2018 - Zavarzina - Laccase Production and Humic Acids Decomposition

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ISSN 0026-2617, Microbiology, 2018, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 308–316. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2018.

Original Russian Text © A.G. Zavarzina, T.A. Semenova, O.V. Belova, A.V. Lisov, A.A. Leontievskii, A.E. Ivanova, 2018, published in Mikrobiologiya, 2018, Vol. 87, No. 3.


Laccase Production and Humic Acids Decomposition

by Microscopic Soil Fungi
A. G. Zavarzinaa, b, *, T. A. Semenovac, O. V. Belovad, A. V. Lisova, d, e,
A. A. Leontievskiid, e, and A. E. Ivanovaa
of Soil Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia
Pushchino State Institute of Natural Sciences, Pushchino, Russia
*e-mail: zavarzina@mail.ru
Received October 19, 2017

Abstract—Laccase (para-diphenol:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC is a phenol oxidase widespread in

fungi and bacteria. In basidiomycetes, this enzyme is involved in the transformation of lignin and humic sub-
stances (HS) in soil. The role of laccases of soil ascomycetes and deuteromycetes in HS degradation is not
established, and conditions of the enzyme production have been poorly studied. In the present work soil
micromycetes, potential laccase producers, were isolated from typical soils of the forest, steppe, and forest-
steppe zones of European Russia by plating on agar media with ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazo-
line-6-sulphonic acid, sodium salt)) as the substrate. Their abundance, species composition, conditions of
laccase production, and its relation to humic acids (HA) degradation in liquid and solid media were studied.
Out of 68 strains isolated, 20 exhibited ABTS oxidation at initial plating on agar media. In pure cultures on
agar media, oxidation was less pronounced, but in the presence of HA laccase production by some strains was
higher than without HA. Significant and weak extracellular laccase production in liquid medium was
observed for Acremonium murorum (Corda) W. Gams Z1710 and Botritis cinerea Pers. ex Fries Z1711, respec-
tively. The level of laccase production by A. murorum was the same without inducers and in the presence of
HA, while B. cinerea produced laccase only without inducers. No direct correlation was found between the
presence of laccase and/or its activity and ability of the fungi to decolorize (degrade) HA. In liquid media
active laccase producer A. murorum caused lower HA decolorization (43%) than B. cinerea (62%) and the
fungi lacking extracellular laccase (54–81%). The role of micromycete oxidative systems in HA degradation
requires further investigation.

Keywords: micromycetes, laccase, humic substances, humification, carbon cycle

DOI: 10.1134/S0026261718030153

Dark-colored humic substances (HS) and their phenol oxidase laccase (para-diphenol:oxygen
organomineral compounds make up 60–80% of soil oxidoreductase, EC The enzyme catalyzes
organic matter (Orlov, 1990), which is the largest res- the oxidation of phenolic substrates and aromatic
ervoir of organic carbon in the biosphere. The pro- amines by molecular oxygen with the formation of
cesses of HS formation and destruction largely deter- phenoxy radicals and quinones, which initiate sponta-
mine CO2 flows between the soil and the atmosphere neous reactions including the cleavage of C–C bonds
and affect the global climate; however, the nature and in aromatic substrates, their demethoxylation,
biochemical stability of these compounds and the role demethylation, and polymerization, as well as forma-
of individual groups of soil microorganisms in their tion of reactive oxygen species (Thurston, 1994).
transformation remain uncertain. Being involved in depolymerization/polymerization
It is considered (Grinhut et al., 2007) that the main reactions, laccase can be considered a universal
agents for destruction of HS, as well as of lignin, are enzyme for humification. In contrast to ligninolytic
white rot basidiomycetes and ligninolytic litter sapro- peroxidases, which are peculiar solely to white rot
trophs producing high redox potential peroxidases, basidiomycetes and related litter fungi, laccase is also
with manganese-dependent peroxidase (EC produced by ascomycetes, deuteromycetes (Baldrian,
being the most widespread (Hofrichter, 2002). The 2006) and bacteria (Alexander and Zhulin, 2000),
ligninolytic complex of basidiomycetes also includes a being the most widespread oxidative enzyme in soils


(Burns et al., 2013). At the same time, its role in of ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-
humus transformation is yet unclear, especially in the sulphonic acid, sodium salt)) as a laccase substrate
case of the enzyme of micromycetes. (Steffen et al., 2002). Czapek medium was autoclaved
Micromycetes (deuteromycetes and ascomycetes) for 30 min at 1 atm (Zvyagintsev, 1991). ABTS was dis-
are the key components of the cellulolytic microbial solved in 5–10 mL of sterile distilled water and added
consortium in soils. In contrast to basidiomycetes, to the medium before dispensing it into plates. Inocu-
their with the hyphae concentrated mainly in the litter lation was performed from serial dilutions: 1 : 100,
(Osono, 2007), micromycetes are also widespread in 1 : 1000, and 1 : 10000. The inoculated plates were
the humus horizon and underlying layers (Mirchink, incubated in a thermostat at 24°С for 1–2 weeks
1988), which is indicative of their potential involve- (depending on colony growth pattern). Development
ment in the utilization of humus. Indeed, the ability of of green zones around the colonies due to ABTS oxi-
micromycetes to partially oxidize and mineralize dation was monitored beginning from day 3 of growth.
humic substances has been shown in a number of The fungi were isolated into pure cultures on day 7–
works (Gramss, 1999; Rezacova et al., 2006). How- 14. The strains oxidizing ABTS during primary inocu-
ever, the role of laccases in HS transformation and the lation were reinoculated on an ABTS-containing agar
conditions of production of this enzyme in ascomyce- medium to confirm the reaction.
tes have been insufficiently studied. Species identification. The pure fungal cultures
The goals of the present work were (1) to determine were identified according to the generally accepted
the abundance and species composition of micromy- guides on the basis of cultural and morphological
cetes–potential laccase producers–in the typical soils characteristics. The modern taxonomic positions of
of the forest, forest steppe and steppe zones of the the species were given according to the MycoBank
European Russia; (2) to study the conditions of lac- Fungal (www.mycobank.org) and Index Fungorum
case production in isolated strains and their ability to (www.indexfungorum.org) databases. The names of
degrade humic substances. teleomorphic stages are given for the species forming
them during the cultivation; the names of the anamor-
phic stage are given for other species from the division
MATERIALS AND METHODS Ascomycota. For a number of strains with positive
Soils. Micromycetes were isolated from the sam- reaction to ABTS, additional species identification
ples of sod-podzolic soil (SPS), Moscow was performed by analysis of the nucleotide sequences
oblast, Abramtsevo, spruce forest with dead cover of the rDNA region ITS1-5.8S-ITS2. DNA was iso-
(56.226819° N, 37.951602° E); gray forest soil (GF), lated as described by Glushakova et al. (2011), but with
Moscow oblast, Pushchino, grassy herbal meadow three cycles of heating to 65°С (1 h), shaking on a Vor-
(54.835180° N; 37.575512° E) and grassy broadleaf tex (10 min), and freezing. PCR was performed using
forest with dead cover (54.835061° N; 37.572558° E); the primers ITS1 and NL4 and ScreenMix for PCR
typical chernozem (TC), Kursk oblast, Bolshoye Sol- (Evrogen, Moscow) as described by Glushakova et al.
datskoye settlement, gramineous-herb meadow and (2011). PCR products were purified and sequenced
grassy broadleaf forest with dead cover (51.330888° N, according to Sanger’s method (Syntol, Moscow, Rus-
35.51146° E); and leached chernozem (LC), Lipetsk sia). Purification was performed with the BigDye X
oblast, Polibino settlement, meadow-gramineous Terminator Purification Kit (Applied Biosystems,
motley grass. The carbon and nitrogen contents in the United States). Sequencing was performed with the
soils were measured with a CNH analyzer (Karlo- primer ITS4. The sequencing was carried out with a
Erba, Italy); the soil pH value was determined in the BigDye Terminator v. 3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit
water extracts at a soil/solution ratio of 1 : 2.5. (Applied Biosystems, United States) followed by anal-
Humic acids. The experiments on humic acid deg- ysis of the reaction products in an Applied Biosystems
radation were performed with a HA preparation 3130xl Genetic Analyzer. Nucleotide sequences were
obtained by extraction with 0.1 M NaOH from the A1 analyzed with the BLAST software packages; the
horizon of sod-podzol soil. The high-ash fractions strains were identified using the NCBI database
were removed by salting-out with 0.4 M NaCl, fol- (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/).
lowed by re-precipitation of the substances of the The data were statistically processed using Micro-
supernatant with HСlconc. The ash content in the puri- soft Office EXCEL 2010. Cluster analysis of the struc-
fied preparation was 9%. ture of fungal communities was performed by the rela-
Isolation of micromycetes, potential laccase pro- tive abundance indices in STATISTICA 8.0. The clus-
ducers, was performed by inoculating the material of ters were combined by Ward’s method using the
water extracts from fresh soils (the soil/solution ratio Euclidian distance.
of 1 : 10) on an acidified Czapek agar medium Decolorization of HAs by pure micromycete cultures
(pH 5.0) containing the following (g/L): sucrose, 20; on agar media; relationship with laccase production.
NaNO3, 2; K2HPO4 · 3H2O, 1; MgSO4 · 7H2O, 0.5; For studying the relationship between laccase produc-
KCl, 0.5; FeSO4 · 7H2O, 0.01; agar, 20; and 0.25 g/L tion and HA degradation by micromycetes, as well as

MICROBIOLOGY Vol. 87 No. 3 2018

310 ZAVARZINA et al.

the effect of HAs on laccase production by the fungi, 6–10 cm (pH 5.0)), 5.6–6.5 in gray forest soil
the ABTS-oxidizing strains were inoculated on petri (meadow), 3.5–5.6 in gray forest soil (forest), and
dishes with Czapek medium with HAs at a concentra- 4.9–5.6 in chernozems. The strains (potential laccase
tion of 1 mg/mL or without HAs, using the pieces of producers) were isolated and counted on ABTS-con-
mycelium (0.5 cm in diameter) pre-grown for 4 days in taining agar media. The search of producers of oxida-
petri dishes with wort agar. The dishes were incubated tive enzymes by formation of colored zones of oxida-
at 24○С for 9 days; then the HA-decolorizing activity tion of specific substrates, including ABTS, is exten-
of the strain was assessed by the diameter of the decol- sively used for both basidiomycetes and ascomycetes
oration zone (cm) around the mycelium. Laccase (Steffen et al., 2002; Kiiskinen et al., 2004; Gochev
activity in the mycelium was also tested. To this end, and Krastanov, 2007).
on day 9 of growth (the variants of cultivation both Altogether 68 micromycete strains were isolated
with and without HAs) the pieces of mycelium (10 mm from the soils; 20 of them oxidized ABTS. In all soils
in diameter) were cut out of the central part of fungal under study, the number of micromycetes was highest
colonies and placed onto petri dishes with agarized in the layer of 0–10 cm and decreased along with
20 mM acetate buffer (pH 5.0) containing 1 mM depth, correlating with the carbon content (Table 1).
ABTS. The dishes with mycelium discs were incu- In the litter (L) and humus horizons (A1) of the soils,
bated for 24 h at 29○С (this temperature was used to there was a wide variety of species compared to the
accelerate the oxidation reaction); laccase activity was underlying layers, and the meadow biocenoses of gray
assessed by the diameter of a dark green zone around forest soil and typical chernozem were more diverse by
the mycelium disc. species composition compared to those of forest soils
Laccase production and HA degradation by micro- (Table 1). The most frequent representatives of identi-
mycetes during cultivation in a liquid medium. The fied micromycetes in all soils belonged to the genera
strains producing laccase on agar media were culti- Trichoderma and Penicillium. The species composition
vated in a liquid medium containing the following and distribution of micromycetes in the soil profile
(g/L): glucose, 20; peptone, 3; yeast extract, 1; MgSO4 · were in agreement with literature data (Mirchink,
7H2O, 0.5; K2HPO4 · 3H2O, 0.3; pH 6.8. The cultiva- 1988). The decrease of fungal abundance with depth is
caused by decreased soil aeration, on the one hand,
tion was performed in 20-mL test tubes at 24○С for and decreased availability of the substrates, on the
14 days without stirring; the volume of the medium other hand. Cluster analysis revealed the soil fungal
was 3 mL. The 0.1 mM CuSO4, guaiacol, ferulic acid, communities to fall both compositionally and struc-
2,6-dimethoxyphenol, vanillic acid, or HA at a con- turally into two large clusters: the soils under forest
centration of 1 mg/mL were used as laccase vegetation and the soils under meadow-steppe vegeta-
inducers. At certain time intervals, the medium was tion (Fig. 1). In the “forest” cluster, there was a well-
stirred, 100-μL samples were taken, and laccase and marked difference of fungal communities of sod-
peroxidase activities in these samples were deter- podzolic soil from the communities of gray forest soil;
mined. Laccase activity was determined by the rate of in the “steppe” cluster, there was a substantial differ-
oxidation of 1 mM ABTS in 20 mM acetate buffer ence of fungal communities between leached cherno-
(pH 5.0) with spectrophotometric determination of zem and typical chernozem and gray forest soil
the oxidized product in a Shimadzu spectrophotome- (meadow).
ter (Japan) at 420 nm, ε420 = 36000 M–1 cm–1 (Hein-
The fungi with the positive reaction of ABTS oxi-
fling et al., 1998). Peroxidase activity was determined dation in primary platings made up 15–30% of the
by the difference in ABTS oxidation in the presence total number of identified species in each soil under
and absence of 0.1 mM H2O2 in the reaction mixture. study. The abundance of ABTS-oxidizing micromy-
The amount of the enzyme forming 1 μM of the prod- cetes was 10–35% of the total fungal number in the
uct per 1 min at 30°C was taken as a unit of activity. upper layer (0–10 cm) in all soils under study and up
HA decoloration in the liquid culture was determined to 50% in the A1 horizon of the sod-podzolic soil
by the change in culture liquid absorption at 465 nm (Table 1). The maximum frequency of occurrence and
after deduction of the control (the media without abundance were typical for the following ABTS-oxi-
HAs). dizing species: Acremonium murorum (Corda)
W. Gams identified in gray forest soil, leached and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION typical chernozems; Oidiodendron griseum Robak
occurring in sod-podzolic soil, gray forest soil and
Abundance and species composition of micromycetes typical chernozem; and Isaria fumosorosea Wize iso-
in soils. The soils under study are typical of the south lated from sod-podzolic soil, gray forest soil (forest)
taiga zone (sod-podzolic soil), forest steppe zone (gray and typical chernozem (meadow) (Table 1). The abil-
forest soil), and steppe zones (leached and typical ity to oxidize ABTS varied in different strains of the
chernozems). The soils were characterized by acidic same species. For example, ABTS was oxidized by the
reaction ; the pH values of water extracts were 3.8– strain Umbelopsis isabellina (Oudem.) W. Gams from
4.2 in sod-podzolic soil (in all layers except for that of sod-podzolic soil, but not by the strain from gray for-

MICROBIOLOGY Vol. 87 No. 3 2018

Table 1. Abundance and species composition of micromycetes in soils
Total number,
Soil, horizon Corg, % Number of species** Species composition of micromycetes in soil profiles***
thousand CFU/g*
Sod-podzolic soil
L (0–1) 35.0 2471 (549) 8 (3) Umbelopsis isabellina,*** Oidiodendron griseum, Isaria fumosorosea, Acremonium sp.,
A1 (1–6) 2.85 599 (299) 7 (2) Aureobasidium pullulans, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Mortierella sp., Paecilomyces
A1E (6–10) 2.22 177 (0) 5 (0) carneus, Paecilomyces sp., Penicillium janczewskii, P. verruculosum, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis,

Eh (10–20) 0.84 249 (14) 6 (1) Tolypocladium inflatum, Trichoderma sp., T. polysporum, Trichosporiella cerebriformis,
EB (20–30) 0.52 130 (13) 6 (2) Mycelia sterilia, unidentified
Gray forest soil, forest

Vol. 87
A1 (0–5) 4.33 1023 (341) 8 (2) Absidia spinosa, Acremonium butyri, Botrytis cinerea, Clonostachys rosea, Monocillium
(5–10) 2.94 546 (195) 7 (1) bulbillosum, U. isabellina, Mortierella sp., Paecilomyces carneus, Isaria fumosorosea,
AB (10–20) 1.29 427 (36) 9 (1) Penicillium janczewskii, Penicillium sp., Trichoderma sp., T. hamatum, T. koningii, T. virens,

No. 3
B (20–30) 0.58 132 (0) 4 (0) Trichosporiella cerebriformis, unidentified
Gray forest soil, meadow

A1 (0–5) 2.44 646 (114) 9 (1) Acremonium murorum, Alternaria alternata, A. pullulans, B. cinerea, Exophiala sp.,
(5–10) 2.01 443 (74) 15 (2) Gilmaniella humicola, Sphaerostilbella aureonitens, Clonostachys rosea, Monodictys glauca,
(10–20) 1.53 209 (35) 9 (1) Mortierella macrocystis, Umbelopsis vinacea, P. carneus, Purpureocillium lilacinum,
AB (20–30) 0.89 131 (13) 6 (0) P. janczewskii, P. simplicissimum, P. aurantiogriseum, Talaromyces funiculosus,
B (30–40) 0.71 227 (15) 6 (1) Talaromyces verruculosus, Sporothrix sp., Talaromyces stipitatus, P. glaucoalbidum,
ВС (40–50) 0.57 100 (33) 8 (3) T. hamatum, T. koningii, Zygorhynchus moelleri, Mycelia sterilia, unidentified
Leached chernozem
A1 (0–5) 297 (59) 10 (1) Acremonium murorum, A. alternata, Aspergillus wenti, A. pullulans, Cylindrocarpon didymium,
A1 (5–10) 4.56 653 (115) 8 (1) Humicola fuscoatra, Penicillium sp., P. aurantiogriseum, Talaromyces funiculosus,
A1 (10–40) 76 (7.6) 8 (1) P. simplicissimum, P. miczynskii, P. aurantiogriseum, Talaromyces variabilis, T. hamatum,
A1 (40–60) 2.28 3.5 (1.4) 5 (2) T. harzianum, T. koningii, T. virens, T. viride, Mycelia sterilia
Typical chernozem, meadow
A1 (0–5) 4.99 640 (0) 12 (0) Absidia spinosa, Acremonium charticola, A. murorum, A. alternata, A. pullulans,
A1 (5–30) 3.56 333 (91) 10 (2) Cylindrocarpon didymium, Fusarium oxysporum, Clonostachys rosea, Myrothecium verrucaria,
AB (30–40) 2.69 30 (18) 7 (3) Mucor hiemalis, Isaria farinosa, Purpureocillium lilacinum, I. fumosorosea, Penicillium sp.,
AB (40–50) 2.02 4 (1.7) 7 (2) P. aurantiogriseum, P. janczewskii, P. thomii, P. waksmanii, Talaromyces rugulosus, Phoma sp.,
В1 (50–70) 1.86 3 (0.6) 6 (2) T. hamatum, T. koningii, T. viride, Myrmecridium schulzeri, Mycelia sterilia
Typical chernozem, forest

A1 (0–10) 6.96 310 (39) 6 (1) Absidia spinosa, A. murorum, Aspergillus versicolor, A. pullulans, Pseudogymnoascus
A1 (10–30) 3.77 150 (48) 10 (4) pannorum, Clonostachys rosea, Mortierella sp., Mucor racemosus, O. griseum,
AB (30–40) 1.95 58 (5.8) 7 (1) P. janczewskii, P. aurantiogriseum, P. simplicissimum, Talaromyces funiculosus,
AB (40–50) 1.52 50 (30) 2 (1) T. verruculosus, Phoma sp., Myrmecridium schulzeri, Microascus brevicaulis, T. viride,
T. polysporum, Trichosporiella cerebriformis, unidentified, Mycelia sterilia
* The number of ABTS-oxidizing isolates is given in parentheses.
** The number of ABTS-oxidizing species is given in parentheses.
*** The species oxidizing ABTS during primary inoculation are in boldface.
312 ZAVARZINA et al.

est soil (forest); among the strains of the species Peni-

cillium janczewskii K.M. Zalessky, which occurred
nearly in all soils, ABTS oxidation was shown only for 2
the strain from typical chernozem (meadow) (Table 1)
and occurred in the zone of contact with Trichoderma 3
sp. or yeasts. Such reaction in the contact zone
between the mycelia of two micromycete species not 4
oxidizing ABTS separately has been revealed previ- 5
ously (our unpublished data) and demonstrates coop-
erative interactions during substrate oxidation by 6
ABTS oxidation by pure micromycete cultures on
agar and in liquid media; the effects of inducers on lac-
case production. Eleven strains of ABTS-oxidizing 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
micromycetes were isolated in pure culture (Table 2). Euclidean distance
Species identification of these strains was performed
by cultural, morphological as well as by molecular Fig. 1. Cluster analysis of micromycete communities com-
techniques, especially in the cases when species iden- pared by the indices of relative species abundance. Sym-
tification was difficult (the strains of the genus Tricho- bols: 1—sod-podzolic soil; 2—gray forest, forest; point 1,
derma) or impossible (the strains of sterile mycelium). 3—gray forest, forest; point 2, 4—gray forest, meadow; 5—
As a result of nucleotide sequence analysis of the typical chernozem; point 1, 6—typical chernozem;
point 2, 7—leached chernozem.
ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region, strain Z1705 was identified as
T. composticola (99.8% homology); strains Z1701,
Z1701a and Z1707 were identified as representatives of formed relevant experiments both on solid and in liq-
the species T. atroviride (100% identity with T. atrovir- uid media.
ide NG 13, GenBank sequence accession number
HQ115671); strain Z1706 was identified as Leucophell- The HA effects on laccase production on agar
inus irpicoides (98.8% homology); strain Z1708 was media were ambiguous (Table 3). Laccase production
identified as a representative of the genus Cladospo- in T. composticola Z1705, A. murorum Z1710, and
rium (99.4% homology was obtained with the species B. cinerea Z1711 was higher in the presence of HA,
С. allicinum and С. bruhnei). Strain Z1703 was more while I. fumosorosea Z1704 showed low activity only in
precisely affiliated to O. truncatum (96.1% homology). the presence of HA. On the contrary, low activity of
When the pure cultures were reinoculated on I. fumosorosea Z1709 was demonstrated only in the
ABTS-containing Czapek agar medium, the ability of absence of HA. The fungus Cladosporium allicinum
most strains to oxidize this substrate was weaker (rep- (bruhnei) Z1708 did not oxidize ABTS in pure culture
resentatives of the genus Trichoderma) or absent (e.g., with or without HA. The production of oxidative
in I. fumosorosea Z1704 and L. irpicoides (Table 2)). enzymes in the presence and absence of HA and other
ABTS was very poorly oxidized by O. truncatum in inducers in a liquid culture was investigated in the
pure culture. The conditions of laccase production by fungi oxidizing ABTS on agar media (Table 3). The
ascomycetes are insufficiently understood. In fungi, production of laccase and peroxidase was measured,
laccase is an inducible enzyme, especially in the case both enzymes being capable of ABTS oxidation.
of wood-degrading basidiomycetes showing only the During the cultivation, no peroxidase activity was
basal level of laccase production without an inducer found in any fungus. The fungi I. fumosorosea Z1704
(Galhaup et al., 2002; Terrón et al., 2004). Laccase and Z1709 and T. composticola did not produce laccase
inducers are low-molecular aromatic compounds in liquid media. Botritis cinerea showed a low laccase
(phenol compounds, aromatic alcohols, acids, alde- activity only in the variant without inducers: it
hydes), metal ions (copper, manganese, cadmium), appeared on day 2 of cultivation, reached 0.3 U/mL
and polyphenol compounds (lignin, HA) (Piscitelli on day 7, and remained at this level until the end of
et al., 2011). Ascomycetes are generally characterized cultivation (data not shown). The strain A. murorum
by laccase production without inducers (Palonen Z1710 demonstrated equally active laccase production
et al., 2003). Nevertheless, an increase in laccase pro- in the absence of inducers and in the presence of HA
duction in response to the addition of inducers has (Fig. 2). In the presence of low-molecular phenol
been shown for some ascomycetes (Gomaa and Mom- inducers or copper ions in the medium, laccase pro-
taz, 2015), although to a far lesser extent than typically duction by this strain decreased. Probably, it is due to
observed in basidiomycetes. Laccase inducers in asco- the toxic effects of phenol compounds and copper ions
mycetes are first and foremost copper ions and low- as it was shown for the ascomycete Cladosporium clad-
molecular aromatic compounds (Edens et al., 1999; osporioides (Halaburgi et al., 2011).
Saito et al., 2003). Laccase induction in the presence In the present study, a number of strains demon-
of HA had not been studied and, therefore, we per- strating oxidative activity during the growth on solid

MICROBIOLOGY Vol. 87 No. 3 2018

Table 2. Species identification of pure cultures, ABTS oxidation on Czapek agar medium

Species identification ABTS oxidation*

Strain Sampling site

by molecular methods (% homology),
by morphological characteristics in primary screening in pure culture
NCBI sequence accession number

Z1701 Trichoderma spp. Trichoderma viridescens (93.8 %) GF, forest, AB 10–20 cm +++ +

Vol. 87
Z1701a GF, forest, A1 0–5 cm +++ −

No. 3
Z1707 GF, forest, A1 5–10 cm ++ −

Z1705 Trichoderma composticola (99.8%) SPS, L 0–1 cm ++ ++
SUB3314097 Seq_ID2 MG646338

Z1711 Botritis cinerea Botritis cinerea GF, forest, A1 5–10 cm ++ ++

Z1704 Isaria fumosorosea I. fumosorosea (96.1%) GF, forest, A1 5–10 cm + −

Z1709 GF, forest, A1 5–10 cm ++ −

Z1706 Sterile mycelium Leucophellinus irpicoides (98.8%) GF, meadow, AB 30–40 cm ++ +

SUB3314097, Seq_ID6 MG646340

Z1710 Acremonium murorum A. murorum (98.5%) LC, A1 50–60 cm +++ +++

SUB3314097, Seq_ID10 MG 646342

Z1703 Oidiodendron griseum O. truncatum (96.1%) TC, forest, A1B 30–40 cm ++ +

SUB3314097 Seq_ID4 MG646339

Z1708 Sterile mycelium Cladosporium allicinum (bruhnei) TC, meadow, AB 40–50 cm ++ −

(99.4%) SUB3314097 Seq_ID8

* Coloration: +++, intense; ++, medium; +, weak; −, absent.

314 ZAVARZINA et al.

Table 3. ABTS oxidation by fungi in the presence and absence of HAs. HA decoloration by fungi
Diameter of ABTS oxidation zone, cm Diameter of HA
Fungal strain
medium with HA medium without HA decolorization zone, cm

A. murorum Z1710 4.5 3.5 1.1

B. cinerea Z1711 5.5 2.5 −
I. fumosorosea Z1704 0.7 − 8.2
I. fumosorosea Z1709 − 0.8 −
T. composticola Z1705 5 0.8 −
C. allicinum (bruhnei) Z1708 − − 7.1

media (Table 3) did not show it when grown in liquid 2), decolorized HA to a lesser extent (43%) than
media. This phenomenon is known (Kiiskinen et al., B. cinerea (62%), which showed insignificant laccase
2004), although its mechanism has not yet been inves- production in liquid media.
tigated. Ascomycetes were shown to produce constitu-
tive laccases, which do not require the presence of Thus, there was no direct dependence between lac-
inducers, are spore- or cell wall-associated and are case production and/or activity and the HA-decolor-
probably involved in the production of such pigments izing ability of the fungi, with the exception of A. mur-
as melanins (Law and Timberlake, 1980; Holker et al., orum. While the high HA-decolorizing ability in the
2002). absence of oxidative exoenzymes was described for
ascomycetes earlier (Gramss et al., 1999), the causes
HA decolorization by micromycetes on agar media
and in liquid culture; relationship with laccase produc- of this phenomenon remain uncertain. The presence
tion. The soil and wood-decomposing fungi are capa- of HA transformation mechanisms in white rot basid-
ble of HA degradation only in the course of cometab- iomycetes related to the potential function of cyto-
olism, i.e., in the presence of easily assimilated sub- chromes P450 has been recently proposed by Zahmat-
strates, such as glucose. At the same time, it is believed kesh et al. (2016); however, cytochromes P450 are
that HA transformation by micromycetes is associated intracellular enzymes, while soil HAs are mainly mac-
with the activity of oxidative enzymes, including lac- romolecular compounds not penetrating into the cells.
case (see the review by Zavarzina et al., 2011). We have HA oxidative destruction probably involves nonenzy-
performed experiments on decolorization of the HA matic oxidative systems, e.g., OH radicals, which can
preparation by the fungi on Czapek agar medium, with be produced extracellularly due to hydroquinone-
the subsequent testing of the mycelium for its ability to mediated redox cycling of Fe2+ ions (Fenton reaction).
oxidize ABTS. Unambiguous correlations between The process is known in brown rot basidiomycetes
ABTS oxidation and HA decolorization on agar media (Arantes and Goodell, 2014) and has been recently
have not been established. HA decolorization cor- described in some ascomycetes (Krueger et al., 2016;
related with intense ABTS oxidation only in A. muro- Rojas-Jimenez et al., 2017). The causes of intensive
rum and T. composticola. The strain Botritis cinerea, HA degradation by the fungi not producing laccase
which oxidized ABTS most intensely, did not decolor-
ize HA. On the contrary, the fungi intensively decolor-
izing HA (Isaria fumosorosea Z1704 and C. allicinum 20
Laccase activity, U/mL

(bruhnei)) either oxidized ABTS very poorly or did not

16 1
oxidize it at all (Table 3).
The same absence of correlation between the oxi- 12
dative ability of the strains and their ability to decolor-
ize HA was demonstrated by the fungi cultivated in liq- 8 3
uid media (Fig. 3). During 14 days of cultivation, the 4
fungi C. allicinum (bruhnei) and Isaria fumosorosea 4 5
Z1709 showed a strong HA-decolorizing activity: 81 6
and 67%, respectively, although laccase and peroxi- 7
dase production was not found in these fungi. The 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
fungus Isaria fumosorosea Z1704 not producing these Days
enzymes decolorized HA to a large extent (54%). The
fungus T. composticola not producing laccase in liquid
Fig. 2. Laccase production in A. murorum Z1710 in the
media but producing it on agar media (Table 3) decol- media: without inducers (1); with HA (2); with vanillic
orized HA insignificantly (7%). The fungus A. muro- acid (3); with ferulic acid (4); with guaiacol (5); with cop-
rum, in spite of the highest laccase production (Figs. 1, per ions (6); and with 2,6-dimethoxyphenol (7).

MICROBIOLOGY Vol. 87 No. 3 2018


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MICROBIOLOGY Vol. 87 No. 3 2018

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