-
tri nets. This basic theory is presented in
the following sections. Since this paper is
tutorial in nature, we have tried to limit
the formality of the presentation; however,
all of the concepts presented here have
been rigorously defined and formalized in
~(a) the literature. The reader who is inter-
FIGURE 14. Examples of modehng with sema- ested in a more formal treatment should
phores. (a) Modeling of a P operation; (b) Model- consult the references.
ing of a V operation. Petri nets are composed of two basic

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Petri Nets • 235
components: a set of places, P, and a set of
transitions, T. To complete the definition,
it is necessary to define the relationship
between the places and the transitions.
This can be done by specifying two func-
tions connecting transitions to places: I,
the input function, and O, the output func- tI

tion. The input function I defines, for each

transition t~, the set of input places for the
transition I(t~). The output function O de-
FIGURE 16. A Petri net graph.
fines, for each transition tj, the set of out-
put places for the transition O(tj).
Similarly, an arc is directed from a transi-
These four items define the structure of
a Petri net. Places and transitions are the tion tj to a place pt if the place is an output
fundamental undefined concepts of Petri of the transition.
net theory; other concepts are defined in A Petri net graph is a directed graph
terms of these concepts. Formally, a Petri since the arcs are directed. In addition,
net C is defined as the four-tuple C = (P, since its nodes can be partitioned into two
T,I,O). sets (places and transitions) such that each
Consider the following example Petri arc is directed from an element of one set
net structure, defined as a four-tuple. (place or transition) to an element of the
Each component of the structure is given: other set (transition or place), it is a bi-
partite directed graph.
C = (P,T,I,O) The correspondence between Petri net
P = {pl, I~, p~, t)4, ps} graphs and Petri net structures is so natu-
T = {t,, t~, t3, tJ ral that in most work they are considered
I(tO = {p~} O(t~) = {P2, P3, Ps}
not merely as different representations for
l(t~) = {/)2, P3, Ps} O(t2) = {Ps}
I(t3) = {P3} O(t3) = {P4}
the same concept, b u t rather as the same
I(t4) = {P4} O(t4) = {I~, t~} concept. Thus we refer to either Petri net
graphs or Petri net structures as Petri
ThePetri Net Graph nets. In this paper we give our examples as
Petri net graphs, but our discussion and
Although the definition given above is techniques are defined in terms of Petri
useful and appropriate for formal work net structures.
with Petri nets, it is ill-suited for the illus-
tration of many of the concepts of Petri Markings
nets in an informal and intuitive, yet con-
cise, manner. For this purpose a different A marking ~t of a Petri net is an assign-
representation of a Petri net is more use- ment of tokens to the places in that net.
ful: t h e Petri net graph. Figure 16 shows CToken" is a primitive concept for Petri
the Petri net graph corresponding to the nets.) Tokens reside in the places of the
structure described above. net. The number and position of tokens in
A Petri net structure consists of places, a net may change during its execution.
transitions, and the input and output func- The vector fe = (f¢~, ft2, "", ~ ) gives, for
tions. In a Petri net graph there are two each place in the Petri net, the number of
types of nodes corresponding to the places tokens in that place. The number of tokens
and transitions of the Petri net structure: a in place pt is p~, i = 1, ..., n. We may also
circle represents a place, and a bar repre- define a marking function/~: P --* N from
sents a transition. The input and output the set of places to the natural numbers,
functions are represented by directed arcs N = {0, 1, 2, ...}. This allows us to use the
from the places to the transitions and from notation ~(pi) to specify the number of
the transitions to the places. An arc is tokens in place p~. For a marking
directed from a place p, to a transition tj if ~, ~(pt) = ~.
the place is an input of the transition. On a Petri net graph, tokens are repre-

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236 • J . L. Peterson

of P2, P3, and P5 and then puts one token
in P5.
t4 Firing a transition will in general
change the marking of the Petri net,/~, to
a new marking p'. Note that since only
enabled transitions may fire, the number
of tokens in each place always remains
nonnegative when a transition is fired.
-~P3 "3 Firing a transition can never remove to-
kens that are not there: if any one of the
FIGURE 17 A m a r k e d Petri net.
input places of a transition contains no
tokens, then the transition cannot fire.
sented by small solid dots inside the circles Figure 18 summarizes the possible results
representing the places of the net. Figure of firing a transition. If a place is an input
17 is an example of a Petri net graph with to the transition, one token is removed; if
a marking. It represents the structure de- it is an output, one token is added. No net
scribed in the previous section with the change occurs if the place is neither an
marking p = (1, 0, 1, 0, 2). A Petri net C =
input nor an output, or is both an input
(P, T, I, O) with a marking ft becomes the
and an output. In the latter case, it is
marked Petri net, M = (P, T, I, O, Iz).
necessary for a token to be in the input
Since the number of tokens in a place is place even though no change in marking
unbounded over the set of all markings, occurs for this place.
there is an infinite number of markings for
a Petri net. It is, of course, a denumerable
The State Space of a Petri Net
The state of a Petri net is defined by its
Execution Rules for Marked Petri Nets marking. Thus the firing of a transition
represents a change in the state of the net.
Having presented the definitions and rep- The state space of a Petri net with n places
resentations of Petri nets and their mark- is the set of all markings, i.e., N". The
ings, we now present the execution rules
for marked Petri nets.
A Petri net executes by firing transi-
tions. A transition may fire if it is enabled. tj tj
A transition is enabled if each of its input
places has at least one token in it. In Fig- Pl I
ure 17, for example, since the inputs to
transition t2 are placesp2, p3, andps, tran-
sition t2 is enabled if p2 has at least one
I(tj) ©
token, p3 has at least one token, andp5 has
~'(pi) = ~(pi ) ~'(pi ) = u(pi ) + 1
at least one token.
A transition fires by removing one token t. t.
from each of its input places and then de- 3 3
positing one token into each of its output Pi
places. Transition t3 in Fig. 17, with I(t3) = in
{P3} and O (t3) ---- {P4}, is enabled whenever
there is at least one token in place P3.
Transition t3 fires by removing one token
fromp3 (its input) and placing one token in ~'(Pi ) " ~(pi ) - 1 ~*(Pi ) = U(pi ) + 1 - 1
P4 (its output). Extra tokens in P3 are not = ~(pi )
affected by firing t3 although they may
Pi not in O(t 3) Pi in O(tj)
enable additional firings of t3 later. Transi-
tion t2 with I ( t 2 ) = {P2, P3, P5} and O(t2) = FIGURE 18. The changes in the m a r k i n g of a place
{P5}fires by removing one token from each p, which result from firing a t r a n m h o n tj.

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Petri Nets • 237
change in state caused by firing a transi- The Reachability Set of a Petri Net
tion is defined by a partial function 8,
called the next-state function. Application From a marking ft, a set of transition fir-
of this function to a marking ft and a tran- ings is possible. The result of firing a tran-
sition tj yields the value of the marking sition in a marking ft is a new marking ft'.
that results from the firing of transition tj We say t h a t ft' is immediately reachable
in marking ft. Since t~ can fire only if it is from ft if we can fire some enabled transi-
enabled, 8(ft, tj) is undefined if t~ is not tion in the marking ft resulting in the
enabled in marking ft. Iftj is enabled, then marking ft'. A marking ft' is reachable
8(ft, tj) = ft', where ft' i s t h e marking t h a t from ft if it is immediately reachable from
results from removing tokens from the in- ft or is reachable from any marking which
puts of tj and adding tokens to the outputs is immediately reachable from ft. We then
oftj. define the reachability set R(M) for a
Given a Petri net and an initial marking marked Petri net M = (P, T, I, O, ft) as the
fto, we can execute the Petri net by succes- set of all markings which can be reached
sive transition firings. Firing a transition from ft. This is the reflexive transitive
tj in the initial marking produces a new closure of the "immediately reachable" re-
marking ftl = 8(fto, tj). In this new mark- lationship.
ing, we can fire any new enabled transi- The reachability set of a marked Petri
tion, say tk, resulting in a new marking net is the set of all states into which the
ft2 = 8(ftl, tk). This can continue as long as Petri net can enter by any possible execu-
there is at least one enabled transition in tion. Hence m a n y analysis questions deal
each marking. If we reach a marking in with properties of the reachability set of a
which no transition is enabled, then no Petri net. (This is discussed in more detail
transition can fire and the execution of the in Section 4.)
Petri net must stop. Considering a Petri net in terms of
As an example of Petri net execution, states and state changes m a y obscure
consider the execution of the marked Petri some of the more important concepts relat-
net of Fig. 17. In the marking/.to = (1, 0, 1, ing to concurrent systems t h a t can be
0, 2), two transitions, tl and t3, are ena- modeled by Petri nets. One of these is the
bled. Choosing one arbitrarily, we can fire concept of local changes in state, as
t3 producing the marking 8(ft °, t3) = (1, 0, modeled by transitions. In a complex sys-
0, 1, 2) = ft~. In this marking, transitions tl tem composed of independent asynchro-
and t4 are enabled. Firing t4 changes the nously operating subparts, each part can
marking to 8(ft ~, t4) = (1, 1, 1, 0, 2) = ft2. In be modeled by a Petri net. The enabling
ft2, t~, t2, and t3 are enabled. Firing tl re- and firing of transitions are then affected
sults in ft3 = 8(ft2, t~) = (0, 2, 2, 0, 3). This by, and in t u r n affect only, local changes
process can continue as long as at least one in the marking of the Petri net. Separate
transition is enabled. parts of the total system m a y operate inde-
Two sequences result from the execution pendently and concurrently. The view of
of the Petri net: a sequence of markings Petri nets presented here, with a global
(fto, ft], ft2, ...), and a sequence of transi- state and a global sequence of transitions,
tions (t~o), tj(1), tj~2), "") such t h a t 8(ft k, t~k)) can hide the inherent modularity and con-
= ftk+~ for k = 0, 1, 2, .... In the example currency in the Petri net model. However,
above the transition sequence w a s t3, t4, t], despite some important objections to this
•"; therefore Jo = 3, j l = 4, J2 = 1, "". automata-theory-related conception [44],
Given the transition sequence and ft°, we most research in the United States has
can easily derive the marking sequence for been based on this approach.
the execution of the Petri net and, except 4. ANALYSIS OF PETRI NETS
for a few degenerate nets, given the mark-
ing sequence we can derive the transition Why should systems be modeled as Petri
sequence. Both of these sequences thus nets? Originally, the purpose was mainly
provide a record of the execution of the net. descriptive. Petri nets with their uniform

Computmg Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

238 • J. L. Peterson
and simple execution rules, can be used to that the analysis procedures are to an-
describe a system in terms of simple con- swer, and the properties to be studied. Ob-
cepts which provide a natural way to de- viously, the analysis techniques should be
pict systems of asynchronous concurrent oriented towards the solution of those
processes [24]. After a short time, how- problems that most need to be solved
ever, itbecame obvious that another use of rather than towards areas that are only of
Petri nets was to take the description of academic interest. We discuss now some of
the system, as a Petri net, and analyze it the properties that have been investigated
for the presence of desirable or undesirable for Petri nets.
properties. A body of work is being devel- One property of Petri nets derives from
oped which is aimed at deriving, from a their original definition in terms of events
Petri net, properties of the net, and from and conditions. A condition is represented
these, the properties of the system which by a place. The fact that the condition
the net models. Some of the analytic ques- holds is indicated by a token in the place.
tions that one would like to ask about a Consider, however, that either a condition
Petri net are quite difficult; hence, re- holds or it does not hold. Hence, a token
stricted subclasses of Petri nets have been should either be present or it should be
defined to make analysis easier in specific absent. Also, no more than one token
situations. (This will be discussed in Sec- should ever be present in one place at one
tion 6.) time, as it seems pointless to have multi-
Following this train of thought, another ple tokens when one is sufficient. Petri
use of Petri nets would seem to be in the nets which are constructed such that no
design of concurrent systems. One method more than one token can ever be in any
of design would consist in first creating a place of the net at the same time are safe
design in a traditional representation, for nets [44].
example, a logic circuit or a program. Another definition of a safe net is the
Then the design would be converted into a statement that there is a bound on the
Petri net and the Petri net analyzed. If no number of tokens in any place of the net,
design errors were discovered, the design and that bound is 1. A natural generaliza-
could then be implemented in the tradi- tion of this is to allow multiple tokens in a
tional manner. If there were errors, how- place but only to the extent that there are
ever, it would be necessary to determine no more than k tokens in any given place
how the error which was found in the Pe- at the same time• Nets in which the num-
tri net representation manifests itself in ber of tokens in any place is bounded by k
the original design, modify the design, and are called k-bounded nets. (Thus a safe net
repeat the entire process of conversion to a is a 1-bounded net.) If a net is k-bounded
Petri net and analysis. This process could for some k but we do not know the value of
be simplified if the design process could be k, it is simply called bounded.
carried out directly in Petri nets and the Boundedness is a very important practi-
resultant Petri net implemented directly. cal property of Petri nets. If we wish to
This approach requires that both the nec- implement a design modeled by a Petri
essary design techniques and the methods net, then since the capacity of any given
for implementing Petri net designs, in hardware is bounded, the Petri net must
hardware or software, be developed. be bounded if construction is to be possible.
Although some work on design with Pe- In other words, if, for example, places are
tri nets [67] and implementation of Petri to be implemented as counters, then since
nets [73, 27, 75] has been done, it has been every physically realizable counter can
limited in scope, presumably because its only hold a bounded number, the net must
success hinges on the existence of effective also be bounded.
analysis techniques. Another property that might be impor-
tant is conservation of tokens. If tokens
Analysis Questions are used to represent resources, then it
The firsttask in developing analysis tech- follows that since resources are neither
niques is to define the types of questions created nor destroyed, tokens should also

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

Petri N e t s • 239

be neither created nor destroyed. A Petri

net is conservative if the number of tokens
in the net is conserved. This implies that
each transition in a conservative net is
conservative, in the sense that the number
of inputs of each firable transition is equal
to the number of outputs of that transition.
More generally, weights can be defined for
each place allowing the number of tokens
to change as long as the weighted sum is
constant [62].
P3 t3
Notice that the above statement was
qualified to restrict it to firable transi- Fmvmz 19 A Petri net with a nonfirable transi-
tions. Consider the Petri net of Fig. 19, tmn. T r a n m t m n t3 is dead in this m a r k i n g .
which depicts a nonfirable transition.
Transitions tl and t2 are conservative. A number of different definitions of live-
Transition t3 is not conservative, in the ness have been considered. Commoner [16]
sense that if it ever fired it would decrease defines four subtly different forms of live-
the number of tokens by two. However, for hess for a transition tj and a marking ~:
any initial marking in which the number LI: If there exists a p' in R (M) such
of tokens inp3 is zero, this transition is not that 8(/~', tj) is defined (i.e., tj is po-
firable and hence the number of tokens in tentially firable);
the net is conserved. This means, then, L2: If for every positive integer n there
that the transition t3 and place P3 can be exists a transition sequence ~ such
deleted from the net, simplifying it, with that 8(~, ~) is defined and t~ appears
no change in its behavior. This would al- at least n times in ~;
low a simpler and cheaper implementa- L3: If there exists an infinite sequence
tion. of transition firings such that 8(/~,
The notion of transitions that cannot ~) is defined and t~ appears infi-
fire seems strange, and we want to be able nitely often in ~;
to identify such transitions. Note that a L4: If t~ is live (i.e., potentially firable
transition which cannot fire is not simply a in all reachable markings).
transition which is not enabled, but rather Note that the implications of the four defi-
a transition which cannot become enabled. nitions of liveness are quite different (see
A transition is dead in a marking if there [53]). Thus, whenever the property of live-
is no sequence of transition firings that ness in a Petri net is discussed, it is impor-
can enable it. A transition is potentially tant to state carefully the definition being
firable if there exists some sequence that used, since we do not yet have a single
enables it [35]. A transition of a Petri net commonly accepted definition.
is live if it is potentially firable in all As mentioned earlier, the concept of
reachable markings. liveness was developed to deal with dead-
The importance of the concepts of live- lock problems in operating systems. Other
hess and deadness of transitions comes problems in operating systems can also be
from considerations in the modeling of op- posed in terms of Petri nets. The actual
erating systems. Liveness is tied to the statement of these questions depends upon
concept of deadlocks and deadlock-freeness the manner in which the system is
[45]. Thus it may be important not only modeled. For example, access to a resource
that a transition be firable in a given m a y be modeled by a transition or a place.
marking, but that it stay potentially fira- The mutual exclusion problem is to assure
ble in all markings reachable from that that at most one of perhaps several proc-
marking. If this is not true, then it is esses tries to access the resource at the
possible to reach a state in which the tran- same time. Depending on the modeling
sition is dead, perhaps signifying a possi- used, this will be expressed as a question
ble deadlock. concerning whether or not two transitions

ComputingSurveys, Vol, 9, No. 3, September 1977

240 • J. L. Peterson
can be enabled simultaneously or whether Notice, however, that the reachability
or not two places may have tokens simul- set of a marked Petri net is often infinite.
taneously. Thus, to form a finite representation of an
Notice, however, that both of these infinite set we must map many markings
questions can be stated in terms of the into the same node of the tree. This many-
reachability of any of a set of undesirable to-one mapping is accomplished by collaps-
states. In fact, many questions can often ing a set of states into a node by ignoring
be reduced to the reachabdity problem. the number of tokens in a place of the net
The reachability problem is simply the fol- when this number becomes "too large."
lowing: Given a marked Petri net (with This is represented by using a special sym-
marking ~) and a marking ~', is ~' reach- bol, ¢o, for the number of tokens in this
able from ~? This problem is very impor- place.
tant to the analysis of Petri nets. It can be The symbol co represents a value which
considered a special case of the set reacha- can be arbitrarily large. Because of this we
bility problem, which is to determine if a must interpret the operations of addition,
set of markings, S = {~1, g2 . . . . gk}, is a subtraction, and comparison as
subset of the reachability set R(M) of a
co + a =¢0
marked Petri net.
There are many other interesting ques- a<¢o
tions that might be studied with Petri
nets. Furthermore, since the questions de- for any natural number a. Thus, co might
signers want to ask about their designs be thought of as a symbol for infinity.
depend on the projected use of the designs, Each node in the reachability tree is
there will always be new questions. Thus labeled with a marking; arcs are labeled
it is important to develop general tech- with transitions. The initial node (root of
niques that allow new types of questions to the reachability tree) is labeled with the
be answered. The basis for the importance initial marking. Given a node x in the
of the reachability problem is that many tree, additional nodes are added to the tree
questions about the correctness of systems for all markings that are directly reach-
modeled as Petri nets can be translated able from the marking of the node x. For
into instances of this problem. For in- each transition t~ which is enabled in the
stance, Hack has shown that the liveness marking for node x, a new node with
problem (are all transitions live?) is redu- m a r k ~ g 8(x, tj) is created, and an arc la-
cible to the reachability problem and that beled t~ is directed from the node x to this
in fact the two problems are equivalent, new node. This process is repeated for all
since reachability is also reducible to live- new nodes.
ness [35]. Continuing this process will obviously
create the entire state-space. A path from
Solution Techniques the initial marking (root) to a node in the
While several approaches to the analysis tree corresponds to an execution sequence.
of Petri nets have been considered, almost Since the state-space may be infinite, two
all work in this area eventually uses one special steps are taken to define a finite
basic technique. This technique involves reachability tree. First, if a new marking
finding a finite representation for the is generated which is equal to an existing
reachability set of a Petri net, in recogni- marking on the path from the root node to
tion of the fact that many of the properties the new marking, the new (duplicate)
of a Petri net are based on properties of its marking becomes a terminal node. Since
reachability set. The representation used the new marking is equal to the previous
is known as the reachability tree. It con- marking, all markings reachable from it
sists of a tree whose nodes represent mark- have already been added to the reachabil-
ings of the Petri net and whose arcs repre- ity tree by the earlier identical marking.
sent the possible changes in state resulting Second, if any new marking x is gener-
from the firing of transitions [51, 53]. ated which is greater than a marking y on

C o m p u t m g Surveys, Vol 9, No. 3, September 1977

the path from the root node to the marking
x, then those components of marking x
which are strictly greater t h a n the corre-
sponding components of marking y are re-
placed by the symbol oJ. Since marking x is
greater t h a n marking y, any sequence of
transition firings which is possible from
marking y is also possible from marking x.
Petri Nets

p2p t2
• 241

In particular, the sequence t h a t trans-

formed marking y into marking x can be ~3
repeated indefinitely, each time increas- FIGURE 20. A P e t n n e t with m a r k i n g (1,0,1,0) and
ing the number of tokens in those places infinite reachable state-space.
which have a ¢o. Thus the number of to-
kens in these places can be made arbitrar-
ily large.
As an example of this construction, con-
sider the marked Petri net of Fig. 20. We (1,0,0,1)
begin with (1, 0, 1, 0) as the root of the
tree. In this marking, we have only one
enabled transition. Thus we have a new
node corresponding to firing t3, (1, 0, 0, 1) (1,~,1,0)
and an arc from (1, 0, 1, 0) to (1, 0, 0, 1).
From this marking we can fire t2, resulting
in (1, 1, 1, 0). Now, since (1, 1, 1, 0) -> (1, 0,
1, 0), we replace the second component by (1~,0,0) (1,~,0,1)
oJ. This reflects the fact that we can fire
the sequence t3t2 an arbitrary number of
times and make the number of tokens in
place p2 as large as desired. In the mark- (1,~,1,0)
ing (1, co, 1, 0), two transitions are ena- FIGURE 21. The r e a e h a b i h t y tree of t h e Petri net of
bled, tl and t3. Firing these two would give Fig. 19.
us two new nodes, (1, ~0, 0, 0) and (1, w, 0,
1). The first of these has no successors In the same way, consider a conserva-
since 8((1, co, 0, 0), t,) is undefined for all t~. tive Petri net. If we let k be the number of
The second enables t2, which fires to give tokens in the net, then we must always
(1, ~, 1, 0) which is identical to an earlier have k tokens in the net. Since there are
node. Thus, the complete reachability tree only a finite number of ways to partition k
is as shown in Fig. 21. tokens among n places, we must again
have a finite reachability set.
Analysis Using the Reachability Tree Now consider the reachability tree. If
any node in the reachability tree contains
How is the reachability tree used for anal- the symbol o~, then that component can
ysis? Let us consider some of the questions become arbitrarily large, i.e., it is not
raised in the previous section. bounded. Thus, if the symbol ~o is any-
On the questions of safeness and bound- where in the reachability tree, the reacha-
edness, notice t h a t if a Petri net is k- bility set is not finite and hence neither
bounded, then, by definition, no more than bounded nor conservative. On the other
k tokens are ever in any place. Thus the hand, if the co symbol does not occur any-
possible values for each place are drawn where in the tree, then the reachability
from the set {0, 1 . . . . . k} and there are tree is the reachability set and both are
only (k + 1)n possible reachable markings. finite. This means that the reachability set
Therefore, the reachable state-space is is bounded, and the bound can be estab-
finite. lished by inspection. Similarly, if the

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

242 • J. L. Peterson

reachability set is finite, conservation can Unsolvable Problems

be determined by inspection. In fact, for a
finite reachability set, any analysis ques- Some Petri-net problems are not solvable
tion can be solved by inspection. despite their apparent similarity to the
Other problems can also be solved using reachability problem. The first such prob-
the reachability tree. For example, the lem studied was the subset problem: given
coverability problem can be solved by in- two marked Petri nets, is the reachability
spection of the reachability tree [51, 35]. set of one net a subset of the reachability
The coverability problem is the following: set of the other net? Rabin showed this
Given a marked Petri net M and a mark- problem to be undecidable [9, 33]. Later
ing /~, does there exist a marking/~' in Hack showed that the equality problem-
R(M) such that ~' -> re? This problem is given two marked Petri nets, is the reach-
useful in determining whether violations ability set of one net equal to the reacha-
of mutual exclusion occur in a system, and bility set of the other n e t ? - i s also unde-
in testing transitions for liveness (dead- cidable [36].
lock). These problems are important for appli-
cations in which one might want the Petri
nets to be optimized, but the set of reacha-
The Reachability Problem ble markings not to be changed. Unfortu-
nately, it has been shown that both of
The more general questions of liveness these problems are undecidable in the
and reachability are not answerable by the sense that there exists no general algo-
reachability tree. Because of the funda- rithm which can decide, for two arbitrary
mental nature of the reachability problem marked Petri nets, if their reachability
in the analysis of Petri nets and vector sets are equal or one is the subset of the
addition s y s t e m s - an equivalent modeling other. This proof is quite complicated. It is
system [51, 34]-it has been the object of a based on the construction of a Petri net
considerable amount of research. It has which (weakly) computes the value of a
been shown that the general reachability polynomial in such a way that if the equal-
problem is equivalent to several special ity problem is decidable then Hilbert's
cases such as the zero reachability problem tenth problem is solvable. Since Hilbert's
(is the zero vector an element of the reach- tenth problem is known to be unsolvable,
ability set?) [70] and the subset reachabil- the equality problem is undecidable. This
ity problem (given a nonempty subset of in turn implies the undecidability of the
places and a marking ft, is any reachable subset problem.
marking equal to ~ for the specified subset
of places, with all other places allowed to
have any value?) [34]. These problems are
equivalent in that if an algorithm can be While much attention has been focused on
found to solve any one of them it can be the decidability of the reachability prob-
modified to solve any of the others. lem and similar problems, other aspects of
Such an algorithm has recently been Petri net analysis procedures have also
found [88]. The algorithm is very difficult been investigated. One aspect that has re-
to follow and depends upon both a search cently come under investigation is the
through a finite tree of possible solutions computational complexity of the problem.
and the recursive solution of reachability While it is not yet possible to determine
problems for lower-dimensional state- the complexity exactly, it is possible to
spaces. However, regardless of the com- give its lower bounds. Lipton has shown
plexity of the algorithm, its existence that the reachability problem is exponen-
shows that the reachability problem is tial time-hard and exponential space-hard
solvable (although possibly at a high cost). [64]. That is, the amount of time and mem-
Since the liveness problem is equivalent ory space needed to solve the reachability
to the reachability problem [35], it also is problem must be at least an exponential
solvable. function of the length of the input descrip-

Compum~g Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

Petri Nets • 243

tion of the Petri net (in the worst case). Several varieties of Petri net languages
This is a lower bound; the actual complex- result from slightlydifferentapproaches to
ity could be much worse. Lipton also shows defining the languages of a Petri net. One
that the coverability problem has an expo- entire group of languages results from the
nential space lower bound. Rackoff [83] use of different labeling policies, since re-
has obtained an algorithm for solving cov- strictions on the allowable labeling func-
erability in exponential space, showing tions create restricted classes of Petri net
this to be a tight lower bound. The com- languages.
plexity of some other problems in Petri The free languages are those obtained
nets has also been considered [49]. when one introduces the requirement that
These complexity analyses are very im- all transition labels be distinct and non-
portant in determining the usefulness of null, i.e., ~(t~) 4= ~(t~ for t~ dffit~. This re-
Petri nets for the modeling and analysis of quirement reflects the view that since
systems. The recent discovery that the distinct transitions model distinct events,
reachability problem is decidable marked they should be distinctly labeled.
a significant advance in the search for A more general class of languages re-
analysis techniques; however, the com- suits if one allows a more general label
plexity bounds as well as the large number function in which m a n y transitions m a y
of places and transitions needed to model be labeled with the same symbol. This re-
even simple systems tend to indicate that, flects the view that the same action can
although analysis questions may be decid- result from different circumstances, and
able using Petri nets, in the worse case the hence m a y be modeled by different transi-
cost of answering even simple questions tions. The modeling process m a y even in-
may make such analysis unfeasible. troduce some "extra" transitions that are
necessary for proper token movement but
5. PETRI NET LANGUAGES do not correspond to actions of interest in
Another area in which Petri nets have the modeled (real) system.
been used is the study of formal languages A third class of labeling functions allows
(see [79, 37]). Here Petri nets are used to transitions to be labeled with the n u l l la-
model the flow of information and control bel h. A null label is defined as a label
of actions in a system. The firing of a which does not show up in the string re-
transition models the occurrence of an op- sulting from an execution of the Petri net.
eration in the modeled system. A Petri net As an example of the differences of these
properly models a system if every se- labeling policies, consider the Petri net of
quence of actions in the modeled system is Fig. 22. Let the language under considera-
possible in the Petri net and every se- tion be the set of sequences whose net re-
quence of actions in the Petri net repre- sult is to move the token in place Pl to
sents a possible sequence in the modeled place P4 (i.e., the set of sequences {t E
system. T*18((1, 0, 0, 0), t) = (0, 0, 0, I)}). If we
To represent these concepts, we label label the transitions with the free labeling
the transitions of a Petri net; with each
~l(t,) = a al(t3) = b
transition we associate a symbol naming
the transition. Since there are only a finite ~r~(t~) = c (r~(t~) = d ,
number of transitions, we can define a
then the language is { a n c b n d l n >-- 0}. A
finite alphabet Z which is the set of all
these symbols. A labeling function (r maps nonfree but h-free labeling such as
transitions to symbols, i.e., a:T--*Z. A la- Or2(tl ) = a O'2(t3) ffi b
beled marked Petri net defines a set of
~(t~) = a a~(tJ = b
strings over Z, each string corresponding
to a possible execution of the net. The set yields the language {a"b" In > 0}. If transi-
of all possible strings corresponding to the tion tl is assigned a null label, then the
possible executions of a marked labeled language which results could be the regu-
Petri net defines a P e t n net l a n g u a g e . lar language {ab*c}.

ComputmgSurveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

244 • J . L . Peterson

t ~ t3 -[ Qp
a b 4
k.L/pl \I2 "k.Jp 3 -It4 --
FIaum~22. A Petn net with marking (1,0,0,0).
FIGURE 23. Labeled m a r k e d Petm n e t correspond-
m g to the n e t of Fig. 22.
The class of labeling functions is only
one of the determinates of Petri net lan- related. Preliminary investigations have
guages. Another is the definition of the set shown that a number of containment rela-
of final states. Remember that a language tionships hold between the classes. For ex-
is the set of all possible sequences result- ample, since the labeling functions are
ing from the execution of a labeled P e t r i successively more general, all Petri net
net starting in an initial marking (or one languages with free labelings are also Pe-
of a finite set of initial markings) and ter- tri net languages with k-free labelings
minating in any element of a set of f i n a l which in turn are also Petri net languages
m a r k i n g s . Different classes of languages with arbitrary labelings. It can be shown
correspond to different definitions of the that all P-type languages are also G-type
set of final markings. languages, that all G-type and T-type lan-
Four types of Petri net languages have guages with arbitrary or k-free labelings
been defined in terms of the definition of are L-type languages with the same type
final markings [39]: of labeling, and that L-type languages
L-type: T h e set of final markings is de- with arbitrary labelings are also T-type
fined by a finite final marking setF; languages. These relationships are shown
G-type: Given a finite marking set F, a in Fig. 24, in which an arc between classes
final marking is any marking is used to indicate that one class is con-
which is greater than or equal to tained within the other. It is not known
any element of F; whether other arcs might also exist or
T-type: A final marking is any terminal which containments are proper.
marking (a marking in which no The L-type and P-type languages have
transition is enabled); been investigated in greater depth. L-type
P-type: All reachable markings are final languages have been shown to be closed
markings. under union, intersection, concatenation,
As an example of the differences be- concurrency, reversal and k-free homo-
tween these different language classes,
consider the Petri net of Fig. 23, which is a
labeled version of the net of Fig. 22. (The
labeling shown is free, but that is not im-
portant.) For a final state set F = {(0, 0, 1, T-type TA ~T Tf
0)}, the L-type language is {a"cb" In >- 0},
the G-type language is {amcb ~ t m >- n >- 0},
the T-type language is {amcb"d l rn >_ n >- L-type ~ L Lf
0}, and the P-type language is {am I m - 0}
t.) {amcb" I m >- n ~ O} U {amcb"d I m >- n
0}. G-type !A ~_! Gf
With three different kinds of labeling
functions and four different kinds of final-
state sets, twelve different classes of Petri P-type !A ~!
~ pf
net languages can be defined. Despite FIGURE 24. Relationships among the different
their differences, these classes are closely classes of Petri n e t languages.

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No 3, September 1977

Petri Nets • 245
morphism [77, 37]. P-type languages are TYPE-0
more restrictive but are still closed under
union, intersection, concatenation and CONTEXT-SENSITIVE
concurrency [37]. Hack has developed a
characterization theorem for L-type lan-
guages showing that the class of L-type
languages is the smallest of languages
that includes a finite language and the LANGUAGES
~ ~ I
complete parenthesis language and is
closed under inverse homomorphism, con-
currency, intersection and k-free homo- REGULAR BOUNDED
morphism. (The complete parenthesis lan- FmURE 25. Relationshipsamong Petri net lan-
guage is the context-free language over guagesand the clasmcal language classes.
two symbols {(,)} whose strings are
properly nested parenthesis strings [37].)
The relation of Petri net languages (of stances of the nonterminals. The major
the L-type) and other classes of languages difference of this approach is the lack of
has also been examined. All regular lan- ordering information in the Petri net con-
guages are Petri net languages. Some con- tained in the sentential form of the deriva-
text-free languages are Petri net lan- tion. To accommodate it, Crespi-Reghizzi
guages and some Petri net languages are and Mandrioli defined the c o m m u t a t i v e
context-free, but neither class includes the g r a m m a r s , which are isomorphic to (gen-
other. Their common intersection includes eralized) Petri nets. In addition, they con-
regular languages and bounded context- sidered the relationship of Petri nets to
free languages, among others. Surpris- matrix, scattered-context, non-terminal-
ingly, the complement of a free Petri net bounded, derivation-bounded, equal-ma-
language is context-free [18]. All k-free trix, and Szilard languages. For example,
Petri net languages are context-sensitive it is not difficult to see that the class L r is
[77]. These relationships are illustrated in the set of Szilard languages of matrix con-
Fig. 25. In this diagram, an arrow between text-free languages [21]. Similar work by
two classes of languages indicates proper Keller considered the class of commutative
containment. Note that Petri net lan- semi-Thue systems [53]. Keller has also
guages appear to be roughly equivalent to pointed out that k-free languages are a
context-free languages in complexity (and subset of real-time counter languages [26].
interest). It should be pointed out that this entire
The original impetus for studying Petri approach to Petri nets and languages may
net languages was to try to settle some of represent an approach from the wrong di-
the decidability questions for Petri nets. It rection: Petri nets were designed to repre-
has been shown [37] that the membership sent concurrent activity, yet the represen-
problem for Petri nets with k-free or free tation of a Petri net execution by a string
labelings is decidable, but the inclusion forces all activity to be represented seri-
and equivalence problems for P, P~, L and ally, incorrectly implying a total ordering
L ~ languages are undecidable. Many de- between events. Some work has consid-
cidability problems are equivalent to the ered other representations of the partial
reachability problem and thus decidable. orderings resulting from concurrent activi-
A different approach to the study of Pe- ties [43, 85], but further research is needed
tri nets by the use of formal language the- in this area.
ory has been considered by Crespi-Re-
ghizzi and Mandrioli [19]. They noticed 6. EXTENSIONS AND SUBCLASSES
the similarity between the firing of a
transition and the application of a produc- The success of any model is due to two
tion in a derivation in which places are factors: its modeling power and its decision
nonterminals and tokens are separate in- power. Modeling power refers to the abil-

ComputingSurveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

246 • J. L. Peterson

ity to correctly represent the system to be modeled by transitions and m a y occur

modeled so that the model will be a faith- whenever tokens indicate the availability
ful representation of the modeled system. of the reactants. The firing of the transi-
Decision power refers to the abilityto ana- tion models the reaction, which consumes
lyze specificversions of the model and de- inputs (reactants) and produces outputs
termine properties of the modeled system (products). Notice that a chemical reaction
[54]. m a y well require more than one unit of a
These two factors generally work at particular reactant. This is modeled by al-
cross purposes. Consider, for example, fi- lowing multiple arcs between transitions
nite-state systems. Since the set of reach- and places, signifying the number of to-
able states is finite, it is possible to answer kens needed. Figure 26 illustrates a Petri
almost any question about a finite-state net model of a reaction that needs three
model; hence such a model has very high C12 and two P to produce two PCI~. In order
decision power. On the other hand, the for the transition to fire,at least three Cl2
class of systems which can be modeled is and two P must be available. The firing of
severely limited, which means that such a the transition absorbs these tokens and
model has very low modeling power. Tur- produces two tokens in its output place.
ing machines, by contrast, have good Petri nets that allow multiple arcs have
modeling power but, since most general been called generalized Petri nets [34, 54].
questions are undecidable, have poor deci- Hack has shown that these nets are equiv-
sion power. W h e n we increase modeling alent to ordinary Petri nets (at most one
power (and hence the complexity of the arc between a place and a transition).
models and the modeled systems), our Hence although this change m a y increase
ability to algorithmically determine the the convenience of use, it does not change
properties of the models is generally de- the fundamental modeling power or deci-
creased. sion power of Petri nets. Most researchers
Petri net models represent an attempt to thus use generalized Petri nets in their
compromise between these two factors. work, often ignoring the distinction be-
They have better modeling power than fi- tween them and what we have defined as
nite-state models while (one hopes) retain- Petri nets in this paper.
ing most of the farter'sdecision power. As A more fundamental extension of Petri
a matter of fact, Petri nets were originally nets was undertaken by a number of au-
defined in answer to the limited modeling thors [1, 5, 73] in response to difficultiesin
power of finite-state models. the modeling of priority systems with Petri
Not all researchers have been satisfied nets. This extension involves so-called
with the modeling power of Petri nets, zero-testing [53]: the introduction of arcs
however. It is difficult to model some from a place Pi to a transition t~ which
events or conditions in systems by Petri allow the transition to fireonly ifthe place
nets, and it has been shown that the cor-
rect modeling of other relatively reasona-
ble systems is impossible [3, 57]. Thus sev-
eral proposals have been put forth for ex-
tending the modeling power of Petri nets.
1 ©
Extended Petri Nets
One of the first extensions is to remove the
constraint that a place m a y contribute or
receive only one token from the firing of a
transition. Consider the modeling of chem-
ical reactions. Here a token in a place F m u n 26. Petri n e t model of a chemical reaction,
represents the availability of a certain i l l u s t r a t i n g the concept of multiple i n p u t and out-
molecule or atom. Chemical reactions are p u t ares between a transition and a place.

Comlzlting Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 19"/7

Petri Nets • 247
has been shown to be decidable. However,
Pl ~ P2 research on the complexity of the reacha-
bility problem has shown that even though
7 it is decidable, it is very difficult to solve.
Thus, from a practical point of view, Petri
nets may be too powerful to be analyzed.
The result of this has been the definition
of a number of subclasses of Petri nets, in
hopes of finding a subclass with (known)
P3 P4
decision power and still adequate model-
ing power for practical purposes. These
subclasses are defined by restrictions on
their structure intended to improve their
FIOUaE 27. An extended Petri net which has no Two subclasses are most commonly con-
equivalent narrowly defined Petrl net.
sidered, state machines and marked
graphs [44]. State machines are Petri nets
p, has zero tokens in it. These special arcs which are restricted so that each transi-
have been drawn in several ways. We rep-
tion has exactly one input and one output.
resent them as shown in Fig. 27. Note that These nets are obviously conservative and
transition c2 can fire only if places P4 and hence finite-state. In fact, they are exactly
b~ each have at least one token in them
the class of finite-state machines. This is
and place b l has exactly zero tokens. The clearly shown by considering the state
arc from b~ to c2 is called an inhibitor arc; graph of a finite-state machine, as in Fig.
it gives transition cl priority over transi-
28a. The nodes of this graph represent the
tion c2. states of the finite-state machine. An arc
The addition of inhibitor arcs is a major from state i to state j labeled x indicates
extension of the concept of Petri nets. that there is a transition from state i to
Agerwala has shown that Petri nets ex- state j with input x. Note that this state
tended in this manner have the modeling
graph is nondeterministic. The graph of
power of a Turing machine and hence can Fig. 28a can be converted to an equivalent
also be used to show that many decision Petri net by simply making each state a
problems are undecidable [1]. Many other place, and making each arc between two
extensions of Petri nets including the in- places a transition. This is illustrated in
troduction of priorities between transi- Fig. 28b. Note that this Petri net is con-
tions, time bounds on transition firings servative. If the state graph had been non-
[66], or constraint sets that prohibit tokens deterministic, then the Petri net would
residing simultaneously in two places [73] also have this characteristic. Finite-state
are equivalent to Petri nets with inhibitor machines, being finite, have very high de-
arcs and hence to Turing machines. In cision power, but they are of limited use-
terms of modeling power Petri nets seem fulness in modeling systems which are not
to be just below Turing machines, so that finite.
any significant extension results in Tur- Marked graphs, the dual of state ma-
ing-machine equivalence [78]. chines, have also been studied extensively
Subclasses o! Petri Nets
[17, 44]. A marked graph is a Petri net in
which each place has exactly one input
It was hoped that the limitations on the transition and one output transition. Algo-
modeling power of Petri nets relative to rithms are known for showing that a
Turing machines would be balanced by a marked graph is live and safe, and for
compensating increase in decision power. solving the reachability problem for
This appears to be the case, since for Petri marked graphs. Thus, marked graphs
nets many decision problems are equiva- have high decision power. They have lim-
lent to the reachability problem, which ited modeling power, however, since they

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

248 J. L. Peterson
b tiple outputs for the place, then there is a
free choice as to which of the transitions is
a P
Hack and Commoner have shown that
liveness and safeness for free-choice Petri
nets are decidable and have given neces-
sary and sufficient conditions for these
b a
properties. Hack has also shown that free-
choice nets can model a class of systems
called production schemata which are sim-
ilar to assembly-line systems.
Other subclasses of Petri nets have been
b defined [32], for example simple Petri nets,
but little analysis of them has been done to
(a) date. Figure 29 shows allowed and disal-
lowed situations for three subclasses.
Landweber and Robertson [58] have stud-
ied the classes of conflict-free and persist-
a b ent Petri nets.

Related Models
Any discussion of Petri nets would be in-
complete without a mention of vector addi-
tion systems. These systems were defined
a by Karp and Miller [51] and are equivalent

FIGURE 28 E q m v a l e n t m o d e l s of a f i n i t e - s t a t e m a -
chine. (a) S t a t e g r a p h m o d e l (b) P e t r i n e t model.

are able to model only those systems

whose control flow has no branches. In F~E-
other words, parallel activities can be eas- ~Ts
ily modeled, but not alternative activities.
The problem with modeling data-de-
pendent decisions (branches) in a Petri net
is that conflicts may arise, and nets with
conflicts seem to be difficult to analyze.
Hack has investigated the class of free-
choice Petr~ nets [32] in which each arc NETS
from a place is either the unique output of
the place, or the unique input to a transi-
tion. This restriction means that if there is
a token in a place then either the token
will remain in that place until its unique F m u ~ 29 Differences b e t w e e n t h e s u b c l a s s e s of
output transition fires or, if there are mul- Petri nets.

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No 3, September 1977

Petri Nets • 249
to Petri nets [34]. A vector addition system Thus they have gained increasing accept-
is essentially a mathematical formulation, ance in the last decade, and their use is
in terms of vectors, of the markings and growing.
transitions of a Petri net. Since the mathe- A major modeling system must provide
matical formulation is more convenient more than simply a convenient represen-
for formal manipulation than Petri net tation system, however. It must also pro-
graphs, many results are given in terms of vide analysis procedures that can be used
vector addition systems, although they ap- to determine properties of the modeled sys-
ply equally to Petri nets. Vector replace- tem through the model. Some such analy-
ment systems [53] are a related (and sis procedures for Petri nets do exist, al-
equivalent) model based on a generaliza- lowing the analysis of systems for bound-
tion of the vector addition systems. edness, conservation, coverability, and
It should also be pointed out that Petri reachability of a marking. However, other
nets are far from the only model of concur- properties, such as inclusion or equiva-
rent systems to have been developed. The lence of two Petri nets, have been shown to
many other models developed to date in- be undecidable. Even though problems
clude program graphs [87], computation such as reachability may be decidable,
graphs [50], message transmission sys- complexity results tend to indicate that
tems [85], flow graph schemata [89], and these problems may be intractable, requir-
complex bilogic directed graphs [31]. Baer ing too much computational time and
has published a survey of some of these space to be practical. Any significant ex-
models [6]. A comparison of the properties tension of the Petri net model tends to be
of many of these models [78] has shown equivalent to a Turing machine, and
that most of them are either subclasses of hence analysis of these extensions is not
Petri nets or equivalent to Petri nets. possible due to decidability problems. The
These results have been reinforced by the subclasses which have been examined
comparisons of Agerwala [2] which arrive have good decision properties, but may be
at much the same conclusion concerning too limited for useful modeling. On this
the relative modeling power of the various topic as on many others relating to Petri
models. The definition of equivalence must nets, much work remains to be done.
be carefully considered, however. Lipton,
Snyder, and Zalcstein [63] have compared ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
models using a definition of equivalence
considerably different but no less valid I am grateful to R. M. Keller, M. Hack, L. H
than those of Peterson and Bredt or Ager- Landweber, D. Mandrioh, E. L. Robertson, the ref-
wala, and arrived at important differences erees, and the editors for their suggestions and com-
in the modeling power of the various
models of concurrent systems.
CONCLUSIONS [1] AGERWALA, T. A complete model for repre-
senttng the coordinatmn of asynchronous proc-
The Petri net has been defined as a model esses, Hopkins Computer Research Report No.
for systems exhibiting concurrent asyn- 32, Computer Scmnce Program, Johns Hop-
kins Univ., Baltimore, Md., July 1974, 58 pp.
chronous activities. The major factors that [2] AGERWALA, T. An analysis of controlhng
might affect its acceptance are concerns agents for asynchronous processes, Hopkins
regarding the modeling power and deci- Computer Research Report No. 35, Computer
Scmnce Program, Johns Hopkins Univ., Balti-
sion power of the model. Although Petri more, Md., Aug. 1974, 85 pp.
nets are not the only models of asynchro- [3] AGERWALA, T.; AND FLYNN M. "Comments
nous concurrent systems, they are equiva- on capabihtms, hmitations and 'correctness'of
Petri nets," in Proc. Ist Annual Symp Com-
lent to or include most other models. In puter Architecture, G. J. Lipovsh, and S. A.
addition they have a certain clearness and Szygenda (Eds.),A C M , N.Y., 1973, pp. 81-86.
cleanness which permits a simple and nat- SVLO, R.M. "The I B M System/360 Model 91:
ural representation of m a n y systems. Machine philosophy and instruction han-

ComputingSurveys, VoL 9, No. 3, September1977

250 • J.L. Peterson

dling,"IBMJ. R. & D. 11, 1 (Jan. 1967), 8-24. computation, ACM, N. Y,, 1970, 199 pp.
[5] BAss, J.L. '~Modelling for parallel computa- [24] DRNms, J.B., Concurrency in software sys-
tion: a case study," in Proc. 1973 Sagamore tems, Computation Structures Group Memo
Computer Conf. Parallel Processing, Springer- 65-1, Project MAC, MIT, June 1972, 18 pp.;
Verlag, N.Y., 1973. also in Advanced course in software engineer-
[6] BABS, J. L, "A survey of some theoretical ing, F. L. Bauer (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Ber-
aspects of multiprocessing," Computing Sur- lin, W. Germany, 1973, pp. 111-127.
veys 5, 1 (March 1973), 31-80. [25] DIJ~RA, E. W., ~'Cooperating sequential
[7] BAKER, H. G. Petri nets and languages, processes," in Programming languages, F.
Computation Structures Group Memo 68, Genuys (Ed.), Academic Press, N. Y., 1968,
Project MAC, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., May pp. 43-112.
1972, 6 pp. [26] FISCHER, P. C.; MBYES, A. R.; Am) ROSES-
[8] BAKES,H.G. ~Equivalence problems of Pe- BS~, A.L. ~Counter machines and counter
tri nets," MS Thesis, Dept. Electrical Engi- languages," Mathemaacal Systems Theory 2, 3
neering, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., June 1973, (1968), 265-283.
53 pp. [27] FUSTBK,F. "Modular implementation of Pe-
[9] BAKES,H.G. Rabin" s proof of the undecida- tri nets," MS Thesis, Dept. Electrical Engi-
bility of the reachability set inclusion problem neering, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., Sept 1971.
of vector addition systems, Computation Struc- [28] FURTBK,F. C. "The logic of systems," PhD
tures Group Memo 79, Project MAC, MIT, Thesis, Dept. ElectricalEngineering, MIT,
Cambridge, Mass., July 1973, 18 pp. Cambridge, Mass., May 1976; also Tech. Rep.
[10] BEsN~rEIS, A.J. 'Trogram analysis for par- 170, MIT Laboratory Computer Science, June
allel processing," IEEE Trans. Electronic 1976.
Comp. EC-15, (Oct. 1966), 757-762. [29] GSNRICH, H. J. Einfache nieht-sequentieUe
[11] BERNSTEm,P.A. Description problems in the Prozesse (Simple nonsequential processes),
modeling of asynchronous computer systems, Gesellschaft ftir Mathematlk und Datenverar-
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[12] CBRF, V. G. '~Multiprocessors, semaphores, of mathematical knowledge, GMD-ISF Inter-
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[14] CLARK,W.A. "Macromodular computer sys- Univ. Calif., Los Anlgeles, Dec. 1971, 219 pp.
tems," in Proc. 1967 Spring Jr. Comp Conf., [32] HACK, M. ~Analysls of production schemata
Thompson Book Co., Washi""ngton, D.C., 1967, by Petri nets," MS Thesis, Dept. Electrical
pp. 335-336. Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.; also:
[15] COrFMAS, E. G.; A N D DENNmC, P. MAC TR-94, Project MAC, MIT, Feb. 1972,
J. Operating systems theory, Ch. 2, Prentice- 119 pp; Errata: Hack, M. Correcttons to 'Anal-
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1973, pp. 31-82. ysis of production schemata by Petri nets;
[16] COMMON~R,F. G. Deadlocks in Petri nets, Computation Structures Note 17, Project
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field, Mass., June 1972, 50 pp. [33] HACK, M. A Petri net version of Rabin's un-
[17] COMMONER,F.; HOLT, A. W.; EVBN, S.; AND decidability preof for vector addmon systems,
PNUELI, A. "Marked directed graphs," J. Computation Structures Group Memo 94,
Computer and Systems Science 5, (Oct. 1971), Project MAC, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., Dec.
511-523. 1973, 12pp.
[18] CRF~PI-REGHIZZI, S.; AND MANDRIOLI, D. [34] HACK, M. Decision problems for Petrl nets
"Properties of firing sequences," presented at and vector addition systems, Computation
MIT Conf. Petr~ Nets and Related Methods, Structures Group Memo 95, Project MAC,
MIT, Cambridge, Mass., July 1975. MIT, Cambridge, Mass., March 1974; also
[19] CRESPI-REGHIZZI, S.; AND MANDRIOLI, D. Technical Memo 59, Project MAC, MIT,
Petri nets and commutative grammars, Inter- March, 1975.
nal Report No. 74-5, Laboraterio di Calcola- [35] HACK, M. The recursive equwalence of the
tori, Instituto di Elettrotecnica ed Elettromca reachability problem and the liveness problem
del Politecnico di Milano, Italy, March 1974. for Petri nets and vector addiaon systems,
[20] CRESPI-REGHIZZI,S.; AND MANDRIOLI, D. "A Computation Structures Group Memo 107,
decidability theorem for a class of vector-addi- Project MAC, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., Aug.
tion systems," Information Processing Letters 1974, 9 pp.; also in Proc. 15th Annual Syrup.
3, 3 (Jan. 1975), 78-80. Switching and Automata, IEEE, N. Y., 1974.
[21] CEESPI-REGHIZZI, S.; AND MANDEIOLI, D. [36] HACK,M. The equality problem for vector ad-
'Tetri nets and Szilard languages," Informa- dition systems ~s undecidable, Computation
tion and Control 33, 2 (Feb. 1977), 177-192. Structures Group Memo 121, Project MAC,
[22] DBNNIS, J. B. "Modular asynchronous con- MIT, Cambridge, Mass., April 1975, 32 pp.;
trol structures for a high performance proces- also in Theoretical Computer Science 2, 1
sor," in Record of the Project MAC Conf. Con- (June 1976).
current and Parallel Computatwn, ACM, [37] HACK,M. Petri net languages, Computation
N. Y., 1970, pp. 55-80. Structures Group Memo 124, Project MAC,
[23] DENmS, J. B. (Ed.), Record of the project MIT, Cambridge, Mass., June 1975, 128 pp.;
MAC conf. concurrent systems and parallel also TR 159, Laboratory Computer Science,

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Petri Nets • 251

MIT, March 1976. [56] KELLER,R.M. ~Formal verif~ation of paral-

[38] HACK, M. "Decidability questions for Petri lel programs," Comm. ACM 19, 7 (July 1976),
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June 1976, 194 p~. Rep. 25, Jol~ns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md.
[39] HACK, M.; AND VETESSON, J. L. "Petri nets May 1973, 5pp.; also in Operating Systems
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Nets and Re~ted Methods, MIT, Cambridge, [58] LANDWEBER, L. H.; AND ROSZRTSON, E.
Mass., July 1975. L. Properties of conflict M e and perscstent
[40] HANSAL,A.; ANDSCHWAB,G.M. On marked Petr~ nets, Tech. Rep. 264, Computer Sciences
graphs 111, Report LN 25.6.038, IBM Vienna Dept., Univ. Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
Laboratories, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 1972. Wise., Dec. 1975, 30 ~p.
[41] HENHAPL, W. Firing sequences of marked [59] LAUER, P. E.; AND ~A~B~LL, R. H. A de-
graphs, Report LN 25.6.023, IBM Vienna scription of path expressions by Petri nets,
Laboratories, Vienna, Austria, June 1972. Tech. Rep. 64, Computing Laboratory, Univ.
[42] HENHAPL, W. Firing sequences of marked Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, May 1974, 39
graphs II, Report L N 25.6.036, IBM Vienna P!P
Laboratories, Vienna, Austria, June 1972. [60] LAUER, P. E. Path expressions as Petri nets,
[43] HOLT, A. W.; SAINT, H ; SHAPIRO, R. M.; AND or Petri nets with fewer tears, MRM 70, Com-
WARSHALL,S. Final report of the mformatton puting Laboratory, Univ. Newcastle Upon
system theory project, Tech. Rep. RADC-TR- Tyne, England, Jan. 1974, 61 pp.
68-305, Rome Air Development Center, Grif- [61] LAUTENBACH,K.; ANDSCHMID,H.A. "Use of
fiss Air Force Base, N. Y., Sept. 1968. Petri nets for proving correctness of concur-
[44] HOLT,A. W.; ANDCOMMONER,F. E~;entsand rent process systems," in Proc. IFIP Congress
condition, Applied Data Research N.Y., 1970; 74, North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam,
also in Record Project MAC Conf. Concurrent The Netherlands, 1974, pp. 187-191.
Systems and Parallel Computatmn, (Chapters [62] LIEN, Y . E . ~Termination properties of gen-
I, II, IV, and VI) ACM, N.Y., 1970, pp. 3-52. eralized Petri nets," SIAM J. Computing 5, 2
[45] HOLT, R. C. "On deadlock m computer sys- (June 1976), 251-265.
tems," PhD Thesis, Dept. Computer Science, [63] LIPTON, R. J.; SNYDER, L.; AND ZALCSTZIN,
Cornell Umv., Ithaca, N Y., Jan. 1971; also Y. "A comparative study of models of paral-
TR 71-91, Dept. Computer Science, Cornell lel computation," inProc. 15th Annual Syrup.
Univ.; and TR CSRG-6, Computer Science Re- Switching and Automata, IEEE, N.Y., 1974,
search Group, Umv. Toronto, Toronto, Can- pp. 145-155.
ada, July 1972. [64] LIPTON, R. "The reaehability problem and
[46] IZmCKL H. On marked graphs, Repo_rt LR the boundedness problem for Petri nets are
25.6.023, IBM Vienna Laboratories, Vienna, exponential-space hard," presented at MIT
Austria, Sept. 1971. Conf. Petri Nets and Related Methods, MIT,
[47] IZBICKLH. On marked graphs H, Rel~_rt LN Cambridge, Mass., July 1975; also TR-62,
25.6.029, IBM Vienna Laboratories, Vienna, Dept. Computer Science, Yale Univ., New
Austria, Jan. 1972. Haven, Conn., Jan. 1976.
[48] JACK,L. "Graphical representation for fault [65] MELDMAN,J. A.; AND HOLT, A. W. ~Petri
tolerant phenomena," presented at Seminar, nets and legal systems," Jurimetrics J. 12, 2
Dept. Electrical Engineering, Univ. Texas, (Dec. 1971).
Austin, Jan. 1976. [66] MERLIN, P . A . "A study of recoverability of
[49] JONES,N. D.; LANDWEEER,L. H.; ANDLxEN, Y. computing systems," PhD. Thesis, Dept. In-
E. Complexity of some problems in Petri nets, formation and Computer Science, Univ. Calif.
TR-276, Comp. Science Dept., Umv. Wiscon- Irvine, 1974, 165 pp.
sin-Madison, Sept. 1976, 43 pp.; to appear in [67] MmUNAS,D. "Petri nets and speed independ-
Theor. Comp. Sci. ent design," Comm. ACM 16, 8 (Aug. 1973),
[50] KARP,R. M.; ANn MILLER,R.E. Troperties 474-481.
of a model for parallel computation: determi- [68] MILLER,R. E. A comparison of some theoreti-
nacy, termination, queueing," SIAM J. Appl. cal models of parallel computation, RC 4230,
Math. 14, 6 (Nov. 1966) 1390-1411. IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown
[51] KARP, R. M.; AND MILLER, R. E. "Parallel Heights, N.Y.; also lEEE Trans. Comp. C-22,
rogram schemata," J. Computer and Systems 8 (Aug. 1973), 710-717.
cience 3, 4 (May 1969), 167-195. [69] MURATA,T.; ANDCHURCH, R.W. Analysis of
[52] KASAMI,T.; TOKURA, N.; AND PETERSON, W. marked graphs and Petri nets by matrix equa-
W. "Vector addition systems and synchroni- t/ons, Research Report MDC 1.1.8, Dept. In-
zation problems of concurrent processes," formation Engineering, Univ. Illinois, Chi-
draft manuscript, 1974. cago Circle, Nov. 1975, 25 pp.
[53] KELLER,R.M. Vector replacement systems: a [70] NASH, B. O. "Reaehability problems in vec-
formalism for modell~ng asynchronous sys- tor addition systems," American Math.
tems, Tech. Rep. 117, Computer Science Labo- Monthly 80, 3 (March 1973), 292-295.
ratory, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N.J., Dec. [71] NOE, J. D. A Petri net model of the CDC
1972; Revised: Jan. 1974, 57 pp. 6400, Report 71-04-03, Computer Science
[54] KELLER, R. M. Generaltzed Petrz nets as Dept., Unlv'. Washington, 1971; also in Proc.
models for system verification, Tech. Rep. 202, ACM SIGOPS Workshop on System Perform-
Dept. Electrical Engineering, Princeton ance Evaluation, ACM, N.Y., 1971, pp. 362-
Univ., Princeton, N.J., Aug. 1975. 378.
[55] KELLER, R. M. "Look-ahead processors," [72] NoB, J. D.; At~-vNu~r, G . J . "Macro E-Nets
Computing Surveys 7, 4 (Dec. 1975), 177-196. for representation of parallel systems," IEEE

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1977

252 • J.L. Peterson

Trans. Comp. C-22, 8 (Aug. 1973), 718-727. terrier Bericht 75-07, Gesellschaft fur Mathe-
[73] PATIL, S . S . Coordination of asynchronous matik und Datenverarbeltung, Bonn, W. Ger-
events," PhD Thesis, Dept. Electrical Engi- many, July 1975, 34 pp.
neering, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., May 1970; [83] RACKOFF,C. The covering and boundedness
also MAC TR-72, Project MAC, MIT, June roblems f o r vector addition systems, Tech.
1970, 236 pp. p. 97, Dept. Computer Science, Umv. To-
[74] PATIL, S. S. Limitations and eapabdtttes of ronto, Toronto, Canada, July 1976, 14 pp.
Dijkstra's semaphore prtmitives for coordina- [84] RAMCHANDAm, C. Analysis of asynchro-
tton among processes, Computation Structures nous concurrent systems by timed Petn nets,"
Group Memo 57, Project MAC, MIT, Cam- PhD Thesis, Dept. Electrical Engineermg,
bridge, Mass., Feb. 1971. MIT, Cambridge, Mass., 1974; also MAC-TR-
[75] PATIL, S. S. Ctrcutt tmplementatmn of Petri 120, Project MAC, MIT, Feb. 1974.
nets, Computation Structures Group Memo [85] RIDDLE,W . E . "The modelling and analysis
73, Project MAC, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., of supervisory systems," PhD Thesis, Com-
Dec. 1972, 14 pp. puter Science Dept., Stanford Univ., Stan-
[76] PATIL,S. S.; AND DENNIS, J . B . The descnp- ford, Calif., March 1972, 173 pp.
twn and real~zatwn of d~g~tal systems, Compu- [86] RIDDLE,W . E . The equwalence of Petr~ nets
tation Structures G r o u p Memo 71, Project and message transmissmn models, SRM 97,
MAC, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 1972; also Univ. Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, Aug.
in Proc. S~xth Annual IEEE Computer Society 1974, 11 pp.
Internatl. Conf. Digest of Papers, IEEE, N.Y., [87] RODRIGUEZ,J.E. "A graph model for parallel
1972. computation," PhD Thesis, Dept. Electrical
[77] PETEmS,ON, J. L. "Modelling of parallel sys- Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., Sept.
tems,' P h D Thesis, Dept. Electrical Engineer- 1967, 120 pp.
ing, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., Dec. [88] SACERDOTE,G.; AND TENNEY, R.L. "The de-
1973, 241 pp. cidability of the reachability problem for vec-
[78] PETZRSON, J. L ; AND BREDT, T. H. "A com- ter addition systems," (submitted for publica-
arison of models of parallel computation," in tion), Nov. 1976, 8pp.
roc. IFIP Congress 74, North-Holland Publ. [89] SLUTZ, D. R. '~The flow graph schemata
Co., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1974, pp. model of parallel computation," Phi) Thesis,
466-470. Dept Electrical Engineering, MIT, Cam-
[79] PETERSON, J. L. "Computation sequence bridge, Mass., Sept. 1968.
sets," J. Computer and System Scwnces 13, 1 [90] SHAPIRO,R. M.; AND SAINT, H. ~A new ap-
(Aug. 1976), 1724. proach to optimization of sequencing deci-
[80] P~.~I, C.A. 'Kommumkatlon mit Automa- sions," Annual Review of Automatic Program-
ton," Schriflen des Rheinlsch-Westfal-ischen mzng 6, 5, (1970), 257-288.
Ins~tutes ~ r Instrumentelle Mathemat~k an [91] THORNTON,J. E. Design of a computer, the
der Univers~mt Bonn, Heft 2, Bonn, W. Ger- Control Data 6600, Scott, Foresman and Co.,
many 1962; translation: C. F. Greene, ~upple- Glenview, Ill., 1970, 181 pp.
ment 1 to Tech. Rep. RADC-TR-65-337, Vol. [92] TSICHRITZIS,D. Modular system descr~ptmn,
1, Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss Air Tech. Rep. 33, Dept. Computer Science,Univ.
Force Base, N.Y., 1965, 89 pp. Toronto, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 1971, 20 pp.
[81] PRTRI, C. A. "Concepts of net theory," in [93] VAN LE~UWEN, J. "A partial solution to the
Proc. Syrup. and Summer School on Mathe- reachabflity-problem for vector addition sys-
mattcal Foundations of Computer Science, toms," in Proc 6th Annual ACM Symp. The-
High Tatras, Sept. 3-8, 1973, Math. Inst. Slo- ory of Computing, ACM, N.Y., 1974, pp. 303-
vak Academy of Science, 1973, pp. 137-146. 309.
[82] PETRI, C.A. Interpretattons of net theory, In-

Computing Surveys, Vol 9, No. 3, September 1977

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